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Sarah Thorne@*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:26 am
by Hirono Shimizu*
Name: Sarah Thorne

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Grade: 11th

School: Franklyn Senior School

Extra Curricular Activities: Dance, Singing, Rollerblading/Skating and Piano Lessons.

Description: Sarah has long jet black hair which is usually kept in a high ponytail with a red ribbon and is always tied in a bow. Her eyes are a sapphire blue. Sarah stands at 5"7 [170 cm] in height and weighs 108lbs [49 kgs]. Sarah has a well kept body due to her dancing which she enjoys alot, she also has slightly pale skin. She is also from Australia.

Sarah is a rather sarcastic girl who enjoys making people laugh. Amongst this she can be a little sensitive, she usually reacts badly to people saying stuff about her that isn't true and she also doesn't really think much of herself. Sarah beats down on herself for failing tests and usually sooks about it for like a week.

Her relationship with her parents is smooth, Sarah loved both her parents and her friends dearly and she usually tries her best to please them. Sarah also enjoys aromatheropy and walking her pet dog.

Clique: Moves from group to group with Yukie.


1) Yukie Kitsuragi ~ Have been best friends since they first met. They stand up for each other and share the same interests, They consider themselves "Unrelated" Sisters.