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Outside the school.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:26 am
by Nealosi*
((Continued from Running Start))

Mary-Anne stopped running. She bent over herself and panted; puffing out hot smoke and dripping with cold sweat. She didn't know how far along the expressway she had run, but it had been a long way, she didn't run out of breathe that easy.

It was a large complex that she had reached, larger than others she had seen so far on her time on the Island, which to be fair, wasn't very long. Examining it closer she thought that the building resembled a school or something of the sort. The low brick walls and the bland squatness of it had to be a school. Mary-Anne chuckled again. This had to be some kind of joke.

She collapsed against the wall of school with her cudgel still firmly in hand. She wiped the sweat off her face and looked around.

How could this get any worse?

Mary-Anne waited. Might as well rest while she had the time to do so. The contents of her bag were few, but she managed to find a full water bottle. She took a huge swig and tried to slow down her breathing.

Ok, Mary. Just wait it out and try to think this through. They want you to kill everyone... How can I kill everyone?

"This is so stupid," Mary kicked up some dust with her well-used sneaker. "I'm not taking this shit from anyone."

Re: Outside the school.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:26 am
by Chase*
((Continued from Bullseye))

Jenna could only hope that the dude who tried to attack her was the only one with a set of darts. She could only handle a certain amount of irony in this game, and with her luck she'd have plenty of moments to fight for her life without having to deal with getting hit with a dart in the ass or something. Shaking her head with a look of frustration still planted on her features, Jenna took the road she was on until she saw the school.

As apprehensive as ever, Jenna quickly tried to move to the stairway, thinking for a moment that she would be able to find refuge in one of the classrooms. At first she almost stopped when she thought she heard something during her sprint, but her shoe caught onto something soft and she toppled to the dirt.

Looking up immediately, she noticed wasn't alone, seeing a half naked dead girl with....

Jenna thought she was going to be sick.

"That can't be real," she tried to drag herself away from the thing, covering her mouth with her arm. She was trying to back to the wall of the school as fast as she could. Her eyes still fixated on the cold dead eyes of the girl, and the white substance dripping from her chin, she felt her stomach lurch, and paid no attention to the girl she was making her way to rather quickly.

Re: Outside the school.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:26 am
by narfinkool*
((Continued from b-35 start))

Proceeding from a short walk north Stacy noticed a small school. She then began to walk a little faster. As she proceeded she came across a girl or boy not quite sure from that far away. She then began to watch from a distance hiding her taser in her pocket and staying low away from it.

Stacy began to study this thing, maybe this man or woman can be of some use. As she got closer she noticed it was a woman backed up against the wall, it was obvious she was terrified of what just happened, either that or disgusted. If that disgusted her than obviously she hasnt seen a mirror in a while, to Stacy she was more grossed out by this girl instead of the corpse. She then sighed and tried to think of a strategy. If only she could have met that guy or girl that did that to her instead of that fucking priest. She could have totally molded him or even her (didnt matter, she would fuck girls or boys to get what she needed to survive). Non the less she has to take what is given to her.

She slowly watched this girl as she seemed disgusted with the half-naked girl. When she approached she stepped on a branch and broke it which made a loud cracking noise. She cursed under her breath hopefull she never heard her. She slowly tried to find more cover and put her hand in her pocket where her taser layed.

((Continued elsewhere))

Re: Outside the school.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:26 am
by Nealosi*
Mary-Anne ran inside the school. Maybe there was something she could salvage inside, or even another person. She hated that she didn't know where a single person on the Island was. Her friends could be anywhere. They could be dying and she would be hiding outside the school, or running around uselessly. She had to be sure. She had to know that someone was here.

Turning the corner Mary found herself outside once again. She saw a sight that did not comfort her thoughts. The body of what she thought to be Jaime Dibenidetti was spayed across the ground in a pool of blood. Her head had been split open with some sort of weapon and a deep red gouge continued to drip slow red liquid onto the ground. A cool slithering white substance stained her cheeks and her eyes were still wide open. Most of her clothes were removed and her breasts were red and sore.

Who the fuck could do something like this?!

Mary-Anne looked up at the girl retching near the corpse. She didn't know what to think of her. Her hair was cropped short and she looked like a bit of a tomboy, for this Mary-Anne could instantly relate, but at the same rate, she was right next to a dead body...

"Hey," Mary's eyes were stern, her voice was raised. She found that getting angry somehow made her feel less sick. With her stomach tightened into a not she couldn't feel very sick. "Who the hell are you and what the hell happened here?"

Her bag in one hand and her cudgel in the other she stood straight and tried her best not to gag or sob. She bent her face into a grim frown to suppress the gag reflex. She didn't know this girl and that was reason enough not to trust her, but Mary-Anne wasn't itching for a fight just yet, better to gage this girl first and see what she's up to.

Plus, she was surprised to even see someone she didn't know. She had assumed that just Franklyn had been attacked by the terrorists, but Mary had never seen this girl in her life. Something big was happening; Mary-Anne could feel it inside her. It was the same feeling she got before running onto the court for a big game. Anticipation, fear and a giddy sense of dread.

((Continued in Nightfall and the River))

Re: Outside the school.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:26 am
by Chase*
A sense of morbid sickness left Jenna in a comatose position feet away from the dead body, her mind shutting down, unable to take anything in.

She's dead...

We're all going to be there... soon.

She twitched slightly, every so often, but stayed frozen on her knees, eyes gazing at the death before her, but glazed over in a sense of looking through it. Like she wasn't there anymore, not the same Jenna, either way. She hadn't been a drug user, she hadn't smoked often, drank a little here and there --but who didn't? Her mind was counting off sins, one by one, making sure the score was against her.

Jenna never told many people, if anyone, that was a dead set believer in Karma. It was funny in a way, that even that never had her thinking twice about joining The Hellbirds. The justification to it now, however, didn't seem to matter to her in the slightest. She started to tremble.

For a moment she spazzed, believing she heard voices. It took her a few seconds to realize she was listening to the first announcement of the game. Had she spent so long, just sitting there? People were dying all around her and she had sunken into herself.

Her eyes took in the figure of the destroyed girl, and this time she finally vomited. The pile of stomach acid and food fell on the dirt between her hands, while she was still on her knees.

She wasn't supposed to be here.

((Continued Elsewhere))