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Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by Cyco*
((continued from The Remake))

The hotel was west from the mall. Bryan said nothing to Tori for a long while as they walked, dwelling on the awkward embrace they had shared in front of the dead boy. Thoughts forced themselves through his head, and he no sooner began thinking about one when another appeared. She had tasted good. And smelled good, too. He wasn't in love with her. Hell no. He'd just barely met her. But she was different. Somehow. Worth protecting. Maybe he was just being a gentleman. Would he have just killed any other girl in Tori's situation? No, probably not. Except maybe, not even her. Not if she was given a shitty dart on a rope and didn't have anyone else to turn to. On the other hand, she did. She had a whole group she could likely rely on. Wasn't one of them on the morning announcement? Would Ali herself be on the next one? What had gotten him thinking about Ali, again?...where was Seth?

"There's the hotel," he said to Tori, gesturing accordingly. "Um...I think we should check it out..." He was going to leave it at that, but he didn't want her to interpret it the wrong way. "...uh, er--you'll be safer there. Plus, there'll be another exit so we can't be boxed in." He pointed to the glass sliding doors lining the side of the hotel building. The curtains were drawn over most of them, and there was no movement inside the rooms he could see. "What do you think?"

'If I don't ask her, and we get jumped in there, I'll never hear the end of it...oh wait. I'll be dead. No problem then.'

"Nevermind. Let's go," he stated bluntly, starting off towards the building.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by baby_g*
Look at what you did! You just had to let the waterworks pour didn't you! God! It's bad enough you're on a forsaken island... but you had to go make things worse by kissing the guy you didn't really know, the only guy who you were going to stick with through out this!

Tori, though now matter how much she enjoyed their kiss, couldn't help but think it was just the wrong time. Basically, from now until the time she died here, everything would be the 'wrong time'.

He probably thinks I'm a complete loser now. What if he's wishing he didn't do it. After all, he kissed me! I forced it on him though didn't I... ooooooooh! He probably can't wait till he gets rid of me now! Fuck!

Tori wasn't a stranger to using her emotions to get what she wanted. Because of the whole beauty thing, any time she threw a tantrum, she got everything. Even if it was just because she wanted to stay up 30 minutes past her bed time. She had one of those one of a kind up bringings. The thing was, it didn't matter if she was raised by nuns, for the devil. It didn't matter if she was a rocket scientist... you didn't need a telescope to see that this had now become kind of awkward between them. She would go as far to say that she wished it didn't happen. She enjoyed it alot, to a point where maybe if they had known eachother more than just that day at school and the beach and running into eachother on the island, she might have held on to that kiss alittle longer.

I know I could have at least pulled him back by his wrist, maybe push him up against the wall, maybe slip a hand up onto his bare back and press my nails in, just alittle. Maybe slip my hand then, down to his belt and...... wait.. what?

Tori had been looking at Bryan while she was diddy doddling in her awkward day dream, when she realized he said something... there was no point in asking him to repeat what he just said. He'd probably just get frustrated and walk away. After the 'fireworks' that had just past, she wanted to talk as little as possible. Which, of course, was something she wasn't used to. At all.

He was pointing to what looked like a pretty shitty hotel of sorts. Why not? Maybe I can get some shut eye... Tori just smiled and followed Bryan towards the building.

This is going to be one awkward deadly bowl of shitty something, that's for sure!

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by Cyco*
It was getting to be a real pain in the ass, the way he and Tori had to go about entering buildings. Bryan grumbled accordingly as he hugged the wall beside the front entrance. "Psst, stay back!" he whispered to Tori, as if it wasn't obvious already. He lifted the SPAS-12 to about shoulder-height and strained his neck to get even the slightest glimpse of anyone lurking behind the doorway. He couldn't. Bryan glanced back at Tori and held up his hand, reaffirming his wish that she wait out here.

Of course, this time he would do things differently; the unpleasantness at the shopping mall had illustrated how poor his previous strategy had been. From now on, he would make sure to cover his and Tori's flank before venturing any further. If the lobby here was safe, he would pull her in and have her stay back as he inspected the next area. Once they found a room...maybe one on the second floor so no one could enter through the exterior door...they could...shit, but they'd be cornered in that case...but they could tie a couple bedsheets to the balcony just in case...

'I think I'm getting ahead of myself, he thought, still no closer to the entrance than he'd been a minute ago.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by baby_g*
Stay quite, right... gotch ya!.

Tori knew that Bryan wanted to check out the building before she entered. After the whole thing that went on in the mall with the kid attacking her, she noticed that he acted just a tad different. She didn't want him thinking that he had to protect her like a baby or something. After all, they were roughly the same age, and Tori did have, now, two weapons of her own. There wasn't any point of saying anything. It was clear that he wanted her to be quite so he could check things out.

She decided that she might as well keep herself entertained while she was waiting. Tori was fairly good at making it seem like she knew what she was doing, while in her head something else entirely was going one. At the Q&A part of the pagants, they'd ask, "What is most important to you as little ms. [enter pagant name here]?"

"Well, sir," She'd begin, "I would like to see the world at peace and people getting along!" When really in her head, you'd hear something more along the lines of, "Does it look like I really give a crap, pal? I'm bloody seven years old!"

You could really thank her grandmom for the language. She'd used words like, 'Bleedin'', 'Bloody', 'Fudge', and so on. It didn't take long for Tori to understand she was actually swearing. When Tori really thought about it, she'd say, if you're not going to swear properly, don't swear at all!

Tori was getting so wrapped in her thoughts that she almost missed Bryan's hand go up telling her to stay still.

And to think, I was actually going to go somewhere...

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by Cyco*
Bryan approached the glass front doors and peeked inside. No one; good enough. He let himself in, his eyes--not to mention the 12-gauge barrel--sweeping the room. There was a corpse that hadn't been visible from his previous standpoint, not too fresh by the smell of it, in the middle of the front lobby floor. He didn't know the kid, nor have any desire to seeing as dead people aren't very interesting. Either way, it was no great task figuring out what the cause of death had been. The kids neck was pretty much gone, for chrissake.

Back outside where Tori was waiting. It was good to see she still trusted him enough to stay put, even after he'd screwed up royally.

"Let's go," he said, motioning inward with his bald head. Perhaps he was being a little too casual; would she appreciate some kind of disclaimer as to what was lying on the floor? He had become desensitized to the whole dead body thing pretty quickly, but to be fair he had killed them himself. Maybe she needed to kill someone to get over it. Bryan got a kick out of that idea.

...ok, ok....

"Just so you know, there's a body in there. I, uh, think he tried to take his collar off." Bryan knew nothing of forensics, but he didn't think that someone would leave a corpse in the lobby if they wanted people to come inside. Didn't seem like the best way to set up a trap. Besides, he wasn't giving the SPAS-12 the credit it deserved.

"Sooo...uh...yeah. Just so you know." He opened the front door again and stood in the doorway, holding it for her out of habit.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by baby_g*
Tori wanted Bryan to believe that she could do this. She didn't just want to slack around and have him do everything. Hell, she could've held her own with that prick in the mall. It seemed like she was never going to be able to prove that she was good at anything to him. Here was Bryan, standing beside her, being the alpha male and making sure the coast was clear. He was smart, strong, kind of funny if he relaxed a bit, sensitive to a point, and none the less, a pretty good kisser. She felt like she just didn't have enough to hold a candle too. Seriously now. Think about it, why was he even wasting his time with her? All she had to offer was herself and a pretty stupid rope dart, which he had already made clear was retarded.

He just seemed like he would be amazing at anything he did, and so far from what she's seen, he had been. What was left for her? He was probably having a good laugh, about her thinking she could kill someone herself. It was like Tori kind of looked up to him in her own way. Not just because she was shorter, but more because she wanted to be like him in a way. He seemed like the guy you could respect really easy, and the guy that wouldn't break your trust. This was the moment where she had to show she could handle this.

Tori hung her head and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes were feeling a bit moist and she didn't want him to see. Last thing she wanted was for him to think she was being a baby, again. She was tired, she wanted to go home. They hadn't even been on the island very long and she was already hating not just everyone around her, but also herself.

Tori walked through the door with out even looking at him. She was feeling depressed and just wanted to get the 'checking to make sure the hotel was safe', deal over with. Five steps in, there he was. Blood was all around the head, as if to be trying to escape from the body itself. It smelled pretty bad, and flies had already begun to swarm around the wound.

Gross... gross... gross...

Tori walked to the wall, way from the boy, and Bryan. She gripped her blade in one hand the the rope dart in the other. She walked down the hall, to the next door to check it out. She wanted the two of them to start working as a team, she wanted to do something.

She was aware that he might get mad, and if he did, she'd deal with it. Sure she was scared, and really wasn't as prepared as she wanted to seem, but the thing was this: as of right now, she just wanted to keep moving.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am
by Cyco*
"It's's weird, eh?" Bryan piped up, and he was surprised that he did so. He hadn't really bothered at all to voice his thoughts on anything to her. "Couple days ago, it would've...bothered me, seeing a body lying there like that. I think it still does, but, uhh...but it all feels like it's being pushed down, you know?" That was all. He didn't want to get distracted from the task at hand: finding a safe place.

If that could be accomplished on this rock. The houses, the caves, the shopping mall...nowhere was safe. Some were crawling with students, some were dangerzones (all of which he'd forgotten by now except the caves), and some just seemed like a fuckin' stupid place to go. A playgroud? What the fuckin' fuck, dude. Who's gonna set up a defence on the fuckin' monkey bars? Gonna go down the slide if they have to escape? Idiots.

And now he began to think about what they would do after they found a safe place, if they did. Would he just say, "Well, I'm gonna go out and kill some people; I'll bring you back something nice." He wanted to get pre-emptive on some of these shits, but that was hard to do without seeming like a nutjob. It was for her, to be fair. It was so she could get out of this alive. She'd been nice to him, wasn't that reason enough?

Enough of that. He was getting distracted again. ADD sucked ass. "Need a key," he said gingerly, rounding the front desk. He was unpleasantly surprised to find that they had been cleaned out. "No keys," he said to Tori, bewildered.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by baby_g*
Tori had turned around when Bryan starting talking. It wasn't just because he was speaking... it was what he was saying. He almost seemed to have been opening up to her a little. It was like all of a sudden, her bitterness washed away. She wanted to turn to him and say she understood, but yet, for some reason, she just kept her eyes to the ground.

Bryan had mentioned something about keys. How appearently there weren't any.

"So where does this leave us now?" Tori asked.

No point keeping all my thoughts in my head any longer.

"If we find a place to rest, with out getting our heads shot at, I can make us something to eat if you want. Um... though, I can't say we really have much anyways. Oh, and hey..."

Tori paused, as she began to walk back to where Bryan was, by the desk.

"Thanks for.. uh... you know... taking me along with you."

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by Cyco*
Tori asked where it left them. Bryan answered bluntly, "Locked out." He thought it was witty, but really it sounded better in his head. It always did. She mentioned food. He had to admit, he was starving. A bit of bread just wasn't fucking cutting it. But they had to ration, in case they couldn't get their hands on anything else.

Finally, she thanked him. Bryan appreciated this greatly, especially after she'd nearly stormed off earlier at the shopping mall. He looked to her from behind the counter and lowered the shotgun. As much as he wanted to reply with some kind of explaination for it, all he could think to say was, "You're welcome." That seemed good enough.

A pause. "...uh, I--uh, um..." he scratched the back of his head and looked at the floor. Something orange stuck out under the counter where his gaze fell, and out of curiousity--and some vague hope that it might be what he thought it was--he knelt down to pick it up. It was. The orange tag with a room number embossed onto it, and the respective key.

Bryan stood back up again and held up the key with his thumb and index finger, jingling it for Tori to see. "That's lucky," he said.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by baby_g*
"Thank God!"

Tori was feeling more relaxed now. The fact that Bryan lowered his shot gun also helped to ease her from feeling so on edge. Basically, now that they had found the key, she couldn't help but think about how comfy it was going to be to sit on the couch!

"Well," she said, "let's get a move on!"

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by Mitsuko2*

Mariavel couldn't really care less about the fact that she'd just killed another human. I mean…. It was her third time doing it. The first time though…. That was an accident. Bryan, Seth and the other fists knew that. She had trouble at home when she went that day. And the guy really pissed her off. So she… then she had the nerve to kill his daughter. That girl… Jaime… she deserved her revenge. But she had no time to waste thinking of trivial thing like that. She'd wait for Seth, then they'd beat this game together. Along with lavvy, Bryan, Richard, and Darcy. Everyone else was gonna have to die.

She stepped out of the doorway to the staircase and saw her. There was a girl, seemingly standing there oblivious to her surroundings. She saw that she had a weapon and immediately drew the tomahawk. She called out to the other girl.

"Hey you! Who are you, and are you playing?"

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by baby_g*
The doors to the stair case by Tori swung open, and there stood a girl, covered in blood that was obviously not her own. She had her weapon drawn already, seemingly as if she was going to attack her.

Instantly, Tori turned the blade to point at the girl, and grabbed the rope dart in the other fist. She could feel all the muscles in her body tense up, readying her to defend herself if so needed. There was something to this girl though. She had blood on her, so it would have seemed that she had come in contact with someone already. Did Tori really want to be the next person to be called on the speakers? Then again, she had Bryan with her. He had a good enough weapon, and he's defended her before.

As Tori's mind was racing to reasons as why Bryan hadn't already jumped in to save her, she realized the girl said something.

"The fuck I'm playing, who the hell are you?" She screamed at the girl, blade in the ready.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel frowned at the girl's sudden outburst. If she didn't know any better, she would've thought that this girl wanted to fight. But she had a reason to be brash. Mariavel was covered in the blood of Nich Finlayson and Jaime Dibenidetti. Her hands were stained. This girl probably hadn't even seen a body yet. She lowered the axe slightly, signifying not wanting to fight, but ready to if she attacked.

"My name is Mariavel. I don't know nor do I care who YOU are. Just let me pass and we'll both get out of here unscathed."

She shifted her weight to her left side and switched the tomahawk to her left hand. Her elbow still hurt and she twisted her ankle while running down the stairs tom kill Nich. Things just never seem to go her way.

Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by baby_g*
Mariavel... Mariavel... Where do I know that... Oh hell...

It had finally dawned on Tori where she knew that name from. She remembered sitting at the lunch table on the first day of being at school with a girl named Ali. She also remembered that Ali said that a girl named Mariavel was bad company.. well.. that and something about 'tagging' Calvert. Tori could only hope that this wasn't who she was thinking. Personally, knowing that kind of struck a sore nerve with her, being as she kinda liked the guy.

Taking a 'one, two' glance at the girl, some what covered with blood that was obviously not her own, she realized that Bryan had better judge of character and was better than she was probably giving him credit for. Basically, Tori was pretty sure that she didn't have to worry about any 'tagging' past present or fut... well.. past or present for those two.

Slightly lowering her blade and the sight of Mariavel lowering her axe, she couldn't help but take a step toward to girl.


Re: Checking In

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel frowned again at the other girl. She didn't move a muscle and then had the nerve to say no to her?! How…. Idiotic.  Mariavel chuckled a bit, until it was a full blown laughter. It lasted for a good 10 seconds before Mariavel stood up straight. She had the same fallen angel's smile she wore when she killed Nich plastered on her face and she matched the other female's step. She was ready to kill her if need be. This girl was in WAY over her head. She would see that soon.

"You had a chance to walk away. Now you have no choice but to join my other two sins in the afterlife. Come at me. Attack me with everything you have and you may just have a chance, my dear." She smiled all through saying this and quickly set down her daypack. She reached to the open pouch and pulled the Handaxe out . She was now equipped with axes in each hand. The strain hurt her elbow, but she would deal. She looked at the girl with a playful glint in her eyes and took another step forward.

"It's your move, my dear."