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No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Arscapi*
((Kathryn Nguyen continued from Kill All Motherfuckers ))

Kathryn was at a loss as to what to do now. Should she go looking for trouble? She should play it cool? What were the rules here? How were people going to react? Lost in thought, Kathryn made it only as far as the neighboring mansion before deciding she needed a rest. Fortunately, the weather was more agreeable than it had been. Still having spent a night on the beach, Kathryn was reluctant to give up the protection these decaying building offered.

Kathryn entered the building cautiously. "Hello," she called.

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by BROseidon*
((Virgil Jefferson-Davis continued from The Mad and Hungry Dogs))

Virgil had spent the rest of the day chasing Travis, but the other boy had quickly lost him by ducking through some alleys or buildings or something. Virgil was pissed. First Mara, then Travis. He was doing a shit job at tracking down killers and putting bullets in them. Why the fuck was he so incapable. And he may have killed someone who was innocent, on top of it all. He'd never bothered to check what had happened with the figure behind Travis.

By the time night rolled around, Virgil found himself on the other side of town, and he went into one of the mansions to hole up for the night. He ate another one of the disgusting bars that the terrorists had given them, frowning at the fact that he was down to two of them. He needed to resupply soon, or else he was going to be out of food. Not that it mattered.

Virgil found the master bedroom and stripped down to his boxer briefs before going to bed. This was the first bed he'd gotten to sleep in on the island, and he was going to pretend he was home, sleeping after a big game. He slept well that night.

Virgil was woken up by the sound of a gunshot nearby. It was loud, resonating throughout the room. That made Virgil take up his gun and look out the window in the direction of the gunfire. Nobody emerged for a while, but Virgil sat there, staring. He considered going back to sleep, but he was already up. He eventually began wandering the house.

Shortly after the announcements played, Virgil found himself back in the master bedroom. He saw a figure emerge out the front door of the other mansion. Where the gunshot had been fired a bit ago. Virgil didn't like where this was going.

He made his was towards the foyer, and he was walking down the second floor hallway when he heard a girl call hello. The voice was familiar, the name sitting on the tip of his tongue. He couldn't quite remember, and this was someone who may have very well just shot someone.

Virgil quickly turned the corner of the hallway, pointing his gun over the banister at the entrance. His gaze quickly found Kathryn. She had just been on the announcements, hadn't she. And she just came from where there was gunfire. Virgil felt this would likely end one way.

"Freeze, Kathryn," Virgil said, holding his gun steady in her direction. It was only then that he realized that he was still in just his underwear, and that he had no extra clips on him. He had 8 shots before he'd have to retreat.

"What the fuck was that sound."

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Arscapi*
Kathryn froze as ordered and then searched the room to see who ordered who to do so. He wasn't hard to miss. Virgil stood on the landing pointing a weapon at her. Virgil stood mostly naked pointing a weapon at her. A giggle escaped before she could call it back. After everything she'd been through in the last two days, she couldn't help it. If it were any other time she'd have taken a moment to admire him. But this was serious, he'd heard the gunshot and the announcement. What was he going to do?

She opened her mouth to answer him and laughed again. "Sorry, I'm sorry but I just had," she broke off into another fit of giggles. "And your standing there with a gun in your underwear."

Kathryn took a deep breath and pulled herself up to try to focus again. She looked at him a grin on her face. "Do you know how silly this looks?"

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by BROseidon*
She was laughing. Why the fuck was she laughing? Had she gone crazy, like so many others out here? Virgil couldn't quite connect that his present appearance, with the menacing shotgun juxtaposed with his mostly naked body, was fairly amusing.

Kathryn was fairly quick to explain herself, and Virgil managed a quick smirk and a chuckle. Her response was surprisingly sane, which was a little surprising after so long on the island. She'd just killed someone yesterday, and she probably had  killed someone else this morning.

This was just about the most normal moment he'd had in the past week.

"I guess it is sort of funny," Virgil responded. "Found a bed in here, first time I've had one while I've been out here. Figured I'd make good use of it, y'know?"

The conversation felt bizarre. He needed to get back on track. He still had a mission, after all.

"Anyways, you care explaining what that gunshot was, or why the fuck you decided that Carlos Lazaro had to die?"

Virgil glanced down at her rifle, and part of him wondered why he didn't just fill her up with bullets right there.

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Arscapi*
"You're braver than I am," she said. "I've slept in my clothes the whole time, and for the most part I've had people around me. Of course maybe that's why." Kathryn decided that keeping him talking and occupied was the best strategy here. There was no way she could fire before him, not with the rifle resting on her shoulder.

Her grin disappeared. "I...I didn't want Carlos to die. I didn't even know he had until the announcements this morning. I haven't seen him. I mean from what the announcements said, I know when it happened. I was fighting with Iselle and threw the ball at her. I don't know where Carlos was, or how he got hit. You've got to believe me," she said.

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by BROseidon*
How had she not seen that Carlos died? That made no fucking sense. Even if it was an accident, like she was saying, there were a lot of loose ends. Like where was Iselle now, and what about the gunshot?

"Fine, I believe you about Carlos," Virgil said, his voice laced with doubt, "but why were you and Iselle fighting? Why'd you throw the ball at her?"

Virgil paused for a second.

"And what the fuck was that gunshot."

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Arscapi*
"You know what, bite me," she said suddenly. "Whether Iselle and I were arguing about this year's season or whether or not we should be playing the game. It's really none of your business." Kathryn was done getting the third degree. That wasn't what she'd come here for. Virgil hadn't shot her thus far and didn't look very intimidating standing there in his underwear. Kathryn couldn't remember hearing his name on the announcements either, so she didn't know that he even had the guts to use the weapon he kept pointing at her. Debating with herself a second she decided to take a gamble..

She looked up at him defiantly for a moment. "Why am I explaining myself to you? Who are you to demand my life story? You're in this mess just like I am. Are you going to tell me what you've been up to this last week?"

Kathryn decided that this conversation was over and turned and started walking towards the kitchen.

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by BROseidon*
Virgil pointed his gun to the left and fired once, embedding a shell into the wall past Kathryn. He then pointed the gun right back at her.

"I've been trying to make this fucking bullshit end," Virgil yelled.

"Michelle, she had a plan. Get everyone together, don't kill, run down the timer. Make them blow the collars." Each word drew from the anger Virgil held at everyone for their weakness. For not being able to hold themselves back. He was no longer yelling, but speaking firmly, slowly, with each word cleanly articulated.

"But assholes like Eliza and KK and Hansel and Travis are making that kind of difficult, so I modified it a bit." Virgil began walking down the stairs. When he was at the bottom, he continued speaking. "Now tell me, are you going to let them blow your collar when the time comes, or do I need to put a bullet in your head?"

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Arscapi*
Kathryn spun to face him. "Wait, my choices are let them kill me or let you kill me? How is that a choice? You know that makes absolutely no sense right? The reason they'd blow our collars is because no one has died, but you just said you were willing to kill me. Which means that they wouldn't blow the collars," Kathryn snapped.

She took a step towards him and softened her voice. "Maybe, if we'd tried that at the beginning, before all the killing, that might have worked. Wouldn't have given them the show they want, but now, now it's gone too far. Could you really stand to be in a group with Hansel, knowing that he's killed at least five people? Really? Me, I'm planning on running the opposite direction."

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by BROseidon*
"That's why I'm gonna put a bullet through his head. Get rid of Hansel, get rid of KK, hell, I'll get rid of everyone if I have to."

Virgil was yelling. He was out on the pitch, screaming at his lazy-ass fly half to get in position so that he didn't have to fend two guys off the ruck forever. Giving orders, leading his side to victory, like he'd always done.

"If I'm the only one left, I'm sure as hell not going back. We're all already dead, Kathryn, it's only a question of whether they win or no one wins."

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Arscapi*
(OK, minor GMing. If it's not okay let me know, but I know you want to get out of this thread.)

Kathryn held her hands up, confusion written all over her face. She decided that this was definitely her cue to leave. Without any warning she shifted both her rifle and Iselle's stick into her hands, dropped into a batting stance and then swung as hard as she could. Praying that she knocked the gun from his hand, Kathryn spun on her heel and raced for the door.

((Kathryn Nguyen continued in Blade Runners))

Re: No Rest for the Wicked

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by BROseidon*
By the time Virgil pulled the trigger, Kathryn had already managed to get her rifle on his shotgun. The force of the blow displaced the gun enough that the blast threw Virgil off balance, shot shooting high and to the right. The gun flew a few feet, landing with a light thud.

By the time Virgil managed to regain his gun, Kathryn was out the door. Shit. He should have just shot her when he saw her, no questions asked. They were all succumbing to the terrorists wishes. They didn't have the willpower, the discipline. None of them.

There would be no more questions.

((Virgil Jefferson-Davis continued elsewhere))