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Yukie Kitsuragi@

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:07 am
by Hirono Shimizu*
Name: Yukie Kitsuragi

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

School: Franklyn Senior School

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, Track running, Tennis, Singing and Martial Arts.

Description: Yukie stands at 5"6 in height and keeps in good shape thanks to her extra curricular activites. Her hair is a dark brown and ends a few centimetres after her shoulders. Her eyes are coloured hazel. Yukie is usually seen wearing some type of Japanese school uniform in school hours.

Yukie is an overly polite girl, and she is extremely generous and sweet until she gets aggitated or mad. When she is mad she tends to me slightly cocky and rather ignorant. The only thing that aggrivates her is the way woman/girls are treated. She despises people who think overly of themself though she never does anything about it.

Yukie's family life is rather complicated. She is being overly pressured by her mum and is always blamed for everything by her father. Her mother is American as her father is Japanese. Yukie usually gets along with everybody but the people that she despises. On first appearance Yukie looks delicate, Cute and rather shy.

Clique: Yukie wouldn't place herself in a group. She kind of travels from group to group, mainly cause she doesn't like sticking in one place for long and she likes to stay in everybody's good books.

1) Sarah Thorne ~ They have been best friends since Sarah moved to her school. They treat each other like sisters and help each other through rough patches.

2) Meri Lennart ~ Meri used to live in the same building as her until she moved to a house. They are still friends, but not the closest of friends due to all the activities Yukie gets up to outside of school and the fact that they go to different schools. Yukie calls Meri and they hang out every now and then, Yukie considers Meri very mature for her age.

(( Hope thats okay! My first Character! ))