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Kage Isuka@*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:44 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Name: Kage Isuka
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10
School: Hobbsborough
Extra Curricular Activities: Survival club, Track, Acrobatics

This Muscle tower is Kage he's ready to kick ass and take names, He has a clean cut hairdo, he's fit, and likes to pick on the weak shits which may get him in trouble, his bad attitude doesn't make many friends.
He joined the reserves for all the wrong reasons, such as hatred, and the abillity to tear someone to shreds with a carbine rifle He's basically an active grenade.
His brothers disagree with his actions but his cruel violent nature is not harmed by their criticism, He wishes to actually kill something, he awaits to be sent off to war, to kill, to maim.
His dream is not adventure but action, but will he feel great remorse once he pulls a trigger? Will he die inside? Or does he speak the truth of himself? A ruthless killer? A viking? Probably not.

Clique: Jocks, and Military rednecks
Relationships:  Kojiro Isuka - Half brother
Syuji Isuka - Brother
Other: He has minor medical training