G-11 Start

Although it's called a hospital, it's really more of an island clinic. It's a relatively small building, covered in whites and pastels to give it a clean and sterile look. Even the waiting rooms and the patient rooms in the back beg for a little color. The cupboards and cabinets still contain various medications prescribed by clinic physicians. It's the opportune place to head if you're needing to tend to a few wounds -- it's also the opportune place to head if you're set on picking off the weak links.
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G-11 Start


Post by narfinkool* »

Stacy began to open the somewhat boring hospital. With her taser drawn she approaches with caution. After looking around she noticed no one is in the area. She drops her bag and begins to take a look around.

Stacy then unpacks her things on one of the hospital bed and begins to set up a trip wire outside the clinic. The tripwire has another wire leading into the clinic and has a bell attached to it, this is to warn her of others approaching.

She began reminiscing about the people in her class, and has a cruel smile on her face for what she is going to do to the people in her class. She hates everyone so much probably mostly out of jealousy. The fact that she knows she is not as good as others slowly eats her alive. She thinks to herself I will prove that I will win this game and show those idiots who really is the best person in here. Not only is she jealous, but she also resents them so much do to the fact she sees some of them as stupid and inferior to herself. She sees them as so, because of the fact that sex can change almost any man into a slave. For this they need to be punished, cause it makes them weak.

She then began to stay sitting beside the door and wait for someone to open the door so she can stun their legs, for an easy target, something she is used to. She then sits in the room humming to herself and twiddling her thumbs patiently waiting for the first victim.

She then began to recall all the people that are in this competition and then began to wonder what to do next. She then begins to wait patiently in the room with her taser in hand.
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