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Aillin Rowan Kavanagh@*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:18 am
by Naki*
Name: Aillin Rowan Kavanagh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 10; Mrs. Rowena, Room 133
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: None
Description: Rowan, who doesn't enjoy being called by his first name, is what some refer to as 'off-kilter', and certainly out of place in Gilroy Academy. The main reason why people say this is due to his strong individuality. Even with the institute of uniforms, from his time at Gilroy Academy, this truly hasn't made Rowan a member of the masses. While he isn't lacking intelligence [though, many would disagree due to his age-versus-grades-passed ratio], he chooses not to use it. In school, he does mediocre, being only sent to Bathurst High as it was the only school he has yet to be removed from.

Don't let this fool you, Rowan isn't the trouble-maker either. Of course, after you break a couple of noses and dislocate a number of shoulders, you start to wonder. Rowan's individuality is the source of his troubles. He isn't afraid of what other people think about him, and has no fear to speak his mind, even if it isn't going to be liked. Of course, this line of living has additionally given Rowan vices; smoking and alcoholism being foremost.

Rowan holds himself quietly, but with an air of superiourity. Even among those that view themselves better based on money, or amount of friends, or other materialistic objects, he merely turns away and keeps walking with an off-hand comment being the only thing to leave his lips, not even his cigarette. Though, he has the mind to stay off the grounds when he takes his much needed smoke breaks, but has no qualms about walking around the school with one slipped behind his ear.

Physically, Rowan is of rather small and light stature, being only 5'7", he weighs a meager 141lbs, but packs enough of an arm to throw the biggest of guys off. His dirty blonde hair is down to his mid-back when it isn't tied back. Though, even when it is tied back, his hair still touches the start of his shoulders. Another thing he was told he couldn't do was wear any of his bands or peircings, of course, they went so far as the be broken the first day. Rowan has his ears pierced 4 times in the cartilage on the right ear, and 3 on the left, and once in the lobe of each. As well, his eyebrow above his left eye was pierced at one point, but has since healed over, as well has two snakebites in his lower lip that he needs to get re-pierced. As well he has a number of tattoos, most of them climbing up his arm, but a one of his chest and a rather large one on his back, as well as one on the back of his right hand of a crucifix. His eyes are a grey-blue colour.

Rowan's attire is generally out of place for a lot of the students at Bathurst, half due to being non-conformist. Generally he wears a long sleeve shirt, often a tour shirt from some band, and then a band tee overtop. He wears various leather bands around his wrists and arms with spikes, studs, or eyelets. From his time at Gilroy, Rowan has been nice enough to keep his pants, which he altered to how he sees fit. They have gained various pockets, no less than four 'suspender-like straps', as well as a number of straps that merely hang, attached at only one point. He has also gained at least 3 instances of ISS for wearing these pants, but still continues to wear them as there is nothing in the rules about not wearing straps and chains. Most of the teachers he deals with ask him to remove as much of the chains and bands as possible before class starts, but without fail, Rowan rarely actually does so, and just shoves them in his pockets after class starts, or not at all. As well, he always has an MP3 player in his pocket, blaring some heavy metal, or undreground thrash music. It makes him a lot more formidible to approach.

Now, it can't be fooled, Rowan's raisings certainly reared him in this manner, but it wasn't because of some broken home, or an alcoholic mother. He was raised by his mother, his father leaving home when he was 3. He wasn't traumatized by this fact. Purely because he was too young to remember to his father, and didn't give a damn enough to care later on.

He grew up in a 2 bedroom apartment with his mother for his entire life; his mother racked in serious pain due to a disability that rendered her unable to work, or very often, rarely even be able to leave the house. Because of this factor, Rowan had to get a job, or make money one way or another.

His first 'money-making' scheme failed rather miserably, and led him into a bad group of kids, a couple that dealt with the gangs as well. This didn't last long, as Rowan had thrown into juvenile for 6 months for robbery. Of course, Juvenile doesn't do much for breaking habits, but rather, creating them, and after release, Rowan let it be known he was pretty much an avid smoker.

He didn't spend much time in Highschool. Just about every time he went to one, he'd get into a fight and severely injure his oppressors and get expelled. The Academy, although private, seemed like the best option for Rowan. His grandparents paid any fees to keep him there, and he was added a permenant member of the academy. It was apparent that he was much older than the rest of the Grade 9 classes, but this didn't deter Rowan from going to class.

After his first year in the Academy, a wrong-move was made, and Rowan once again let his fists do the talking, acting rather irrationally based on the situation. A small comment was made to Rowan, one that he took personally, and broke loose, as if suffering a break in his sanity, beating the kid severely. They refused the tuition to keep Rowan at the Academy a second year, and even when his grandparents attempted to bribe them with more money, declined.

They noted there were only two schools left in this district, and that they wouldn't fund another move again, so he had to stay in one of these schools until he graduated. ANd if he was expelled, he'd be forced to live in the streets.

With this threat fresh in his mind, Rowan flipped a coin and chose to go to Bathurst High, trying to make the best of this school, and not find himself expelled again.

Clique: None; Rowan doesn't beleive in 'cliques'.


None currently


Rowan has been expelled from no less than 3 districts, and one entire state starting since grade 4.

Additionally, his family has never sent him to see a shrink to explain his improportional reactions to minor events and his distinct lack of rationality when dealing with simple problems with other people.