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You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Jotun*
((Continued from Genocide in our fucking minds.))

Night had started to set in, and so Kayla thought it fortunate that she had found where the island's residents had built their homes. In Denton, she would never have been caught walking around alone at night, the city was comparably more dangerous with less police officers out and more aggressive characters making their way around. That general distrust of night carried on, even now, thought night and day likely wouldn't make much difference here. Kayla wanted to find to find shelter, a place to hide and wait for the not truly safe daylight.

"That's kind of pathetic..." She said to herself quielty, walking up to the closest house to her, trying to stay in dim light only for the porch light to turn on suddenly in her approach, automatically responding to her motion. Groaning, Kayla hurried up the front step and turned the knob to open the door. It refused to turn all the way no matter which way she turned it, so she inferred it was locked.

Finally feeling somewhat aggravated, Kayla walked off to the side of the door, dropped her backpack from her shoulder and swung it straight through the living room window, swearing to herself as the noice of glass shattering seemed to echo through the night, twice and even three times. Climbing through the window and making for the vague outline of the couch, Kayla tripped over the coffee table that she couldn't see and almost fell on her fac, before she felt her way around it and plopped down on the cushions, relaxing.

People had died today. Kayla seemed unable to not dwell on that, as she stretched out across the couch, laying down. Classmates, peers... people she knew in some fashion, and could relate to, had lost their lives. She didn't know who, exactly, but she had seen one corpse, heard gunshots multiple times, it wasn't possible there were no casualties. She tried her hardest to be detached from it all, but in the back of her mind there was the fear of the reality of what she was facing. She ignored it, preferring to stay unattached. It would keep her in her right mind, so she could stay alive.

Resting her head on her backpack, Kayla sat in the dark, attempting to fall asleep, but unable to close her eyes, which kept drifting back to the broken window, waiting for the front light to turn on automatically again.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Megami*
((Continued from: I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles...))

((OOC: I'm assuming that his companions are still with him at this point. *shrug*))

Trouble wouldn't come for Kayla Ravoy until several hours later, during the first rays of morning light.  It had been a while now since Ricky Callahan had exited the long and winding expressway that snaked across the island and come down to the residential district.  Exhaustion had overtaken him during the late evening hours and he had inevitably decided to bunk down in one of the many identical looking houses the island had to offer up for the night.  The first rays of light shining in from outside had stirred the normally heavy sleeper awake, and since that time he had been doing one thing only.


He had pillaged several houses since he had awoken that morning, the results of his search each time having been nil.  Then again, if the truth were told, Ricky didn't really know what he was searching for.  He had just been going under the assumption that he'd know when he found it.  Of course, he wasn't naive enough to think that he'd find some sort of untold treasure in one of the houses.  He knew good and well that some neglegent terrorist hadn't accidentally dropped the method to removing their collars on the ground.  Lady Luck wasn't shining in his favor that greatly.

Still, there had to be something that could help.  A laptop would work for starters.  If he could get his hands on a laptop, a car battery, maybe some form of internet access that the terrorists had neglected... well, perhaps he couldn't do it, but if they found someone proficient with computers -- and there had to be someone that was good with them given the sheer volume of kids on the island -- maybe they could make it work.  He wouldn't make the mistake the first group of students successful enough to hack into Danya's systems did, if they even got that far.  It'd be an all or nothing mission.

But he was getting way ahead of himself.

He shouldn't even be thinking about the actual escape right now.  It was a good thing to have hope, but it was another to live in an idealistic fantasy, which is what Ricky Callahan's plans of escape from the SOTF ACT amounted to at the moment.  And so he found himself clumsily climbing out of yet another window of another locked house in the neighborhood, empty-handed.  His brilliant idea wasn't turning out so well after all.  Still, they had only gone through a couple houses at present, something was bound to turn up somewhere.

Sighing audibly and shaking his head a bit in both frustration and disappointment, Ricky let himself fall to the ground from the window he'd been crawling out of and stood in the dew-covered grass below for a moment.  It was then that the loudspeakers situated throughout the residential district cackled to life, startling Ricky slightly and alerting everyone around that Mr. Danya was making his first official announcement of the game.

He could do nothing but listen numbly as Danya called off his list of the deceased, making humorous remarks here and there toward those who had died, the method of, or their killers.  It sickened Ricky that Danya could speak of people who had died -- his classmates, people he had grown up with, people he was friends with -- so heartlessly.  He didn't know them, and it was blatantly obvious that he had no sympathy for these kids.  Suddenly, something that blared over the loudspeakers caught Ricky's attention.

The marina...

It wasn't so much the fact that the terrorists were awarding prizes at the marina that caught Ricky's attention.  The fact alone that they had to get onto the island to give out those prizes is what was the more interesting part of Danya's speech.

If they had to get here somehow, then that means they came in by boat... or by helicopter... or something... which means that in theory, there's our way out.

If they could remove the collars, by whatever means necessary, they'd be that much closer to success.  From there, all they had to do was ambush the unassuming terrorists when they came to deliver their prizes to their favorite murderers, and figure out how to operate whatever they arrived on... or hold the pilot of the machine hostage and force him to drive them to freedom.  Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a suicide mission after all.  It'd be risky, yet, and dangerous, no doubt, but where there was a will, there was a way, and Ricky Callahan had enough will to supply the entire island with some.

These thoughts passed through his head as he approached the next house on the block.  A curious expression appeared across his features as he noted that the window was smashed.  Somebody else had already broken into this house.  Were they still inside?  Reaching into the bag he'd picked up from the ground only moments before and retrieving the chainwhip Gail had offered him earlier, Ricky allowed the bag to once again slide into the dirt near the bottom of the window sill.  The chainwhip remained tightly clinched in his hands as he climbed through the window.  Slowly, he made his way into the living room of the house, and visibly jumped as he saw a girl sitting on the couch.


Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Jotun*
Kayla was vaguely aware of a voice that pierced the morning air, casually ignoring it as she continued with her state of half-conciousness. She couldn't make out what the voice was saying and gave up, resolving to jsut shut her alarm off so it would stop talking and let her rest. Only, Kayla couldn't find the alarm at all. The coffee table in front of her was completely bare, very unlike the one in front of her own couch.

The realization of her situation hit her. She was ina  strange home on a strange couch, resting her head on a bag that had an awkward boomerang inside of it, and she was expected to kill several of her classmates and and students from classes all around Denton. Not a normal morning.

That realization, however, did not prompt Kayla to recover from her morning dazedness. She was always a heavy sleeper and she was grateful that habit hadn't killed her in her sleep.

What did wake her up fully was the presence of someone at the window, who suddenly exclaimed the name of Christ in surprise. Kayla jumped up, was on her feet immediately, mind panicking, body reacting gracefully. She was ready for a fight, even if she'd lose.

"Who the fuck...?" She couldn't get the rest of the question out, becuase she wasn't sure exactly what she was wondering. She knew she wouldn't know him and he probably did not expect her to. She was only curious about one thing: Would he try to kill her?

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Megami*
The body that lay limp on the couch only moments before suddenly sprung to life, startling Ricky all the more.  As the redhead let out an exclaimation of surprise, Ricky's face contorted into an expression of mild amusement at the entire situation.  These past two days, nothing had been normal.  Awkwardness and uncomfortable situations had reigned supreme, and it seemed that now would be no exception either.  So... what to do now, then?

"Geez, I'm sorry," he offered apologetically.

Callahan... what the hell are you doin', guy?  This girl may be one of those 'psychopaths' you keep warning everyone about.  What if you stand here trying to make conversation and she pulls out a knife and guts you with it before anyone else comes through the window?  Not smart man, not smart.

"Listen... I'm not looking to mix it up or anything.  I don't want any trouble... and judging by the fact that you were just asleep and, unless you're damned good at concealing a weapon at your age -- in which case I'd be worried -- you look like you're unarmed... well, I don't think you are either.  So tell me, am I right?"

Ricky smiled sympathetically and held his hands up in the air to show that he meant no harm.  He, however, did not let go of the chainwhip he'd held defensively in his hands moments before, but instead allowed it to hang limply to show that he had no intentions of using it unless need be.  He was trying to show this girl that he wasn't a threat, after all, not trying to get himself skewered by a psychopath for letting down his guard too easily.

"My name's Ricky Callahan, I'm a junior at Franklyn Senior High in Denton, New Jersey... which you're obviously not from, because I don't have a clue who you are.  There are other schools from Denton here, too.  Bathurst... and Hobbsborough.  There are people with me... two guys, John and Jackie, and a girl, Gail.  They're... outside, I guess.  I'm not here to hurt anybody... really.  We're trying to find a way out, trying to formulate a plan... so like... I'm really hoping you're not looking to mix it up either, because if at all possible, I'd like to leave this place without blood on my hands, ya know?"

A nervous laugh passed from his lips as he watched the girl tentatively.  He didn't know what she'd do... how she'd react.  She seemed relatively harmless -- and quite obviously unarmed -- on first appearance.  However, she had been sleeping, and he had caught her offguard.  Surely the girl didn't assume he was that much of a threat.  If he'd been looking to play the game, he could've easily killed her in her sleep.  He wasn't a big enough idiot to wake her up and try to fight her to the death.  Then again, how did she know that?

The fact remained that for all he knew, this girl was a player, and he had simply caught her at a vulnerable moment.  In the next instant, all pretense might be cast aside and she might attack him mercilessly.  Although this was certainly the worst case scenario, Ricky prepared for it.  This game, this island... it does things to people... it changes them.  Perhaps it hadn't yet had an effect on this girl, but there was no way to be sure just yet.  In fact, what the girl he might soon come to know as Kayla Ravoy did in the next few moments would be the deciding factors on how she'd be treated: as friend or foe.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Jotun*
Kayla only nodded, words forming slowly in her normal groggy post-sleep temperament. Ricky, as he introduced hismelf, continued speaking, about who he had come with. He mentioned Hobbsboroughas one of the schools being involved, and soon afterwards mentioned the name 'Jackie.' Kayla did not respond, but meant to ask if that was the same Hobbsborough Jackie she knew. She hoped it was, for some reason, the idea of seeing someone she already knew was something that enthralled her.

Ricky sort of babbled, but his message was certaintly clear; he did not want to fight, and he did not want to kill. There was no reason not to believe him, he hardly looked like a killer. Kayla smiled at him, not in a sweet way, but what she hoped did not seem hostile either.

"I could take you, chump." Barely containing her grin, Kayla got up from the couch and stood up. Ricky was only a few inches taller than her, not nearly as tall as some of the other men she'd dealt with, and the chain thing he had with him was almost as unintimidating as her own boomerang. Regardless, she was kidding - Ricky would still tear her apart. "I'm not looking for a fight either." Kayla felt her face take a more serious expression. Conflict was not normally something she avoided, but in this place the stakes were higher than normal.

"I think I know one of you friends. Jackie, from Hobbs?" Kayla half inquired, as she pulled her pack up from the couch and over her shoulder. Knowing what she wanted, Kayla had set her mind on getting it, on seeing Jackie. She had resolved to hang around Ricky until then, who had all but said he was looking for more company anyway. "Can we go see him? Let's go." Kayla purposely did not give him a chance to answer, a subtle demand being made instead. Kayla made her way to the window, waiting for Ricky to lead the way.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Megami*
Yet again, it seemed, blind faith in the people around him had not lead Ricky Callahan to disappointment, but rather, to another potential ally.  The girl seemed to stare at him almost blankly as he continued to babble on about not looking for a fight, causing him to rub the back of his head lightly and a sheepish grin to form across his features.  When the girl finally opened her mouth, Ricky was almost taken aback by what she said for just a moment.

That is, before he erupted in nervous laughter.

"Sadly, you probably could," he responded with a light grin.

The girl, whose name he hadn't yet caught, said she wasn't looking for trouble either, and Ricky definitely found the thought in and of itself quite a relief.  The less people he had to try and fight on this island, the better off they'd all be.  Besides, it was only the midpoint or so of Day 2 on this island of horrors, and thus far he'd been lucky enough to avoid any sort of scuffle at all.  Although he knew that that luck would inevitably run out, he was hoping it would be later rather than sooner.

You know my friend?

These words, too, caught Ricky Callahan offguard, and he raised his eyebrow slightly.  He smiled slightly at the thought of it.  Apparently, he'd stumbled upon one of Jackie's friends... or at least, one of his acquaintances.  Unsurprisingly, the girl seemed to seize the horse by the reigns, informing Ricky that she wanted to go see Jackie and that they could get going.  Before he had time to answer, she was already headed toward the window from whence he had entered, and at this point, he had no choice but to follow.

"Alright..." he muttered to no one in particular.

His search for supplies seemed to have been detoured just a little in lieu of this new guest.  Then again, it wasn't as if Jackie was halfway across the island.  After sliding out the window himself, Ricky's gentlemanly side got the better of him, and he turned around, half expecting the girl he'd soon know as Kayla to be standing there waiting on assistance.  Perhaps he was judging too quickly, but she sort of seemed like that type.

"They should be waiting around here somewhere," he mumbled to her, "If not, he might be checking out one of the other houses.  I think I might've already told you, but we're looking for supplies.  There has to be something on this island that they forgot... there's always a loophole."

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Nealosi*
((Jackie continued from I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles...))

As Ricky Callahan searched through the surrounding house for supplies, Jackie Kovacs opted to also search for supplies in the abandoned, while Gail Smith sheepishly waited outside. For a moment Jackie wondered if he had been too hasty about leaving her with John. He was so enthusiastic about helping the group out, that he had even confirmed that John was going to stay and watch over the fragile young lady. As he rifled through a kitchen in search of food, his thoughts were drawn to the injustice of it all.

She was gossamer, a porcelain lady, and she was ill on top of that. She didn't belong here and she didn't deserve to be here, she deserved much better. She was someone who deserved to be protected, someone who had been given a raw deal in life and deserved a lucky break. His empathy had usually got the better of him, but he was determined to help people here on the Island. He would do what he had to in order to protect his new found friends, he wanted a better life for each of them, and they all deserved it.

Jackie reached in the cupboard, and much to his surprise, pulled out a tin can of non-perishable beans. They didn't look particularly appetizing, but he was so thrilled with the find that he bolted out of the house and back to the groups little rendezvous point. This is just when he saw the familiar face of Kayla Ravoy.

"Kayla?" Jackie's eyes light up. He stammered on. "Is it really you? How... What... How the hell are you!?"


Gail sat outside alone. This was by far the worst thing that had ever happened to her, but in the back of her mind a stray thought was becoming more and more obvious with each passing moment.

This could be a whole lot worse.

The stray thought was beginning to bring her sense back. She wasn't simply scared of everything at this point, just scared of most things. The three boys, who had found her and removed her from the dismal barn, had strengthened her resolve. That was quite possibly the best thing they could've done for her. She would still never resort to violence, but she was going to make an effort to pull through, and escape this monstrosity. She was determined she could do that much, especially with the help of her new friends.

Plunged into deep thought, she had hardly seen Jackie and Kayla as they ran nearer towards her. She was snapped back into reality as Jackie yelled out to this new girl. Gail leapt up in surprise and fright, but steadied as she put two and two together, realizing that she was clearly not an enemy.

Gail smiled to herself. It wasn't the first time she had smiled on the Island, but it was the first time she had smiled to herself.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Jotun*
Ricky led Kayla out the window, and seemed to slow down to offer his assistance. It was sweet, of course, but Kayla had only just met him and preferred to establish herself as independant. She crawled through the window, a bit slowly to get over the glass, but she felt she made her point. Ricky told her that he didn't know exactly where they were, but she noticed his other companions not far away, and moving towards them was the one she was looking for. Jackie.

She smiled as her noticed her right away and ran up to him, intending an embrace, when she slowed down noticing the girl he was with, not making any assumptions but cautious nonetheless. The strolle dup to Jackie as he asked how she had been.

"I'm awful." Kayla smiled regardless at her friend, letting her joy shine through purposely. "How about you?"

Jackie was one of very few people who Kayla was honest around. Well, she had lied to him before, but she still acted like herself around him. Something about him was so unassuming and unintimidating that Kayla didn't feel the need to act less girly than she really was, nor did she feel the need to try and indimidate him. He was a sweetie, even if he was a bit of a wimp. All that made him a reliable ally here, and maybe one of the only people worth looking out for.

((Felix continued from What do you...?))

Felix had seen the sprawl of homes early the previous day befor,e but had opted out of exploring them thoroughly - the area itself was very big and he did not want to get lost. But now he was exploring them, driven by a purpose that would prove to be essential to survival during his time on the island.

Breakfast. Or lunch? Felix had no watch with which to check the time.

Of course, that meant carefully scouting houses. If they looked too ratty or run down, then the previous inhabitants could less likely afford stockpiles of food. Finally, in an area that looked thoroughly suburban, Felix randomly picked a home to ransack for eggs or pancakes. He kicked in the front door and stepped inside. The home was comfrotable, well-kept but didn't exude 'wealthy', which was fine by Felix, who was accustomed to living in an increasingly dilapidated home in the less comfortable area of town. But he was here for the fridge, not the comforts.

Dropping his bag on the sofa, Felix quickly found the kitchen. The fridge was not exactly packed full of delicious edibles, but there was some easy-to-cook bacon, in a pack of 24 strips, which Felix withdrew from the fridge and planned to eat in its entirety.

I challenge you, cholesterol!

The adjoining deep freeze, however, made Felix think twice on his meal choice. Looking inside, he smiled with glee before reading the box aloud.


Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Nealosi*
Jackie looked up at Kayla and smiled. It sure was good to see a familiar face. Nevertheless, Kayla's words snapped reality back into place. Momentarily blinded by the series of fortunes that had befallen him and the others in the quartet, he suddenly remembered the gravity of the situation. Still, he kept his wits about him.

"Well," Jackie signed and looked around, eyeing Gail momentarily, making sure everyone was ok. "I'm... ok. It was pretty rough at first, but I ran into Gail and the others, and everything since then hasn't been too bad."

He went on, explaining how the party was planning to gather the other students and escape the Island. Jackie had faith; he knew they could do it. None of them had known each other before hand but, they had managed to pull together and come this far and now Kayla could join them too.

"Um," Jackie looked around awkwardly, remembering how awkward he got in conversation with women. Trying to be as polite as possible, but not come of looking chache or intrusive. "This is Gail, I met her on day one, we've been sticking together for safety ever since."


Gail looked up at Kayla, removing herself from her defensive self-huddle and reaching out to shake hands with this other girl. She certainly looked a lot more firm and self-sufficient than herself, which made her feel a little more uncomfortable, like she would forever more be the weakest link in the group. At least now there was another girl in the group.

"Hi," she nodded to the young lady. "I'm Gail, nice to meet you. You know Jackie from Hobbsborough I take it?"

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:12 am
by Jotun*
Kayla took Gail's hand and shook it, doing her best to be courteous.

"Kayla. Yup... Jackie's my friend from homeroom. He's a nice guy," Kayla attempted to sound knowing. "Too bad you didn't meet him somewhere else." Kayla turned back to Jackie and made eyes at him, then moved them back to Gail quickly, as if gesturing to her, trying to make a subtle inquiry about Jackie's feelings towards Gail.

Kayla realized how stupid it was to care about something so trivial. She tried to convince herself to wake up, but it was so easy to try and press on as normal as possible. To worry about trivial things like who your friend 'liked'. If Jackie got laid before whatever end awaited him, (them, as in all of them, Kayla corrected herself.) ]so much the better. Anything felt better than worrying about fighting for your life, falling asleep and not waking up again, or whatever else could happen here.


Felix put the foreign toothbrush back into it's holder. Any kind of person could have used that toothbrush before him, and Felix wouldn't have cared. It didn't matter right now, it was enough that he was staying clean. He put his red shirt back on before putting on the button up black shirt on top of it. The bathroom was still fogged up from the steam of his shower, as it had not occurred to Felix to switch on the fan when he came in.  Leaving the room, Felix retrieved his bag and went out into the backyard. A small patio overlooked a backyard filled with children's toys and a sandbox.

"So." Felix said aloud. What the fuck do I do now? His bag was now filled with the healthiest sort of snacks he could find - granola bars and peanut butter sandwiches, mainly - and Felix had no clear objective. A part of him knew that he should just stay in a safe place for as long as he could, but he also knew he'd lose his mind if he wasn't looking for something to happen, if he wasn't out looking for an oppurunity.

An oppurtunity to do what, get killed?

No. Ernest said he might know of a way to get off the island. Felix could go back to him, help him work it out. Or maybe there was another way off. Those two brats who had won some sort of prize might be easy pickings, but it wasn't worth the risk that they could also be hardasses. However, getting more weapons wouldn't be a bad idea, which meant finding someone who has been killed.

Or just making someone die. The thought of murder didn't really faze Felix, something that kept occurring to him and was repeatedly dismissed as a good thing.

Felix set off in the backyard and over a fence, leading to someone else's yard. Cutting further through the yards, Felix saw some figures on the street ahead. He moved a bit closer to get a better look, they seemed to be just talking. Someone was coming through a window in a house nearby. Felix was about stop to better observe the situation, but he found that he was close enough to see someone familiar.

Long red hair. Petite. Only slightly curvy. Next to an unfamiliar blonde and and fairly tall (though still short than Felix) and thin boy with a blonde streak in his hair.


Felix found his curiosity punished. Kayla was not someone he deemed to be 'worth seeing.' In fact, he thought this scene was ready to get disastrous. Hoping Jackie, the other boy or that blonde would simply not notice him skulking away, Felix kept his eyes on them and steadily moved backwards.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:13 am
by Megami*
((Okay, Ricky goes poof now 'cause I'm gonna need him momentarily.  Sorry!))

And so, it seemed that yet another member had joined the group Ricky had set out to form from the very beginning of his stint on the island.  In a way, it was good to see two high school friends reunited.  After all, it was times like these where you needed friends the most.  Somehow, though, something just wasn't sitting right with Ricky.  They had been lucky so far.  Too lucky.  Everyone seemed anxious and eager to help, and for some reason, that was setting off alarm's in Ricky's mind.

They know each other... knew each other... so then, what if they reunite and decide to take us all out when we least expect it?  No, no... I shouldn't be thinking like that.  Can't let the paranoia get to me.  Together we stand, divided we fall, right Ricky?  You've got to put your faith in these people, and you've got to keep it there.  They just wanna go home, just like you.  Wanna go back to their families, and their friends, and... and there's no reason to be suspicious.  Nobody's done anything to make you think they aren't trustworthy.

Ricky forced a smile onto his lips as Kayla seemed to integrate rather easily with the rest of the group.  Seeing Jackie and Kayla reunite made him long for his own friends.  They were out there somewhere, fighting for their lives.  He had seen most of them on the bus ride, and that meant that they had to be on the island somewhere.  Gregg, and Colt, and Chris... Eric was out there somewhere, and so was she.  The fact that he'd yet to run into any of them made Ricky shift uncomfortably.  Why couldn't he find them?

The group continued to talk amongst themselves, and Ricky remained lost in his own little world, paying them no mind.  He was oblivious to the world around him at this point, far too consumed with the fact that it felt more and more like he wasn't in control of the situation as the sun set lower and lower over the horizon.  They were wasting time, and at this point, time was a precious, coveted thing.

"Hey, guys?" he stated simply, "I'm gonna keep looking for supplies and stuff, alright?"

Not really waiting for a response from the rest of his group, Ricky set off -- luckily for both of them, in the direction opposite the way Felix Travertil was currently backstepping.  His failure to notice the other figure that appeared on the scene would probably go unthought of... at least, until it was too late.  Ricky headed off down the sidewalk near a sign marked "Ashkroft Court".  The area in and of itself was a cul-de-sac, and ensured that Ricky wouldn't stray too far from his group.  Still, it would be just far enough...

((Continued elsewhere.))

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:13 am
by Nealosi*
Gail looked up at Kayla, sincerely oblivious to her suggestive inquiries. She looked at Jackie and then to Kayla and caught on. She shook her head dismissively and hung her head low, disconcerted. She turned her gaze elsewhere, admiring the quaintness of many of the house, forgetting the fate of the people that lived here and the fate of the children here now. Looking at the smallish houses made it a little easier for Gail to remember home, and to remember that far away from here, she had a family.

Recalling the present, she looked up to see that Jackie and Kayla had rejoined in conversation, after Gail's short introduction. She smiled as she looked onto the two peers, reunited, and lost, even for just a moment in their revelry. Even the worst situation has its triumphs, and this was one of those moments, when they could just forget the present and revel in the reminiscent joy.

Ensuring the setting wasn't as blissful as it seemed, Gail looked around once more. A short distance away, a shadow stalked off away from the small group. Peeking her interest, she peered a little closer, recognizing the person as another young man. Up until now, everyone had seemed so eager to join the group, now why would this boy be stalking away?

Alarm bells rang in Gail's mind. She darted over and tugged on Jackie's sleeve.

"Um, Jackie?" Gail trembled as she spoke to him, trying to hide behind his thin frame. "There's someone over there."

A shaky finger dotted out the position of the unsuspecting Felix Travertil.


Jackie hardly had time to speak with Kayla as Gail pointed out the other boy lurking away. Her reached back instinctively to protect Gail and steadied her slightly as she hide behind him. He swung his bag around, from it's hanging position around the back of his waist and swiftly pulled out his jackknife, surpassing the packets of cigarettes they had left him with (As long as he died someway or another, he doubted the terrorists cared).

He sincerely hoped he wouldn't have to use it, but judging by Gail's expression, he drew it as a precautionary measure. With any luck, Jackie could talk this other boy down and convince him to join them or something, but best be careful for now, just in case.

The boys feature where obscured by the shadows of the small house he exited. Jackie called out just before he could turn the corner to escape his view.

"Hey! We don't want to hurt you. We are just trying to find away out of here." Jackie tried his best to keep his voice low and clear, unafraid and un-intimidating. "We only want to talk."

His heart was pounding with anticipation. Adrenaline flooded his body as he removed the blade of the jackknife from its hold. He stood perfectly still, internalizing it all, coiling up. Waiting to fight, take flight, or do whatever he needed to do to protect his new found friends.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:13 am
by ZigZaggerty*
((Continued from I would walk five hunred miles...))

John felt like a dismal idiot, he had decided to go off on his own to find supplies and all he found was just dusty shelves and empty closets. They had definitely take the time to clear the island of almost all neccesities, looks like letting kids have a good time was something they didn't like. John scowled as he rounded the corner and came into view of the scene happening outside.

"Is there a problem here?" John asked the kid he had nearly bumped into as he came to the corner. Another unfamiliar face on the island greeted him, there must have been somebody he knew around.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:13 am
by Jotun*
Felix had thought he'd escaped. He made it back to the corner of the house and turned to leave the scene, when he almsot collided with someone who had walked up behind him. An awakward stop and Felix was staring down a pair of green eyes. Felix stepped back and the stranger asked if there was a problem.

"No, there's not, unless your meaning is 'do I want to avoid those three over there'," Felix jerked his head backwards. "then your answer is yes, yes there is a problem and I'd like to be on my way now, so I'll be seeing you later, champ." Felix made to brush past the kid with black hair when Jackie's slightly familiar voice rang out, calling for discussion and speaking of a way out of Survival of the Fittest like they already knew about one.

Felix would have taken a way out, if it was given to him. But he didn't even know where to start looking. And he knew Jackie and Kayla were in the same predicament by virtue of knowing what kind of people they were. That blonde either had a lot of brains or the three of them simply had a lot of hope. Felix wasn't sure what to do. Keep walking? Avoid confrontation?

He knew that's what he should of done. Instead, Felix followed his gut, the one that usually led him into trouble. Felix turned around, stepped out of the shadow of the house and responded.

"Really, Jackie?" He didn't want to sound mocking, but he couldn't help it. He did not believe he would be welcome to join the trio.

Felix wasn't sure what else to say. Jackie talked a big game, but Kayla had every day in homeroom to whisper her lies into his ears and Jackie seemed inclined to believe her over him, Kayla no doubt appearing a symapthetic victim and painting Felix as a cocky narcissist who cared little for others, something Felix could only deny half of.


Kayla followed Gail's finger to the shaodw of the house. There were now two boys there, but one had emerged from behind the house, and couldn't have been the one Gailw as point at, who seemed inclined to leave the scene. Before he could, Jackie called out to him, making peace offerings that Kayla was only half supportive of. If they did have a way out, Kayla would rather use it then make herself vulnerable to the island's predators by trying to save others. But they did need help.

As soon as Felix reveale dhimself, however, Kayla wanted ntohing mroe than to leave. She let out a gasp of shock, something about his tone told her that he was not going to be friendly. She considered running, Kayla was on the track team and was pretty fast, and there was still a good distance between her and Felix. Instead, she stepped backwards slightly, bumping into Jackie.

"Let's just go, he might not have a weapon to fight all of us with..." Kayla had told Jackie her problems with Felix, how he had raped her before she could end their relationship.

Did he?

She'd been telling everyone she could for two months ever since she had accused Felix. It was true. She hadn't wanted to sleep wtih him, so that made it rape.

"Let's go..." Kayla urged Jackie and Gail again.

Re: You can feel what you don't see

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:13 am
by Nealosi*
Jackie was determined on his course of action, he was never one to get angry, but he was resolute when he needed to be. Seeing Felix, he shuffled and re-asserted his grip on the small jackknife. Behind him, Gail stirred only slightly and looked out towards the young man. He called out again, too focused to hear the pleas coming from Kayla. He placed an arm on her shoulder and steadied her as she backed into him.

"Come on, Felix," Jackie maintained his diplomatic tone. "We can work this out; we can all get out of here together."

This is not good. I have to get Gail and Kayla out of here. At least I have to get Kayla out of here so I can talk to Felix civilly. I have to convince him that we can be trusted. And I have to be sure he can be trusted...

He reached back and whispered to Gail.

"Gail," he kept his voice very low and very calm, like he was cooing to a frightened animal. "I need you to take Kayla, and I need you to go find John or Ricky. Can you do that for me?"

He looked Gail in the eyes and smiled as she nodded in approval.

He turned back to Felix, never dropping the jackknife, and looked him in the eyes.


Gail shuffled again, her eyes slowly tightening back to their un-dilated normality. She reached out and touched Kayla.

"I think we should go."