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Ebony Libitina@*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:02 am
by Kris*
Name: Ebony Libitina
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Grade: 9th
Extra Curricular Activities: Softball, Tennis, Student
Description: Ebony's name matches the color of her hair. She has ebony hair that shapes her pretty white face. Her hair is long going down midway to her back. Her eyes are a lovley shade of violet. She is about 5'6 and is the prettiest thing on the block. Her style is that of short skirts and tube tops. She loves to look pretty especially when it comes to special occasions.  
Clique: Normals
Relationships: None
Other: Ebony was forced into the Acadamy because her parents are as rich as they come. They wanted her to go to a good school and so she is now at the PJ Acadamy. Ebony is a nice girl who likes making friends, having little get togeathers and stuff like that. But besides that she is a tough sporty girl who dosn't take any crap from boys. She is the star Tennis player as well as the star Softball player. Ebony also is in Student goverment and is the represenative of the Freshman Class. She is beautiful and all the upperclassman ask her out but she denies them because she dosn't think their capable of handling a toughy like herself.   Ebony has morals but those can be stretched for some fun. Ebony is pretty well rounded but she does have a bad girl side but that comes out only when she meets someone capable of having a good time with her.