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Marimar's House*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:20 pm
by Kris*
((Continued from: The Butterfly Club))

Marimar quickly went down the stairs, it was getting late and the sleep over was about to commence. She still wore the same cloths she did a couple hours  ago. Everything was prepared, Marimar hoped that this would cheer up Lee-Ann in whatever she's dealing with. After hearing the knock the excited sirena leaped to open the door, and surprise it was Laura at the door. With a smile the girl welcomed her into her home. Now Marimar knew she didn't get along with Laura as much as Lee-Ann but she hopes that will change after tonight.

"Hey glad you can come!" she said closing the door behind her. "You can put your stuff in my room." Marimar showed Laura upto her room and then sat on the bed as Laura put her stuff down. "Lee-Ann hasn't arrived, I'm kind of worried. You've known her longer than her, do you think anythings wrong?" she asked. This fact was true, the two were friends long before they met Marimar. Sure she wanted to know, she wanted to get closer to Laura hoping that the homecoming queen sterotype won't infect her brain and thoughts toward her.

Re: Marimar's House*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:20 pm
by Shula*
((Continued from: The Butterfly Club))

Marimar had answered the door with quickly covered surprise on her face, but Laura had caught it nonetheless She didn’t really expect you to show, did she? Maybe…she didn’t want you to show. That…that incessant voice, sometimes what he told Laura was eccentric to say the least, but always, always he seemed to be right. Of course, there was never really anyway to prove him right either, but Laura always gave Ryan the benefit of the doubt….really, she had no reason not to do so.

The other girl spoke happily, though Laura didn’t really listen, and walked to her room. Laura followed. Looking around the room, there really wasn’t anything unexpected. It was definitely a girl’s room and completely opposite from the dark and gloomy oversized closet of a room Laura sometimes slept in. On the other hand…it wasn’t really as painfully bright and pink as the moodier of the two girls had expected.

“Lee-Ann hasn’t arrived, I’m kind of worried. You’ve known her longer than I; do you think anything’s wrong?” Huh. Maybe that was why Marimar looked surprised when she had shown up—because Lee-Ann hadn’t yet. Well, she probably had a right to be, Laura had planned on being later than Lee-Ann. Pathetic. Always looking for some reason to make yourself less pathetic, but it only backfires. “Go away, Ryan.” Laura didn’t realize she’d muttered that out loud, although it wasn’t loud enough for anyone farther than a few inches away to determine what she’d said. What’s this, talking to yourself too, now? I don’t know why I put up with you, you’re pathetic. I guess I’m just nice. I’d feel bad leaving you with nobody else. Nobody else would tolerate you without--. Laura knew this speech inside and out, could probably repeat it word for word by now; she didn’t want to let him finish, so she talked over him, perhaps a little more loudly than would seem strictly necessary to anyone other than her.

“I don’t think anything’s wrong, she just lives a little farther away than I do, and she’s probably taking the time to write a note or talk to her parents or something. Lee-Ann’ll be here any minute.” Laura tried to stop babbling. “Or maybe she’s just being slow and taking her time.” She tried harder. It worked that time.

Re: Marimar's House*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:20 pm
by lovebirdjo*
(Continued from The Butterfly Club)

Crap. Double crap. Lee-Ann had remembered where Marimar happened to live, at least the place. She couldn't for the life of her, however, remember the exact address. Her bike, the same one in her front yard, was hurting her in all the wrong places as she rode all over the dreaded Carrington Pointe. Although the blonde knew that the Pointe was most likely the safest place in the city, she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. All the houses were nice and clean, the structures spotless and the lawns filled with shrubbery, edged to perfection.

Ok, so the girl had been living it up for as long as she could remember, but there was something about this neighborhood that just screamed emmaculate. Like, imperfection was never an option. There could be no mistakes. If life were like that, Lee-Ann would surely suck. With all due respect to herself, the scholarly teen felt a little out of place. Her condition, paired with her figure, left a lot to be desired, especially in such a place. 'Wow. I'm dumbfounded. Just where the heck is this place?' Lee-Ann's thoughts wandered from her physical "ailments" to the problems she was having with direction. 'Damn. I've never been very helpful when it comes to directions, but this is a little ridiculous. It feels like I've been around the same houses twice. These Stepford Wives homes are soooo annoying.' The girl was a bit fed up, and with the present outfit not being made to be riding around in the summer heat, her situation was gradually becoming crappier than anything she could've imagined.

Muttering curses to herself, the spectacled female stopped at the nearest house, just another clone in the array of indifference. 'This is so embarrassing.' the girl thought before pressing the small white button designated for the loud ringing it would produce, alerting the occupants of the home of an outside visitor. In normal language, and not the language of Lee-Ann and her intellectual friends, it was a simple doorbell. She heard the slight ding-dong sound, and immediately giggled at the image of the onomatopeia. Suddenly, a little bit too suddenly since Lee-Ann kind of jumped into the air, the painted, blue door opened up to reveal an old woman in her nightgown, unlit cigarette in hand and curlers adorning her hair.

"May I help you?" the old hag asked, her voice hoarse from the onslaught of smoke she must have been inhaling over the years. Cancerous filth. Looking indignant, Lee-Ann responded with a polite tone "I'm looking for Marimar Perez. Would this possibly be her house?" In direct annoyance, the old woman swore before muttering about idiotic children. "No, this isn't that damn sunshine's house. Now get the hell off my property." With that, the rude woman slammed the door in Lee-Ann's face, her mouth opened to make an inquiry about the proper etiquette of answering a door. Sighing loudly, the blonde broke into stride back to her bike, the sack of things needed for the night swinging back and forth from the same motion of her large hips. Taking up the stance on her bicycle, Lee-Ann took off into the direction of her next inquiry, hoping for a different response.

'Wait a minute...' the girl thought. Suddenly remembering the small slip of paper's place of occupance, Lee-Ann struggled to maintain the bike's balance as she dug through the pocket of her long, blue-jean dress. Out of nowhere she heard a honk, followed by the sound of screeching brakes. The noise, obviously a vehicle's scared Lee-Ann for lack of better vocabulary in the situation, shitless. She couldn't see the car as it had been coming from the left side. Braking her bike, the blonde turned to the left, peering with her good eye at the large red truck stopped only a few yards away.

Shock had taken effect after a few seconds, and Lee-Ann noted unconciously that it was probably one of the closest near-death experiences she had ever had. Ok, so it was dark. Not that that really mattered, it was more that Lee-Ann hadn't even been thinking about anything other than getting to the godforsaken sleepover. Still gaping, the girl felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to find the same old woman she had just had a one-sided bad experience with. The woman had an extremely worried look on her face, the cigarette once in her fingers replaced by a handkerchief, offering it to Lee-Ann. Instead of accepting the cloth, Lee-Ann simply looked up to the woman, tears already falling. For a few moments, the blonde didn't feel. She was a shell.

For the second time that day, Lee-Ann sucked in a breath she hadn't known she had been holding. The old woman, curlers still in, was wiping the tears away with her handkerchief, and murmuring comforting words to the stranger who had appeared on her doorstep. It was then that Lee-Ann actually understood something. It really isn't right to judge a book by its cover, since people really can end up surprising you. When she had the composure to speak, the girl thanked the old woman with great gratitude, all in the form of a simple "Thank you." The emotion held in her voice told all. The old hag, still unnamed, put the handkerchief, now noted as a bright blue, into Lee-Ann's still outstretched hand, closing the digits around it.

With a nice, simple goodbye, the woman left Lee-Ann standing in the dark, the red truck long gone. And like that, the blonde was once again left alone. It was so weird how her life had begun to be. One minute filled with compete trauma, the next a mental hug, and then she was alone again. For a moment, the girl actually considered giving up her quest for the sea princess's house, but decided to continue for the promise she had made and enthusiasm Marimar most likely expected. So with that, like other things, for the second time, Lee-Ann headed towards Marimar's house, the found piece of paper in her hand, clutching the handle of the bike. 'Man my butt hurts.' the girl thought, lightening her own mood a bit.

Re: Marimar's House*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:20 pm
by Kris*
((I had a way better post but somehow my computer deleted it! Ugh, sorry if this isn't good))

Marimars house is a cozy little structure, one that poor people yet set people can live in. Beyond the front door is a royal blue carpeted foyer,  this is the room that has stairs leading to the second floor. On the left theirs a doorway that leads into the Kitchen. The Kitchen has checkerboard styled tile and counter. Theirs an oak table next the wall and across the table is the counter with cabinets above it. A single white refrigerator is porpped up next to the doorway leading to the foyer.

If you walk straight in the foyer, theirs a family room. The family room also had royal blue carpet. In the middle of the room theirs a blue couch against the wall. Right in front of it is a table, and next to the couch is a small nightstand with a skybluish vase like lamp. Not to far from the coffee table is a regular sized cheap colored television. on the wall to the entrance of the bathroom is a library shelf structure, complete with several old books and movies. Next to that is a door leading to the backyard. Lastly, the room's walls are decorated with hanging shells and framed pictures of oceanic scenes. The right room next to the foyer is the large bathroom of the house with a tub, sink, toliet, and a mirrored cabinet.

Up the stairs is once again a royal blue carpet room completed with shells and move oceanic pictures. Down the hall the first door to the left is a small white tiled bathroom with a toliet, sink, shower, and a mirrored cabinet. The first door on the rightt is more down the hall and is Marimar's granparents room. The room is plain, the bedspread is blue with matching pillows. A nightstand next to the bed holds another sky bluish lamp.  The room also has royal blue carpet, a closet, and a desk.

The last room is at the end of the hall and to the left. The room is an old attic like scene, its considered the study of the house. Old, dusty, red lounge chairs sit in the middle of the room with a maroon carpet under them.  The room has tons of library shelves that are littered with books. The room also has a desk toppled with more books, papers, and other old documents. Its also considered a play room, a room that isn't used much.

Marimar's room is the last room on the right side of the hall. Her room is the most grand room of the house. All foure walls were painted by her grandfather, its an oceanic beach scene. A lighthouse, the sandy beach, the seagulls flying over head. On another wall is an under the sea mural, of a beautiful mermaid along with fish, shells, bubbles, and sea weed. The bed against the wall has a quilt like bed spread. Patches of underwater/beach scenes quilted on the bedspread, along with the matching pillows. Next to the bed is a nightstand with a lighthouse styled lamp and a picture frame of Marimar and her parents when she was young as well as a phone. Near the door to the room is a desk, the top shelf of the desk is decorated with shells, Marimar's room is the only room in the house with a computer. The Sea Princess's room also has a closet and a makeup table with a large mirror,  drawers, and a sea styled bench.

The most grand thing about Marimar's room though, is the balchony. The balchony is right on the wall next to the wall with the closet. Its not an entirley big balchony, but its enough to see the wonderful view of the beach as well as the ocean. A house fit for a sea princess...


Ryan? Whose Ryan? The thought went through the girls head but it'd be better if she didn't ask. Just as Marimar was about to ask what they should do first the doorbell rang. "She's here!" Marimar went down the stairs and to the front door. "Come in! Come in! Let me take that for you!" Lee-Ann looked a bit tired, but that was probably because of her emotional break down earlier today. But being the hostess she is the sea princess took all of her things and lead her to her room. Opening the door to her room Marimar put all of Lee-Ann's things on the floor next to the closet where Laura's things were.

"Make yourself comfortable, I know its not much but its my home." she said with a smile. Sitting on the bed she looked at both girls, both of them were here, now what was she going to do?  Marimar never really had a sleepover, she had several things planned she just didn't know how to approch them. "Feeling better?" she asked Lee-Ann.

Re: Marimar's House*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:20 pm
by lovebirdjo*
(I'm deeply sorry for my inactivity. Writer's block sucks. BAD.)

Hell hath no fury like Lee-Ann Marie Collier pedaling around the hellacious Carrington Pointe for well over a half-hour in search of a certain "Miss Sunshine"'s house. Even with the address, there was still the trouble of riding around the neighborhood to the right place, which just so happened to be on an entirely other street. The loquacious female's house must have been frickin' magical, as well as the paper. They changed location every other moment. Wheezing slightly, the blonde girl began to bring about a bit of dry humor for her situation.

'I bet this will really help me get into shape. Yea right.' Turning into a culdesac with nice, distinguishing houses. The girl decided to be smart, so she rode to the other side before turning around for easy visage. 'Take that you cursed eye!' the girl thought triumphantly while scanning the mailboxes for the correct address number. This was no easy task in itself as the majority of the inhabitants' houses lacked much lighting outside. One mailbox in particular stood out, and looking in awe, Lee-Ann looked down at her paper. Her right eye visibly lit up like a Christmas ornament, and a grin of success washed over her face. Looking up, she silently thanked whatever being had finally decided to give her a break. Looking back over at the medium-sized house, she kind of thought about how much she really had learned in one day. Two people she thought would be complete wenches turned out to be people she might could really trust. Her trail of thought again switched back to the task at hand: getting down the street without dying from exhaustion.

Suddenly, she started pedaling right towards the house in a happy rush. The night sky wasn't overbearing anymore, she noted. Instead, as the blonde rode quickly down the short street, the stars had seemed to burn with extra brilliance over the not-so-petite femme. Sweaty, tired, and most of all beffudled, none of the adjectives that could describe her stood out as much as a less apparent one in the dark. Happiness had taken over. Whether for the moment or for a long interval she didn't know, but as she rode the small distance over to Marimar's house, she felt like great things were in store for her.

'One trauma at a time, I suppose.' the girl mused, braking in front of Marimar's quaint home. Taking in the home-style structure's beauty, Lee-Ann barely noticed a small kitten that had invaded her space. Out of the silence, the mewl came, and with it, a sharp but gentle look from the sole occupant of space in the brightly-lit sky. It was a small tabby cat, easily noticeable even in the dark with its bright, nearly flourescently colored bright green eyes. The kitten was obviously a stray, just looking for a food source. It was large enough to be out on its own, but still not mature enough to be dissocial. Felis domesticis in a nutshell, and Lee-Ann couldn't help but want to take it with her. She knelt down, opening her hands in a scooping-like fashion. The striped feline instantly recoiled in the fashion of an apprehensive baby, kind of looking suspiciously at the hand. For a long moment neither moved, but before long the girl had the small animal in her arms, scratching its ears affectionately. Aside from the mewl of fear at being up in the air, the kitten seemed to love the girl's actions.

Smiling, Lee-Ann held the small mammal in one hand while pushing her bike with the other. Looking down, she noted exactly why she had almost been hit earlier: the color of her bike. The dark hued blue and black were nearly invisible in the dark, and with kitten in hand, the blonde silently made a mental note to get some reflectors put on. In her blue-jean dress, Lee-Ann parked the bike, once again shouldered her sack, and walked comfortably up to the door. Ringing the doorbell, the girl prepared for another interesting turn of events. The rollercoaster was just hitting the first loop. She didn't need to see it. She could feel it.
Marimar had answered the door and ushered her in, not even taking note of the bundle of near malnutrition in her hand. Ushering her in, the brunette's face was bright and happy, but she had an air of concern. Laura however just kind of looked thankful that the girl had arrived to save her from the overly happy princess. 'Of course. I must look like crap.' Lee-Ann thought, brushing stray strands of hair from her face. The house was far less expensive looking inside, but it certainly was genteel at the same time. Being rushed through Marimar's house allowed the blonde only a small glimpse of the home's nice, billowy accents, all some shade of blue. 'Sunshine? Maybe Mermaid is a more appropriate nickname for Marimar. Laura? well... she's kind of... Laura.' the girl thought, vividly aware of the aquatic style of the home.

'Did she do the whole frickin' house?' she thought, taking note of the sea shells and various oceanic scenes displayed on canvas. "Wow. Marimar, who did the house? It's very... blue. Not that that's at all a bad thing. Just that I was kind expecting it to be more elegant and not so breezy. It's a very comfortable place." This she said out loud, smiling at the brunette and speaking in a polite, sociable tone.While Marimar explained, the blonde was ushered into the room. For some reason, the kitten in Lee-Ann's hand had fallen asleep, but noone had even noticed it. Sitting on the bed, the girl looked from her amusement at the furball to answer Marimar's inquiry. "I'm fine. Very tired, but not in an overall bad way. I'm just glad I found the place... and this little one." she answered, holding out the gray-furred tabby with cupped hands.

Jolted from its slumber, the kitten yawned with a light mewl, blinking slowly before looking over at the two girls looking at it. One girl looked kind of skeptical, while the other could hardly contain her happiness at the sight of the adorable little feline.With a look at the still blue-decked room of Marimar's, Lee-Ann was instantly greeted with a mental version of that old song "I'm Blue" by the Eiffel Towers or something like that. The brunette and blonde in front of her were complete opposites, but maybe for one night they could find some way to connect. With her last thoughts, she began to humm the ditty, bobbing her head slightly. Looking down at the kitten, she decided that it needed food and some form of liquid. "Umm... not to intrude, but do you have any milk and maybe some ham?" she said, not wanting it to seem like it was imperative; even though... it just might be.

Re: Marimar's House*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:20 pm
by Kris*
"Awwww thats soo cute!" she said taking hold of the grey kitten. Marimar had a spot for animals, she adored them. "Oh well we i did live most of my life right by the sea. Its my favorite type of enviormental setting." she said with a smile. Marimar was a mermaid at heart, growing up right by the ocean the girl had to move here two years ago because of a job oppertunity her grandfather got. ZMarimar's heart will always belong to the sea.  "Ham and milk? Umm sure." she said cardling the kitty back in her arms. Ham and milk....? Well I guess whatever floats your boat. she thought with curiosity. "So when I come back, what would you like to do? Watch a movie?" she asked tilting her head a little. The girl never had a sleepover before, I guess one of the rules of hosting one was to make your compan comfortable. "I'll be right back." she said setting the kitty back into Lee-Ann's arms.

Looking through her fridge she had a package of ham as well as a half carton of milk. Taking a glass from the cabinet she poured the milk into the glass and took out a couple pieces of ham from its plastic wrapping. Placing them on the plate, Marimar took her food and started going back up the stairs careful not to spill. "Here you go." she said placing the plate on the bed and handing the glass to her.

"I'm sorry if I look a little nervous, I've never hosted one of these things before..." she said. "So bear with me." she said with a smile as she scratched her head. I hope I'm not embarassing myself... "So would you like to see a movie? Or do something?" she asked. Suggestions....Yes, suggestions.... Marimar tried thinking of other things but she didn't know what kind of things these girls liked to do. Left alone if its possible to do it in the house.