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A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:40 am
by Kris*
((Continued from: The Stairwell))

"You know its such a shame...." Paris stood facing Garry, who had a look of pure terror on his face. The setting was dark, lightning roared outside and all the lights in Paris's humble house had gone off due to the noisy rains. Garry hung by his neck from the ceiling fan in the living room, below his feet was a chair.

"Now this looks familar..." Paris held a single white candle in his hand that was lit up. There was no wounds upon his face, everything was normal; Beautiful as ever. He walked around the chair eyeing the six foot giant from head to toe. Now the living room celing was unaturally high, with out the chair Garry would be....

Garry tried to mouth something but he nothing came out. Paris put his hand to his ear. "Whats that? I can't hear you..." Garry continued to grasp for words but nothing. "I still can't hear you!" cried Paris as he kicked the chair from under him, Garry's voice was no heard but instead of nothing it was a scream. A snapping crack was heard as Garry's lifeless body know hung from the celing fan, lighting flashed as the winds rustled thorugh the trees outside his house.

Paris just smiled at the scene, a happy smile. Garry had just paid the penalty for inflicting any damage upon himself and humilating him infront of everyone at Hobbsborough. "Say hi to my brother for me..." and with that phrase,  he blew out the single flame of his candle.

Pretty boy woke up with a start in his hospital bed. He had broken a sweat and was breathing heavily. Looking around he was in an all white room, he had a pounding headache beating in his skull. The boy took off the sheets and saw he had bandages on his knee and leg. Trying to get off the bed he tryed to stand up but a searing pain ripped thorugh him. Collapsing on the bed Paris grinded his teeth; There was a hand mirror on the nightstand next to his bed, quickly snatching it he gazed into the glass.

A scream tore thorughout the hospital as Paris viewed his bandaged up head and nose. Only his eyes and chin/mouth were visable. His black hair dropped down and covered parts of his bandages that were wrapped around his head. He wasn't naked on but had a white hospital nightgown on. "Where the fuck am I!?" he yelled. All the boy remembered was a fight with an idiot named Adam and then bumped into some guy and thats it. "Where the hell is everyone!?" screeched the boy wanting some answers, now.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:40 am
by AtomicWaffle*
((Continued from: Garry's Sanctuary))

Garry Walked to The hospital, angry at himself for hurting this guy. He didn't even know him. But did the armed robber know you?
He shook his head. This doesn't feel right. I shouldn't have done that. But.. it felt so good. Standing up for someone, making people pay.
He sighed. Well, time to "Try" to apologise. He entered Paris' room.
Wow, this has been a baaaaad day.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:40 am
by Kris*
As Paris continued yelling Garry walked into his room. At first the boy just eyed him weirdly but the he recognized his his massiveness and than it hit him. Paris's look of puzzlement became one of a raging lion as he screamed. "You! Your the one who fucking did this to me!!!" Paris could just kill him, he could just kill him. However his legs needed a bit of healing before he could walk again.

"Your going to pay for what you've done you fucking asshole!" Paris couldn't stand it, especially to be faced with the person responsible for his little trip to the hospital. The anger boiled so much within him, the boy wanted to teach him a lesson. But strength isn't reall key here since obviously this monstrosity is stronger than him. No....He would have to take another approch.

"Get the fuck out!!!" he screamed again as the rage continued to accumalate. Grabbing the lamp on the nightstand paris chucked it at Garry with all the strength he had gained through his current rest. "GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!"

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:40 am
by AtomicWaffle*
"Holy shit man!, I came here to apologise! Jesus!" He dodged the flying lamp, just before it shattered against the wall. "I lost control, I am busy looking for something, and i have been very stressed, I guess I just lost control. I'm sorry, but jeez, could you at least not try to kill me with a lamp!" Garry had felt very bad about sending this guy to the hospital, but he could only wonder why this guy was so....
Odd. He knew he was eccentric, but this guy was just... strange.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Kris*
"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Paris. He couldn't even look at this guys face, he hurt him and now he's apologizing? Its too late for anything like that! All he wanted was for him to leave so he can cope with this new enviorment. "Sorry my fucking shit, didn't you hear me? Are you DEAF!? I said GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!! Paris tried to make his voice normal but he just couldn't take in all the rage that enetered him.

Not wasting another moment Paris opene the draw to the night table and threw it at him. Hopefully it hits him this time, all he could think of was just knocking Garry's head right off with this wooden drawer. "GET OUT!!!!" he continued screaming wanting this unpopular bastard to get of his room now.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by AtomicWaffle*
Garry Left the hospital room just as a drawer flew past his head. When people are in a rage, they seem to not be able to throw things and hit people with them. As he walked down the hallway he giggled. "The Poor bastard will probably try to poison my food or something, rather than decide to kill me in my sleep" He then laughed loudly and got a weird stare from a nurse. "Sorry." He left the hospital and got into his car. "Yeah right." He remembered the hate on Paris' face. "Oh shit."

((Continued in: A Meeting with the Man who Doesn't Exist))

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Snipes*
((Continued from: Another Day in Homeroom...))

Brendan had heard about Paris' little trip to the hospital when the boy hadnt answred his phone and through the grapevine of parents and student.

The filthy-rich-boy turned the cornner as Garry had left. The boy entered the hospital room and glanced about at the smashed lamp and broken shards of what was once the nightstand drawer.

"Redecorating, Paris?"

He cast a half a smirk and slipped his hands behind his back.
He tried to sound non-caring, his normal tone but couldnt help sounding as if he actually had feelings.

"I...came as soon as I found out."

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Kris*
Paris was about to chuck the mirror that showed that repulsive image when Brendan walked through the door. He lowered the mirror and sighed. "Oh its you..." he said trying to calm down as much as possible. "At least that bastard left..." he said leaning back on his pillow and another sigh of hopelessness. "Can you beleive this? This is the worst fucking day in the world!" cried Paris.

Now it started, the dramatic boy started his rants and rages about the day with his friend. He always does it, qhen something bad happens he raves about it to his friends who agree with every single word he says. "Can you beleive this? That guy that just left, was the one who did this to me!!! TO ME!!? Can you beleive this!?!" When things didn't really go toward Paris's way he turns into a viscious loud machine. Barking insults and questions, expecting answers as fast as he screams out words.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Snipes*
Paris nodded along with everything Paris said, as usual. He usualy faked his listening and just nodded at all  the times it sounded like he should, not with Paris though.
Paris was one of the few Brendan actually listened to. He infact was indeed mad at the fact his friend had been hospitalized.

"I know, I know, its positivly horrid! Fucking ridiculous."

Brendan thought it safe for at least him to approche Paris' bed. Obviously anyone in their right mind who didnt know Paris like Brendan would quickly leave the room.
Snipes stopped at the edge of the bed.

"Dont worry. We'll figure out something to make his life more meaningless than it already is."
He cast a plotting, yet friendly smirk to Paris.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Kris*
"Your damn right about that!" snapped Paris as he looked at Brendan. His feelings for Brendan remained the same, his mind was too fogged up with revenge to even notice how hot Brendan really is. He should be pleased that someone as hot as Brendan was his friends but no, revenge was the only thing on his mind.

"I'm going to make his life a living hell....I'll make sure he pays for this!" he said staring at the white wall across from his bed. "Thats the first thing I'm going to do when I'm out of this damn place, and out of this damn bed!" he said. Paris's mouth wouldn't shut unless he was given a tranquilizer. After being hospilized he's bound to complain.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Snipes*
Brendan had started his way around the bed when Paris had started to rant again. There was no stopping the Prince of Gossip now, he was on a rampage. Nothing Snipes could do but sit and wait for the steam to clear.

Brendan stopped half way around the bed and glanced down at Paris' wounded and bandaged knee and leg. He broushed the bandeges with his fingers and shrugged.

"It shouldnt be too long."

He glanced up again and Paris after slowly taking back his hand.
Paris was hot when he was angry.

"Anything in mind for the blighter?"

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Kris*
"Your thinking too slow my friend." said Paris hardly noticing the bursh of Brendan's fingers. Paris couldn't do anything with Brendan in this condition, he wouldn't allow himself, especially now that he looked like this. Battered. "I know exactly what I'm going to do, i obviously can't do anything to him. As you can already tell he's much stronger than me..." The gears in Paris's mind started to wheel and grind as he thought of the possibilities.

Paris's fist slamed on the red button to call the nurse. "I need to find out specifically when I'm getting out of this hell hole. I'm hungry anyway.." he said as he felt his stomach rumbling a bit. He was tired, but he wouldn't rest until he had his venganza......Venganza......Venganza.....The word repeated in his mind.


Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Snipes*
Brendan smirked. Paris was a thinker. While Brendan never worked as fast as Paris, he was quite the devil when it came to destroying lives of others.
Thanks to a few accountant friends he had his "rival" from his private school evicted from his home.
Brendan may not hit fast but when he hits he hit hard. However he admired Paris and his thoughts and how he worked.

"I'll check into your release date when I leave." he reasured his friend.

He couldnt help himself. Brendan stopped on the other side of the bed. He examined Paris' face. Slightly bruised, a bandage over the boy's nose that didnt look all too nessisary and was probibly for percatious reasons.
He leaned forward and slowly brought his hands up and carefully removed the obnoxious bandage from Paris' face.


Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Kris*
Paris winced at the small pain as the bandange came off. "What are you doing?" The boy didn't understand, his plans for revenge were side-tracked when Brendan started this caring thing. Brendan was never a caring person, it was strange. A little too strange, yet new; Paris just looked at Brendan with a strange look on his face.

Feelings. Who needs feelings? But this felt all too new to him. He was smart but in this kind of area he didn't know anything. Love was something that had never occured to him before, noone was ever intrested in him. Well they haven't really shown they were intrested, they probably were but they just didn't show it. How can anyone resist his charming looks?

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Snipes*
Brendan shrugged and tossed the bandage onto the drawer-less nightstand.
He rolled his eyes as Paris' inquisition.

"What? You want that bloody thing on your face? Trust me, mate, its not flattering."

Brendan agian started to circle the bed slowly. He decided not to try anything else with Paris. Wait, he was trying things now? What?
No, he was Brendan Xavier Snipes. He didnt have feelings, he was a cold, ruthless, rich-boy from england. He was the one people would cower of and admire at the same time. He was the one who could destroy a life with a phone call and rebuild one with a text message.
Since when did he care about anyone?

Well...apparently now. Feelings, who needs feelings?

"Unless you want me to put it back on?"