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Darcy Rose@

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:04 am
by Kris*
Name: Darcy Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Grade: Mrs. Rowena's Homeroom 133. Grade 10th.
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Cheer leading, Dancing
Description: Darcy is another beautiful member of the popular group as well as the Bloody Fists. She is the second best friend of Mariavela after Lavender. Basically she's in the same position as Lavender and both help Mariavela when they can. Darcy has long dirty blonde with a hint of aburn. She has a nice toned face with a body to go with it. She has her nice curves which are because of her cheerleading and dancing. Darcy is kind of tall a normal girls height, about 5'6. Her eyes are that of hazel which total gives her the autum look. She prefers to wear short skirts and stuff like that. She dosn't care about being called a sly, what she does care is someone getting in her face. Darcy is a tough girl and can take care of herself, if someone picks a fight she'll go all out and kick the hell out of them. She is beautiful but dosn't mean she gets taken advantage of, she'll beat someones ass if they even try to start anything with her. She's fit and acrobatic, the person on the cheerleading squad who does mostly the flips, jumps, and stunts in the air such like the pyrimid.

Clique: Popular Group, The Bloody Fists


Mariavel Varella: The girl who sticks by Mariavela,. Sort of like the third general of the group asfter Lavender. Although Lavender dosn't really hang with her, Darcy fills the spot and hangs with mariavela all the time. Of coruse she dosn't worship the ground she walks on but she knows Mariavela aand they are good friends.

Lavender Heart: The girl that Darcy turns to the most. She knows the answers from Mariavela about boy problems and stuff like that. Lavender is sort of the reality check, and she often turns to her for advice. She's good friends with Lavender not best friends like she is with Mariavel but getting there.

Seth Mattlock: Darcy was never really intimidated by Seth. She just looked at him as another person. Of course Darcy trusts Seth and would turn to him if for some reason she can't turn to Lavender.

Richard Kingston: Darcy dosn't really like Richard, he was way too agressive for her tastes. She dosn't really feel comfertable around him, but puts up with him.

Erick Rischiro: Darcy likes Erick, he's a nice guy and likes to be around him. He makes her laugh. Sometimes she lieks to get into card playing competition's with him as she is also competitive to an extent. Her drive dosn't compare with Ericks.

Bryan Calvert: Unfortunatly, Bryan is the annoying one to her. She can put up with Richard but Bryan just gets on her last nerve. Always wanting to pick a fight, he's a good defense to have. One good thing is she feels safe that her back is covered by Bryan and Richard.

Other: Darcy is a nice a girl until someone starts something with her. Then she gets tough, and serious. Her kindness can be literally shot down when someone trys something on her. Darcy is the second female member of The Bloody Fists.

More will be added in depth later.