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Randy 'Silver Wolf' Nightwalker@*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:32 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Name: Randy 'Silver Wolf' Nightwalker
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 11
School: Bathurst
Extra Curricular Activities: None

Appearance: This young man is of native amrerican descent, his eyes are a bright blue, he usually wears sleeveless shirts and tanktops just to stay within the dress code, his long black hair reaches halfway down his back, in a ponytail, his jeans torn.
A vest rest on his shoulders, some teachers complain it's a gang vest, but it's really a Tribe vest with an age, it seldom leaves his body.

Biography: From a long descent of Arayans(Fictional native tribe[Thanks to Lien for pointing out I said Aryan]), Randy was born into a native familly forced to live an urban life, where the only wildlife were pidgeons and crows.
Every year he heads out to the west coast to stay in his native mountain for a month or 2, as to not forget his heritage.
Now he resides in an apartment with his mother, He grew up wise despite the thoughtless teachings of a man with a text book, to this very day.

Personallity: A very wise young man with a tongue that twisted the very minds of others trying to figure out what he just meant, thus he confuses others with his advice.
Though he makes by fine in a city he still preferes his native mountain and the beating sun, rather than cold New Jersey days.
Though he is friendly people literally don't understand what he says sometimes, and eventually he'll make it obscene and blunt.

Clique: Independant