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Tiffany Rugea@

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:17 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Name: Tiffany Rugea
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Grade: 11
School: Gilroy
Extra Curricular Activities: Math club, Physics club, (Insert academic club here), etc

Appearance) This young lady is about 5'6, her hazel eyes reflect her vision like a mirror, her long black hair is done into a pony tail.
She dresses the way a parent wants their child to do so, wears thick frame glasses and even has freckles, though not to say she is ugly, her curves remain hidden through winter clothes, and it would take a man to notice them.

Personallity) Tiffany is very shy and takes a while to open up, she chose gilroy over other schools because she was actually interested in learning, when she warms up she ends up being very talkative, friendly, and much more loose, but her morality remains the same.
She'll refuse to put herself in dangerous situations through drinking and drugs, because of this she is often made fun of, and left alone.

History) Growing up with mid functioning autism, it was beleived tiffany would never talk, untill the day she was 6, but she still kept to herself, her parents were proud of her high IQ, as she would soon be taking advanced classes, and even advanced a grade or 2, but this left her out of the loop.
Children were jealous of her, cruel, and underminding, due to no interaction with her peers, she remained shy untill one day she heard of an acadamy, full of children like her, P. J. Gilroy, after hours of begging her parents, she finally got in.
She liked the education, but she still suffered bullying and hurtful names one of her fathers friends children Syuji seems to be the only one kind enough to even give a second glance at her.

Clique: Nerds
Syuji Isuka - Friend
Kojiro Isuka - Barely known, but constantly bothered by.
Other: Not going into V2