Francis Mulder

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V2 proper. Profiles marked with an @ appeared only on the V1 boards. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:25 am

Francis Mulder


Post by Serapindal* »

Name: Francis Mulder
Gender: Male
Age: Fourteen
Grade: Ninth Grade
School: P.J. Gilroy Academy
Extra Curricular Activities: Rifle Club, Debate Club, Math Club, Chess Club
Description: Francis Mulder was born in Cape Town, South Africa. No one knows how he ended up over here, but he has proven to be a fairly average student, but somewhat bright. Somewhat. He is a permanent resident of the USA.

He is a pathological liar, as well as a ridicolous kleptomaniac. He stole a ridicolous amount of goods in South Africa without being caught, and even stole things on the way to America, though most things he steals has little value. He just steals them.

His family emigrated from South Africa after the fall of Arpatheid. Despite this, Francis Mulder has little misgiving toward Africans himself.

The author of this biography is too crappy at writing to write more.

Clique: N/A
Relationships: N/A
[+] An older iteration of this profile
Name: Francis Mulder
Gender: Male
Age: Fourteen
Grade: Ninth Grade
School: P.J. Gilroy Academy
Extra Curricular Activities: Rifle Club, Debate Club, Math Club, Chess Club
Description: Francis Mulder was born in Cape Town, South Africa. No one knows how he ended up over here, but he has proven to be a fairly average student, but somewhat bright. Somewhat. He is a permanent resident of the USA.

He is a pathological liar, as well as a ridicolous kleptomaniac. He stole a ridicolous amount of goods in South Africa without being caught, and even stole things on the way to America, though most things he steals has little value. He just steals them.

Despite his rather nice demeanor, he'll be chatting with you happily while stealing your stuff.
Clique: N/A
Relationships: N/A
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