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Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by Kris*
((Continued from La De Da))

Paris and Licinia had to avoid the Lighthouse due to its announcment as a dangerzone. Paris liked spending time with Licinia, actually she's about the only person he enjoyed meeting. Although Paris was afraid that their time would now have to come to an end. Even though Licinia was entertaining, there was a deadline to this false friendship. The island students are dwindling and there was no time to be nice. Paris is an actor, unfortunatly he was tired of pretending to be his deceased brother, Andy. He thanked her silently, the boy would not have survived that long journey on the Expressway. As he vented before in his mind the Gossip King absolutley detested freeways. Something that just dug deep into his veins; freeways were boring, plain, and neverending. Nothing but rock hard concrete. Anyways now was the hour Licinia would meet her end, a quick analysis showed Paris that she was an easy target. A frail nerd, hahaha! He's definatley had his fill of those at Hobbsborogh.

The Residential District, this is were Paris had his whole Christmas fiasco. He didn't make anything of it, the house in which the festivites took place was lost in this maze of homes. He looked up and say a two story house, he loved houses with stairs in them. First of all it would be like a daily excercise , going up and down. And second of all it was dramatic to have stairs. If preformed correctly stairs can be quite the entrance for some people. Paris lead Licinia toward this house, thinking about the right time to strike. Algebraic expressions rolled through his mental highway, calculating when would be the correct time to skewer her. Of course it had to be unsuspecting......"Licinia, go knock on the door and see if anyones there. I'll stay here and be a lookout." he said in that heroic voice that had disgusted him so much. Now would be the perfect time...... Paris intended to strike Licnias spinal cord but then again he thought of other lcoations he could sink his bolo knife into. Associating with a nerd, unspeakable; Paris hate to say it but Licinia was a nerd he liked.

The Gossip King could not succumb to the trickery of the unpopular! Nerds would try to act cool and nice just so they can get in with the popular kids. Paris knew Licinia wasn't that type of person but he needed to find a reason to kill her. He needed to subdue the mercy in his heart and get it over with, don't feel attached. This whole time he has spent on the island, he has been trying to seal his feelings. No not seal, he wanted to eliminate them. Emotions do nothing but hold people back, especially in this kind of dog eat dog enviorment.  Survival of the Fittest had no room for emotions or any type of feeling. It dosn't matter if your popular anymore, popularity won't get you anywhere. If someone had a gun they would shoot you despite if you are the King of Gossip. It was a travesty but thats the way it is, he didn't make the rules. Paris could not manipulate this locked down game, his skills and a schemer wouldn't help him. However those abilities would indeed do some good when dealing with the other players in this game. He couldn't  control the game, but he could control the people within it.

Paris put on hand behind his back as Licinia went toward the door, he stared at her petite figure. He gripped thewarm handle of the bolo knife that was tucked into his belt. He could already feel the lethal outcome of this specific situation. The boy hadn't touch the knife since his brawl with Darren and Garry. He had a little break, but now it was back to being Paris Persphone. No more Andy, Andy was dead; Andy hung himself because of his stupidity. Paris lived to see the demise of all of his enemies, An Linh, Mai Oshinari, Garry Dodd.....All dead, and now all he had to worry about was to survive past a couple more people. Its pure luck that he ended up with Licinia and not some psycho who is capable of disarming the Gossip King. Oh no, his throne would NOT be overthrown. There will be no coup staged against him, no revolution carried out in favor for a democracy. Paris would fight for his rightful place until his very last breath, he would fight and fight and fight! Being the Gossip King is not only something he wanted to keep, he wanted to extend his rule. Paris wanted to win this game called Survival of the Fittest, he would continue to fight until he is crowned Emperor of this island! He tightened his hold on the bolo knife and took one step toward her, building up his strength of the climax of this story.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by AtomicWaffle*
Licinia walked towards the door. Alright, so she had walked this far with the guy. Now what? More hiding? It didn't seem like the smart thing to do. The island was starting to run thin for kills, and Licinia didn't quite like the idea of being alone in a house with this guy, as nice as he had been. She had sensed something a little strange about him. It seemed like he wasn't quite there...

She turned around, to see him walking closer, slowly. "Say...Seeing as how everybody's kind of..Dying...We don't really have much reason to hide." She quivered. "Y-y'know, we could try to lay low, maybe get these collars off..." Fuck.... If there's one thing she's learned from Lester Treskington: Men have their weaknesses. Licinia whirled around, and whipped her heavy steel ball directly into Andy's groin. Losing grip of the already painful-to-hold chain, she broke off into a run. She almost felt bad for him. Almost...

Garry walked off of the expressway and into an all too-familiar residential district. He never got a really good look at the place , but now he could really see how morbidly empty it was. "Wonder what happened to the people who lived here. Furthermore, where the hell does he keep getting these islands?" Garry looked over at a camera, and giggled to himself. "You didn't kidnap Jeff Probst, did you Dan? Well, it looks like you beat Survivor out. Not nearly enough immunity challenges, though."

The trip across the island wasn't as full of carnage as he'd hoped. Awaking in a tree, killing Lester Treskington, being electrocuted and nearly exploded (three times) before fixing some guy's arm and torturing another. Garry heard on the announcement that the guy he'd tortured (Derrin Istoli) been shot afterwards. Garry's now going to return to the residential district, hoping to grab a decent kill. Perhaps he'd find that worthless excuse for a human being known as Paris Persephone. The guy had attempted to poison him, have him arrested, attacked him, and badgered him throughout his entire year. The two were bitter, bitter enemies. Garry sighed as he walked down the street. "When I kill Paris, I'm going to strangle him with his own fucking intestines...Or maybe something a little more original. Not less gruesome, just...Different." He thought for a moment. If he made a deep enough cut underneath his ribcage, he might be able to... "Ah yes, the classic heart-rip. Sounds good enough. If I live through this, I should order a copy of that on DVD..." Garry finished contemplating grotesque methods of execution to see a small girl running towards him. She looked oddly similar to Garry. Even had the hair. He stopped her.

"What do you want?"
"Who are you?"
"None of your own fu-"
"Licinia Vinici."

Garry grabbed her by the back of her neck, and tossed her over a backyard fence. He jumped after her, and forced her behind a bush.

Licinia was suprised to see a massive boy suddenly appear in front of her, and after a brief vocal exchange, he effortlessly hid her inside a backyard. "What happened to your mother?" He asked. She was shocked. How did he kn- "Answer me, Licnia. What happened to your mother?" Could he be...?  "She commited sucicide. Why do you want to know?" The boy suddenly turned pale. "Are you alright?"

Garry couldn't believe it. Vinci, as it so happens, was his mother's name. She commited suicide some years ago, after leaving Garry and his father. As it turns out, she was pregnant with another man's child and had fled out of shame. Garry's father never heard of her, or her baby, ever again. It was only some time afterwards that they recieved her suicide note. The note explained the affair, and that the baby's name was Licinia. Garry's father never bothered to search for her, and they never spoke of it again. She had always been in the back of his mind, though.

"You're my half-sister."

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by Kris*
What the fuck!? Licinia saw it coming, she turned quickly and tried to swing that metal ball and chain at him. Paris of course dodged out of the way as the ball sailed into the ground with a thud. Licinia then broke into a run and Paris ran after her, he wouldn't let that skinny nerd ass bitch run away from him. He's worked too hard for this and continued to run after her. But then he stopped when a familar face appeared in the distance, Licinia stopped in her tracks and talked with the boy hastily. It was Garry Dodd. Garry!?! I thought I killed him back at the house?! Paris Persphone  was stunned at this site, and decided to take it up as an oppertunity. The Gossip King could kill two birds with one stone, Garry was his only enemy now. He crept up on Licinia....Garry seemed too stunned to notice the boy taking hold of his bolo knife. Without another thought Paris skewered the knife right thorugh Licinia chest. Because the girl was so thin, the knfie went on through the other side. Paris smiled evily, as he twisted the knife and then wrenched it out of the girls langy body....Pathetic.... he thought, but of course that wasn't all. He looked up to see Garry Dodd, the monster he desidered to see hung on his living room fan.

Immediatley Paris slashed at Garrys chest with his knife, he didn't want to give Frankenidiot a living chance of day at living. I must kill him, he is my trial, my challenge.... he thought. Nothing from his past mattered now, the only thing that mattered was Pari dicing Garry into bite sized pieces. The pest Licinia was now gone and now he needed to focus on taming this raging beast! He had no more care for the limpy girl, she had betrayed hsi trust. Stupid loser..... he thought Do you really think you can outsmart the very person whose job it is to make your life a living hell? he thought. Revenge is sweet; Paris would finish the job and be sure to end Garrys life right here and now. Being stuck in a jailed hospital made his blood boil, being beat up like some doll was unspeakable. No, it would make sure he'd inflict the same wounds on Garry....Except much, much worse.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by AtomicWaffle*
W...What? Licinia could hardly believe it. The boy she had been searching for her entire life had ended up on Survival Of The Fittest. Ironically, she would not live to say another word to Garry as a bolo knife ripped through her chest. The pain raced through her body, sapping her of the adrenaline she had felt running from Andy. No...PLEASE! I have waited to see this day, do not take it from me now!! She couldn't even scream; the knife had done it's damage. "YOU FUCKING CUNT!!" She heard the larger boy, Garry, scream at Andy.

She had been the one thing that had, for but a second, given Garry Dodd some purpose in life. Now that was taken away. She would have been his voice of reason, she was what was missing from his soul. Without her, he is but a confused, enraged monster of a person that will be so driven to revenge, it may likely be his downfall. It is also equally likely, that her death may be his driving force to win. Only time will tell. And Licinia's time is up.

As their voices faded away into the distance, so did she.

G33 - Licinia Vinici - DEAD


No sooner had Garry found his half sister that the blade of a knife burst through her chest, grotesquely twisting her flesh until it was mercilessly ripped out of her. The boy standing behind her was the aformented worthless excuse for a human being, Paris Persephone. "YOU FUCKING CUNT!!" Garry screamed at him. Paris lunged towards him, faux-elegantly slashing the knife at Garry. It tore across his brutally scarred chest, and slashed upwards past his eye. Blood flowed out of the shallow wound. Garry took a step back, and drew the sais out of his belt loop. This was one fight Paris could not win. No, Paris had one enough battles already. The last he heard, Garry was lying unconcious on a smouldering couch. Perhaps he still thought Garry was crippled. An advantage, maybe?

Garry stumbled backwards, clutching his leg as if it was still mutilated as before. "I dunno Paris, I think I might not win this one. Still, the odds are pretty fair. A cripple versus the 'Gossip Fairy' is a pretty even match, wouldn't you say?" As he said this, Garry cracked an extremely disturbing smile at Paris; Blood covered his face, and his eyes were sleep-deprived and bloodshot. His hair was wet with blood, rain, and sweat, as it dripped down onto his coat. Not breaking his gaze at Paris, he tossed it off to the side, as he prepared to end this rivalry once and for all.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by Kris*
One gone, one to go.... he thought in his head. Paris pointed his knife at Garry Dodd. The monster who dared to scar his body one point of his life, thank heavens his injuries didn't occur before Survival of the Fittest. Then again if he did get hurt before the contest he wouldn't have gone and participated in this blood bath. But of course due to the tension this thought eluded him. He was focused on sticking his knife into those pools of blood called eye sockets. Paris studied Olvier, he was a total mess, he had been permanetly disfugred with so many cuts running up and down his face. Completley disgusting. Garry has now become the monster he truly was, the transformation was complete. Frankenstien has nothing on this sad excuse of a 'teenager'. Paris almost made a wince just studying the blood and torn flesh known as Garry Dodd. Paris would never let his apperance be tarnished, well if worst comes to worse his face won't be scarred. This is a game of survival, of course their was going to be bruises and cuts, just not on the face. "YOU FUCKING CUNT!!" He heard the ape scream, a scream you'd think you'd only hear in those monster flicks. Of course his little  antrum of agony made the boy smile. The evil smirk widened as he pointed his knife at the boy.

"I dunno Paris, I think I might not win this one. Still, the odds are pretty fair. A cripple versus the 'Gossip Fairy' is a pretty even match, wouldn't you say?" A laugh almost escaped the Gossip Kings lips, it was really laugh to hear this....this THING speak. It was quite extraordinary actually, scientifically speaking. Then the boy spoke, he spoke in a demeaning superior tone. "Garry, this isn't Hobbsborough. I'm not afraid of your.....well whats the word...Oh yes, dysfunctional appearnce." he said with a demeaning smile. "I'm not going to let something that shouldn't even be breathing continue on living." Paris then launched himself toward Garry, slashing toward his neck area. Scenes of that jailed hospital zapped into his head, he remembered how helpless he was. He had no power at the hospital, everything was decided by the damn nurses and doctors. Well not anymore, now Paris Persphone would excercise his power as the Gossip King and would stop at nothing to get rid of his god forsaken enemies. But no, Garry wouldn't just die, Paris would make sure that their is nothing left of that infecting carcuss of his.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by AtomicWaffle*
What a fool. Paris had, after a somewhat failed attempt at angering Garry, lunged at his neck. In a suprising burst of speed, he whirled around and kicked his assailant's legs out from under him. The other boy seemed so caught up in his ego he seemed to forget the massive disadvantage he faced against Garry. It was really quite stupid. Kind of like a Beagle taking on a Rottweiller. Garry stepped on Paris' knife, keeping the boy's fingers down with it. He taunted Paris, in his best 'Jackass Know It-All' Voice: "You know Paris, i've often contemplated the most painful possible way to kill someone. Fire was obviously something that had crossed my mind, but the chances of being able to set someone on fire efficiently without bodily harm to the killer rules that out...." Garry twisted his ankle deep into Paris' palm. "I also don't have a readily available supply of fire. One thing I do have, though, are knives." He spat on Paris, then took a step backwards. He could almost feel the blades tearing through the flesh of his nemisis. Blood pouring out of Paris' body, and his worthless life flowing with it. Garry placed the sais back in his belt, and kicked Paris' knife off to the side of the road. First, he would break every bone in Paris' body. Then...

"And with those knives, I'm going to skin you alive."

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by laZardo*
((Continued from Fruits of Thine Labor))

The sight of the darkening modest residential district was vaguely familiar to Damien. It somehow reminded of his life before Denton and Gilroy...but those were long buried and barely sticking their zombie hand out of the soil. Still, it seemed all too tranquil, forcing him to head into the nearest house.

Getting into the house was pretty easy...especially since he could just walk in and lock the door behind him. It wasn't nearly as easy to make sure the house was clear, especially when he hadn't let go of his baseball bat for his revolver since he left the marina. He had to check every room and possible hiding space that could hold a teenager. Fortunately for him, all those spots were empty as he made his way up to what appeared to be the master bedroom.

He locked the door and made for and quickly closed the Venetians before looking the room over. The room looked pretty asexual, bright and mild colors and browns, and a bed, a wardrobe and a full-body mirror. Creeping across the carpet, he tossed his baseball bat onto the bed and slowly drew his revolver. With his revolver in one hand, he threw open the still-pretty-stocked wardrobe.

Thankfully, nobody was waiting inside, a la Last Action Hero. There were a few casuals - booooring - some nightwear - ewwwww - and assorted others.

The catch was...they were all female clothes, and Damien did not apparently seem to mind. Hell, he actually got bright-and-dreamy-eyed and smiley.

Especially when the item that caught his attention most was a bright white/red sailor fuku with a disastrously short skirt AND booties to match. His old rags down to his briefs were off and the wardrobe on within 2 minutes.

Damien gave a little twirl before the mirror, letting the skirt fly up and expose the men's briefs underneath. He also giggled and landed in a very sailor-befitting pose. It was all very...liberating, especially when he tried it with his baseball bat as his sailor weapon. Make Up! Then again, it was just a sailor fuku, and he realized that despite the fun of brief-shots, it exposed more than he wanted it to, and he was specifically referring to his legs and arms. As much as it could really send Nicole into seizures, it wouldn't be worth it if he weren't alive to see it.

Plus, there weren't any pockets or places to effectively holster his (literal) revolver.

"Nah...not for me," he said, dismissing it like the bad fashion item it was.

The next thing that went on was a rather odd combination indeed: a sports two-piecer and camo jeans. He figured it looked so familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Still, he took a few poses in front of the mirror, and found it worthy of his approval. He also made note to look for a jacket warm him, especially when going back out into the night.

Damien sat back down on the bed and took out the two boxes of Magnum ammunition. He held the rather weighty boxes in his hand and smiled at them for a few seconds...before trying to tear at and gnaw off the plastic like a savage animal. He didn't growl or snarl much, but he did have a bit of fun at the plastic's expense. He certainly didn't try to swallow it.

It was amazing how many of those bullets could go in even one pocket of those "green jeans," especially when Damien assumed that that long, shiny revolver could practically fit 12-gauge if he had to. There wasn't much left in Elias' old daypack that he could use...enough that he could actually fit it into the prize bag though. He checked the revolver again, to make sure it really was loaded, and gave it a spin. The clicks the barrel made as it span sent a very pleasurable tingle up his spine that made him slightly arch his back in arousal.

"Wow, this really looks good on me!" he chortled in his decidedly androgynous giggle, posing in the mirror like he was on his way to some trendy event with the black #6 prize bag like a purse. The sheer irony of a boy looking like a girl-trying-to-be-a-boy didn't seem to dawn on him...or rather, it did dawn on him and it was something he enjoyed.

Until he heard was the sound of screaming from what appeared to be the backyard of the building. As if out of reflex, he suddenly threw himself to the wall under the window and held his revolver close, leaving his baseball bat and shield on the bed. He wasn't too afraid, but the situation suddenly became tense enough that he felt he was wasting time as he slowly lifted the Venetians just a bit just to see what was going on down there...and it wasn't pretty. That didn't necessarily mean it was enticing though...

((Hope I got the locations right. D: ))

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:32 am
by Kris*
W-What........? Paris did not understand what just happened suddenly he foudn himself on the floor and his hand being stepped on. Suddenly the pressure on his hand was gone but the knife was kicked aside. No, no! This is not supposed to be this way, who does Garry think he's dealing with? Paris Persphone was nto the same pussy he was before, this time he wouldn't use his words but his actually hands to tear off the flesh from this disgruntled ogre. Paris started to get up, and as soon he was in a good position he sprinted towards the knfie snatching it up. His hand hurt from Garrys bigfoot feet, but he ignored the pain and focused on turning the monsters body into swiss cheese. Bloody holes everywhere; Yes, thats the ticket! Paris was much faster then this bloated blob, quickly the boy charged toward Garry. The massive oaf tried to grab him, but the Gossip King ducked under his arm and wrenched his arm around his the monstrosities neck. Immediatley he jolted the knfie roughly to the point of his skin, psychotic breathe escaped from Paris' lips as he slowly ran the knife down making a long cut on his neck area.

"Stop talking you incompetent pig...........You know what happens to pigs when they are nice and fat? They are sent to the slaughter house to be cut up into a myraid of pieces.....Consider this the slaughter house....." And with that Paris kicked Garry in his groin area and kicked him off of him with his leg.  This battle isn't over by a long shot..... thought Paris who was just about ready to tear Garry apart. He wanted to make him suffer, suffer like he has never done before. Those wounds disfuguring Garry was nothing compared to the plans Paris had for him. His knife was stained with blood from various customers, those people who have crossed his path in the past. His head was blocked wfrom all his past memories, concentrating on the demise of Garry Dodd and the way he is going to meet his maker. Paris wouldn't let him step all over him, he slipped up and let that happen once. Beat me once, shame on you......Beat me twice shame on me.....

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by AtomicWaffle*
Unfortunately, what Garry failed to realize he couldn't outmanuver Paris, and was quickly locked in a neck-hold. He was suprised Paris was actually able to hold him... Strong little twit. Garry grunted as Paris slowly cut his throat, savoring the moment. Enjoy it, bitch. Enjoy this brief victory in your failed life. "Stop talking you incompetent pig...........You know what happens to pigs when they are nice and fat? They are sent to the slaughter house to be cut up into a myraid of pieces.....Consider this the slaughter house....." Did he just call me a pig? Arrogant little shit! As Paris kicked Garry away, he tore out the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife and brandished it in front of Paris.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by Kris*
Paris laughed and was about to lunge himself toward Garry when an odd force hit hime. He was about to charge when Garry vanished, replaced with an all too familiar face: Andy Persphone. The Gossip King stumbled backword shaking his head trying to get focused once more, but when Paris opened his eyes again Andy still stood there. The last time he saw Andy alive is when he let himself hang himself in his living room so many years ago. He stood there watching as the life was choked out of him..."What are you doing here? Get out of my way!" said Paris waving his sword at him as a warning. Andy looked like he did when he was a child, even though Paris tryed to erase the memory from his mind it was lucid as daylight. Andy slowly reared his head, he looked ugly, unpolished, and squalid. His eyes were black as he stared at Paris, shining with revenge and discord. The boy was taken aback by this, his face twisted into a type of sneer. "I said get out of the way!" he yelled. "Are you going to actually kill me this time? said Andy in that little boy voice millions would deem as 'cute'. However there was a sort of distortion to his voice, it didn't sound to the ears of the boy. It was more like nails to a chalkboard.

Paris' eyes widened hearing his brother speak for the first time since his death. This dosn't make sense, dead people aren't supposed to come back to life! He thought as a break of sweat ran down his forehead, he was scared, confused, and oddly terrifyed of this illusion. ".......I will if you don't move!" screamed Paris walking toward his brother, ready to slash it to pieces. "Come on Paris, what are you afraid of? You've already killed several others...Why not me?" The Gossip King covered his ears, he didn't want to hear the realization of Survival of the Fittest. He needs to win, he needed to survive!  A handsome boy like himself can't fall prey to some crazed image that probably isn't even there to begin with! "STOP talking........" His voice rose into a shrill scream, he couldn't take it! He couldn't take it one bit! he did what he needed to do to survive! He wasn't a bad person, he was just a normal boy. Random scenes from the last couple of days of his life rushed thorugh his brain celled highway. He could hear the transmission of his mind whirl and buzz with rapid activity. "Stop whining you baby. What are you gonna do now, cry? I didn't know Gossip Kings cry.....  "I'll kill you! I swear I will" "Well then do it!" Andy rose his voice a little, he l;ooked a little mroe agressive and serious.

Andy began to walk foreward toward Paris; "I'll let you have a free shot....." Paris moved backwords, he was in a state of wild hysteria and felt like he was backed into the cornor. He was not a cry baby! He was not a cry baby! Andy was wrong, he would prove him wrong! He will! Jumbled messages were sent to Paris' head, making him dizzy as well as delirious.  The Gossip King whirled around and began to sprint  out of the residential area, Garry was vanished from his mind. Everything in his body told him to get away from that warped version of his little brother. Andy was dead, he saw the coffin lower into the ground.....Thats sole proof! The cool air whisked around the boys body as he ran away from the chains of houses scattered throughout the vicnity. The sky seemed to darken, grey clouds became omnious spirals that cackled with lighting. The world is fucking coming to an end... Is Andy's spirit trying to get revenge? Paris didn't want to face it. he never thought he would be punished for something so stupid. But no, he wouldn't be tormented, he would need to stand strong and dispell this careless image of his brother into the shadows. But thats not what his body was telling him, despite repeating confident mantras to himself he ran with his tail between his legs. Confusion skewered his brain, he felt trapped inside a magic box, where the magicians would stick random swords into it demonstrating that the person inside has vanished. Paris was not supposed to be apart of some vanishing act! Screaming the boy ran out of sight and away from a boggled Garry who appears to not understand the mental stability of his foe. And so the Gossip King began to flee from the battle, retreating to a safehaven to recooperate himself. However unknown to him, Paris Persphone was running into the final chapter of his life.

((Continued in Forever Falling: Part II))

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by laZardo*
Damien didn't notice what was going on in the backyard, much less Paris' retreat, because he was concerned on getting down there properly prepared for battle. He was dying (literally, but very slowly) to try out his shiny, new revolver on something, but he wasn't about to walk right into a knife in the skull, so he needed his shield. Of course, he couldn't just take those two because he'd have to leave his bat behind. There was the idea of slinging the bat over his shoulder but then his midriff was still exposed and he didn't want to (inadvertantly) cut himself.

Oh my, so many possibilities, so little time!

Then he remembered that the wardrobe was still mostly full.


Some minutes later, Damien snuck through the kitchen with a denim jacket over his upper body to shield his back from the bat, whose sling consisted of the dirty rag that was once his P.J. Gilroy undershirt. His gun was held by his left hand (checked and cocked), the shield by his right. The screen door was closed behind the main door so he couldn't see anything outside...but he could tell by the muffled noise that there were still people there. He put the shield on a counter adjacent to the doorway as he undid the locks. Fortunately for him the activity seemed to be getting heated outside so there was less chance of them noticing...hopefully.

With the doors unlocked and gun in hand, Damien gulped and tried to get through as many realizations as he could...and it wasn't easy. This was going to be his first real battle since Kristey, and although the battling figures he recognized from the bedroom window didn't match anyone he had listed (Though maybe that big guy looked like's definitely dead...) he didn't know what weapons they would have. If one of them had died at this moment the other could be doubly-armed.

With his adrenaline charging him through, Damien leaned on the door on his gun side and opened it a bit (it creaked as it did so), poking the gun through...only to see someone running away.

That's one gone...there should be two left...hopefully both corpses...but what if they saw me opening the door?! No...I won't take that chance!

With as much of a shunt as he could give he pushed his way past the door and outside, pointing the Colt Anaconda in roughly the same direction as the first standing person he saw.

Said "first standing person" appeared to be one freakishly tall and bloodied mutant with gashes all over and a combat knife in one hand, ready to wield very likely at the person who ran away. Then again, one quick visual inspection of this first standing person was probably the reason why that other guy had bolted. It was that first standing person's not-exactly-battle-fit state that left Damien clueless as to exactly what to feel...

...and most caused him to hesitate in firing the gun.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by AtomicWaffle*
((OOC:Guys, I had to finish that post at a later time...I will have it all after school.))

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by laZardo*
((Not much would happen different on Damien's end anyway...more of just who he finds as he opens the door.))

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by AtomicWaffle*
Garry was ready to gut Paris, but oddly enough, Paris ran away, obviously having some kind of hallucination. "Wha...?" Garry had never seen this type of behavior from Paris. Ever. Screaming at images that weren't there, then running off as if he'd seen a ghost. Perhaps the only thing that perterbed him more was the fact that his shirt was soaked with his own blood. As he turned around to go back to the house, he sighted another boy, clutching a massive revolver. Garry smiled wearily. His intimidation was dampened by what the boy was wearing.  "As much as i'd like to burst out laughing, i'd say that revolver would do a damn good job of shutting me up." The giant limped forwards, leaving a trail of blood on the ground. "I honestly can't say that I blame you. I'm a complete mess. I've been shot, nearly exploded, cut, beaten, nearly exploded again, and cut up some more."  

He paused, looking at his surroundings. The once-peaceful backyard had been spattered with blood, and screams could be heard off in the distance. "Look...I don't know who you are, and I really don't care. All I care about is killing Paris Persephone. You know, the other guy. Just...I dunno...If you're going to kill me, wait. I've got stuff I need to do..." Garry peered over the backyard fence, down the expressway. He thought he could see some cliffs in the distance. Perfect. First he'd find and kill Paris, then use those cliffs get off this god-forsaken island, dead or alive.

Re: Forever Falling: Part I

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:33 am
by laZardo*
Damien moved back as the giant got closer to him. His face curled into a childish frown as he tried to raise his aim, but the tension was adding stress onto his gun arm along with the sheer weight of the pistol. The only thing that compensated for that was the giant's approach, which practically assured him a killshot as long as Damien didn't drop the gun. Of course, that wasn't as much a possibility as his tensing fingers pulling the trigger prematurely.

At least he knew this was definitely not Marvin Hendrick.

Lo and behold though, Goliath did not seize upon the effeminate David's hesitation. Instead the giant started to say something. Something about the boy Damien saw bolting for the hills as he opened the door. And something about his apparent condition, meaning that if it came right down to it, Damien could easily take the upper hand given his relative nimbleness. Still, Damien was not about to lead Garry to wherever he wanted to go...especially given that Nicole could have Charlie or someone else waiting for him there, regardless of whether or not he killed the giant.

"I'll follow you..." he stammered, "but you lead the way."