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Richard Kingston

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:30 am
by Slayer*
Name: Richard Kingston
Age: 15
Grade: 10
School: Bathurst High, Mrs. Rowena's homeroom.
Extra Curricular Activities: Member of a gang called "The Bloody Fists" whose actions are mostly as school bullies other than fighting other gangs. The gang has only about four members, which makes Richard slightly nervous considering Bathurst is on Hellbirds territory (as evidenced by the fact the leader of the Hellbirds and two of it's  members are students there).
Description: If people always acted as they looked, Richard would be an upstanding citizen. He's not too tall (about 5'3), and well groomed. His clean cut black hair is always gelled, and he is usually wearing black sweatpants and a white sweatshirt, along with black boots looking oddly like those Alex and his droogs wore in A Clockwork Orange (Richard thought the coincidence was rather funny, and even jokingly referred to it as "a horrorshow bit of events", but they're nothing more than black steel toe boots he bought at a store). He also wears a "Yin/Yang" pendant around his neck. He has green eyes, but they're nothing special so they won't be explored in any more detail. All in all, he'd probably be considered good looking if it weren't for the jagged knife scar going diagonally from under his left eye to his chin.

Personality wise, he is quite aggressive, and will fight at any excuse, but outside of fights he seems to always be bored. He has a strong disgust for drugs and alcohol (he doesn't see the point in them, feels all they do is impair the body), and fervently refuses every time he's offered any. While he normally has no qualms or fears about fighting anybody and everybody, the last time he fought Alexander Stevens (in a rather dumb moment he had bumrushed the gang leader after they had left the school), Alex had pulled out his trademark switchblade and slashed his face (he had simply told his parents that he had been mugged). He can still remember the feeling of the steel ripping through his skin, and that tends to make him hesitate at the thought of fighting Alex again (though he would if ordered to, if only to hide what he has planned).

Clique: Considering the Bloody Fists are commonly bullies to the other students, you could say he's among that clique, though he doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as the others, seeing it as a rather dull and repetitive activity (especially when they don't fight back).
Relationships: Thomas Diftre, Alexander Stevens and the other Hellbirds: He doesn't trust them and doesn't like them. He'd probably attack them on sight if his scar didn't remind him what happened last time he fought "Blade".
Seth Mattlock: He's the leader of Richard's gang, so Richard respects him, though he doesn't always like him.
Mariavel Varella: He has no respect for her, and has publicly doubted the wisdom of letting her in the gang. Really he sees her as just eye candy, no use in a fight, and the fact that her being a whore is commonly accepted as fact contributes to him despising her.
Erick Rischio: He openly stated his opinion of his fellow gang member once: "That guy is one of the craziest motherfuckers I've ever met.", he doesn't trust Erick to not just get himself killed.
Brian Calvert: He's a good fighter, so Richard considers him a good asset to the gang, but other than that doesn't have much to do with him.
Other: Though nobody other than himself knows, he's been planning on double-crossing Seth and assuming control of the Bloody Fists since approximately three days after he joined the gang. He is convinced he'd be a far more reliable leader, and thinks the reason the two gangs in Bathurst (the Hellbirds and the Bloody Fists) haven't fought is because Seth doesn't have the courage to challenge Alexander (the fact that the Hellbirds have over one hundred members isn't something that had crossed Richard's mind, though he's aware they're a much bigger gang than the Bloody Fists).

Just like Alex, it isn't completely done, but I'll put more work into it once I've thought up a good history.