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I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:50 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((Cassidy Kant continued from We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade))

The walk to the park was... Refreshing. Cassidy needed to tell somebody about her first two days, and venting to Matt and opening up to Leona had lessened the burden. She told them about David. How it had been an announcement-verified accident, how Yukiko had threatened her, and how terribly her search for Matt had begun. She told them about Theo, who she hadn't quite been able to get a read on.

Her eyes had watered up saying David's name, but she'd choked them down. She wasn't going to die depressed. It was an honest mistake, and feeling sorry for herself was an insult the Zimmers.

She woke to announcements, which only delivered more terrible news.

This was it. These were her final days. Her classmates would hunt her down as tear her to shreds. Michael was dead. Naomi was dead. And these announcements were no bullshit. David's name was called the day after, so these kids were long dead.

The death wasn't the worst part. It was the fear, then unknowing, that was bothering her. How the hell was little Yukiko a killer? She'd seemed on edge at the hotel, she'd fucking threatened Cassidy with a freaking circular saw/weed whacker thing. Had she made that herself?

And Jaquilyn Locke, who she'd seen at cheer almost every day in the fall, now hunting kids down with Joachim Lovelace, the sweet kid who had researched her genealogy for her? She didn't know what beef they may have had against Carmina, but whatever slight friendships she may have had with them probably weren't enough to chance an encounter.

She inched closer to Matt. Death was coming, but it wasn't upon them yet. The time David's life had bought them was over now. They were living, but they were doomed. Just because "ever after" wouldn't last long didn't mean it couldn't pass happily.

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:50 am
by Aura
((Matt Masters continued from We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade))

The park wasn't too bad. Definitely better than any of the other places Matt had been to so far. Walking there with Cassidy and Leona had actually been pretty nice. They all swapped stories about what had happened to them thus far. Poor Cassidy had gotten a front-row seat to David Zimmer's death, and Matt had gotten robbed by Jaquilyn Locke. Neither of them had really had any luck until they had managed to find each other at the hospital.

The announcements played, bringing with them the lists of who had died and who had killed. Matt uttered a little "Damn" when Jaq came up as a killer. She was putting the gun she had stolen from him to use. His gullibility was costing lives now.

Cassidy came closer to him, and it honestly felt good. On this island, where anyone could snap at any time, it was good to know that there was one person that he could count on one hundred percent to stick by him, no matter how bad things got.

Matt looked around, trying to get a good feel for the surrounding area. Broken statues, Christmas lights, fountain filled with some horrifying substance that he didn't hazard to guess. Yeah, it pretty much was a garbage heap. The only thing that didn't look like total junk was a "Just Married" banner that was hanging up, which made him wonder exactly what had been going on when the terrorists seized the island.

"So..." He began, trying to strike up a conversation. "Do you guys want to stick around here for a while? I mean, we went through all the trouble to get here, so there has to be a reason for that, right?"

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:50 am
by Outfoxd
The announcements had come on while they were walking, and that girl that had made off with Matt's gun had already started getting work done. Leona bit her tongue about saying anything to Matt; she figured he was beating himself up enough over it without her throwing her thoughts at him. More importantly, Rebecca hadn't show up on the announcements. So there was that.

The park they had arrived at gave Leona a bit of a sense of wistful wonder. If you imagined that none of it was damaged, that it was filled with people like it no doubt had been decades ago, if you ignored the fact they were on the island for the express of killing one another, the park might well have been somewhere Leona and Rebecca could have put on a pretty good show.

She found herself for the moment lost in imagining the gasps of delight, the kids asking their mommies and daddies how Leona had picked their card, or made coins disappear with a flourish, or anything else from her street magic repertoire. As she imagined, her hand slipped into her pocket, fingering the coins nestled there.

Matt's voice broke into her thoughts, snapping her back to reality. The fine, well-groomed park of her imagination gave way again to the ruined, chaotic mess they had actually been walking through. Leona almost frowned.

"A rest might be warranted." She offered. She didn't want to say too much. Right now, it felt to her as if Cassidy and Matt were a solid unit, and she was the odd woman out.

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:50 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Misery had company. Even though she hated herself for it, knowing Matt's gun had been used in a death somehow lifted the burden. They were both responsible for deaths now, even if her actions had been more direct, she wasn't alone with the guilt. He'd always been able to relate to her. She gave his hand a squeeze before letting go.

"Here is good. Nowhere else I'm dying to go." Her eyes drifted from his as she kicked herself for her word choice.

She gave a slight nod to Leona. She didn't know how to act around the girl. She'd finally found Matt, and finally was clinging to some sanity, and now they were a tricycle. She was living out her final moments, she didn't really have time to befriend somebody else. No matter, she wouldn't send her away or let her think she was unwelcome.

She turned away from them and placed her bag down, turning back to sit down on top of it. She sighed and looked past her allies. The gazebo she'd woken up in looked ominous as ever, but at least a little familiar. The faded banner looked like something out of Romeo and Juliet. Happiness gone tragic through fate. Fate was a freaking bitch.

She was going to make the best of it.

"Come with me for a minute."

She took his hand back up and stood, taking the first nervous steps towards the gazebo.

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:51 am
by Aura
The girls agreed that taking a break was the best idea at the time. Finally, a chance to relax and not worry for just a brief moment. Now they could take some time to talk, maybe about what life was back home, or perhaps just sit around for a while. To be honest, Matt hadn't really came up with any ideas as to what to do after suggesting they stay put for a while, but he was sure that something would come up.

Still, they hadn't exactly picked the most pleasant place to take five. Matt appreciated the fact that Cassidy wanted to go to the park, but this park wasn't exactly what he had in mind. It honestly resembled a garbage dump more than a park in his mind. Still, he wouldn't complain. A reprieve is a reprieve, and in this situation one was very much appreciated.

As Matt was contemplating the park, Cassidy took his hand and asked him to come with her. A little mystified, but intrigued as well, he accepted. "Okay." They took a few steps towards the gazebo, and Matt tried to figure out exactly what Cassidy had in mind. With this thought weighing on him, he just came out and asked her.

"Um... sorry for asking, but where are we going?"

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:51 am
by Outfoxd
Looked like the pair wanted some alone time. Leona was alright with that. She knew when she wasn't needed, and she wasn't about intrude on...whatever it is they planned on doing.

She gave a wolfish grin.

"Enjoy yourselves. I'lll be over here." She turned her back on the pair, the coins now withdrawn from her pocket and dancing a sedate waltz around her hand once again. She took a few steps in the opposite direction from the pair, to take a seat on a dilapidated park bench. She took care not to look as put out as she felt.

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:51 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Cassidy tried to give a slight nod to "the great Leo" for being a good sport about the moment. It was a huge relief she didn't mind. They wouldn't go too far away from this place, her time with Matt was disappearing by the minute. Even if she didn't want to share it, Leona deserved to live in the false saftey of a group.

One of them would get out. There weren't exceptions. Well...

Her thumb stroked the back of Matt's hand. Her eyes gaze to meet his. They didn't get to be kids anymore. The last specks of youthful bliss fizzled out of her eyes as she collected her thoughts.

Matthew Christopher Masters. He was always so accommodating. Nobody in the world could be made happy so easy, and nobody in the world could make her so happy so easily. Even if he didn't always know how to make her happy, he somehow always managed to impress her with his warm soul.

Cassidy let out her breath as her body turned down towards the ramp leading up to the gazebo. She could imagine the rented chairs semi-circled around the scene. Soft pink flower petals, tailored tuxedos, fairy tale weather.


Dead silence during the ceremony. A couple with their own vows prepared. Tears of joy, tender moments, nervous laughter, the beginnings of a later chapter.

"We might not have much time left."

Tommy and Gina were never this screwed.

"Stay with me."

Marc Anthony and Cleopatra didn't know inconvenience.


Bonnie and Clyde couldn't imagine.

"The end?"

Romeo and Juliet knew what they were getting into.

Her hand held perfectly still in his hand. Waiting for some kind of squeeze or release. She flinched at every sound the wind made, afraid she may not hear his answer over the noise. It was so much to ask. It was too much to ask. What if she had to see him suffer? Her eyes flicked away from his for a moment.

"Will you?"

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:51 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((taking over Matt Masters as per Aura's request!)

Matt pulled Cassidy close. His arms wrapped around her and she nestled into the embrace.

"Yeah, sure."

He enclosed himself around her, leaning over her protectively. He'd never been able to pick out the right words at the right time. This island was not going to take her away from him. He felt the girl start to tremble, and he tightened his grip.

"Of course."

Matt hated being helpless. How was he going to protect her? What could he possibly do, with his bag of skittles, to make sure that Cassidy stayed safe? He didn't even know who was armed or who was dangerous. How the hell was he going to protect this sweet little cheerleader?

Matt gulped, wondering if things would ever be okay again. Cassidy seemed to have calmed down. He was going to stay with her until the end. The end would probably be soon, and the end would probably be messy, but they had time to be together until then. Rescue was still possible. It had to be. Despite the sword Cassidy carried and the fact that she had technically killed somebody, he knew she wouldn't be "competing" in this contest. Matt wasn't in the game for the title either, he wasn't sure about Leona, he would need to talk about plans with her at some point.

"I promise..."

He kissed the top of the blonde head. It lacked it's usual shampoo scent. He wanted to say that everything would be okay. He wanted to tell her that things would go back to normal as dramatically as they'd gone to hell. He couldn't bring himself to lie to her.

"I'm not going anywhere."

((Cassidy Kant and Matt Masters continued elsewhere))

Re: I Promise You Forever

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:51 am
by Outfoxd
As Matt and Cassidy made their vows, Leona was entrenched deeply in a different means of escape.  Her seat on the bench had become an impromptu stage.  The crumbling architecture of the park, the overgrown plants and unkempt lawn all be came populated with an audience.  A doting audience, amazed by the talented magician that had graced them.
Leona worked the quarters in her hands deftly, sliding them across each knuckle as she was prone to doing in times of nervousness.  This time the theatricality of her flourishes gave the work visual impact as she made the quarters dance, then disappear, then reappear somewhere else, maybe out of her sleeve, or from behind her ear, or at one point, even out of her mouth as she pantomimed as if something were stuck in her throat.

Her audience was at rapt attention, delightd by her skill, her dexterity.  Leona only wished her imagined companions could see her equipped with her A-Game.

Matt and Cassidy did what they needed to, and so did Leona.  Escape was a necessity.

((Leona Van Kamp continued in Forever...Forever))