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We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:37 am
by Mitsuko2*
FROM: Checking in

We all start out the same. It's only when we add layers that we change. No one can survive forever, and no one will live for too long. The brick road that G25 and her companion ran along was almost grey in the rain, but isn't that what life is? Just different shades of grey? Only now, did she see that you can only find your true self in the grey matter. The only thing you can count on in this world is yourself. But she… she just didn't realize. She didn't want to understand. She never knew… She never knew how much pain there was. Or how much sadness she'd feel in her lifetime. But she… she wanted to die? She'd always wondered, ‘Where did I come from? And where will I go when I die?' But that… it just won't ever make sense. Not to her at least. Maybe to others, maybe they know. But I want to know. Yet I can't seem to find my answers.

Who can tell what the days will bring us? It's the same thing. She wonders with all her heart, yet no one has the answer. No one wants to tell her. No one wants to help her to understand herself, they only criticize her for being who she is. Those who would hurt you, they hurt more and more with every glance they cast in your direction. With every word they speak to you. Will they ever care? It's doubtful. But she… she will never know. Not now at least. ‘Where will I go? Where do I come from?' Maybe… maybe she'll see him again. So then she can apologize. Because… she did many terrible things. She did things so that she could breath just for another day. In her mind, she deserved death. But… Why couldn't she understand? Back then… It just didn't make sense. It was so hazy, but for that split second, she remembered.

The pain of having to watch her brother's beatings. The horror of his death. The ridicule of the sisterhood. And now, her fight for survival. She had to do horrible things to survive. And she'll continue to do them. She'll continue to fight for her life.

They arrived at the school. In the rain it looked as if it were one of those Gothic castles that you saw in old horror movies. She sighed and looked at her newfound companion. She looked tired, and wet. She felt a chill run up her spine. She was cold. She nodded to the other girl and pushed the door to the school open. She looked around. It was warm in there. She looked to her companion and nudged her head in the direction of the classrooms.

"Let's rest in there for now." She said and went ahead.

She walked into the closest classroom and saw a large mirror inside. She looked into it and frowned. The oil lamp beside the mirror was off, so she flicked it on, the flickering light playing against her features. Half of her was in darkness and the other in light. Just like who she was. She turned away and smiled a little.

"It's Showtime." She muttered at just above a whisper.  She smiled a bit more with every diminutive step she took towards the back of the room. For the first time in her life, Mariavel was certain of one thing; to continue living for herself.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Xaldien*
(Continued from: Change of Heart)

Power. Chiaki couldn't help but think that it's what she had the most of.
The feeling of ending someone's life was the greatest feeling in the world. To think that a just and merciful God gave people the ability to end another's life, which was only supposed to be "his" job. The fact that she had caused someone's life to end made her feel powerful, amazing, almost Godlike in her own right.

She had walked for sometime out of the expressway and made it to an unknown area, but after looking at the map, and her surroundings, she was quick to realize exactly where she was.

However, no longer was she concerned about where she was, now she was more concerned over whether or not there were any more targets... or rather people, to find. THe smile on her face was dumbed down to a gentle smirk, as she felt the rush go through her body. The rush she felt as she pulled the trigger and ended that peons useless life.

Lovely was the gun that she carried in her bag. Her life, her love, her light. It gave her the power that she had, and she recognized this fact, but she wanted even more power. She wanted more weapons, more instruments of war. She wanted to collect and add to her demonic symphony.

And, so she continued walking.

Until she saw something... or someone...

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by baby_g*
Tori and Mari had left the hotel in a hurry. They left behind a message for Bryan and Seth, hoping that they'd be able to find them at the school. Mari said they'd be sure to get there... Tori even made herself believe it too. The problem was, they'd only get to the school if they were still alive, and there was no way of telling that. Why, after just a short matter of time, had she felt so close to Bryan? Did the fact that they shared an awkward kiss mean anything? Probably not. She concluded that the kiss was a matter of something neither of them wanted to talk about. Yet, she found herself wanting more. Now with Bryan gone somewhere, possibally in danger, she was worried even more, and that was something she didn't need right now.

She decided that it would be best to focus of the time at present. Bryan would probably tell her not to act like a baby or what not, so it was best that she stepped up to the plate. The whole time, that's all she's wanted to do, yet, now that she had the chance, she didn't want it so much anymore.

Tori stayed behind Mair as they entered one of the first classrooms in the school. There was a mirror on the wall, and like Mair, she too straightened herself out. As she surveyed the room, she counted 20 desks and a teachers desk at the back. On her way to the teachers desk, she passed by Mari as she heard her say something about 'Showtime'.

Showtime? What?

She reached the desk and began to search through the drawers for anything she could use. Maybe there was a snack bar or something left behind. All she found were bundles of paper, and homework journals from students from the class. Since there was some time to kill, Tori rested her blade down on the desktop and sifted through the journals till one caught her eye.

It was written in blue pen, messy cursive yet still readable. The question at the top of the page was, "What do you value most is life?" It read:

What do I value? I don't know. I think that's a stupid question to ask a class. Why not ask, "Why do you like candy?" Or maybe, "Why don't you do your homework." Those would have easy answers. Those would have answers as simple as "Just Because."
I would say my life, but that's hardly worth value, Sir. So, to your question, I don't have an answer.


Tori felt a shiver travel up her spine. How was it that a child didn't think their life had any value to it? It didn't make sense. As suspected, the journal recieved and 'F' and a note in the margin saying, "See me after class!". She continued to flip through the pages once more till she found one clearly written by a girl. The topic was, "If you were stuck on an island, and could only bring one person with you, who would you bring, and Why?"


I'd bring David, Sir. He's nice and never makes fun of me like the other kids do. He sometimes offers to carry my books for me. He's someone I feel I can trust. When it was my first day here, he made me feel welcomed, and not like such a loser. He stuck up for me when a girl was picking on me in the hallway. I think if we were on an Island together, neither of us would have to worry about the other kids. It'd be a happy place to be, and you could come visit with your wife if you really wanted too.

That paper recieved an 'A'. Go figure. She remembered being asked a question like that in one of her beauty contests. She'd always answer something along the lines of 'someone who could build a decent boat'. That usually got a laugh out of the judges, and avoided any awkwardness. Now that she was actually stuck on an island, she reflected on everyone she'd met thus far.

None of the people she'd ran into would have been first choice for her, Except maybe Bryan... that is if the island part was far after they'd known eachother long enough, and maybe had a date or two. Here she was, stuck in a classroom with a girl she barely knew, far away from the only person she really truely trusted.

God keep him safe....

"So, what now?"

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Mitsuko2*

They really can tell you all about yourself. Everything you are, everything you were, everything you'll be. These all stem from your memories. But… all memories are not so… nice. Mariavel remembered. She remembered it all. She cursed herself for doing such things, such dirty things. Hell, she had to lie about her age! But she needed to. Be damned the rest. If it weren't for Ali Grayston's little bitch club finding out how she made money, she never would have been ridiculed as she was.

She sat in the back of the room and ate a bit of the dehydrated food that they were supplied with. She washed the cardboard-tasting food down with a few sips of water, and allowed herself to relax in the desk. She got lost in the memories. She hated her memories… they always came back to haunt her.

She sat quietly and still in front of the oval mirror hanging on the wall, staring at her own reflection as if she was finding solace in it.  The candle was left burning on the vanity dresser, and she allowed the flame to dance across her face, her eyes searching for any mark of herself in the stranger in the mirror. That was the very question she had asked herself many times: who was she?

She didn't have amnesia, but she just couldn't remember the 'real' her.  Every now and then, she would think about her childhood, being as important to them as they were to her, but she could only make out the blurry outlines and features of these people as if time was slowly erasing them from her memories.  When she was younger, the memories were like dreams from a fantasy story, but as she grew older in a time of uncertainty in her personal life, the fantasies were pushed further away.

Her dainty hand reached for the hair brush on the desk.  Keeping her eyes focused on her face, she smoothed the bristles of the brush through her silky, long hair. Her hand stopped in mid-stroke and she pondered about her life, she really just didn't know anymore. She put the brush down and stood up, revealing an attractive, slim figure in the mirror.  She wore a black, sleeveless top and a long, matching skirt.  Her midsection was left bare with only a pair of golden chains dangling around her waist.  One end of a pink cloth wrapped around her forearm and draped behind her to her other forearm.

She walked over to the bed in the room and stood over it, staring down at a medium-size, wooden box.  Her fingers slowly traced across the surface of the top, noting the tiny dents and cracks it suffered through time like her own heart.  Inside the box were the only possessions she kept from her late brother, and from her own sordid past.

Her fingers rested on the opening edge of the box, but she didn't open it.  She knew every single detail of the small pink dress to the very point of where each frill was creased, and she could recite the letter in her sleep.  When she read the letter for the first time, anger had taken over her heart that she wanted to rip the letter in a million pieces.  Her brother had been so selfish, letting himself die so that she could live on without having to worry about him, but through time,
she began to understand her brother's feelings.

She looked up at the knock on the door, and a female voice
followed, "Miss Varella, you'll be on in ten minutes."

"All right," Mariavel answered.  She turned back to the mirror, brushing her hand through her blonde hair, and shook it loose to make sure it had a seductive sway.  She smoothed down her skirt and then adjusted the hem of her top so it wouldn't show something she didn't want.

Not in a thousand years would she ever imagine herself with such a job, flaunting her body to a crowd of men, but she had to make some money. It wasn't like her father or her mother were worried about her going to school. With a body like hers, graceful and alluring, the trade came to her easily, and money was no longer a problem for her.
But Mari wasn't stupid.  She was no plaything of any man, and if a man didn't know how to keep his hands to himself, she would teach him a lesson that could cause him to fear women for the rest of his life.

"Its show time," she smiled faintly before turning away from the mirror.  She walked towards the door, swaying her hips a bit with every step she took. Mari was only concerned with one thing. She'd live out her life to its fullest, and be damned the rest.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by Tori's question. Where DO they go from here? For all they know, the boys had either been killed or had their collars exploded. She sighed and looked to her companion. She looked as sad as she herself did. This game did that to you she guessed.

"I guess we just sit here and wait. As long as we can, we'll wait, and fight off anyone stupid enough to try and kill us."

((ZOMG, I think this is my longest post EVER!))

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by baby_g*

She could tell that the girl looked somewhat distressed. She knew that look better than her own. The type of look where you're thinking of something deep and try to paint a "I'm not thinking of anything" look on your face so your parents leave you the hell alone. Though Tori could atest to it working, and her parents leaving her alone when she needed it, now wasn't one of those times. This wasn't a place for that though. If one got to caught up in his or hers thoughts, it might lead to something.. that.. well.. it wouldn't end well so to say.

"... have you ever felt so stuck in the past, and yet so active in the future, where you really didn't know what to do with yourself anymore?..."

Tori moved from the desk to the window seat and gazed out the window. The rain was hitting it pretty hard now, making it impossible to see a clear distinct figure past five feet. Yet, there was a calmness in it all, like it was a watery blanket covering them. Was it a sign? Or was her mind just playing tricks on her again.

"...Some times.. I just don't know what to do."

She closed her eyes, resting her head against the window pain. She was so tired, yet wide awake at the same time. She felt completely alone, yet had someone there with her, who could comfort her. Why did she feel like this? Maybe all she really needed was a hug, maybe all she really needed was a smack to wake her up.

Dear Diary,
It's 12AM and mom and dad are still up fighting like usual. Tonight it's about something to do with me not saying the right thing for the judges. Mom is yelling about how I'm not going to grow up right because I'm a smart ass like my dad. Dad is yelling saying maybe I'd get something right once and a while if I wasn't so stubborn like my mom. Am I really that bad? I won last weeks contest, and I thought I was doing alright. We don't finish this one until tomorrow, with the formal wear and once again the questions. I practically say the same thing over and over again now. There's no point in 'risking' as mom would say, messing up and not winning. Sometimes, that's all that's important to her. For my dad, he says he just wants me to be happy, but how can I follow by example when his is so messed up and unpleasent? I hate this, it's stupid. Why can't they just get along and be happy? Can't they atleast act happy, what if they tried just not talking? No, I suppose that wouldn't solve anything either, it would just make it last longer I guess. I hate them so much. I hate them, because sometimes I'm possitive they don't love me either.

"Mari, why is it that I want what I can't have?"

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel looked to her newfound companion with a woeful look in her eyes. She understood just about as well as Tori did. Nothing a person could ever "want" is easy to come by. But, then again, what is it to want something? To want it so badly that you'd go to any extent to reach it. Was that it? Was it so that you could tell yourself, ‘I did it!' or was it to tell the others who doubted you, ‘I knew that I could!'? She sighed audibly and stood from her seat. She stretched a bit and walked over to the lithe girl sitting on the windowsill. She sat beside her and looked the other girl in the eyes. She saw a sadness that had been brewed almost as long as her own, wresting with this girl's broken soul. She smiled sadly at the other girl and began to speak.

"Tori… Nothing is everything. Everything is nothing. Has anyone ever told you that before? My brother once said that to me, and I never understood it until coming here." She looked out into the rain and frowned. She hated the rain. It was such a sour thing. It could almost be as bitter and spiteful as hell itself.

"It means that… you must persevere. No mater how people tell you that you can't do anything, or that you're a nobody. You have to show them that they're wrong. It's tough. Because sometimes you even believe it yourself. It makes you hurt, and t makes you want to let it all fade away. But… you have to press on. Show the real you. And let them all know… tell them who you are." She smiled faintly at the other girl and walked over to her previous seat. She sat down and turned away from the other girl.

"Wanting is just what it says. You want it. You can't have it. Like so many other things, you just aren't allowed to grasp it. Humans lust for things that they can't have, so isn't that why? It's because it's in our nature never to achieve it!" She felt a few tears slide down her dirt covered cheeks and she quickly wiped them away with the sleeve of Seth's jacket. She didn't want to think of those times anymore. She wasn't a dancer now. Now she was a killer, and a survivor. Be damned the rest.

"The show's gonna start soon, we'd better be prepared for anything that's thrown at us. This school's gonna become a hotspot for people looking for shelter soon." She said. A crack of lightening soon followed, and another after that one. "Oh yeah. We're in for a hell of a time."

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Xaldien*
Chiaki noticed that there were people around.

Kill them.

She got to a distance that was safe, but still allowed her to eavesdrop. Not much was going on though, just a bunch of little emo bitches talking about sticking together, but all Chiaki heard was "blah blah blah, I'm a dirty tramp."

These two bitches needed to learn to shut the fuck up, really. Just accept the fact that you're weak, and die already. It's really that simple, in fact, it was almost too simple.

But, she decided to wait until the two were seperated, that way, one dies, the other comes running in to save the other, BANGBANGBOOM, you got yourself a prize-winning kill. Sure enough to make dad proud.

But, as she started moving backwards, to hide, she was startled by a voice.
"It's very rude to eavesdrop."


((Continued from What Do You...?))

Chiaki didn't have access to her gun, as she usually kept it in her bag, but at least managed to get a punch on the blonde who startled her.

Kristey took the punch rather well. Despite the sheer force of it, the only thing that happened was that her face moved in the direction of the blow, but then quickly recovered, and swooshed her hair in that special "L'oreal: Because I'm worth it" kind of way.

She had her famed slugger in her hand, and took one fell swing, which hit Chiaki in the side, and had her fall to the floor.

"One for one."

Kristey walked away from the writhing girl, and went off in another direction, leaving the girl to deal with any attention they may have drawn.

((Continued in To Figure Things Out))

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by baby_g*
For a moment, Tori was able to fool herself into thinking that Mari was making sense, and that maybe.. everything was nothing, and nothing was everything. For the second that it was becoming clear to her, a sound from the hallway made it go away in a snap. The sound was like a thud almost, of something heavy, falling against something just as or even heavier than that original thing. Like at the paegants, when a girl would be doing a dance, and miss a step, the sound of when she fell. Most of the time, that sound would make Tori smile, meaning she was one step closer to another crown. Ofcourse though, this was much different.

The sound sent a sickly feeling to Tori's tummy, as she knew something horrible had happened or was just about to.

"Mari. I think someone's in the hall." She said as she got up from the window and walked cautiously towards the door with the blade gripped tightly in her hand. She peered around the door frame and saw the body of a young girl awkwardly laying on the ground near them.

"I... I think she's dead..."

She tried to get a better look around, to see if someone was near the body, waiting to get their hands on the two of them. Though everything seemed clear, she didn't want to take any chances. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled over to the girl to check for a pulse.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Xaldien*
That Aryan cunt is SO going to pay for that!
That bitch sure could pack a punch, because she had trouble getting up, the hit hurt so much. Then again, it WOULD, considering the fact that she hit her with a fucking baseball bat.

Chiaki started to move and get up, although it was difficult with the pain in her side. SHe also seemed to notice people coming near her.

She began getting up even faster, and even managed to stand.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel was sulking. Here she was, stuck in a room with some girl who she'd never met before yesterday for an entire day. She was getting SO bored. When she was bored, she thought. She hated her thoughts. They always ended on her parents. She tried to think of good things, but it was hard. It was so very hard. She tried to think of her life before this, but nothing came.

She wondered how everyone she'd known was doing. Darcy for one. Eric too. And Chris…. Was he ok? She'd been seeing him ever since the fiasco in the carnival. She and Jenna had fought there, and she told him everything about being a member of the Fists. But he didn't shun her, and they had a sort of….. Lax relationship. Not really dating but not just friends. It was nice. She wondered if he could ever trust her again.

A loud thud and a smash turned both her and Tori's attention to the hallway. She stood quickly and unsheathed the Tanto. She followed Tori outside and looked over the sprawled girl. She looked dead alright. But was she? The girl suddenly jerked and jumped to her feet. Mari took action and was quickly behind her, Knife at her back and tomahawk (recently grabbed) at her chest. She smiled from behind the girl and pressed the point of the knife into the other girl's back.

"No funny business Hun. Just stay where you are. Try anything and you die, got it?" She asked the girl sharply, with a venom in her voice that would send even Hitler cowering.

"Tori check if she has a weapon on her." She looked to her ally and the look in her eyes should have said everything. The school was being stained with blood soon. Too bad she didn't realize the blood would be rather familiar.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by baby_g*
The girl getting to her feet quickly took Tori by surprise. Thankfully Mari was there and just as quickly, made sure the chick wouldn't pull any funny business. Tori checked her out and found no weapon on her. She felt the overwhelming feeling of energy running threw her body. Would this finally be her first kill? The girl might have just been passing by, maybe just looking for some food, but for some reason, it was like some else was over taking Tori.


Tori threw all her might in her arm as she hoped her fist would connect the girls jaw. She didn't care who she was, where she came from. Tori loved the idea of taking her frustration out on this girl and she wanted to keep going. One hit wouldn't be enough, and she could feel her body getting worked up. It was playing over in her mind, that is, throwing the girl over the desk so that she'd hit the floor. Kicking her in the stomache and ribs until she for sure felt something brake. Mounting her, pinning the girls' arms under her knees so that there was no chance to block the constant blows being delivered to her face. Even though it would make her feel better, it wouldn't be enough.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Xaldien*
Chiaki smiled at the tenacity of the two.
"...You don't even know what you are doing. Make one false step, and I will have you beaten, battered, broken, just seconds away from death, and ruination."

The girl who was nearest her, she had a fire in her eyes, a lust for pain. It was quite amusing.

"This girl... hahahahaha, she's just the same as me, and every other person abandoned here. She lusts to strike me, and hard."

She couldn't help but laugh.

She eventually turned her head slightly to see the girl behind her. The one who held onto her earlier.
"So, do you want to die now, or after your little friend?"
She smiled the entire time.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Slayer*
OOC: Considering the mauling Tori is trying to perform on your character, I don't think it's a good idea to completely ignore all her actions.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Xaldien*
OOC: Oh, damn, I thought that was all in her head...

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:38 am
by Slayer*
OOC: Sure.