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Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Will*
((Stacy Ramsey continued from
The World According to Third Grade))
Stacy arrived at the park at about midday after leaving the school. She'd never been to this part of the island before; she'd always managed to somehow find a way to avoid it when crossing it. There were a couple of bodies lying near the area of the park which the gazebo was in, so instead she decided to go down towards the pond.
Once she reached the pond, she sat down on the bank, her feet a few inches away from the water. A part of her wanted to dip her feet in to cool them off, but she was put off by the grimy looking water. She could imagine that this was quite the picturesque spot back in its prime, but now everything just looked dirty and run-down.
As she stared out across the pond, she began to think to herself. The wide open space really put into perspective how few of her classmates were left. It was such a large area, yet she was the only one there. For the first time since she first woke up on the island, she truly felt alone. Previously she'd always been worried that just around the corner there'd be someone waiting to jump out at her, or maybe even one of her friends that she could ally herself with, but now there was no one.
A loud groaning noise escaped from her stomach. Stacy couldn't even remember the last time she had eaten. She opened up her bag and dug around inside it. There was hardly anything left. All she had was one and a half energy bars, roughly three quarters of a bottle of water, a few crackers and a few slices of bread. Stacy took out the half eaten energy bar and began gnawing on it. She didn't know how long she had left on the island, but she had to conserve her food in case she lasted longer than expected.
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Ruggahissy
"Drop that. You won't need it."
((Mara Montalvo continued from
A Human Work))
She held the H&K MP7 up to the back of head of blonde hair. Mara had stalked the island looking for the girl sitting below her and now she'd found her. Her heart beat sped up for an instant before leveling back out again. She'd walked heel to toe, taking an eternity to cross the green patch of grass just to make sure she wasn't heard.
She was single-minded in her focus, controlling her breathing and not announcing her presence until she was sure it was right. Mara stood sideways to Stacy, if she attacked she would have less body to aim at. Her elbow was tucked into her body so that she could absorb the kick when she decided to shoot. Mara had taken everything into consideration and approached the situation with the precision she would have once invested in school or any of her vast numbers of clubs and activities.
There was a certain pride she felt with having been so thorough with her hunt. It was a familiar feeling that she would have once felt from winning a pageant or a debate, but it was different than that. She did all of that for other people, to gain their love, their jealousy. This was hers and hers alone. It was all that she was now.
"I know you were never the sharpest tool in the shed, but you must know why I am here."
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Will*
A sharp gasp escaped from Stacy's mouth as a familiar voice rang out from behind her and a hard object pressed against her head. Her energy bar dropped from her hand and landed with a soft thud in front of her. She didn't move an inch - her hand stayed frozen just in front of her mouth as if she was still eating the bar that was now on the ground. Stacy's eyes were wide with fear. How didn't she notice the girl sneak up on her? Bit by bit, Stacy slowly turned her head round. Whatever was pressed against her head scraped against her scalp as her head turned until she finally came to a stop and could see who was behind her.
The first thing Stacy noticed was the girl's clothes. Whoever it was trying to kill her had a great sense of style. From her peripheral vision she could also tell that the object that was pressed against her head was some sort of gun. Stacy's eyes trailed up the girl's body and stopped when they came to her face. It was Mara Montalvo.
Mara spoke again, insinuating that it was obvious why she was about to kill her and at the same time insulting Stacy's intelligence. It took a couple of moments for Stacy to think back to what she could have possibly done to Mara both on and off the island for her to want to kill her, but then it finally clicked. She was best friends with Miranda and Kat back at school and she had killed both of them a few days ago. Her stomach sank. She wasn't going to get out of this; Mara had killed several times before, one of them being Mara's close friend. If she could do that to her own friend then it was pretty obvious what she was going to do to someone she barely knew and had killed two of her best friends.
Closing her eyes, Stacy bit down on her bottom lip. She was terrified for what was to come, but she had to try and talk herself out of it. Perhaps Mara would be understanding and let her go. After taking in a small breath to compose herself, Stacy preceded to talk in a calm voice.
"Mara, if this is about Miranda and Kat then I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen , I was acting in self-defence."
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Ruggahissy
"Maybe you're lying. Maybe you're telling the truth. I don't know and I don't care."
She looked down at the lake the two girls were on the edge of. Mara saw her reflection holding a gun to Stacy, face obscured into blackness by her hair.
"Get up," she ordered, nodding her head and flicking the tip of the gun upwards. If Stacy had something stashed nearby she'd have to move noticeably to get to it.
"Miranda could have been trying to slit your throat and it'd be the same to me. I said I would find you and I have."
She took hold of the gun with both hands now to give it extra support. Her eyes narrowed fiercely, looking into Stacy's. Off in the distance some ducks floated slowly by, but they were just fuzzy spots out of Mara's focus which was entirely on the other girl.
"If not me, then it would be someone else, anyway."
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Will*
Reasoning with Mara didn't seem like it was working. The girl wanted revenge and by the sound of how things were going, nothing could sway her off that track. Stacy did what she was told and tentatively rose from the ground, her eyes kept locked onto Mara's as she ascended. A few stray tears rolled down Stacy's otherwise expressionless face. She knew her time was limited - how long did she have left now? Minutes? Seconds?
For a fraction of a moment, Stacy's eyes flickered down to where her bag was. The butt of her shotgun was poking out the top and her spear was lying beside it. However, she knew that if she tried to go for either she'd be dead before she could even reach them. She needed to try harder to pacify Mara.
please, you don't have to do this." Stacy said with a wavering voice. "I know you're upset that I killed your friends and I know that you want revenge, but killing me isn't going to solve anything. It's not going to make you feel better and if you kill me it's just going to make you a bigger target than you already are. Just turn around and
and we'll just forget that this happened."
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Ruggahissy
Standing on the precipice of this kill was much different than the other ones. All of the others were reactionary, quick. She didn't have the time to consider fully what she was doing in most of them. There was some element of being able to think about the consequences of her actions with Summer, but having been nearly blown up and with Summer dying even without her intervention she still wasn't entirely of clear mind.
In this case she had the time feel the weight of holding a life in her hands. It felt fragile, like holding a baby bird in one's palms. It was something so fragile and easily smothered. There was a moment where it occurred to her how strange it was that Stacy was here in front of her and in one stroke she could change that forever.
"How do you know what will and won't make me feel better? You know, I told people I was looking for you. One crazy guy took a run at me, but the rest of them didn't stop me. They answered my questions about you and they knew why I was looking for you and they sent me on my way. Do you know who's left? There's no one else in our friend group left. No one is coming after me just for you."
Mara closed her eyes and sighed. She squeezed them shut tightly before opening them slowly again.
"I wanted you. I worked hard for this. I'm good at it. And if not me, it would be someone else. Probably pretty soon. This is the way things are now. Better luck next life."
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by Will*
This was it. Stacy's time was up; she'd failed to persuade the stubborn girl to walk away, and the price she would have to pay would be her life. Mara knew what she wanted and she was going to get it. Stacy shouldn't have been so naïve as to think she could change Mara's decision.
Mara was right too. Even if Stacy did manage to convince Mara not to kill her it would only be a matter of time until Katarina, Hansel or someone else came and did it, and like Mara had said, there would also be no one coming to save her. The only friend of hers that was still alive and didn't hate her was Travis. Then again, by his track record so far he was just as likely to kill Stacy as Mara was.
Stacy squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see Mara finish what she had come for. Tears seeped from the corners of her tightly clenched eyes as she let out a dry sob.
"Please, I don't want to die." Stacy whispered.
((Finn Grant continued from
A Human Work))
It had been a while since Finn and Matt had seen Mara disappear from sight at the school. As a result of Finn's leg, Finn had to use Matt as support for the majority of their journey which caused them to be much slower than Mara. They had lost sight of her, and the pair were about to give up looking until they entered the central park. From across the field, Finn spotted the girl they had been searching for, facing the water's edge with her back to them. There was another person standing in front of her, but Mara was blocking Finn's view of the said person.
Finn gave a sigh of relief and released himself from the grasp of Matt who had been supporting him. He limped towards Mara with a wide grin on his face. It had been days since they had last been together, and the last time Finn had seen Mara he had thought that she was dead. He didn't think that he would ever see her again. Finn hoped that Mara wouldn't be mad at him for leaving her at the hotel.
"Mara!" Finn called to her. "I've been looking all over this fuckin' island for you." Finn said with a chuckle.
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:27 am
by BROseidon*
((Matt Vartoogian continued from I'll fix this eventually I promise))
Matt had tried really hard to keep any snark from coming out as he and Finn chased Mara across the island. He had relatively little reason to be going on this chase. He and Finn weren't friends, and he had nothing to gain from finding Mara. In fact, the girl probably posed a huge threat, given that she'd killed three fucking people. That didn't really sound like the sort of person he wanted to run into at this point, especially while he still didn't have a gun.
Still, Matt could have walked away at any time. If he left, what was Finn going to do? Shoot him? The guy kept his gun in his bag, and he's probably resigned himself to never using it. And the other boy certainly wouldn't have been able to keep up with him were he to leave. He kept telling himself that he only stuck around because he wanted to get his hands on that gun eventually. After all, he'd committed himself to being the one to survive. Every action he'd taken was the one that he deemed most likely to get him to that end result.
He didn't know if he was even being honest with himself at this point. Maybe the island was getting to him, too.
Nonetheless, Matt helped Finn, forcing a smile on his face as much as possible. Even after they'd lost sight of Mara, they continued on. Matt admired Finn's determination in wanting to find Mara so much. He couldn't help but wonder what it was like to care for someone so much. There was probably nobody in his life that, were they on the island, he would go out of his way to try to find. He couldn't put himself second like that.
Eventually they managed to catch up, only because Mara had stopped. She was pointing a gun at someone. Make that four kills. And Finn was sure that she wouldn't turn and shoot them? Finn called out to her, so happy to see her. Hopefully she was happy to see him, too.
Matt considered running right there. That would be the safe play, but safe wasn't going to cut it anymore. Mara was armed, Finn was armed, and whomever Mara was about to kill was also potentially armed. As the numbers winded down, Matt needed to get himself a gun, or attach himself to someone who had one. And if Finn was wrong and Mara was hostile...
Matt was in far better condition to shove Finn in the line of fire than vice versa.
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by Ruggahissy
Stacy said what most people would given the situation, that she didn't want to die. However, Mara could not relate to that. She had a droning mantra running in her head:
I want to be dead.
But she kept surviving and living because she felt she had to. Maybe stubborn determination was what kept her from fulfilling it. In a way it was like her quest to find Stacey, it was something to hold onto.
Looking at the blonde she had a flash of memory. She remembered looking at her at school and it was like remembering part of an old movie suddenly. Her hand was still firm on the gun and her aim was still straight, until she heard someone call her name.
Mara whipped her head and her gun around at whoever might be coming up behind her.
Finn....and some other guy.
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by Will*
Someone called out Mara's name. Stacy opened her eyes to see that Mara had turned around and was now pointing her gun at someone in the opposite direction. Maybe Mara had been wrong maybe someone had come to save Stacy after all. A hopeful smile grew on Stacy's face as she peered around Mara to see who her saviour was. However, her smile vanished almost immediately after it had formed as soon as she discovered the identity of the person.
Finn was friends with Mara, and he had been friends with Miranda and Kat too. He was just as likely to kill Stacy as Mara was. Stacy's attention was then drawn to the person standing behind Finn. As far as she knew, Matt wasn't friends Mara or the other two girls, but if he was travelling with Finn then it was unlikely that he would oppose to Mara killing Stacy. Although, there could be the chance that Matt might take the moral high ground and try and talk Mara and Finn out of it. Then again, Stacy had already tried that with Mara and had been unsuccessful, so she doubted that Matt would have any effect on her.
In a state of defeat, Stacy's head bowed down. Whilst staring at the floor, she found her eyes wandering to her shotgun again. They lingered on it for a few moments before suddenly widening as an idea popped into her head. She had considered trying to go for her shotgun before, however, there would have been no way she would have gotten away with it whilst Mara had her full attention on her. But now
Stacy looked back up. All three of the other people were focused on each other, meaning Stacy had a limited amount of time to pull something off. Her eyes rapidly darted between the trio and her shotgun. If she went for her gun, she'd need to take Mara out first; currently she was the biggest threat and the closest to her, and if she managed to kill her then the rest would be a breeze. As far as she could tell, the other two didn't have any weapons on hand and were too far away to be a danger to Stacy. This meant that if she killed Mara then hopefully she would be able to get away without Finn and Matt interfering.
After her eyes did one last circuit of the trio and her shotgun, Stacy clenched her fists and took in a deep breath. She had nothing to lose; if she didn't do anything then she would get killed anyway, so she might as well at least try to save herself. Stacy had to be fast when getting to her gun, otherwise her whole plan would fail. She could do this.
In a swift motion, Stacy twisted her body and dove for her shotgun. As she landed on the ground, her hand clasped around the butt of her gun and ripped it out of her bag. Whilst adjusting her grip on the shotgun, Stacy twisted back around and pointed it up at Mara.
As Finn got closer, he realised that the person who Mara was with was Stacy Ramsey. Stopping in his tracks, Finn's eyes narrowed in on Stacy as his mouth lolled open is disbelief. What was Mara doing with her? Had she forgotten that that blonde bimbo had killed their friends only a few days ago?
However, Finn's attention was quickly removed from Stacy as Mara spun around and pointed a gun at him. Finn took a couple of steps back and held his hands up. He was taken aback at Mara's sudden aggression towards him. Perhaps she thought that he was someone else it was sensible to be cautious here; it could end up saving your life, so Mara was probably right to be so on edge. Also, the fact that she had a gun on hand proved Finn's theory wrong as to what she was doing with Stacy. Finn and Matt appeared to have interrupted Mara's attempt at killing her. At least Finn's faith in Mara's judgement had been restored.
"Whoooa, take it easy. It's just me." Finn paused briefly as he remembered that Matt was with him, who would appear to be a complete stranger to Mara.
"And Matt, but he's with me." Finn said as he laughed nervously.
Suddenly, Finn saw movement from behind Mara. He focused in on Stacy and tracked where she was landing which seemed to be a bag with a gun sticking out of it. Finn's eye widened in horror as he immediately pieced together what Stacy was doing.
"Mara, look out!"
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by BROseidon*
Everything was moving so fast. Mara was pointing the gun at them, but not shooting. Suddenly Stacey was going for her gun and Finn was calling and holy shit someone was about to die. Again.
It had taken so long for Matt to see someone killed, killed by his command. He'd had control, then. Jac was unarmed, and Garret was working for him so nicely. Here, he had no control. Ideal case, Stacey and Mara kill each other. Could he stomach it? Watching Garrett kill Jac had been so hard, and this would be two deaths.
He didn't have a choice. He didn't have a choice in any of this.
Matt considered running, for a brief second, but chose not to. There were at least three guns in this battle, and he could very easily leverage the outcome to get at least one of them. Stacey might be able to shoot Mara, but no way she manages that and shooting Finn before Finn shot back, or before Mara got off a shot. Then he'd be golden to coast to the end. The risk was low, too. After all, Stacey and Mara were focused on each other, and Finn was still positioned in front of him.
Instead, Matt waited.
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by Ruggahissy
She saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Mara did not say that Stacy could move. Concurrently she heard Finn yell.
Without a thought, she snapped back towards Stacy and unleashed a short burst of bullets into the girl. She wasn't knocked backwards or haphazardly spraying bullets like she had a few days earlier. A few days had made all the difference and now the gun was a part of her.
Mara looked down at her feet, watching blood start to drip near them. She took a step forward and kicked away the gun Stacy was reaching for into the lake. She closed her eyes for a moment as if tired, sighed, turned on her heels and opened them again when her back was to Stacey.
She asked herself if she felt any better. Miranda was still dead, so that hadn't changed. Mara concluded that, yes, she did feel a little better. She wasn't angry now. She had nothing to direct it at, but in its place there was an absence of feeling, a sort of dullness. Gradually, like someone sobering up, the feeling faded and now she was angry again, but it was aimless. It was hard deciding if that was worse.
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by Will*
After Stacy had finished twisting her body around, she was met with the stern gaze of Mara and the flash of her gun. She had been too slow she had set herself up to do too many things in too little time with too many things that could go wrong. What was over in a second felt like an eternity.
Stacy managed to clench her eyes shut and let out a small gasp as the first bullet lodged itself into her shoulder. The second bullet pierced through the side of her neck, sending out a spray of blood that coated her upper chest and the lower half of her face. The third and final bullet struck her in the middle of her forehead, causing her to slam to the ground.
As her body hit the firm ground, Stacy's gun skidded away. Her body laid spread-eagled, facing the sky as her head lolled to the side. Her left arm was outstretched, half submerged into the murky pond situated beside her. A stream of blood gradually trickled down the length of her arm and diluted into the water, tainting the surrounding area in a red hue. Blood flowed from the gaping hole in her forehead, dripping down her face and forming a large pool around her head. Her once luscious, blonde hair was now matted and stained a dark red.
G020, Stacy Ramsey: DECEASED
Finn dropped to the ground, shutting his eyes and covering his ears as the sound of guns firing filled the air. At first, he didn't know who out of the two girls had fired their gun. It wasn't until he looked up and saw Mara still standing and a pool of blood slowly seeping out and around the blonde girl's head that he realised the answer.
For a few moments Finn just stared at the two girls, trying to comprehend what had just happened. It had all happened so fast. If Stacy had been quicker, then it would be her standing over his friend's body and Finn would be left to deal with her.
Finally, Finn picked himself off of the ground ran as fast as his injured leg would allow him over to Mara. He stopped once he reached Mara. Finn stood beside her, panting partly because of shock and partly due to his injured leg. He looked down at Stacy's body, standing a couple of feet away from it. It had been the first time Finn had seen someone get killed since Jason on the first day. Stacy's death didn't have the same effect on him as Jason's had though. For starters, Finn had hated Stacy since she had killed Miranda and Kat he would have killed her too if he'd had the chance. Also, Finn hadn't been nearly as close to Stacy's death than he had been to Jason's. With Jason, he had practically been face to face with him he'd even got his blood on him. With Stacy however, he'd been several metres away from her.
Finn watched as Mara kicked Stacy's shotgun into the pond. He was a bit confused by this; she may not have wanted it, but Finn did. Although a revolver was threatening, Finn would much rather have a shotgun if he ever faced off against Hansel or Katarina. Part of him wanted to go into the pond to retrieve the gun, but he wasn't sure if a gun would still work once it had gotten wet.
Once he had calmed himself down and re-gained his breath, Finn turned to Mara with a worried expression on his face.
"Are you alright? Did she hurt you?"
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by BROseidon*
It wasn't long before Mara's gun exploded in bullets, Matt quickly moved to cover his ears; the sound was far louder than he'd expected. This was the first time he'd heard a gun go off, at least this close. Even with the noise, Matt couldn't help but smirk. Another one bit the dust, and Matt was that much closer to getting home. But first, he needed to No, why the fuck was Mara kicking the gun into the lake? That was going to be his gun. The three of them could team up and all be armed and...
Fuck, he'd just have to improvise. He could feel his heart beat faster. He wanted to explode. To verbally eviscerate this little spoiled bratty bitch who, who...
Who'd killed four people. He could easily make that five if he wasn't careful. He had to keep his irritation under control. Be pleasant, deferential.
Matt stood as Finn ran over to his friend. He didn't know how to approach the situation. Finn would be a buffer between him and Mara, but she surely wouldn't be pleased to see him. She was a killer and had no reason to trust him. He needed a plan. He had to get one of their guns without dying, preferably without injury, either.
After all, they owed him for helping Finn. Right?
Re: Caught in a Moment
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:28 am
by Ruggahissy
Mara approached Finn. She stopped with her blood stained shoes nearly toe to toe with his. She craned her neck up to look at him. There was nearly a 7 inch height difference in the two.
Slowly, gingerly, she leaned forward putting her head on his chest. In the dark and faint smell of another person she wondered if what she did was right. If she could take it back, would she? Mara was quick to push the notion away. She would do it again given the chance.
Her hand snaked up to Finn's collar and she jerked him down while suddenly looking up.
"The same goes for you, Finn. If not me, it'll be someone else and I won't protect you. You're going to die and I don't want to see it."
In daily life, she wouldn't have called Finn one of her close friends who really knew her well. That spot had belonged to Summer and Naomi, maybe Miranda to a lesser degree. But they were friends, they got along well enough and mostly talked about fashion and other students. They spoke about frivolous. fun things and were likewise connected on a superficial level, but for its type it was a pretty successful relationship.
She would miss him, but didn't want to stay it out loud. It was too sappy.
Mara pushed him away and started walking from the grisly scene. She raised an eyebrow at Matt as she passed by, but didn't offer anything else in the way of communication as she tromped through the overgrown grass with her shaking, bandaged hand turning pale from the grip she held on her gun.
((Mara Montalvo continued in
Whispers in the Dark))