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Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:30 am
by Kris*
((Continued from Lost Children))

Only one thing has been going through Venus' mind since her perfect lesson and that was to do anything to advance further into the challenge set before her. She was to kill people who she deemed easy and wouldn't put up a major fight against her. Venus already decided she would take out the weak links and have the strong students face each other while she waits until they are weakened. Once she sees a moment of weakness she will not hesitate to strike.

The lady in grey helped her, she straightened her mind out and the girl was confused no longer. No more doubts, no more frustration, no more mental struggles. Everything was now clear as crystal, nothing would stop her now. All was fair in this game, use any advantage you have in order to advance further. The school became a danger zone so a one Miss venus Gwendolyn made her way to the beautiful blooming botanical gardens within this city of emptiness.

Tulips, lillies, daisies, violets, bluebells, cornelias, gardenias, roses and other flowers have grown into all its glory. All the flowers were colorful, sweet, and smelled delicious. Even the throns looked invinting, perfectly sharpened, all hard, pointy and green. A healthy bed of flowers were harbored within this garden. The scene was beautiful, Venus could see this and admired the flowers.

A flower is only perfect once, and thats when its in bloom. The blonde headed girl thought about this concept, and vowed in this garden of gorgeous flower to never be like one. She would be perfect for all her life, nothing would stand in her way of her goal. Flowers maybe sweet and beautiful but it their scent eventually fades along with its beauty. Its petals wither and fall off, the smell of the flower transforming into a dry haze of death.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:30 am
by baby_g*
Matthew and Adams had been walking for a while, and though they had their own maps, they still seemed to get off trail some how. They appeared to have wondered into a garden or sorts.

"This place isn't so bad if you get past the whole 'dog eat dog' thing." Matty joked.

It was out of the corner of his eye that he then saw a shadow of a young girl.

Damn! There really are hot girls on this island!

To Matthew, she seemed so beautiful and rare. He wanted to walk over to her and touch her face, just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. She seemed to angelic, that he was nearly blown away. As much as he thought she was drop dead beautiful, he didn't want to faze his usual behaviour.

"Hey, check out the chick over there!" He said to Rob, pointing to the girl. "She'd be worth while, if I must say so."

"Hey, babe, what's up? I'm Matty." He knew he left out introducing Rob, solely for the reason of he wanted the girl to himself. If Rob wanted to talk, he'd introduce his own self.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:30 am
by Ares
There goes the idiot again. Thinking with the wrong head. How do we know if she is dangerous or not? This moron makes a ever so subtle approach. Meh, I wanna check out the rest of this place before I talk to them

Rob leaned over to Matty.

"Dude, shes all yours...for now. I'm gonna check out the rest of this dump, see if there is anything useable here besides a woman."

With that, Rob snuck away to investigate the rest of the place. He decided to make it quiet, just in case this girl was dangerous, maybe she hadn't seen two guys yet. It was all he could hope for, for now.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:30 am
by Kris*
Venux' head suddenly toward toward the sudden comment from Matty. "O-Oh......Hello...." she said. A sharp pain suddenly ran through her as she litsened to Adams last comment. Babe?....Besides a woman....? It has been decided, she'll take that bastard out first. Theres onthing Venux beleived in and that is gender equality. Woman can do the same things as men, if not better. This was one of the very first lessons her mom taught her. She immediatly remembered one day when she was made fun of by some kids who wouldn't let her play kick ball because she's a girl.

"Now Venus, you go tell those boys that you have a right just like any." A little 8 year old Venus looked up at her mother with soft nervous eyes. "B-But Momm-" "No buts Venus. Don't leave, and show them the kind of skills you have. That'll change their minds." the little girl who couldn't even start an arguement with her mother went to school the next day and did so much as take the ball away. They ended up letting her play, and ended up being the star of the daily kick ball game.

"Hello, I'm Venus." she said with a dignified unphased look. She just looked at Matty and Adam normally. Just two horny looking boys looking for a good time, oh well she show them a good time.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:30 am
by baby_g*
As Adams had began to walk away, Matty waited till he was sure he was far out of ear shot, as he walked to the girl and spoke softly.

"Hi," He said again, reaching out his hand to shake hers. "I'm sorry about my friend, he's kind of.... Let's just say he's gay? Only a guy who was gay would walk away from someone so beautiful."


The truth was this girl standing infront of Matthew, was infact very beautiful. Matthew, always being a guy who had a weakness for woman, couldn't resist dropping a couple pick up lines here and there. Part of if could have been because he was really taken away by her and kind of nervous, while it could have also been the heavier breathing brought on by his imagination, telling him he wanted to be more than just friends.

"Are you okay? You look kind of... well... are you alright?"

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Ares
Rob didn't even look back as Matty made his approach to the girl.

Man that kid is an idiot. What I should do is bail outta this place, just in case

It was a smart thought on the part of Rob. He could easily ditch Drew right now, and continue on. However, something was telling Rob to stay around. He might need Drew later. So once Rob was sure he was out of earshot, he looked around for a spot that he could see what was going on. He found a pile of boxes in a dark corner. After he looked behind them, he found exatly what he was looking for. There was a small hole in the wall that he had a perfect view of what was going on. All he could do now, was sit back, and possibly enjoy a show.

God. I feel like a fucking peeping Tom...

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Kris*
One down, one to go.... she thought as she slowly smiled at Matthew. "Aww, how sweet. Thanks for the comment." she said with a twinkle in her eye. Venus now sounded liek the normal American girl she used to be a day before this whole mess started. "And yes, I'm fine. Shaken, but I think I'll be okay......" Venus smiled and started to twirl a strand of blonde hair with her finger. "....Now that your here.." That was the hook, this boy already fell under the magic of the goddess of love.

She didn't want to be too pusy and just waited for Matty to continue drooling over her. Venus needed to be careful now that she is in the company of two young boys. But then again she could kill this one right now while the other is busy exploring, but she has no idea what their weapon is. The blonde headed girl mulled over this defect and decided to play it safe for now. "I'm so tired, I have this large sludgehammer weighing me down. Why couldn't they give me anything easy to access." Venus dumped her bag to the ground, her katana still at her side, slung across her petite waist.

"Why kind of thing you got in your bag? I wouldn't be surprised if its some useless piece of junk." she said with a grimace at her own bag containing the sludgehammer. Step 1) Find out weapon information from the boys; Step 2) Make them vulnerable; Step 3) Kill them.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by baby_g*
Matthew's eyes couldn't focus on anything but the girl's finger twirling her blonde locket of hair.

Damn women and their 'breaking a man down' habbits! He thought to himself. What the hell was this anyways. The single motion of the girl playing with her hair, reminded him of something so... painful.

It was last year, during the summer. He had been going out with his girlfriend of the time, Sarah, for a year now. The one thing that would drive him mad about her, was how she'd play with her long silky smooth brown hair. She was beautiful in every sense of the word, and none compaired to her. One night, when they were at his house home alone, they decided to take their relationship further. Matthew had been a virgin up until that night, and he never thought he'd want to be with anyone else. He loved her so much, while at the same time what he didn't know is that she was loving his best friend on the side. Up to that night, Matthew had always thought of sex being something shared between two people who really truely loved eachother. After he found out about her with his best friend, suddently it didn't mean anything to him anymore.

They broke up within the week passing that night. Within 4 months after the break-up, Matthew had dated atleast 6 other girls and had sex with each one of them. It wasn't something to be charished anymore. It was just something to get him off.

Not this time... He thought. He didn't want... couldn't let, that single action get to him. His weapon? What about his weapon? Who fucking cares about a weapon?

"Just a long blade thing on a staff. I broke it in half to make it easier to carry. Doesn't really matter though."

She was so much like Sarah, just in the way she acted. As much as he knew he'd love to get some action, being as it would be something worth while on this damn island, he knew it just wasn't right, right now. He wanted to seem sincere. He's on an island, where his first reaction, if had been a guy he and Adams ran into, would have been to raise the blade and hack the shit out of him. She... she was, well... pretty. Matthew didn't like ruining pretty things. Banging them, yes. But hacking them to pieces... not so much.

Matthew wanted to brush some of her hair back behind her shoulder as her gently rub her cheek with his fingers, maybe say something smooth along the lines of offering her a place to sit. Which he'd then, of course, point to his knee. Who knows, she did kind of look like the catch that might put out in a stressful situation such as this.

As Matthew's mind started turning, he realized something was wrong. They're on a island where you can't trust anyone and yet.. yet...

Oh Fuck...

He started to realize that maybe this just wasn't the best of places to be. Something about it all just didn't seem right. She was beautiful, calm, reminded him of Sarah... maybe that was the problem. Sarah basically killed him. What's stoping this girl from actually carrying it threw.

Fuck no, no fucking way...

"Hey! Adams!" He hollered, slowly taking baby steps away from the girl. "You know what sweet heart... I'm just not in the mood right now. But hey, how bout if I need a quick bone later, I'll, uh, we'll pick you up."

Matty turned, walking towards Rob. "Rob, let's go, this place is quaggier than... ha. You."

((continued elsewhere...))

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Ares
Rob heard Matty call his name and came running back. Something had spooked Matt, and every emotion on this island had to be taken seriously. Matt then said he wanted to leave.  Rob shook his head in agreement. They both slowly backed out of the room, with Rob walking backwards, keeping his eyes on the girl. He did have the Desert Eagle at his side, just in case.

"Well, this place sucked. Well...not in your case Drew. I'm thinking we head for the Mall. I still want to try and find some extra supplies."

With that, they two guys had reached the entrance they came in at.

"Uh dude, just for safety sake, lets run outta here."

Rob then turned and sprinted away, with Matty following closely behind.

((continued in I like shopping!))

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Kris*
God damn it.... Venus was a bit surprised at how Matthew started to draw back so suddenly and then leave like no problem. It made no sense to her! How can some loser pass up this kind of oppertunity? Did she do something wrong to set him or something? Did she happen to give herself away. Venus stood up and scowled at them as they left, sitting back down angry at this failed attempt. Maybe she should be far more direct and just get to the point and try to kill them before they decided to chicken out.

All alone was the girl, no blood have been spilt on the roses. It was just as peaceful as it was when she entered....And that was not good. Venus needed to think of another approch, something that cannot fail her next time. Maybe her looks won't work for some people, some guys like personality. Maybe she should just act normal like she did before coming to this island.

Normal. Normal was a word she could not tolerate ever since her perfect lessons. Normal is not perfect; and vise versa. Nobody who is perfect is also normal, perfect people are extrodinary beings. People who excced the regular normal limits of an average person. Average was not even part of her vocabulary, it was far worse than normal. Venus sighed and put on an expression stating to the public she was lost in thought. Think Venus.........Think......

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Jotun*
((Continued from You can feel what you don't see))

So Jackie died and that was it. You're a killer now. Shouldn't that bother you?

Maybe Felix had watched too much TV. Wasn't violence on TV and in movies supposed to desensitize you to violence and death? Felix had always thought that was bullshit, but maybe he was a living example.

You don't watch that much TV. You engage in violence... regularly, even before all this. It wasn't television.

Killers either become killers or are mentally ill in the first place. To become a killer, a path Felix recognized himself as 'on', one had to kill for the first time. Which was, to Felix's best recollections from accounts of real killers and spies and other things from books and television, harrowing. Felix knew that killing Jackie wasn't what bothered him.

It's that you're really, really not feeling anything at all. Jackie was a nice kid, thought he was being noble, and would have been a friend had you spoken to him even regularly. Shouldn't you feel a bit guilty? You're not. That's what's bugging you.

Felix very rarely felt remorse, but he also very rarely hurt someone worth feeling sorry for. Was this the same? Jackie was nobody and so he's expendable? To Felix, that seemed a reasonable train of thought, but still...

Wasn't there some kind of instinct that was supposed to bug him?

I guess that makes me crazy.

Psychopathic Personality Disorder. Antisocial Personality Disorder. Two disorders that characterized a lack of remorse and Felix most definately engaged in other antisocial behaviour, such as violence and theft and manipulation and general malice towards his enemies. Still, those also characterized a lack of general feelings, and Felix had those...

You don't need a name for it, you don't need an explanation. Why the hell would I consider not feeling bad to be a problem? Whatever the explanation is, it's who I am.

Felix waltzed into the garden, becoming slightly at ease with himself. it was definately a garden because there was no other place where so many flowers were in the ground, and it was complete with a gradeschool style painted mural, that brightened the charming area. Felix absently held his left arm -where Jackie had stabbed him and he had since bandaged- as he strolled forwards, taking in the scenery that did not at all befit the scenario.

"Cute." Felix said aloud, grinning. His walk was cut short when he realized he wasn't alone, but his grin wasn't. Blonde hair, perfect curves, looking thoroughly distressed at the situation, Felix would have said something clever and comforting at the same time, but he knew better, because he was looking upon the sweet visage of Venus... whatever her last name was.

"Venus. Been a long time, sweetheart." Felix was still smiling knowingly, and he knew what to say to get her attention.... good or bad.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Kris*
The blonde goddess of love looked up to see a familar face peering back at her with a sketchy smile. She recognized this smile, it seemed very pecuiliar. The face looked annoying yet cute, but even this couldn't tip Venus off who still tried to remember moments from her past life in the real world. He obviously remembers me.... Venus stood up looking Felix up and down. Until something finally clicked within her.

That day, at the bar and grill. The whole fight with her ex-boyfriend Kurt. Her savior, the boy who stood up and embarassed Venus in front of everyone. Felix was his name, and it was a name she truly hated yet truly loved. But there was no more room for love, there are no boyfriends when it comes to perfection. Unless of course their perfect, but reble boy Felix is far from that. Flipping her hair Venus immediatley smiled and took a couple of steps foreward toward him.

"Felix, Felix, Felix....." The girl tilted her head and gave him another charming smile. "It has been awhile....." She looked him up and down, a sexy look in her eyes that held hidden desires to just kiss him on the spot. But she had to hold herself back, perfection; "Do not fall for this imperfection Venus. You know better...." the voice of the gray lady echoed in her mind and Miss Gwendolyn approched Felix, draping her arms around his neck.

"I see you havn't changed. I missed you...."

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Jotun*
It had been suggested at certain points in his life that Felix's one weakness was the female species. He often stuck up for girls when the situation called for it and the girl before him met him because Felix had shoved his nose into her business and beat up a now ex-boyfriend, and they had not seen each other since, though Felix was certain he'd left an impression. Felix very rarely had crushes, and certaintly did not have for Venus, which could point on to the conclusion that, yes, Felix Travertil could not help but get into trouble over women, making it his weakness.

Felix thought that was absolute bullshit, and was proving it now. Venus had made a very seductive approach, which contrasted drastically from the fuming, angry and secretly intrigiued Venus he had met. Venus was deceiving him, using the typical womanly method of manipulation. To Felix, it was something of an insult, but where he hated being insulted, he loved a good comeback.

Naturally, Felix's left hand found it's way to the small of Venus' back and he pulled her, rather forcefully, into the kiss she calling for. Their lips hadn't quite met when Jackie's jackknife was pointed at Venus' throat, stopping the advance with barely half an inch to spare.

"Missed you too, sweets." Felix purred, his eyes lighting up as he took control. "But not that much."

Very dramatic, Felix. Felix thought, mocking himself. Don't make yourself vomit on her.

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Kris*
Venus was suddenly overtaken and prepared herself for a kiss but ended up almost locking lips with a jackknife. She looked at it with daring eyes and then back up at Felix; She smiled and tilted her head, a playful toss of the hair. "Would you really want to hurt someone as innocent as me? I've done nothing to you." she said with a still smile. Felix was a case, if there was something Venus did know that it was Felix Travertil was unpredictable.

The blonde headed girl played out the scenerio in her head. WOuld Felix actually stab her? Think of perfection, perfect people make perfect plans......Don't worry about because its going to be perfect... Venus didn't let it get to her, she'll ride the moment and give Felix all the power he wanted, and then some.

The sweet aroma of the flowers encircled this dire situation to Miss Gwendolyns life. But the birds and the bees will soon be flying around them in rapid circled, the love goddess just had to get a little handy and a little creative. It was time for some improvisation.....

Re: Bloody Roses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Jotun*
"Would you really want to hurt someone as innocent as me? I've done nothing to you.""

Well, would you? Nevermind, I'm ashamed I even had to ask myself that.

"It's not what you've done to me," Felix continued, eyes locked with Venus's. "It's what you want to be doing to me..." His voice turned seductive, but the knife didn't move.

That being taking advantage of me by trying to act like a whore.

Felix was starting to play his favorite game. It was one thing to not fall for Venus, he could have killed her on the spot. He knew he probably should have, too, but instead he was getting caught up in his power struggle. Being aggressive was too easy for Felix. He'd rather turn the tables on Venus, make her lose her cool and turn aggressive herself, or at least make her advances sincere...