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Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Megami*
((Continued from To Awake and Avenge the Dead))

At least it isn't raining...

Since she'd left the park, Sera Wingfield had walked along in complete and utter silence with her companions.  It was almost awkward to walk all this way without saying a word, but really, she didn't know what to say.  She hadn't attended school with either of the two people currently in her company, so it wasn't like they could chat about the good ole' days or anything of that nature.  In fact, the only things that all three of them had in common were that they had all been uprooted from normal lives and thrown into this game and that they had all witnessed the death of mutual acquaintance Kevin Kapustiak at the hands of Matt's friend Rob... who had long since disappeared.

All in all, none of those topics made for very interesting conversation pieces.  She just dragged along, trying not to look down at her feet as she walked.  She wasn't a shy person by any means, she never had been, and she just thought it really unbecoming of a lady to stare at her feet.  After all, it gave off the impression that you had no self-confidence, which couldn't have been more far from the truth when it came to Sera Wingfield.  Then again, what did it really matter anymore?  What was the point in caring how you presented yourself, or what somebody thought about you?  They were all going to die anyway.

Sera had become so resigned to her fate over the past week on the island that everything she did seemed so trivial and insignificant by comparison.  In a way, she felt like she should be competing more actively.  Still, maybe her current gameplan was the best one.  If she could lay low until the very end of the game -- and although it wasn't coming quick enough, it was drawing nearer by the second -- then she could conserve her ammunition and her energy long enough to persevere in the end.  At least, that seemed like the best course of action.

I have to survive... and I'll do whatever it takes to do that.  I'll lie, I'll deceive... it doesn't matter what I have to do to make it to the end... I'm willing to do anything... ANYTHING.  I'm too good to die in a shithole like this.  I won't let some pigheaded man take me down when I've come this far... and I'm definitely not going to let some psychotic deranged girl get the best of me.  I haven't spent a week on this god foresaken island just to die like that.  If I go out, I want to go out with a bang, at the very least... but most of all... most of all... I just want to go home.

She quickly snapped out of her reverie.  The last thing she wanted to happen in this game was to be caught offguard because she was daydreaming or lost in thought.  Still, she couldn't help but drift back into her own thoughts as they continued through the more urban part of the island and toward the schoolhouse.  The silence between the three wasn't helping matters any.  She wasn't completely sure what Matt had hoped to find at the school building.  At this point, she didn't really care.  The fact of the matter was that she felt more comfortable in the company of a man than she had with just Jana.

Granted, he had killed her other companion, even though he hadn't actually been the one to put the gun to the back of Kevin's head and pull the trigger.  Still, in a roundabout way, he had been partially responsible for Kevin's death.  Then again, using that same logic, so had she.  She had stood by idly and watched, not lifted a finger to help.  For that matter, she'd seen Rob grab the discarded gun and not even bothered to so much as shout for Kevin to look out.  You reap what you sew, she was a firm believer of that, and Kevin had sealed his own fate when he'd challenged the two to a brawl.

Really, she couldn't say that she blamed Matt for accepting Kevin's terms.  She should've been offended that Kevin had apparently offered her up on a silver platter as the prize for winning the duel, but she didn't really care.  For that matter, she'd gone along with it, if only for her own personal amusement.  Kevin had picked his fight without knowing his opponent, which is, supposedly, something that every warrior -- even the modern day kind -- was supposed to know was a very bad idea.  Even she knew that.  You don't challenge people to a fight when you know nothing about them.  He'd named his opponent, and when you name an opponent and charge, you automatically put your life in danger.

At least, that was how she looked at it.

Kevin... it was unfortunate, but Kevin had put himself in danger, and Kevin had paid the ultimate price for that.  Maybe that was why she felt no sympathy for the fact that he was now dead.  Or maybe, it was because she just genuinely didn't care about anyone but herself.  Either way, it didn't really matter anymore.  No matter how many times she replayed the events that had unfolded at the park in her head, the outcome would never changed.  It had already unfolded, it was over with, and now, she just had to work with the outcome that had resulted from the encounter.

Her thoughts turned back toward the school.  She wasn't sure where they were going, really, or what they were looking for, but she had three things on her mind at this precise moment in time.  First and foremost, she wanted food.  She'd nibbled off and on on the rations that they'd been issued nearly a week ago, but really, Sera just wanted to sit down and have something to eat.  Secondly, she wanted to head into those nasty, dirty locker rooms that she wouldn't have dreamed of ever touching under normal circumstances, and she wanted to take a nice, long shower.  It didn't matter if there was no electric and the water was freezing cold, she just desperately wanted a shower.  Third, but perhaps most importantly, Sera wanted sleep.

So long as at least two of them stood guard at a time, or the somehow managed to find a place they could barricade themselves in, it'd work out.  She trusted Jana not to kill her in her sleep, for whatever reason.  Jana hadn't done anything to gain any sort of distrust since Sera had been with her.  She also trusted Jana enough that she knew Jana'd make sure Matt (or his friend, if he ever returned) didn't have any ill intentions once she fell asleep.  It was way too far into the game for underhanded tactics like that anyway.  She genuinely believed that if Matt and Rob had wanted to kill them, they would've done it the moment after they'd shot Kevin.

Finally, the school came into view.  Sera breathed a sigh of relief, but stopped short when she caught a full-glimpse of the school... or rather, half of it.  A concerned look spread across her delicate features as she looked at the shell of a school building, but then turned to a look of mild amusement and surprise.  She certainly hadn't been expecting to find half the school blown apart.  Silently, she wondered if the terrorists had really issued somebody a weapon powerful enough to blow up half the school.  If they hadn't, then what on earth had happened that had caused such a drastic thing to occur?  She turned back to her companions and shook her head in mild amusement.

"Well, what now?" she inquired.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Cyco*
((continued from To Awake and Avenge the Dead))

Jana couldn't help but notice how quiet it was as they made their way toward the school. 'Back at the park they were crawling out of the woodwork.' Had her life not been in danger she certainly would have cracked up at the thought of the weird guy with the wooden sword; he reminded her of a little kid playing samurai.

Oh...but he was dead now, wasn't he...

Matt followed close behind them. Jana wanted to keep an eye on him, but she couldn't very well just walk backwards and smile at him vacantly like she wasn't up to a thing. Eventually she gave up altogether, seeing as he just wouldn't give up that spot in the rear. She got the feeling he just liked looking at her and Sera's asses.

The school building wasn't exactly the way she'd invisioned it. Jana had expected a solid, multi-story structure, a veritable fortress. What she got were the delapidated remnants of what had until recently been their destination, thick black smoke still billowing up towards the sky.
It was hard to find words that expressed her feelings on the matter accurately. It felt a little like leaving a pencil on her desk and coming back to find that it was missing, except instead of a pencil it was a building, and instead of missing it was blown up.

"Who could have done this?" she finally stammered, casting Sera and Matt an unsure glance.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by baby_g*
"Well, I don't know what to say ladies.." Matthew said, just as bewildered as them. The sight was one to see. He was around the school before, and being back to it now, it almost seemed unreconizable. They could go around back to see if there was a way in, or they could keep moving to the next building that wouldn't blow their collars up.

The half that was still left of the school seemed fine to walk through.. just as long as they stayed on the main floor, he was sure they'd be okay.

"Let's go in anyways.. what's the worst that could happen?"

He felt kind of stupid, semi taking charge of the two girls. Matthew kept wondering where the hell Rob was, and how it was he suddenly seemed to grow balls now and go off on his own. He didn't have time for this, and now that he had two others to look after, it just made it worse.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Megami*
"I guess..." Sera responded reluctantly to Matt's statement that they should enter the building anyway.

She looked back hesitantly at the building.  Part of it seemed to be in decent enough condition, but the other part... the other part looked like it had been leveled by an F5 tornado.  It was really quite the site to behold.  She wasn't even really sure what to make of it.  All she could really do was shake her head and laugh slightly at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.  She still wondered what on earth could've happened that caused part of the school to blow up.  The explosion should've been heard across the island, but she didn't remember hearing anything.  Then again, Sera had long since tuned out the sounds of screams and gunshots, why should an explosion be any different.

Her eyes cast across the football field, half of which had been singed from the resulting explosion, half of which was still lush and green.  Just beyond the football field sat the school's gymnasium.  Somehow, it seemed much more inviting than the smoldering pile of ashes that was right about half of the school.  Then again, if they went to the school, it was probably less likely that someone would follow them in.  It could prove to be too dangerous.  She knew that she'd hate to come all this way only to be crushed by falling debris or something.  Plus, it was getting dark, and after an explosion like that, there was no way that the electricity in that place still worked.  It could be awfully dangerous.

"I'm just thinking out loud," she stated, "but maybe we should hole up in the gym and wait until morning to explore the school.  It'll be dark soon, and we don't know how dangerous it is inside."

If Matt was bent on entering the school, she'd follow him.  It was better than the alternative of sitting out here alone in the dark.  Still, it just didn't seem like a good idea to her.  Dark, dilapidated places always spelled trouble, it was like the key element in any decent horror flick.  Of course, this wasn't some cheesy horror movie, it was real life, but Sera still couldn't shake her fear of the building from the back of her mind.

"I mean, if you still wanna go inside, we'll go, I'm just not sure it's a great idea."

The sun was starting to go down, and the smoke barreling up from the remains of the building might attract some unwanted attention.  There could be players around who'd go to the fire thinking that perhaps some of the other students had set up camp nearby.  It wasn't like she questioned her ability to kill someone.  She'd done it once, doing it again wouldn't phase her too much.  Matt was a big boy, he could defend himself.  He'd proven that during his fight with Kevin.  But still...

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Ares
((Kayla continued from A Brewing Storm))

Kayla had wandered for days now. Each passing moment was worse than the last. She had stopped to re-tie her shoelaces, and the group she was with didn't wait up. She could not believe that she had let herself get lost on the island of all places.

Kayla stumbled forward out of the brush to find herself at the school building, only it was more like, half of the school building. Smoke was still swirling, but she still felt the need to investigate. Yes, she knew she was a strong-willed person, but even then she preferred a group dynamic. The opportunity to get back to a group dynamic just be have presented itself, as Kayla spotted two girls and boy gazing at the wreckage at hand.

Knowing that approaching someone un-announced from behind on this island was not the smartest move one could make, Kayla made sure they knew she was coming.

"H-hello! My name is Kayla, I don't want trouble from you. I'm unarmed." She said as she moved slowly forward keeping her empty hands in plain sight.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by baby_g*
"You got to be fucking kidding me.." Matthew mumbled as he turned to the girl who was now stumbling towards them. He then turned his attention back to the girls, pointing the doors.

"Yea, we'll go to the gym."

Taking a couple steps to the new comer, wanting to turn her away, he raised the gun and told her to stop where she was.

"Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you now."

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Ares
Kayla was slightly taken aback by the comment this boy made. Then again, he was obviously stressed from the situation.

"Well, I'm not threatening you with a weapon, I didn't sneak up on you and I really don't think I could take out 3 or more people at once in any situation."

Oh man, I hope he doesn't think I was being sarcastic.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Cyco*
Jana snapped out of her vacant state of bewilderment as Matt decided it would be a corking idea to pull a gun on this unarmed girl who had shown up supposedly without any intention of hurting anybody. She shot Matt a glance; did he know something she didn't?

'...probably not.'

"What the hell are you doing!? Put the gun down, Matt!" she objected, her eyes darting back and forth between him and this seemingly harmless Kayla girl. Finally she looked at Sera urgently, as if to say "back me up here!"

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Megami*
Sera frowned visibly as the other girl approached them, calling out loudly so as not to sneak up on them.  This simply wouldn't do at all.  She had kept Jana around because she wasn't a threat... she was young, naive, and innocent, but this girl?  This girl looked like competition to Sera, and Sera definitely didn't like competition.  Just as quickly as the frown had formed, though, it faded from existence and a sly smile reappeared on her lips.

Matt was pointing his gun directly at the girl, telling her to give him a reason not to shoot her dead on the spot.  At the very least, Sera knew he wasn't playing around.  The girl responded with some sarcastic comment about not being able to take all three of them on at once, plus practically being unarmed.  Within this girl's statement, Sera saw her chance to turn both of her allies completely against this girl.

Jana was quick to speak up a rebuttal toward Matt, telling him to put the gun down and looking to Sera for support on the issue.  Sera looked at Jana, then back toward this redheaded girl, then toward Matt, before finally clearing her throat and shaking her head slightly at Jana.

"No," she responded simply, her attention turning back to Jana, "You're too trusting.  Do you know her?  I'm guessing you don't.  Something's not right, she's too cocky.  You don't approach a group of people with no weapon, no nothing.  Even if she was looking for friends, which I don't believe, that's suicide.  How do you know we can trust her?  How do you know she isn't that Mariavel Varella girl that we keep hearing about on the announcements?  You don't, do you?  Gotta play it safe out here, girl.  Being so trusting... it'll get you nowhere except dead."

It might have sounded a little harsh, but that was her intention.  She had a trump card in the fact that none of the three students in the current group had gone to school together, or at least, she didn't think so.  There was always the possibility that one of them knew this girl, but at this point, it was highly unlikely.  If they knew who she was, they would've vouched for her the moment she approached.  She kept hearing over and over on the announcements how Mariavel Varella -- the very same girl they used to pick on in school -- kept killing all these people.

Her current companions didn't know who this girl was, and they didn't know that Sera had gone to school with Mariavel, so playing the redhead up to be their enemy looked like her best option.  It wasn't anything personal against the girl, but she was another pretty face, and Sera didn't want the additional competition.  Plus, Matt didn't seem as placid with this girl as he had with Sera and Jana.  For whatever reason, he didn't find her as trustworthy, or so it seemed.  Sera certainly wasn't complaining.

In fact, she found her hand slowly trailing down into her daypack, searching for her own handgun.  It was just a shame that she hadn't beaten Matt to the punch at pointing the firearm, then she could just "accidentally" fire at the girl.  Unfortunately, fate hadn't worked in her favor on that one.  Instead, she decided to let Matt handle it.  That'd give her the opportunity to see what he would do, and it'd also let her play puppetmaster from the sidelines.

"If you don't want trouble, then what DO you want?" Sera inquired toward the redhead girl.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Ares
"I can tell you honestly that I am not Mariavel. If I was, I'd be loaded with the weapons of the people I'd killed. Check my bag if you want." Kayla tossed the bag at Sera's feet, "Besides, from the way it seems Mariavel is going, you three would be dead. Doesn't seem like she likes to make friends. Like I said my name is Kayla Ravoy. If you think I'm someone else, well, then shame on you."

Kayla then turned to Matt.

"Now, you haven't really said much. If I remember correctly you said I should tell you why you shouldn't kill me right now. I'll tell you what, if you think I'm Mariavel, or if you think I'm bullshitting you. Shoot me."

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by baby_g*
How long has it been?

Matthew was getting more fed up by the second. His buddy was gone, every woman he'd been with fell short of being satisfactory, and lastly he now had two chicks he had to take care of ... now this one. He shot a bullet purposely near the feet of the new stranger.

"Don't fucking tempt me. I don't give a shit who you are... it's in your best interest to keep walking."

Turning back to Sera, he offered a glance of 'do what you want with her' as he picked up the girls bag, searched through it while still keeping his eyes on the girl and his two side kicks.


Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:56 am
by Megami*

The girl denied being Mariavel.  Of course she would, because Sera knew good and well that she was actually telling the truth.  She didn't know who this girl was, but she knew for certain that she wasn't Mariavel Varella... hell, Sera KNEW Mariavel Varella.  Still, she had effectively created that air of distrust between her group and the new girl.  She might've known the truth, but neither Matt nor Jana could really say for sure whether the girl was telling the truth or not.

She smirked to herself as Matt picked up Kayla's daypack, apparently with the intention of keeping it.  He seemed to have no intention of adding another face to their little entourage, and Sera was quite glad for that.  He gave her a look as though he were giving her permission to do as she so chose with Kayla.  She resisted the temptation to grin in delight.  She had no qualms about putting a bullet between the girl's eyes and being on their merry way, but she couldn't help but think that it wouldn't do her any favors with the other members of her group.

After all, they knew she had killed somebody, but she had thoroughly convinced Jana that it was a matter of life or death.  Killing someone else just for the pleasure of it might discredit all the lies she'd fed Jana up until now, and she couldn't risk something like that happening.  Still, it was such a pity.

"Look," she stated flatly, idly fingering the trigger on her weapon, "I think Matt's made it perfectly clear by now, but in case you haven't figured it out, we're not looking for somebody else to babysit.  I don't trust you, and you look... well darling, quite frankly, you look weak.  I don't think you'd be doing us any favors.  At this point in the game, EVERYONE is playing to win, and... you just don't seem like the type of person that'd benefit our group, if you know what I'm saying.  So, I'm gonna ask you one more time to turn around and leave.  If you don't... then... I'm gonna have to consider you a threat, and rest assured, if he doesn't gun you down, I will."

Satisfied with the point she'd made, Sera threw in a nonchalant shrug that showed just how indifferent she was to whether Kayla left or was killed on the spot.  In a way, it was her attempt at trying to save face with her comrades before finishing Kayla off.  She was itching to do it.  It was late, she was tired, and this girl was wasting their time.  She looked weak... pathetic.  They didn't need someone else like that.  She didn't seem to have any qualities that could benefit them, and she seemed the type that would only slow them down.  Besides, who could they really trust in this game?  This far into it, the answer was very simple.  No one.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Cyco*
Sera had a point, but either way Matt was going about it entirely the wrong way. Like some gung-ho punk-ass. Shoot now and ask questions later. And now, as if it were contagious, Sera showed a side of herself that left a sickly feeling in the pit of Jana's stomach. She stared in disbelief at the cold, ruthless girl that had replaced her friend she'd met in the barn and shook her head.

'Sera, what are you saying? This girl looks what, did I look like fucking Mighty Mouse?'

Jana shot another glance at Matt and his gun, which he'd already fired once to establish with this Kayla girl that he wasn't kidding around. The crossbow in her hands felt like a toy.

"Matt, please put the gun down," she insisted in a much more diplomatic tone, like he was some idiot three-year-old. With a gun.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Megami*
((Did all the handlers in this topic die or something?  I've been waiting on Baby and Scipher to post, since I really can't do anything until Kayla does SOMETHING besides stand there.  Gotta keep things rollin'. :)))

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by baby_g*
((Sorry megs, p.s. Scipher gave me the O.K. for this post))

"Fuck off Jana!" Matthew yelled, getting annoyed with her constant wimpering. It was bad enough this chick was bothering them, but now Jana, the one who was supposed to be quiet and not get in the way was causing him and Sera grief too.

He looked at the girl, standing there so posé, not trying to attack yet not running away either. He couldn't trust her and Sera already made it clear she didn't either. In a way he was kind of turned on by that, but now was obviously not the time to do anything. What he had to do now, being the man, was make a choice, and that choice had to made quickly.

One. He tossed the girls bag behind him after emptying everything from it into his own bag. Two. Addressed the problem.

"Kayla, I asked you to give me a reason not to kill you.. and you didn't. While it's true you're not threatening us with a weapon, you're still threatening. How fucking stupid do you think we are?" Matthew began to wave his arms about while he talked, obviously getting worked up and increasingly upset as he spoke. "We're not only open targets, but there's no telling who followed you here. How long has it been since we've been stuck here?"


"Don't fucking answer that. The point is, we don't have space for you."

Three. Steady, Aim, Click.

The bullet left Matthew's gun faster than he could think things through. He had been waves his arms around as he did alot being a hand talker, and before he knew it, he had shot the girl in the face; shattering all structure it once held. A chill he had become all to familiar with ran up his spine once more as the her limp body fell with an echoing 'THUD' to the grassy ground.

His head told him he did the right thing. He dealt with the problem the only way he knew how; getting rid of it. His stomache told him he wanted to puke, though for the sake of needing to prove he was the strong one of the group he held it in. His heart told him he was an idiot. The last kid he killed was in self defence in the hospital because it was either do or die. This girl on the other hand, she didn't lay a finger on them, nor even think of trying too. He shot her in cold blood and didn't even feel anything for her. Was that the point of the this place? Did Dayna and his minions plan this out from the start? Kids would become mindless zombies and kill each other without thought of it?

Four. Remain in control.

"Let's go."

Matthew turned away from the body, turning his back to the girl and his attention to Sera as he picked up his bag. He began walking towards the school, grabbing Sera's hand as he did so. He did this partly because he wanted to get going, but also because he needed to hear that he did the right thing, and he knew she'd say what he needed to hear.

"Let's go Jana.. I don't want to have to tell you again."