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A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by Croco*
((Continued from Um Gottess willen.))

Peter Rosenthal was able to breathe a sigh of relief as he made it out of the area around the church.  It was the third time that his collar had been set off, and as he slowed, he looked back behind him to make sure that Andi was behind him.  "This is starting to not become worth it any more," he thought to himself, "First, it was telling Kristey that I was gay and that the love of my life...and now she's dead.  Well, good riddance...and now it's trying to have one last good moment of pleasure with my love."

As he approached the rows of abandoned houses, a smile began to form on his face.  Peter knew that this time, there would be no more interruptions unless someone found the right house as the thoughts continued pouring into his mind.  "But Damien...he remains a threat."  He clutched the shovel in his hands a little harder, knowing that he was bound to come into contact with the boy that was starting to become his nemesis.  Setting his pack down, he opened it up to look for the list...the one he took from Kristey back at the pagoda...and he soon realized that he either didn't have it or that it was buried in his belongings.

"Shit," he muttered aloud as he waited for him.  "Andi...!"

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by RePeate*
((Continued from Um Gottess Willen))

Andi rounded the bend a bit too fast, anxious that he was finally alone again with Peter and could put the bloodlust on hold (for now). His heart was racing, he felt the excitement of not knowing what to expect next. Peter had made him the happiest guy on Earth, and he couldn't stand being out of eyesight from him for more than a second. He rounded the nearest house and all but ran into his lover as Peter uttered his name. "Whoa, Pete.. hun, you scared the shit outta me" he said, not having expected Peter to stop so abruptly. "Looks llike we're safe for now sweetness. We should probably get down to business" he said in excitement, knowing his lover had also begun to feel the rush of the first kill.

Dropping the scythe that felt heavy in his hands, he began opening a water bottle he kept tucked under his belt loop since leaving the church. He took a big swig. The water felt cool running down his throat, and it wasn't until he had tasted it that he truly realized exactly how thirsty he was. He downed the rest of the bottle without pausing to breathe, and threw the empty container away. He drew in a deep breath of air and looked at his lover sweetly in the eyes, his owns eyes reflecting an aire of astonishment. "God, I'm glad I found you. You know that? I'm just so damn happy. Fuck! Argh! I just love you so damn much!". And he grabbed Peter by the back of the head and gave him a long and passionate kiss. His soul instantly felt as though he had recovered from some long suffered injury, and he felt as though nothing in the world could hurt him.

"So," he said "what do we do first?"

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by Croco*
A wide grin had formed on Peter's face as he studied the rows of houses, noting the kicked-in doors and broken windows.  He was making a mental checklist of which houses were good enough for what he had in mind with Andi now that he was at his side again; the ones with any visible damage were immediately crossed off as he leaned a little bit into Andi, answering the kiss with an eagerness that he knew he was expecting.

"Yeah, we should be," he said as he approached the door to one of the houses, though an attempt to open the door proved unsuccessful.  "Damn, locked...try the next one..."  He calmly walked around to the next house, a nice, two-story home that appeared to have been built within the past ten years, the combination of brick and vinyl siding reminiscent of his friend Jason's home back in New Jersey.  Of course, that was before he came out...and before Jason moved away...but that was all a flash in the pan.  He had the only thing that was dear to him at his side as he opened the door, this time, he found the house was unlocked.

"Hey Andi...I think I found one."

Relieved, Peter stepped inside and turned to face back out, waiting for his lover to join him inside.

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by RePeate*
Andi stepped through the threshold, gingerly wrapping his left arm around Peter's waist. The air was frsh and clean, smelling almost of lavender; not at all what he'd expected. As houses go, this was a nice one. The entrance foyer was paved with marble tile, and a small side table stood against the stairway leading to the second floor next to coat closet.

Whoever used to live here had not been gone long, Andi could tell, as the place has an appearance of having just been cleaned. Maybe it was Danya's men, maybe another kid. Andi was just happy to be somewhere warm and welcoming. The fact that whoever had cleaned the place might still be there slipped his mind completely. For now he was alone with Peter in probably the coziest place on this god-forsaken rock, and that was all he needed.

"Oh, it's so nice here. I mean, just wow!"

He moved forward and slid his hand up the stairway railing and looked back at Peter. "I wonder how the master bedroom looks" said Andi. "Shall we find out together, lover?" And with that he grabbed Peter's hand and shot him a look that just screamed the dirty thoughts racing through his head.

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by Croco*
Peter looked around with a sense of amazement as well.  This wasn't the broken down, tattered shack he was expecting; a little bit had to do with the fact that it was overlooked in the maze of houses.  The pleasant scent, the way everything was so definitely took him by surprise.  It was a refuge from the chaos that had enveloped them for the past week, and he made it a point to relish it for as long as he could.

A smile came over his face as he watched Andi run his hand over the railing, then take his own into it.  "Yes, let's," gasped Peter.  He was starting to slip into that mindset...the one that came over him whenever he and Andi had some one-on-one time together without the burden of worrying about someone barging in.  His smile turned into a wide, naughty grin.

"I can't wait to get up there...finally..."

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by RePeate*
Andi led Peter by the hand up the stairs and peered down the hallway that awaited them at the top. He turned to a door on the right and noticed a toilet... clearly not the bedroom. As he veered to face the other doors in the hall, a thought struck him: He REALLY had to take a shit. "Hey babe, find a good spot for us will you... I need to take care of some...'business'...".

Without even waiting for a reply, he walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Undoing his pants and pulling them down around his ankles, Andi squatted and let one out. The smell was horrendous to Andi, obviously from not having gone in a good while, and he felt midly embarassed should Peter waltz in and smell it. When he had finished, he was somewhat relieved to see there was still toilet paper in the dispenser. He quickly wiped up as best he could (he knew Peter would soon appreciate the cleanliness) and flushed the awful smelling thing he'd created down the toilet.

As he washed his hands, he began opening some of the drawers under the counter. He was very eager to make love to Peter, but he was a smart lad, and knew he'd probably be best to play it safe and find a condom. Nothing. The drawers were empty. "Damn it", he thought, "Danya's men must have cleared it all out". Then a thought struck Andi: It didn't matter. What's the point in using condoms if you're trapped on an island where everyone's being forced to kill one another? AIDS was the least of his worries. An equally disturbing thought struck Andi shortly after: What if he or Peter died on this damned island? He pushed the thought out of his head. Andi was not scared of death, not now, not when he needed to keep his cool. He would protect Peter, encourage him to fight and win his freedom from this psycho's game. If death came for Andi, so be it. He knew he wouldn't feel a thing afterwards. What's so scary about that?

Finishing up, he opened the door and was glad to see that Peter had done as instructed. So Andi opened the bedroom door and went inside...

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by Croco*
Peter glanced over and noticed the bathroom as well, but Andi stepped in before he could react.  Opening the door across the hall revealed another bedroom; from the baseball-themed wallpaper and bedsheets, he could tell that this one belonged to a little boy as he ventured in briefly to look around.  Except for the bed and a dresser at the other end of the room, it was barren as he stepped back out just as Andi returned from the bathroom.  One whiff of the air around them and he knew what kind of "business" he had been up to.

"Damn, Andi!  What'd ya do in there...kill another kid?"  He couldn't help but to crack a smile, but the game had molded Peter into someone that embraced death.  Part of it was also of Andi's doing as he stood in the hallway, peering over at him as he rooted through the drawers. the larger boy picking up on what he was doing.  "Andi, I'm clean," he scolded, "the only guys I've ever done anything with are you and my neighbor down the street...Todd?  Remember him?"

He didn't give Andi time to answer before he looked at the door he just opened.  A smile came over Peter as he entered the master bedroom, the king-sized bed sitting prominently against the wall and covered in a flowery bedspread.  Entering further revealed a dresser with a mirror and as Peter looked at himself, he noticed something about himself...he didn't seem so plump in certain places.

"Whoa...I think it'd be safe to say that I've lost a few pounds since this started," he said as he took off his shirt and tossed it aside, admiring himself in the mirror, "If only there was a scale around...not that it matters to me anyway now."  He then waited for Andi to enter behind him as he took a deep breath, his pack now nestled against a corner of the bedroom.

"So this is it..." he thought as a single tear rolled down his cheek, "this'll be the final time I get to do something with you, Andi...please, don't let this moment end..."

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:36 am
by RePeate*
Andi walked through the bedroom door, caught slightly off-guard by the sight of Peter sans-shirt. A small tingle of excitement ran through him, the same that runs through any man when he knows he's about to get lucky. No, he thought, not just lucky...the luckiest! The sight of Peter having his shirt off made Andi smile. He knew Peter was sometimes self-concious about his body, but it was nice to see that even in this most dangerous time, he was so comfortable around Andi. "God I love him" Andi thought to himself, "I just wish...I wish... oh God don't even think about that". The voice was screaming at himself in his head not to consider the thought of losing Peter. At that moment it clicked: when the time came, Andi would be the one to go. He'd do it himself, away from Peter, but he knew he couldn't live with himself if he saw Peter die. "No" he thought again, "It won't come down to that! Everything will be fine". But he knew deep down, it wouldn't...

Andi moved closer to the bed, his expression one of passionate lust and genuine concern. He grabbed Peter on the shoulders, and without a word, moved in for a light kiss on the lips. When it was evident that there was much passion behind the kiss, Andi began to make them deeper and deeper, using tongue and changing the rate, making things faster and faster. Then he felt it. He was getting hard. It popped up in his pants very noticeably. He didn't care. He knew Peter and Peter knew him inside and out. He had noting to hide from this man he loved, whom he had been so intimate with in times past. Andi moved his hand down Peter's soft arms finally fixing his hands on the crotch of Peter's pants (which he had noticed also had a similar situation going on within). He cupped the package within, gripping it with such a light touch that he could admire it in his hands. He raced to undo Peter's button and zipper, being very careful not to get anything caught. Within seconds, he had taken Peter's manhood inside his mouth, being very gentle, yet firm enough to pleasure him. Andi wasn't worried about doing it wrong, he knew his way around a cock. But he wanted this time to be unforgettable.

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am
by Croco*
Having been overweight for most of his life that he could remember, Peter was naturally startled when he saw Andi come through the bedroom door.  He was a little self-conscious about his appearance, but a little part of him was proud to be big...the fact that he had made the all-county wrestling team in the super-heavyweight class could be attributed to that, he thought to himself.  But then as he turned and looked at Andi over his shoulder, another thought came to him...if it came down to he and Andi, could he take his lover's life?  "No..." he thought, "there is no way I would be willing to kill the love of my life in order to ensure my survival.  If I have to, I will take my own life just to be with him."

He gingerly made his way to the bed, ignoring the growling of his stomach as he let Andi take control of him.  This was the moment Peter had been waiting for since he was reunited with him...and as he closed his eyes and began to kiss him, he felt a sharp tingle run through his entire body.  It made him moan into Andi's mouth, the sensations making him barely able to stand up.  He wrapped his powerful arms around him, pulling him in tight against his plush body as he too felt himself becoming erect.  A hand came down to the waist of Andi's pants as he felt a hand on his package; it wasn't anything extraordinary as it was of the accepted normal size.  But as it was freed from the confinement of the garment he was wearing, Peter let out another soft moan as he eyed Andi with that same fire and lust in his eye.

"Ohh, Andi..." Peter whispered as he too unsnapped the button to Andi's pants, "I...what're you doing?"  It was at this moment that he felt Andi crouch down and take him into his mouth, making him moan out loud as he leaned back against the bed, eyes closing so he could savor the pleasure.  "Ohhhgod...Andi!"

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am
by RePeate*
A cold sweat broke across Andi's brow as he slowly removed Peter's pants, an action he'd become all too familar with in his time spent with his love. Peter knew the drill, and urged Andi on, helping him with his boxer shorts. Peter lay on the bed, nude from the waist down. Andi admired Peter's body, and revelled in the temptations. He moved across Peter, kissing him lighty on his stomach and down his thighs. He moved up and gave Peter a long and passionate kiss on the lips, and motioned for him to turn over with a playful smile on his face. As Peter rolled over, Andi removed his own pants in turn, and threw them on the floor at the base of the bed. He was all too eager to finally have some time to get this done. He'd wanted it for so long. The lust was consuming him.

Andi, gently kissing Peter's back and neck, then proceeded to enter Peter from behind. Peter moved with only a bit of minor discomfort initially. In Andi's lust, he had been a bit too hasty with his entry (an act he knew all too well could be quite uncomfortable, especially without lubrication). But the tension soon came out of Peter's body, and he began writhing in pleasure. Andi placed his hands on Peter's pelvis, pulling himself further inside. He carried out the motion a smoothly and gently as he could, choosing to savour the feeling of finally being inside Peter. He pushed harder and harder, and started moving faster and faster. Peter moaned with satisfaction, and Andi found himself letting out moans of pleasure as well. Soon Andi's own moans began to drown out those of Peter. He had always been the loud one during sex, and in earlier times would often feel self-concious about it. But now he didn't care who heard him, he was glad to be feeling this good. He didn't even consider the fact that anyone passing by could come in and kill them both without any resistance. Andi was in the moment, and felt no vulnerability because of it. He pushed harder and deeper into Peter, ramming himself inside his lover at a fervent pace. His moans grew louder and louder, until such time when the pushing stopped and his final moan was followed by a deep sigh of relief. It was done. Andi was spent. He pulled out of Peter and rolled off to the side of the bed, his arms and legs spread in total satisfaction.

((NOTE: I'm not gay, I gotta admit, this was a bit tough to write :P)

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am
by Croco*
((OOC: I was about to didn't do a half-bad job with it!  Everyone here knows that I'm bisexual so I have a little bit more experience and comfort in doing stuff like this.  Oh...did I say too much?  Damn. :P))

Peter did not resist a bit when Andi went to remove his  pants...something that he was very familiar with.  He relaxed, taking deep breaths as he lay before him, his stocky figure devoid of any clothing, revealing that Peter was quite erect himself.  He too was of average size, if not a tiny bit smaller than Andi...which he often cursed in jest, but knew it was all good.

It didn't matter to him now as he moaned softly as Andi began kissing his way down his generous stomach and thighs.  Peter was growing more consumed by the lust that was running through him as well as he picked up on his lover and rolled over onto his stomach, pushing his knees forward so he could present himself a little better to Andi.  But as he felt Andi kissing up his back, he remembered something...there was an item he managed to procure from the hospital and now was the time to make it known.

"Andi...I managed to take a thing of lube from the hospital," he told him, but it was too late.  He could feel Andi entering him and hissed sharply, not having gone raw before...or at least without any preparation.  Then he howled out loud as Andi pushed deeper into him.  "AHHHHHH!!!  Andi...!"

But as Andi took control of his hips, Peter felt something strange...the pain was starting to ease itself away.  He had never received anal without being properly prepared before...but in a way, it felt good to him as the endorphins and adrenaline started to kick in.  He moaned softly at first, but they grew louder as Andi began pushing harder.  Eventually, he closed his eyes, focusing his energy on the pleasure as he grunted and moaned in absolute and unfiltered ecstasy.  In comparison to his lover, Peter was relatively quiet, but when it was this good, he couldn't help himself.  "Unnnhhh...Andi!  Oh, my God...yes, Andi...don't stop...please don't stop!"  Peter also knew that anyone within earshot could come in and kill them, but it didn't matter to him.  At least he would die in the clutches of the one he loved more than life itself.

Peter could sense that Andi was getting closer as he drove his length into him harder and reached behind to stimulate himself further.  The moans grew louder as the pace grew quicker and more desperate until Andi stopped and he could feel the warmth seeping into him.  A few seconds later, Peter began moan and cry out, his body trembling as he to succumbed to the pleasure, and he could feel his own product pouring down his thigh, falling forward as he closed his eyes.  He wanted to savor the moment for as long as he could, groaning as Andi pulled out.  Immediately, a wave of air escaped from his distended anal orifice in an unsavory manner, then a small trickle of Andi's seed trickle onto his inner thigh.

It was over...and yet Peter wanted to do it all over again.  But he knew that they were vulnerable as he reached over to kiss Andi hard on the lips.  "I love you, Andi," he whispered, "and I just can't bear the thought of living without you..."

(Hey Peate, check your PM box...I just gave you your answer.)

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am
by Croco*
"Yes, I know..." whispered Andi, pressing his head into Peter's chest, "I know you would do anything for me..."  But Andi looked at him with a confused look on his face, yet he didn't question him as they continued to lay interlocked with each other.  The minutes passed by...just like they always did after a round of intercourse, with the two boys holding each other closely, enjoying the moments after the fact.

"I would, love," Peter whispered back.  Just then, there was a sound outside that brought both boys to attention.  "What was that?"  There was no answer as they reluctantly began to put their clothes on, and Peter was walking a little gingerly for obvious reasons.  But as he crouched down to pick up his pack, something came to Peter's attention...he knew that one of them would have to die for the other to live.  Yet at the same time, Peter didn't want to leave Andi behind...


It was a year earlier  and the first edition of Survival of the Fittest was running strong; a couple days in and already there were hordes of the deceased from Barry Coleson High and other academies starting to pile up.  The world was in shock, and it was no different in Denton, New Jersey, where Peter was sitting home alone.  Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door.  Wondering who it would be, Peter grumbled as he pulled his bulk down the stairs from his bedroom to answer the door.  A smile came across his face when he saw Andi looking up at him, pulling him in and closing the door before laying a long kiss right on his lips.  He had just heard about him before the school year ran out and quickly fell in love with each other.

"Andi..." he said, "how're you, hon?"

"Good..."  Andi looked up at the clock and smiled.  "It's almost time for the show."

Peter was baffled.  "What show?"

"Survival of the Fittest...don't tell me you haven't heard..."  A disgusted look came over his face as he slowly padded over to the couch.

"I saw it last night and hated it...what's the point of a bunch of kids killing each other?"  There was a moment of silence before they started discussing the good points and bad points of the show, lasting about fifteen minutes before Andi asked the question.

"If we were on there...what would you do?"

Peter's answer was straightforward.  "What kinda question is that?  I'd do anything to get off...but if we were together and one of us didn't make it, I would rather die in your arms than anything else..."

"So would I," replied Andi as Peter reluctantly turned on the TV.


As soon as he got his clothes on, Peter pulled out the derringer that he had stashed away in his pack and immediately put it in his pocket.  He then took the shovel he had propped up in the corner and made his way to the window.  Peering out of it, he could see two people walking down the street...a boy and a girl from their shapes, though he couldn't really get a good enough glimpse at them.  He could see another kid off in the distance and suddenly, a shiver ran through Peter as he tapped the window with the shovel.

"Andi, come here!"

After getting his pants zipped up, Andi took a look.  "Yeah, so?" he said.

"What if they come after us...?"  Peter could feel his voice getting shaky as he clutched the shovel harder in his hands  Then he threw down the shovel and stared deep into Andi's eyes.

In the brightest hour
Of my darkest day
I realized what is wrong with me

Can't get over you
Can't get through to you
It's been a helter-skelter, romance from the start

Peter grabbed Andi, catching him off-guard as he held him to his rotund form while a tear began forming in his eye.

"What's the matter, hon?"  It took a lot out of Peter for him to say what he said, but he found the courage to say it.

"Andi..."  He took a deep breath.  "Remember the day I met you...we were at lunch and you just...started looking at me.  I thought there was something wrong with you."

"Yeah...I remember it like it was yesterday."  The tear began to roll down Peter's cheek as he led him back over toward the bed.

"I didn't think it would come to this...but from that day on, I felt as if I had found my soulmate.  Call it it love at first sight...I don't fucking care.  But the more I got to know you, the more I realized how...right you were for me."

It was Andi who took the chance to grab Peter by the shoulders.  "Why are you telling me this?"  The tears rolled down Peter's face as he began to cry, burying his head into Andi's shoulder.

"We're gonna die...I know it..." he sobbed.

Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever
Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever

Andi gave him a look of confusion.  He knew that the odds were stacked against him, but Peter sounded so certain of the outcome as he rubbed his back sympathetically.  "Even if we are to die, Peter...I still love you, and I will always love this world or the next."

You're my heroin-
In this moment I'm lonely
fulfilling my darkest dreams
All these drugs, all these women
I'm never forgiving...this broken heart of mine

Peter lifted his head to look at Andi, the pained expression of inner anguish obvious on his face.  "I can't begin to think about without you, Andi.  All that shit...fighting for the right to get married...I would have liked to have seen it be worth it.  But I...I..."

"...You what, hon?"

"...the only thing that's worth anything right now is you...your very life.  I didn't want to kill that one kid back in the church...but I had to.  I don't know what I would've done if he would have gotten to you."  Andi reached up to wipe a tear from his lover's eye, smiling down at him as he was held on the bed.

"You did what you had to...and I am proud of you for doing it."

Peter managed a weak smile as he gazed back into Andi's eyes the best he could, his own eyes sparkling like sapphires.

"I know...and I'll do it save you from them."  His crying picked up again and Andi brought him in tight again...though neither could foresee what was about to happen next...

Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever
Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever

One last kiss...
Before I go...
Dry your tears...
It is time to let you go...

"What do you mean by that?" asked Andi.

Peter tried his best to keep a straight face, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth right away.  The right shoulder of Andi's shirt was soaked with his tears as three minutes passed before he finally spoke up again.  "I can't let them...take you from me..."  Peter's words were choppy as he choked them out.  "You are mine...and mine alone...if anyone is going to take you..."

"Peter!"  Andi began shaking in his arms; he now knew what he was hinting at as Peter lifted his head and pressed his nose to his own.

"Andi...I would give my life...for have to understand!"  Andi just sat there and shook his head, heart racing in his chest and seeming to be ready to burst out into the room.

"If you feel that strongly...I don't blame you.  But we can make it through this together...and if we were the last two left, I would gladly..."

It was too much for Peter to bear.  "No, Andi...I can't risk it..."  He leaned in to give Andi a kiss, to which he gladly took it.  They pulled back, and Peter eyed his lover with a fire unlike any that had come over him.  "I must have you..."  He then pulled Andi into him, kissing him hard while his hand reached into his pocket to pull out the pistol he stashed away.  His arms wrapped around Andi's neck and shoulders as he moaned into his mouth, his right arm shaking as he held the derringer tightly in his hand.  He could feel himself getting hard again; so did Andi as he too wrapped his arms around him.  "Can I even do this?" Peter thought to himself as his tongue twirled around in Andi's mouth.  "Can I put this gun to his head, pull the trigger and take the life of the love of my life?"

Peter let out a soft whimper, the tears flowing again.  "Yes...I can...I will.  No one's gonna take MY Andi from me."  In one deft motion, he placed the pistol to the side of Andi's head and pulled the trigger.  The pop from the pistol caused Peter to jump back, causing him to let Andi go as he fell back onto the bed.

Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever
Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever

One last kiss(One last kiss)
Before I go(Before I go)
Dry your tears(Dry your tears)
It is time to let you go...

He did it.

Peter looked down at the boy he had slain and began sobbing profusely into his chest.  "Andi...oh God, Andi!  I'm sorry, love...I had to do it!"  He wrapped his arms around the corpse possessively, clinging to it as he a wife that had found out her husband had been killed in war.  That was exactly what happened to the imperiled kids; they had been thrown into a war zone and expected to fight for their freedom...and Peter knew it.

But he also felt a pain unlike any he had ever felt in his life.  Slaying Andrew was nothing; in fact, it made him feel good because he had done it to save Andi from the jaws of death.  But now he had just fed the one he saved to those very jaws as he continued to sob.

"I love you, Andi...oh God, how I love you!  I remember...when we saw the show...I told you that I would either...survive...or die in your least I'll get one of those...oh, God...Andi!"

One last kiss...
Before I go...
Dry your tears...
It is time to let you go...

Peter lifted a hand to wipe tears from his eyes, looking down into the eyes of what was his boyfriend.  They were open and stared back aimlessly as a tear he missed dripped from his cheek and onto it as he wept for his fallen lover.  "That bullet...wasn't meant for you..." he told him, "It was meant...for that Damien kid...he wanted to kill you...he wanted to kill me...and Kristey...well, you may have gotten Kristey.  But you didn't get...Andi...and you won't...get me..."  He then clasped Andi's fingers together and crawled beneath them, pressing his lips to the cold, lifeless lips of Andi to give him one final kiss.

One Last Kiss.

Peter took the derringer, now down to its last bullet, and pressed it to the side of his head like he did with Andi.

"Please be waiting for me in heaven..." he murmured quietly.  Then he closed his eyes and smiled.

"I will be waiting for you, hon.  I love you, Peter William Rosenthal...forever."

"I love you too...Andi Ayala..."  He then pulled the trigger and sealed his fate, and did so in the arms of the boy he loved more than life itself...just like he wanted to.

B21 STATUS: DECEASED   -   RIP Andi Ayala
B20 STATUS: DECEASED   -   RIP Peter Rosenthal

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am
by Xaldien*
The three people who loved Andi most, Siouxsie, his dad and mother, felt their hearts sink in a random instance, as if all the world's sorrows and pain had overcome them. They hadn't checked on SOTF in a while since the death of Kristey, where Kathy started to show that even though she claimed to dislike her daughter, saw her cry, like a child lost in a huge city, and their parents are no where around.

But, whether they saw it or not, they knew something was wrong. The three of them slowly walked in the direction of the television, which at this time was turned off, but at this moment none of them wanted to see what was on. It was as if they were having a staring contest with an inanimate object. It stared back at them, enticing them to see what visions it can offer them, but they knew... they knew...

Eventually it was Daniel, Andi's father, who would move towards the television and turn it on... to see Andi's body right next to Peter's. Both of them dead.

A cold silence, which was already in the room, made itself known at the moment when Daniel dropped to the floor, on his knees in sheer agony of the vision which will now be planted into his head for now, forever, and in his afterlife. To see his son, his brother, his best friend, his Andi dead, thanks to the efforts of a few sadists who think they can play God and mess with their lives.

Siouxsie was cold. Siouxsie was silent. Siouxsie was still.

Kathy in the meantime started to scream in sheer disbelief and heartache as dropped to her knees, right next to Daniel, and punched at the ground with all her might, screaming WHY numerous times. Eventually Daniel began to hold her as they cried together over the loss of the one thing that remained as a symbol of the time they spent together. He was the one thing that would always remind the two that they were once in love, and that he would grow to be something great.

The two were crying loud, and the neighbours, who had been viewing SOTF as well and heard them, started knocking on the door.

Siouxsie made her way to the door slowly. She was lifeless, it seemed, walking slowly as if she were a puppet being lead by an amateur puppeteer. She eventually opened the door and saw several neighbours asking a million and one questions at the same time. However, with a monotone voice she replied "We'd much rather not be disturbed right now," and slowly shut the door.

She looked over towards the two parents, now completely childless, and then made her way upstairs to Andi's room. The memories that she had in that room played through her mind, like a bad family film that she wishes would stop. She remember the first time she stayed here, they rented a whole bunch of really bad 80s horror movies, and stayed up the entire night watching them. She remembered her last birthday, where he bought her  a PS2 with Soul Calibur 2, and he spent the entire night teaching her how to play, and by morning, she was whooping him good.

And now it's over.

She followed the example of the parents downstairs and began to cry. A waterfall of pain and hearache went down her cheeks, where she finally let loose, and started demolishing everything in the room. She knocked over pictures, banged on the closet doors, and was about the throw a picture of the two of them across the room before she eventually just crashed on Andi's bed and curled up with his pillow and let the pain and agony take over.

Hours had passed by, but all the people within the Ayala residence were still in a hopeless state of despair, as tears led to more tears, memories led to more memories, and pain led to more pain.

Kathy and Daniel eventually brought themselves upstairs to see Siouxsie on Andi's bed, whispering something to herself. She was saying his prayer. The prayer Andi loved to say.

   "Vater unser im Himmel,
   geheiligt werde dein Name.
   Dein Reich komme."

Daniel sat down next to her, and joined her in saying the Lord's Prayer in the way Andi loved.

   "Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
   Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.
   Und vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unseren     Schuldigern."

Kathy knew what they were saying, as she had learned german sometime ago, and joined in as well.

   "Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
   sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
   Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.

Life would never be the same for the three of them. As the three stayed in Andi's bed, they all knew the pain of loss. Andi, who was such a wonderous kind is now taken from this world, along with the boy he loved the most.

Kathy and Daniel would eventually regain a relationship together that formed in the loss of their child, and would help each other in this time of sorrow. A year later they will give birth to a healthy son, which they named Andrew Peter Ayala, even though Andi always hated being called Andrew.

Siouxsie Sioux would spend several months attending therapy, and eventually be put in a mental hospital as she battled severe depression, and would not recover until she heard of Daniel and Kathy's new pregnancy. She eventually came to live with Daniel and Kathy, and took over Andi's role as protector and caretaker of Daniel, and ended up becoming a sort of adoptive daughter to the two of them.

She took over the room where she and Andi had so many memories, and painfully redid the room as to help her settle in, and at the same time help get rid of painful memories. The only thing she kept was the picture of her and Andi she found the day they found out he died. She let out a single tear before putting it on her dresser, and going downstairs to make Daniel and Kathy something to eat.

R.I.P Andi Ayala.

Re: A Honeymoon Gone Wrong [CONTENT WARNING]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am
by laZardo*

There was another person who had found two corpses in this room, in this house, in this twisted afterlife and was also shocked by it. But contrary to the reactions of a family he did not even know existed (he believed he was already dead, after all), his was tempered with the temptation to say to those corpses that he "told you so."

For before the eyes of the late and limping Roland Thomas Kelly - on a bed in front of him, lay two people even God still have considered freaks of nature. Both were male, and both were naked and intertwined in a pose of love on the bed in front of him. And that was not counting the fact that they appeared to have both been shot in the head, the murder weapon having fallen to the carpet nearby. The entire room was rank with their scent, which Roland had sincerely hoped was blood, though it also seemed to be peeling away whatever had healed over his scars.

((Roland continued from Dr. Dan the Medicine Man, Hospital))

He was thankful that the improvised splint-sling was holding up a lot better than he'd expected, but he still couldn't move his battered arm's hand much. Just as well, as he crouched by the bed and picked up the murder weapon with his free hand (leaned the scepter down...slowly...the gun might be possessed.), he quickly noticed it was empty. Still, it wasn't the gun that left him trembling as much as his discovery and the process that led to it.

Roland had wandered here on his long trek to find the manifestation of the person his eternal destiny depended on. He hadn't gotten much sleep since then, though he was somehow hoping that since this was Purgatory and not hell, perhaps there would be even some chance for a reprieve. This he seemed to get when he wandered into what appeared to be a slice of Western suburbia...a welcome sight given all the strange places he'd been here. Of course, the most welcoming sight often hid the most dangerous evil, so he had to take it slow.

The house he had chosen to take shelter in seemed quiet at first...before he heard two muffled explosions coming from the direction of the master bedroom. The explosions froze him solid, though he had unconsciously ducked behind a nearby shelf within the seconds following. However, the silence was not necessarily deafening...but it was drastically long. He couldn't even hear footsteps approaching him after the booms had completely subsided. He gulped as he crept slowly toward the source of the booms...apparently the master bedroom.

He didn't find the explosions...but he did find the people who were shot, and came to pick up the gun.

The gun hadn't been tainted (thankfully), but it was disappointingly empty. But given where he (believed he) was, perhaps it was empty to begin with, and the bodies were never alive either. Perhaps it was all a sign...but not one to encourage him. Spawning the corpses of two homosexual men was not exactly motivating given his current state. Neither of them certainly reminded him in the vaguest of little (even albeit androgynous) Damien. There was also the gun, which was disturbingly small and otherwise unspectacular upon closer inspection.

"This is it...I think..." he muttered as he trembled...before he pocketed it without another word. He barely felt it slip in.

As soon as he thought it hit bottom though, he suddenly felt strips of bright light laying upon him from the direction of the nearby window and its blinds. He didn't get why, but he suddenly felt guided toward it, and once he approached it he peered through the blinds. The light outside forced him to glare, but when it cleared it revealed quite a view of a good portion of wherever he was. He thought he could see a few buildings and quite possibly some sort of coastline. It was a relaxing, calming view, but one that Roland took with a pinch of salt as he remembered that he still wasn't in Heaven yet. Although perhaps...this might be a sampler...

As Roland looked down, he quickly realized that the "sampler" came tainted with what looked like a trail of dried blood across the backyard, heading off in the direction he was originally looking. The light seemed to get brighter, making the trail stand out more amidst the drying grass. It was a sight that ironically brought a reassuring smile to his face...and tears to his eyes.

It is trials are almost over...I have made Damien bleed.

He turned away and went back to pick up his staff. It seemed lighter than it was before, but maybe that was because his legs were otherwise in full working order. Still, he was quickly and somewhat painfully reminded of his own injuries, which still bit at him like little imps...but for once, it was not only tolerable, but empowering. These were but quasi-mortal wounds, after all...and if he could free himself from Damien's torment, they would be healed...and that was just for starters. Roland knew firmly that he had God to thank for this, and he muttered prayers below his breath as he made his way down the stairs and into the back yard.

Roland took a deep breath as he looked solemnly off into the horizon. The sun was starting to set in his general direction, but it would be there the next "day." The blood trail probably would not last, and unless he continued, neither would his route to heaven.

I will have to carry my cross...until the end. Lord...give me strength.

And with that, Roland Thomas Kelly started to trudge forward, every step seeming to follow in Damien's own. He could feel the small gun trembling in his pocket as he began the final trek toward eternity. He only hoped that eternity would bring salvation...because he knew he'd been damned enough.

((Roland Continued Elsewhere))