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To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by baby_g*
((continued from Shoot to Thrill))

Kevin was tired of walking, by the time he made it to the park. Over in the distance he saw a fountian and decided maybe he should sit by it. It might not have been the best place, seeing as there was no shelter from the rain. Once he had made it to the edge, there was still some blood on the ground, which the rain had not fully washed away yet.

Well... that fucking sucks....

As Kevin sat on the edge of the fountian, he began to wonder how many before him had sat there. Who's blood was that anyways? He's heard the annoucements just as many times as anyone else. They list off who's dead and who was killed by who. Was this where that girl was killed?

Kevin didn't pay much attention to the death rolls, usually he'd tune in to hear where the danger zones where and then be on his way. Then again, the death said something about lesbians, and really now, what guy wouldn't want to find out about that?

The fountian was too much of an open place for him. He moved over to the jungle gym. It was a decent size to him. Any little kid probably would have thought it was huge. There were steps on one side, monkey bars, two slides, tire ladder and a tube thing-or-whatever for people to crawl threw. It looked dry, so that was where he sat for the time being. He used this time to take a bite of bread and rest his eyes. There was gravel around the playground, so if anyone tried to walk up to him, he'd hopefully be able to hear it. He began to close his eyes and tried to think of home. Yet, all he could think about was the last song he was listening to before he woke up here.

but i still feel you,
despite your tombstone,
so friend you must still walk among us,
in places we don't dare to glance
i saw you killing Aristotle
but i know it's all part of the plan.
old friend they told me you were dead
the news broadcast the funeral
500 channels focus in
your love was
ravished drawn and quartered,
the soil was swift to drink her blood.
this violence in the name of love!

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by Megami*
((Continued from "The Greatest Weight".))


Sera's frame might've been quite petite, but it didn't stop the sound the wet gravel made as her shoe pressed against it.  She swore inwardly.  She'd only been here a few moments and she'd already blown her cover.  It wasn't even so much as her cover had been blown... she'd planned on approaching the boy resting on the jungle gym anyway.  She just hadn't quite come up with what to say yet.

She'd ventured south after leaving the mountain ranch.  Danya had virtually blocked off nearly the entire shoreline of the island, so inland seemed to be the best place to go.  She'd found herself back in the town and, after staggering through the fog for what seemed like ages, she happened upon the park.  Oddly enough, this was the first real live person she'd seen in quite a while.  Maybe it really was getting down to the wire.  The thought made her uncomfortable.

He'd definitely heard her.  How couldn't he?  The crunch of the gravel under her feet seemed deafening in the dead silence of the morning.  She had to come up with something, and fast.  Say something, Sera.  Anything.

"Hi there.  Sorry to disturb you, but you looked awfully lonely."

She let a faint smile cross her lips.  Hopefully, this guy fell for her charm, just like all the rest.  Getting a better look at him, she couldn't help but mentally pat herself on the back.  He wasn't a bad looking guy at all.  This could definitely work to her advantage.  Sera raised her arms into the air, holding her pistol in full view of the guy.

"I'm armed, but if I had any intentions of shooting you, I'd have done it already.  Mind if I join you?"

She didn't know whether he was buying it or not.  She didn't know if he was armed, or what sort of weapon he had, or anything about him.  For that matter, she didn't even know where Jana had gone off to, or if she was still behind her.  All in all, Sera had put herself in a very risky situation.  Still, the thrill of danger excited her.  There was a very real possibility that this guy could attack her at any given moment, but something about that fact was exhilerating.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by baby_g*
Kevin's eyes darted open at the sound of someone walking on the gravel around him. He slowly peered his head out from the side of the tube which he had been vacating and found only a girl holding her pistol out in the air to show she didn't want to fight. He couldn't really say he wanted to either, even if she had come at him.

"Hi." He called back. She was good looking, but he couldn't say that he was really all that interested right at the moment. He was tired and hungry and craved a burger. "Come on up." He called lightly as he went back inside the slightly warmer plastic tube that kept him from the rain. It had finished finally, but it was still foggy. If anyone else came upon them, they'd be able to attack under the foggy cover.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by Megami*
"Cool," she responded quietly, eventually opting to just prop herself up on one of the many walls of the jungle gym, "And just so you know, I've got another girl with me... or at least, I did.  She shouldn't be too far off, but... I wasn't really keeping tabs on her."

After all, why should she be?  If Jana lagged behind and got picked off, it was no skin off of Sera's back.  She squinted her blue eyes a bit, peering out through the fog to see if she could spot the redhead anywhere, but the dense fog made it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of the jungle gym.

She relaxed a little bit, allowing her daypack and the concealed shotgun within to roll off of her shoulder and land with a light thud at her feet.  On the bright side, she seemed to have found someone normal.  If anything, he seemed tired, if not all out exhausted.  In a way, she was glad that he wasn't looking for a fight.  Still, it was a bit of a let-down on the excitement scale.

"I'm Sera... and you are...?"

Maybe the boy's mellow attitude was a good thing.  The more she stood there, propped up against the wall of the jungle gym, the more exhausted she began to feel.  Five long days had taken its toll on her.  Still, the odds of someone being in terrific condition this far into the "game" were slim to none anyway.  Hopefully, she could manipulate her way into this boy and Jana's head a little more, gain their trust, and... use them?  As cold as it sounded, that seemed to be the best plan of action.

I don't know for sure, but he seems like the type of boy that'd fall for a pretty face.  Jana's already wrapped around my finger after that sob story about Adam and Brandon.  I don't have to trust them, I just have to get them to trust me... after that, I can just stay with them until everyone is killed off... slaughter a few more, and come out victorious.

It was the first real gameplan she'd ever had throughout the competition.  Part of her didn't like it.  The more primal side of her, however, had no problem at all with walking all over people to benefit herself.  She'd done it a billion times in high school, so why should her course of action in the game be any different?  She glanced over toward the sandy haired boy and cast him a fatigued smile.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by Cyco*
((continued from The Greatest Weight))

Jana wasn't doing too well in the dense fog. Opaque, it indeed was. It closed in from all sides, made her feel isolated and vulnerable, even though Sera was right in front of her.

"Sera?" she called softly. "Ser...a..." She reached out a free hand from her crossbow and grabbed onto nothing. Jana reached around in front of her and waved her arm back and forth, stumbling a bit as she searched frantically for Sera, who wasn't there anymore.

',no-no-no...' Jana tried not to lose her cool, but it was hard with the suffocating fog clouding her vision. She continued forward with little confidence that it would get her anywhere but dead. 'Where are you? Come on, no, don't do this...I can't see anything...I'm totally gonna die out here, should've stayed in the--oh wait, there she is.'

Sera had stopped just ahead, and as Jana approached her she came steadily into view. She was leaning against the side of some playground equipment, talking quietly to herself. Wait, scratch that, there was someone up on the jungle gym, just barely visible from where she was standing, whom Sera was addressing. Jana was uneasy about the stranger, of course, but she remained fairly calm to reflect her blonde travel partner. Jana let the crossbow fall at ease in front of her and took a hand off of it to give the boy a subtle wave.


Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by baby_g*
Not bothering to really make alot of eye contact, Kevin stuck to the usual conversation outline. Name, age, what school you went to, and hell, for most guys on the island, probably 'do you want to bang?'.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin."

There was a silence as he figured they were both in their own thoughts. She mentioned something about another girl coming to join them. "I'm not sure there's going to be all the much space in here." He said, pointing out the limited space they already had as it was. It was too late any how. There was a voice from not to far away, she seemed to be calling for Sera... hopefully she wouldn't be to scared by Kevin.

"If you want to make space for her fine, I don't care either way. She's your guest, so you decide if she's worth it."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by Megami*
Sera nodded in acknowledgement to Jana as she appeared out of the fog.  "Kevin", as he had introduced himself as, didn't seem to thrilled at the thought of more company.  Sera frowned slightly.  Perhaps this wasn't going to be quite as easy as she had first anticipated.  The frown soon faded into a smile again, though.  Maybe that was a good thing, after all.  She had wanted a challenge.  It definitely seemed like Kevin was going to give her one, because he didn't fall hook, line, and sinker.  In fact, he wasn't even biting.

"Jana," she muttered, "this is Kevin.  Kev, Jana."

Enough with the formalities already.  It seemed so redundant, introducing herself to anyone and everyone she came across.  Kevin either didn't know or didn't care that Sera had been in the last announcement, apparently, because he had yet to make mention of the fact that she had murdered somebody.  Then again, maybe he just hadn't put two and two together.  For all she knew, there could've been fifteen dozen other Seras running around on this island.

She glanced toward Jana momentarily before her line of vision once again returned to Kevin.  Where to go from here?  Jana was a bit of a hinderance in any attempt Sera might've made at finding some sort of protection.  She'd played the vulnerable, innocent little girl roll a bit too well back at the barn, so she couldn't all of a sudden change things up now.  It didn't matter.  Acting was a talent that Sera excelled in, so for all intents and purposes, she could be who and whatever these people wanted her to be.

"So, Kevin..." she prodded, attempting to mentally feel up the blonde a bit, "Why on earth are you sitting here all alone?  Waiting on your girlfriend to get back or something?"

It didn't seem like much of a question, but it could provide her with a whole bunch of information on Kevin... information like whether or not he was alone, and whether or not she'd have competition over a potential new meat shield.  She looked toward Jana once more and gave her a smile.  At least she'd found people that were semi-normal this time.  This situation was nowhere near as intense as the scenario between herself, Brandon, and Adam had been.  If this boy was anything at all like Jana, she could give him the whole rape sob story and have him pitying her and jumping through hoops in no time.  It was just a matter of weaving the web.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:41 am
by baby_g*
"If I had a girlfriend," He muttered, "I wouldn't have let her out of my sight in a place like this, would I?"

He waved a simple hello at the new girl and continued to think to himself. He had a couple choices, seeing as his only company now were girls. Pegging the Jana girl as kinda ditzy, and Sera as a chick with some real issues... that probably started before this whole thing.

"Listen, if it's protection you want, fine. I can't promise I'm going to stay around forever though. Just cut the 'cute' crap. You're not fooling me."

Kevin didn't have to look up at the girl to tell that she probably didn't take that last statement to well. As for Jana, he guessed she was probably more confused than angry or offended.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by Mitsuko2*
Zilya from: Sweet Serenity

Zilya Merchenkov was tired. She didn't feel like just sitting here, awaiting her doom anymore. The more she walked, the more pissed off she got. When was she gonna run into someone who WASN'T insane? She REALLY needed some form of allies. This was all too much to do by herself. She trudged forth, expecting to find , yet again, an empty area, but to her surprise and glee, she heard some low voices. She ran to them, only to find herself in the middle of a park. How ironic.

"Hello? Is there anyone here? I'm not playing! Hello?" She called.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by Megami*
((My first post was much better, but my PC had it for dinner.))

His first statement caused a mischevious grin to slip over Sera's features.  His second one, however, the snide remark about how he wasn't falling for her "act", wiped the grin off in an instant.  Instead of lashing out at him or causing a scene, however, she simply frowned lightly and nodded her head before speaking out quietly.

"Okay..." she stated almost inaudibly, "Okay... no games.  No manipulation.  No bullshit.  I'll give you that much.  It's just so hard to know how to approach people out here... so hard to know who you can trust.  You have to walk on eggshells around everyone you meet and act like you're completely harmless so they don't slaughter you on the spot.  Some of them try to anyway."

She was half sincere in her words.

"As for the offer of protection... and don't get me wrong, I'd be more than happy to oblige... but since we're being "real" here, I have to ask you... what's in it for you?  Where's it gonna get you except dead?  Sure, it might be a little slower than if you were alone, but how're you gonna benefit from agreeing to hang around?  I wasn't sure if I could trust you... how can you be sure if you should trust us?"

She smiled coyly at the blonde-headed boy.  She wasn't trying to be a smart aleck this time.

"I don't want you to give me some bullshit story about wanting to be chivalrous or something... chivalry's dead, especially in a place like this.  Like I said, Kev... I'd be more than happy to accept your offer, if it still stands, but I want to know why you'd even bother."

Subconsciously, she drew the daypack containing Brandon's concealed shotgun a little closer to her with her foot.  At that precise moment, a voice echoed out from somewhere nearby, causing her to jump visibly before training her gun on the spot she thought the voice might've come from.  It was impossible to see the girl who had called out, even though the fog was starting to lighten a bit, and it made Sera uncomfortable.

"Shit," she hissed, "You've gotta be kidding me."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by baby_g*
Kevin wanted to tell Sera and Jana that he was doing this because he just wanted to be nice, but the chance they'd believe that was not likely. "I don't want to rape you, if that's what you're getting at." He huffed, also slightly chucking to himself. There was a voice that cried out of no where that started Kevin, making him crouch in the tube, fists ready. Sera had aimed her gun towards the nose as it cried something about not playing the game. He eased back down a bit, shrugging it off.

"It's just a chick... calm down."

It was getting crowded for them, and he knew that the chances of taking in one more just wouldn't work. The fog wasn't going to stay there forever, and they couldn't just stay there the whole time either.

Leaning over to Sera, he spoke quietly towards her ear, "As for your question, if I'm going to die here, I'd rather die knowing I just didn't sit on my ass. Basically, kick the crap out of some idiots and if I'm able to help you guys, well then, that's good for you guys."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by Jun*
-Sigh after hearing the morning announcements. John just got through half his food rations and was looking for extra supplies. His sense of direction failing in this fog. Put his map away one hand on his newly carved bokuto.

He starts to head into the park as he hears some voice.
"Hmm...people. Well better greet the neighbors"

He gets to a crouch position as he slowly approaches he steps on the balls of his feet but quickly brings down his heel to silence or muffle most noises from any sticks.

Slowly approaching the group unsure whether to put on his Sunday smile or unleash his sword.-

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by Megami*
"That's not what I was getting at," Sera retorted, a smile playing on her lips, "But that's good to know.  Besides, it's not like it would be the first time someone tried."

Kevin visibly tensed for a brief moment as the barely visible figure in the fog called out to them, but relaxed when he noted that it was only a girl.  Sera shook her head lightly and cast Kevin a wary glance.  Hadn't he watched the last game?  She thought it was a vile thing, but even she'd seen parts of it.  She'd seen enough to know that counting out members of the fairer sex just because they were girls had proved to be a deadly mistake for many of the last game's contestants.

"You really shouldn't underestimate her, you know," she muttered quietly, "Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she isn't capable of blowing you away the second you let your guard down."

She was hesitant to do or say too much.  After all, he had trusted her, and she had come into the park with just the same attitude as this newcomer had now.  Then again, Sera knew she couldn't be trusted.  Perhaps that was why she was so skeptical of the figure in the shadows.  Sera knew that she herself was being rather deceitful about her intentions, and it made her very skeptical of the other individual.

She lowered the gun a bit, but absent-mindedly kept it firmly in her grasp with her finger on the trigger.  She could've sworn she heard another voice nearby, but she couldn't make out anything through the fog.  Backing up a bit more against the jungle gym, she turned her attention back to her companions momentarily.

"So what's the game plan, kids?"

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by Cyco*
Up until that point Jana had remained relatively silent. She was already a little uneasy about the boy in the tube; now came this new girl who'd shown up through the dense fog. It was definitely getting too crowded for her own comfort. She felt like any of them, at any time, were liable to draw a hidden weapon and attack. Tube boy especially, given all that cover to hide his actions and his strange demeanor.

"Sera," she stammered quietly, her attention falling on yet another stranger who silently approached the group with a wooden sword. They were becoming surrounded by potential killers. "I really don't like this."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:42 am
by Jun*
-Looks to see a girl staring right back at him. Sighs seeing he's caught. He starts to think 'Shit there goes any chance of intelligence gathering without the possibilty of lossing my head.' He then notices its by someone who looks somewhat familar maybe from a class of his back at P.J.

He somewhat bent over back instead of his crouching ninja like walk. Puts his on his best sunday smile and takes his time to prep incase of an attack. Puts his hands in somewhat peaceful positon over his wooden sword left hand resting on where the hurter (tsuba) would be. Then his right wrist rest on the handle. The right hand not holding but easy for quick switch into agressive stance. Which is quite casual for people in a situation like this.-

"Morning everything. This seems quite...uneasy but lets try and keeps civilized and minimual bloodshed atleast till we have a decent reason to break a possible alliance." -Looks to Jana.- "Did we ever share a class together?"