Friends 'til the end
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:22 pm
((Ruby Forrester and Brian Zhdanovich continued from Good Day Sunshine))
The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful.
Apart from informing one another about their actions up to their reunion and further fortifying the house they chose to stay in, the majority of the night was spent engaging in idle small talk. Ami in particular had been keen to find out more about what Mallory had been up to, seeing as the two of them happened to be good friends as well. And naturally Zubin had brought up the idea of forming an escape group on more than one occasion, often prompting Ruby to change the subject of their conversations.
Eventually, after setting up Ami's stinger in a similar manner to how it had been set up the previous night, they all decided to call it a day and rest until the next announcement. Like the night before, Brian was unable to get much sleep, so as a result he spent the majority of the night on watch with the stinger. There were too many thoughts running through his head for him get a moment's shuteye, as well as too many conflicted emotions and uncertain feelings about the events that had transpired that day.
He still couldn't believe that he had actually found Ruby. Well, technically speaking she had found him, but the point still remained. After two days of being uncertain as to whether they would ever see each other again they had finally reunited. Sure, they were probably no safer now than they were before, and Ruby wasn't exactly unhurt with her bandaged hand and all. But she was alive. Ruby Forrester was still alive, and Brian couldn't be more thankful about getting another chance to see her again.
And yet, a part of him still felt like there was something on his mind that prevented him from enjoying this reunion as much as he would have hoped to. Some train of thought that he was purposely avoiding, even though it truly pained him to do so. Was it the fact that Ruby had witnessed a murder? No, that can't be it. He knew Ruby was much stronger then that, although he did get the impression that there was something that Ruby had yet to tell him about. Something she had done or seen that had shook her to her very core. Maybe that's what he was so worried about?
Or perhaps he was just avoiding the fact that his feelings for her were a lot stronger than either of them had ever imagined, and it wasn't until now that their lives were in genuine danger that he realised just how much he truly cared about her?
This thoughts stuck with him throughout the night, and well into the following day. He hardly even acknowledged the second announcement, nor did he make as much effort to get as much done as he did the previous day. Not that he wasn't able to achieve anything that morning. He bounced escape ideas with Zubin, explored a few of the houses he'd neglected to check more thoroughly and he was even able to make a start on a temporary barricade for the gate entrance. It wasn't much, and most people would hardly even notice it, but given time and effort it could possibly be turned into something mildly decent.
However, despite having all the time in the world, it wasn't until the afternoon that he got the chance to do the one thing he genuinely wanted to do.
He was in the front courtyard strategically positioning a small wooden chair when he spotted Ruby on the balcony of a nearby house, thoughtfully looking down at him working on the gate with her weapon laying on the floor beside her. She offered him a smile when she realised that he had spotted her, a smile that Brian returned with one of his own. It was at that point that Brian realised that they had yet to talk to each other in private, and that the perfect opportunity to do so had just presented itself.
With nothing better to do, Brian dumped the chair on the floor and headed for the house, quickly making his way through the door and up the stairs to the very balcony that Ruby was leaning on.
"Hey Brian. How's the barricade going?" asked Ruby, whose eyes were still focused on the horizon ahead of her.
"Uh, slowly. Kinda wish I had some chains and a padlock or something to tie those gates together. So much for being a Russian MacGyver, huh?"
Ruby chuckled at the thought and briefly turned to face Brian, a smile on her face as she motioned him to come join her on the balcony. Brian quickly took her up on her offer and walked up beside her, leaning on the railing as he gazed at the surrounding scenery.
"Wow, nice view..." said Brian.
"Tell me about it." replied Ruby.
"So, uh... What's been on your mind recently?" asked Brian.
Ruby paused for a moment, biting her lip nervously as she continued to gaze into the distance. "Just... Stuff, I guess."
"What kind of stuff?"
"You know, stuff like the recent announcement..."
"Ah, right..." said Brian, trying to recall which names had been mentioned that morning. "Anyone in particular who're you're thinking about?"
"Sort of. A couple of the names mentioned were... Well, they weren't exactly anyone I particularly liked, but it's weird to learn that they've been going around killing people. It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago the worst they had ever done was tease their classmates and gossip about one another."
"I see..." replied Brian, who had a decent guess as to who Ruby was referring to. He knew fine well that there was a certain clique back at Aurora whom Ruby wasn't exactly fond of, three of whom had been mentioned during the announcement. Mara and Miranda as killers, and Naomi as a victim. He wasn't too fond of them himself to be entirely honest, but he completely agreed that the thought that people they actually knew were either killing people or getting themselves killed was too surreal to fully comprehend, regardless of what they were like back in Seattle.
"Didn't you and Ami see Miranda... Well, uh, you know..." Brian began, unable to finish the sentence.
"Ami did, I only saw the aftermath..." replied Ruby. "I remember it pretty vividly though. There she was, standing next to Kaitlyn's body with that bloody spear in her hands. I remember feeling so terrified at the thought of actually being in the presence of someone who'd just committed murder. Not just someone who'd killed someone else, or someone who intended to kill someone else, but someone who was literally standing over the body of the person that they had just straight up murdered.."
Ruby swallowed. "I also remember how... How angry I had been at Miranda for what she had done. I was... I can't even begin to explain it, but I don't think I'd ever been so pissed off with anyone in my entire life. So much so that I actually..."
She paused. It was at this point that Brian slowly began to realise what had been bothering his friend all this time.
"I... I tried to kill her. I aimed that stupid gun of mine at her, and pulled the trigger with the intention of gunning her down on the spot. If I hadn't missed, then my name would have been mentioned during that announcement alongside Miranda's. I was literally this close to having Miranda's blood on my hands, and I can't even argue that I did it in self defence."
She paused again to wipe her eyes, trying desperately to hide the fact that she was on the verge of tears.
"But you know what the worst part was? Afterwards I actually felt bad that I had missed! The first thing I regretted was that I had failed in my attempt to end another human being's life! What the fuck is up with that? What kind of sick twisted fucking psychopath regrets not being able to kill someone?"
"Well..." Brian began after a moment's hesitance, unsure really as to what he should say. This was all pretty heavy stuff, and he wasn't entirely sure what to think of it himself. "It wasn't as if you tried to kill her for no reason, right?"
"I suppose. At the time I thought doing so might be able to stop her from killing anyone else, not that it'd of made any real difference in the long term. Anybody who I might of saved had I killed her would have probably died anyway at someone else's hand."
"Maybe. I don't think that necessarily means that what you tried to do was a bad thing..."
Ruby raised an eyebrow.
"I mean... Okay, yeah, killing people is wrong full stop. I get that, and trying to kill Miranda possibly wasn't the right thing to do. I don't know, I'm not exactly an expert on what the right or wrong reasons for killing people are."
Brian paused for a moment, trying to get his thoughts straight. "But what I'm saying is... You tried to shoot Miranda because you thought doing so would stop her from hurting more people, right?"
"Well, whilst I'd be lying if I said that I think you should have killed her, you didn't exactly try to do it for kicks did you? I mean, upset that you weren't able to kill someone? Kinda messed up, I'll give you that. But upset because more people might get hurt because you didn't kill someone who you just witnessed killing someone else? That sounds a little more justified if you ask me."
He nudged a little closer, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I mean, look on the bright side, maybe it's for the best that you missed. If you feel this bad about not killing someone, I'd hate to see what you'd be like if you had hit her! Besides, I think the fact that you feel terrible about attempting to do something that might not of even been the wrong thing to do in that situation is a pretty good indicator that you're anything but a sick twisted psychopath, right?"
Ruby sniffled, wiping away the last of her tears as her lips formed a smile. "I... I guess you're right. Th-Thanks Brian..."
On that note, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Brian looked at her for a few seconds in silence, wiping the cheek Ruby had kissed as he tried to hide the fact that he was blushing.
The two stood there in silence for a moment longer, content to just stare into the distance and contemplate their situation. It wasn't long though until Ruby then broke the silence.
"So, uh, what else are you up to? I saw you and Zubin talking a lot."
"Oh, uh, just stuff as well. Zubin and I are trying to put together an escape plan..."
Ruby raised her eyebrow again.
"Er, well okay we're not exactly thinking of a plan ourselves, but we're thinking that someone out there has to have some idea as to how to get off this island."
"Right, right..." Ruby began. "You do realise that escape's pretty much impossible, right?"
"Oh totally, yeah." Brian said, his answer genuinely surprising Ruby.
"Then... Why even bother if you know that you stand no chance of winning?"
Brian shrugged. "Well, if it's either that or becoming a mass murderer, I'd rather take my chances trying something crazy and stupid."
"I guess. I mean, I've no intention of becoming a mass murderer anytime soon either, but you have to admit that you're more likely to get yourself killed trying to escape than you are..." Ruby began, only to stop when she began to think about what she was going to say. "Well, okay, you're just as likely to die if you do absolutely nothing as well."
"Not necessarily. If you ask me, if you do nothing at all you're guaranteed to die, unless god does exist and really, really likes you. But if you try to escape, there's the off chance that you might find that one loophole those crazy terrorist bastards failed to spot. Sure, you're probably going to die anyway even if you do find a way to get the collars off, no doubt about it. But if it's a choice between certain death and almost certain death, which would you go for?"
Brian couldn't help but let out a light laugh. "Besides, I've already decided that if I am to die on this island, I may as well die fighting. It's not like I ever had any plans for the future anyway, right?"
Ruby couldn't help but let out a light chuckle of her own at Brian's gallows humour. "It's a shame not everyone share's your positive outlook on life..."
As she turned her attention back towards the gate, her smile disappeared almost instantaneously. "Fuck."
"There are two people out there..."
Brian looked towards the gate, and sure enough down in the courtyard were two figures, one of whom was carrying a gun.
"Oh shit... You think they've seen us?"
"Almost certainly. Well, guess this means I have no choice but to say hi..."
On that note, Ruby bent down and picked up the gun down by her feet, flicked the settings from safety to semiautomatic and aimed it at the two newcomers down in the courtyard.
"Alright, that's close enough! Put yours hands where I can see them and tell me what you want, and maybe I'll consider not gunning you both down on the spot."
She briefly glanced at Brian, giving him a look that assured him that she had no real intention of killing the two classmates below them, to which Brian hesitantly nodded to in agreement.
Christ Ruby, I hope you know what you're doing...
The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful.
Apart from informing one another about their actions up to their reunion and further fortifying the house they chose to stay in, the majority of the night was spent engaging in idle small talk. Ami in particular had been keen to find out more about what Mallory had been up to, seeing as the two of them happened to be good friends as well. And naturally Zubin had brought up the idea of forming an escape group on more than one occasion, often prompting Ruby to change the subject of their conversations.
Eventually, after setting up Ami's stinger in a similar manner to how it had been set up the previous night, they all decided to call it a day and rest until the next announcement. Like the night before, Brian was unable to get much sleep, so as a result he spent the majority of the night on watch with the stinger. There were too many thoughts running through his head for him get a moment's shuteye, as well as too many conflicted emotions and uncertain feelings about the events that had transpired that day.
He still couldn't believe that he had actually found Ruby. Well, technically speaking she had found him, but the point still remained. After two days of being uncertain as to whether they would ever see each other again they had finally reunited. Sure, they were probably no safer now than they were before, and Ruby wasn't exactly unhurt with her bandaged hand and all. But she was alive. Ruby Forrester was still alive, and Brian couldn't be more thankful about getting another chance to see her again.
And yet, a part of him still felt like there was something on his mind that prevented him from enjoying this reunion as much as he would have hoped to. Some train of thought that he was purposely avoiding, even though it truly pained him to do so. Was it the fact that Ruby had witnessed a murder? No, that can't be it. He knew Ruby was much stronger then that, although he did get the impression that there was something that Ruby had yet to tell him about. Something she had done or seen that had shook her to her very core. Maybe that's what he was so worried about?
Or perhaps he was just avoiding the fact that his feelings for her were a lot stronger than either of them had ever imagined, and it wasn't until now that their lives were in genuine danger that he realised just how much he truly cared about her?
This thoughts stuck with him throughout the night, and well into the following day. He hardly even acknowledged the second announcement, nor did he make as much effort to get as much done as he did the previous day. Not that he wasn't able to achieve anything that morning. He bounced escape ideas with Zubin, explored a few of the houses he'd neglected to check more thoroughly and he was even able to make a start on a temporary barricade for the gate entrance. It wasn't much, and most people would hardly even notice it, but given time and effort it could possibly be turned into something mildly decent.
However, despite having all the time in the world, it wasn't until the afternoon that he got the chance to do the one thing he genuinely wanted to do.
He was in the front courtyard strategically positioning a small wooden chair when he spotted Ruby on the balcony of a nearby house, thoughtfully looking down at him working on the gate with her weapon laying on the floor beside her. She offered him a smile when she realised that he had spotted her, a smile that Brian returned with one of his own. It was at that point that Brian realised that they had yet to talk to each other in private, and that the perfect opportunity to do so had just presented itself.
With nothing better to do, Brian dumped the chair on the floor and headed for the house, quickly making his way through the door and up the stairs to the very balcony that Ruby was leaning on.
"Hey Brian. How's the barricade going?" asked Ruby, whose eyes were still focused on the horizon ahead of her.
"Uh, slowly. Kinda wish I had some chains and a padlock or something to tie those gates together. So much for being a Russian MacGyver, huh?"
Ruby chuckled at the thought and briefly turned to face Brian, a smile on her face as she motioned him to come join her on the balcony. Brian quickly took her up on her offer and walked up beside her, leaning on the railing as he gazed at the surrounding scenery.
"Wow, nice view..." said Brian.
"Tell me about it." replied Ruby.
"So, uh... What's been on your mind recently?" asked Brian.
Ruby paused for a moment, biting her lip nervously as she continued to gaze into the distance. "Just... Stuff, I guess."
"What kind of stuff?"
"You know, stuff like the recent announcement..."
"Ah, right..." said Brian, trying to recall which names had been mentioned that morning. "Anyone in particular who're you're thinking about?"
"Sort of. A couple of the names mentioned were... Well, they weren't exactly anyone I particularly liked, but it's weird to learn that they've been going around killing people. It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago the worst they had ever done was tease their classmates and gossip about one another."
"I see..." replied Brian, who had a decent guess as to who Ruby was referring to. He knew fine well that there was a certain clique back at Aurora whom Ruby wasn't exactly fond of, three of whom had been mentioned during the announcement. Mara and Miranda as killers, and Naomi as a victim. He wasn't too fond of them himself to be entirely honest, but he completely agreed that the thought that people they actually knew were either killing people or getting themselves killed was too surreal to fully comprehend, regardless of what they were like back in Seattle.
"Didn't you and Ami see Miranda... Well, uh, you know..." Brian began, unable to finish the sentence.
"Ami did, I only saw the aftermath..." replied Ruby. "I remember it pretty vividly though. There she was, standing next to Kaitlyn's body with that bloody spear in her hands. I remember feeling so terrified at the thought of actually being in the presence of someone who'd just committed murder. Not just someone who'd killed someone else, or someone who intended to kill someone else, but someone who was literally standing over the body of the person that they had just straight up murdered.."
Ruby swallowed. "I also remember how... How angry I had been at Miranda for what she had done. I was... I can't even begin to explain it, but I don't think I'd ever been so pissed off with anyone in my entire life. So much so that I actually..."
She paused. It was at this point that Brian slowly began to realise what had been bothering his friend all this time.
"I... I tried to kill her. I aimed that stupid gun of mine at her, and pulled the trigger with the intention of gunning her down on the spot. If I hadn't missed, then my name would have been mentioned during that announcement alongside Miranda's. I was literally this close to having Miranda's blood on my hands, and I can't even argue that I did it in self defence."
She paused again to wipe her eyes, trying desperately to hide the fact that she was on the verge of tears.
"But you know what the worst part was? Afterwards I actually felt bad that I had missed! The first thing I regretted was that I had failed in my attempt to end another human being's life! What the fuck is up with that? What kind of sick twisted fucking psychopath regrets not being able to kill someone?"
"Well..." Brian began after a moment's hesitance, unsure really as to what he should say. This was all pretty heavy stuff, and he wasn't entirely sure what to think of it himself. "It wasn't as if you tried to kill her for no reason, right?"
"I suppose. At the time I thought doing so might be able to stop her from killing anyone else, not that it'd of made any real difference in the long term. Anybody who I might of saved had I killed her would have probably died anyway at someone else's hand."
"Maybe. I don't think that necessarily means that what you tried to do was a bad thing..."
Ruby raised an eyebrow.
"I mean... Okay, yeah, killing people is wrong full stop. I get that, and trying to kill Miranda possibly wasn't the right thing to do. I don't know, I'm not exactly an expert on what the right or wrong reasons for killing people are."
Brian paused for a moment, trying to get his thoughts straight. "But what I'm saying is... You tried to shoot Miranda because you thought doing so would stop her from hurting more people, right?"
"Well, whilst I'd be lying if I said that I think you should have killed her, you didn't exactly try to do it for kicks did you? I mean, upset that you weren't able to kill someone? Kinda messed up, I'll give you that. But upset because more people might get hurt because you didn't kill someone who you just witnessed killing someone else? That sounds a little more justified if you ask me."
He nudged a little closer, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I mean, look on the bright side, maybe it's for the best that you missed. If you feel this bad about not killing someone, I'd hate to see what you'd be like if you had hit her! Besides, I think the fact that you feel terrible about attempting to do something that might not of even been the wrong thing to do in that situation is a pretty good indicator that you're anything but a sick twisted psychopath, right?"
Ruby sniffled, wiping away the last of her tears as her lips formed a smile. "I... I guess you're right. Th-Thanks Brian..."
On that note, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Brian looked at her for a few seconds in silence, wiping the cheek Ruby had kissed as he tried to hide the fact that he was blushing.
The two stood there in silence for a moment longer, content to just stare into the distance and contemplate their situation. It wasn't long though until Ruby then broke the silence.
"So, uh, what else are you up to? I saw you and Zubin talking a lot."
"Oh, uh, just stuff as well. Zubin and I are trying to put together an escape plan..."
Ruby raised her eyebrow again.
"Er, well okay we're not exactly thinking of a plan ourselves, but we're thinking that someone out there has to have some idea as to how to get off this island."
"Right, right..." Ruby began. "You do realise that escape's pretty much impossible, right?"
"Oh totally, yeah." Brian said, his answer genuinely surprising Ruby.
"Then... Why even bother if you know that you stand no chance of winning?"
Brian shrugged. "Well, if it's either that or becoming a mass murderer, I'd rather take my chances trying something crazy and stupid."
"I guess. I mean, I've no intention of becoming a mass murderer anytime soon either, but you have to admit that you're more likely to get yourself killed trying to escape than you are..." Ruby began, only to stop when she began to think about what she was going to say. "Well, okay, you're just as likely to die if you do absolutely nothing as well."
"Not necessarily. If you ask me, if you do nothing at all you're guaranteed to die, unless god does exist and really, really likes you. But if you try to escape, there's the off chance that you might find that one loophole those crazy terrorist bastards failed to spot. Sure, you're probably going to die anyway even if you do find a way to get the collars off, no doubt about it. But if it's a choice between certain death and almost certain death, which would you go for?"
Brian couldn't help but let out a light laugh. "Besides, I've already decided that if I am to die on this island, I may as well die fighting. It's not like I ever had any plans for the future anyway, right?"
Ruby couldn't help but let out a light chuckle of her own at Brian's gallows humour. "It's a shame not everyone share's your positive outlook on life..."
As she turned her attention back towards the gate, her smile disappeared almost instantaneously. "Fuck."
"There are two people out there..."
Brian looked towards the gate, and sure enough down in the courtyard were two figures, one of whom was carrying a gun.
"Oh shit... You think they've seen us?"
"Almost certainly. Well, guess this means I have no choice but to say hi..."
On that note, Ruby bent down and picked up the gun down by her feet, flicked the settings from safety to semiautomatic and aimed it at the two newcomers down in the courtyard.
"Alright, that's close enough! Put yours hands where I can see them and tell me what you want, and maybe I'll consider not gunning you both down on the spot."
She briefly glanced at Brian, giving him a look that assured him that she had no real intention of killing the two classmates below them, to which Brian hesitantly nodded to in agreement.
Christ Ruby, I hope you know what you're doing...