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Thomas Diftre*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:18 am
by Slayer*
Name: Thomas Diftre
Age: 16
Grade: 10
School: Bathurst High, Ms. Guisse's homeroom, but rarely shows up because he needs to work to support his family (which is one of the poorest in the state). Often competes in illegal street fights for extra money (the cops aren‘t a problem since the fights are held in lawless Tilles Court. Hell, sometimes police officers attend the fights and bet on the winners. This once caused a proprietor of the fights to claim, "This shit ain‘t illegal unless those fucks don‘t like who won. I bet all they‘d do is pay the mortician and console the family if some poor SOB fuckin' died in one of these fights.".).
Extra Curricular Activities: Member of a gang called "The Hellbirds". The aforementioned part time job (construction) and street fights.
Description: If one had to sum up his appearance in one word, it would be "tough". Allowing two words would have the questioned most likely say "tough" and "distinctive". His body is built like a heavyweight boxers', heavily muscled with the occasional scar (especially on his knuckles) while standing at exactly six feet tall. His face looks like it is chiseled out of solid diamond, rough and hard-edged. He allows his nearly white blond hair to grow almost to his face, framing his brown eyes that are nearly black, but he is by no means effeminate (and would slug you if you called him that). His fingers are surprisingly thin though, looking out of place compared to the rest of his muscular frame. He tends to wear a white wifebeater t-shirt and black shorts that go down to just above his knees, along with red and white sneakers.
In terms of personality, Thomas is loud, boastful, foul mouthed, and always up for a fight (though unlike what people would assume he‘s not much of a flirt. Sure, he‘ll enjoy a nice bout of sex if he somehow has the time and a condom on hand, but he doesn‘t really have time for flirting. His body type seems to be the type most females find attractive though, so it‘s a both welcome and unwelcome (if that makes sense) annoyance to him.), but at the same time he is completely loyal to his family. He would do anything to better their lives and protect them, even kill if he had to (though of course he hopes that would not happen, he has committed crimes in the past but never gone that far. Mostly street violence and the occasional drug trafficking.).

Clique: The Hellbirds.
Relationships: Alexander Stevens: The leader of the Hellbirds, there is a relationship of mutual trust and respect between the two. It helps that Alex is aware of Thomas' family's plight and often gives him a good share of any money gained in the gang's ventures (though Alexander‘s insistence on referring to him almost exclusively as "Diftre" does annoy him slightly.). Of course, even if he didn't trust, respect and even like Alex, he'd still be held in line by the fact that Alex is one of the few people in Denton Thomas isn't sure he could beat in a fight.
Jenna Cassidy: He doesn't have a problem with her, but never really has anything to do with her other than gang activity and a few classes.
Richard Kingston: He's tough, and he had the balls to challenge Alex. Thomas respects him for that, but still considers him an enemy.
Seth Mattlock: Leader of the Bloody Fists. Thomas doesn't like him and doesn't trust him.
Erick Rischio: The boy's completely insane. Thomas can't help but laugh at his exploits, but he always manages to remind himself that Erick is the enemy. Thomas once almost got in a fight with him, but it was broken up.
Brian Calvert: A tough fighter, Thomas is personally wary of him, but is sure he'd win if the two fought (so far the only Hellbirds vs. Bloody Fists altercations have been Alexander vs. Richard and Jenna vs. Mariavel. Thomas himself almost got into a fight with Erick Rischio once, but nothing came of it). Nevertheless, Thomas would like to fight him some day, and is sure it would "be kind of fun.".
Mariavel Varella: Thomas finds her attractive, but he won't do anything about it (he's afraid he'll catch an STD and/or that Alex would consider him a traitor if he slept with her.).
Darcy Rose: He doesn't have much idea who the hell she is, but knows she's friends with Mariavel and is a Bloody Fist. Naturally, this means he doesn't like her (though he himself once admitted that he‘s prejudiced because in his opinion Mariavel is the better looking of the two.).
Lavender Heart: Thinks she has a weird name, but ignores her.
Walter Smith: Like Alex, Thomas bears an incredibly strong hatred for Walter, who thinks the entire Diftre family is nothing but derelict trash to be disposed of. If it weren't for Walter's political heritage, Thomas would've tried to fracture every bone in his body by now and probably succeeded.
Jack Bexley: Bexley is one of the few subjects Thomas disagrees with Alex about. While the latter finds the boy annoying and has half a mind to stab him the instant they're alone together, Thomas respects him. They both work part time jobs for the same construction firm, so he knows of Jack's commendable physical strength (of course, Thomas would adamantly deny Jack's strength is anywhere near his own.), and also respects his mental/whatever strength in not being corrupted by his parentage like Smith was.

Carmen Somerset: He mostly thinks similarly of her as he does Ali, but admits that there is occasionally good/useful information in the mounds of gossip she usually has on her.
Panom Ning~Tom: One of the only people Thomas knows of that he isn't sure he could beat in a fight.

Ali Grayston: He frankly doesn't really like her at all. She just comes across to him as a stuck up bitch who hides behind her father, loves causing trouble too much for her own good, and has a broadsword stuck up her ass (he is also aware the term is technically "Stick up his/her ass,".).

Other: He actually knows how to use the famous "Giant Swing" move from Virtua Fighter, and has done so on a few occasions. He also has some experience with firearms, but he wouldn't be able to effectively use an assault weapon (with a shotgun he would not be much better, having exclusively used a Glock 17 handgun. His accuracy would stem completely from the spread of the shells.). His loyalty to his family will probably lead into him being a player in the Program, as he'll likely see the deaths of his classmates as the only way to get back to them, though if he encounters Alex and/or Jenna his reaction might be a bit harder to place. Whatever happens, he'll probably be one to keep an eye on. The last thing worth noting is that, unlike his parents, he does not have an Armenian accent, though he does know Russian (this usually only surfaces in conversations with his parents, who usually speak to him in Russian). Contrary to his appearance, he does not use steroids (every ounce of muscle on him was the result of hard work on his part, something he‘s very proud of.), and suggesting he does is something that would greatly offend him (and most likely cause him to beat the tar out of whoever suggested it, right there, no matter who was watching.).