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The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:02 am
by Kris*
Marimar smiled as she sat admist the trees of the school. Before her was a Biology book turned to the page of an Electric Blue Butterfly. Its wings looked like it was painted blue, its edges were black. On another side of the page it described the butterfly and its insides and outsides.

In Marimar's hands she held a notebook where she sketched a picture of the butterfly. She was early for the Butterfly Club to meet actually an hour early. But she was excited, it was butterfly season. The spring. She couldn't wait anylonger to be among the butterflys and other beautiful plants that spouted after a long winters sleep. The girl was wearing a blut plaid short dress that went two inches above the knee. The plaid part was magenta, Marimar loved to wear bright colors in the spring and summer. Her long wavy hair fell down to her shoulders and ontop of her head was a black hat that looked like a crown, or a jester hat. It depends on how you look at it.

The girl continued to draw, she took out a couple of color pencils from her backpack sitting beside her and started to shade in the 'electric' blue of the butterfly. A smile was on her face, she enjoyed the weather and the warm sunlight touching her face. This is something Marimar always does, a hobby that will never leave her heart.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:02 am
by lovebirdjo*
Lee-Ann was late. Well, of course that was probably obvious. Her attempts at getting more involved in the the activities the school had to offer that didn't require athletic prominence, which were few in number, were going quite horribly. She had joined the small choir, but could it really even be called that? The members could be counted on her fingers, including herself. Of course, that's not to say that she thought they were bad. In fact, what they lacked in quantity, they more than made up for in quality. The band, however, was horrible. Even at P.J., where the focus was on the academic courses, the band was pretty good. The last practice she had gone to, a week ago, the sound made was more like nails on a chalkboard and police sirens than music.

To put it simply, she was bored with the lack of interesting things to do. She had resorted to the simple, pathetic clubs to find something productive to do. The Butterfly Club. Just its name was enough to make her apprehensive about the people involved with its activities. The only reason she had even considered it was because they were not just interested in butterflies, but were also a horticulture group. Lee-Ann liked plants, flowers in particular. She had a bit of a garden at home. Her favorite flowers, tulips, were abundant this time of year.

Finally reaching her destination, a door that led out to the field and the nearby woods, she took a moment to gather her thoughts and took a deep breath before slowly opening the door. There was only one girl there, laying on the ground. Someone she had never expected to be there: Marimar Perez. Homecoming Queen and part of the very crowd that shunned her figure and personality. The girl was poured over a notebook, sketching something from a book, her curly brown locks hanging from her shoulders. Possibly a butterfly?

It was then that Lee-Ann truly took in her appearance. She was beautiful, that much was certain. Make-up in place here and there, Lee-Ann mused that there must have been something to hide. Of course, that was probably jealousy of her hourglass perfection. That figure wore a cute skirt, although possibly a bit too short. At least, for Lee-Ann's taste. The plaid pattern of the skirt was classy, but a flirty flair embodied it as well. For a moment, Lee-Ann looked at herself. At least, she looked at one side. Her less than satisfactory pear shape and all. In that moment, she wished for a chance to switch places with Marimar.

Knocking slightly on the door, Marimar looked up in slight startlement. "Sorry about that." was the only thing Lee-Ann had in her to say. "I think I'm late, and I just saw you sketching and didn't want to interrupt. So, just what ARE you sketching?"

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Shula*
A club, devoted to butterflies—oh, this can only be enthralling. Honestly now, what could possibly be so great that a bunch of people have a club over it? I mean, I know butterflies are pretty and all, but really. Maybe I should tell them all to watch Purple Butterfly. That’d make them all less frivolously cheerful.

Laura went through entire lists of reasons why she didn’t want to be going to some Butterfly Club. Of course, most everything was redundant, but who’s paying any attention to that? It wasn’t that she had anything better to be doing, just that she had already anticipated the type of people who would be there and while nerds turned tree-hugger were usually nice and most of the time tolerable in small doses, they often grew annoying senses of superiority and self-importance.

Either way, Lee-Ann had talked her into this mess, and she wasn’t going to back down now. Backing down from an agreement is never an option…unless it’s far more beneficial to do so. There are always exceptions to the rule.  As the girl reached her appointed destination however, she wondered if she could justify this as one of those exceptions. That purple plaid skirt sitting under a tree really only meant one thing:  Laura was going to have to put up with some frilly, girly crap from some popular chick. Upon closer inspection, she saw that the person in the dress was Marimar.

Oh, this certainly is your lucky day, Laura, isn’t it? Laura fought the urge to reply or to look around. She wouldn’t find the voice’s body anyway. First you get pulled into a club for butterflies and now the only two here are the one who talked you into it and one of those girls. Oh, home-coming queen too! Delightful--an arrogant popular girl. He sounded almost…amused at her imminent social plight.
“Would you shut up?” Laura hissed, “I don’t need to put up with anyone poking at me about joining any club.”
You’re no fun. That’s why you’re so ignored, you know.

Suddenly, Laura was far less angry at her current situation, and far more willing to behave herself. Maybe this girl would tolerate her being there is she didn’t make her presence painfully noticeable. She walked up to the two already there and knelt down, sitting on her feet. Laura didn’t look at either of them, choosing instead to aim her glance at some feature some distance away. “Hey.”

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Kris*
Marimar who was sketching the Eletric Blue Butterfly stopped and looked up to see two girls standing before her. She can't say that she's seen these two around school before, Shula and Lee-Ann. She hasn't really talked to them, but Marimar always welcomes the chance of meeting and making new friends. "Oh no your not late at all. Its no problem." she said with a smile. "I'm Marimar." she said as she layed the sketch book in her lap.

I'm glad someones here. Its sad how nobody is into nature anymore... she thought as she shook Lee-Ann's hand. She looked down when Lee-Ann mentioned something about her sketch; "Oh this? Its a drawing of an Electric Blue Butterfly from our Biology book." she said handing her the skecthbook.  "What do you think?" she asked tilting her head.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by lovebirdjo*

Looking over at the presented sketch, Lee-Ann's visible eye widened in astonishment. There, on the pad, sat what appeared to be an Electric Blue Butterfly. Peleides Hyacinthus was its taxonomy if she remembered correctly. Aside from the obvious sketchmarks, it seemed as if the indigo hued wings were preparing to flutter any second. Lee-Ann couldn't remember a time when she had seen such beauty that wasn't in motion. But, it was in motion, at least in a theory she had.

She realized after a couple of moments that she must look like a fish with her gaping mouth, but at that time, she couldn't have cared less. There was so much she wished to say to Marimar; things that would make her flush in embarrassment at the flattery. All the blonde could manage though was a brisk, breathy "Beautiful..." before continuing with her saucer-sized staring. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the nymph in flight, or perhaps on a twig, its probiscus curled and eyes reflecting bright lights. The tiny scales of its aerial assistants making a cascade of indigo and sky blue. All in all, the image, the mental and physical, were breathtaking.

Laura's reaction wasn't quite as befuddling as Lee-Ann's, and she regained her composure quickly with a simple "Nice." How Marimar's face lit up in the sunlight, and how Lee-Ann felt like she might be accepted. For once, she might be accepted into the arms of the popular crowd.

Soon the trio of girls began talking like the schoolgirls they really were, although Laura's nonchalant behavior dampened the others' spirit just a bit. It seemed to be the beginning of what Lee-Ann hoped would be a turn for the better.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Kris*
"Oh thank you! I'm glad you liked it." she said as she looked back at the picture of the Electric Blue Butterfly in her Biology book. Marimar was happy that she has made some new friends, her popular friends were kind of boring her with all their talk of gossip and such. "So you like butterflys too? I'm glad, theirs not that many people in this club. We could use more members...."

Marimar remembered when she used to live on the beach with her grandparents, she used to jump into theo cean whenever she had the chance. But due to a job oppertunity they moved to the city and now Marimar is actually going to school living life with like a normal student.

"So do you live near here?" she asked putting her sketch book down and focusing on the conversation at hand. "I used to live near the ocean and the beach, but.....We moved to the city and now this is where we live.." she said with a small smile.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by lovebirdjo*
Marimar's first question was relatively simple, and Lee-Ann replied with "Actually, it's not really butterflies I have a fascination with. I enjoy plants. Botany has become a pretty big hobby of mine as of late, but I also like entomology since it is related to botany. My favorite insect isn't the butterfly, though. I actually prefer moths simply because of their nocturnal beauty. In particular, I love the lunar moth. It's so... elegant in appearance."

Her miniature speech ended up annoying Laura a little bit. She could tell the other girl was present only so Lee-Ann wouldn't be there alone. It was then she felt another one of her blind flashes, a blackout of sorts. Her worst fear coming forth in only a few seconds. A small gasp escaped Lee-Ann's lips as her vision blurred. It was a flash of indistinguishable light, and it must have been obvious that her visible eye was out of focus from her pained expression. Just like it came on in an instant, it stopped and the light haired girl realized neither of her companions had noted the change in her. On one side, she was relieved, but in retrospect she was disappointed. She really needed someone to help her.

When she had finally comprehended Marimar's second question, she thought for a moment. 'Should I tell her what happened? I mean, everyone knows I came from P.J., but I don't think I should explain the rest.' was the beginning of her mixed emotioned thoughts. After her decision to tell everything that didn't include her incident, she answered the other girl's inquiry. "It's really not that much to tell. You probably heard that I switched schools early in the year, and that I'm a bit of a geek. At least, that's what everyone says. Obviously I'm not exactly the size two that most girls are around here. Oh! Sorry about getting off topic. Well, to put it simply, my dad got a new job, and we had to move so he could be closer."

Nothing she said seemed to make either girl uncomfortable, and for that she was glad. The bangs on Lee-Ann's left side were a little off, and she soon realized the other girls could probably see her eye. Frantic in her motions, the girl pulled her pony-tailed hair down in a rush. Flipping the long strands out in front of her face, she stood up with an excuse and walked away, back inside the school; heading for the bathroom at the hall's entrance. She didn't bother to look at the other girls, her nerves and anxiety long having kicked in. Finally reaching the door to the toilets, the model-like femme walked in before collapsing on the floor in tears. These mood swings had been happening for some time, and to say the least, Lee-Ann was disgusted with herself for them. After all, what use are tears? A waste of moisture for her body, that's what. But there she was, a wreck of a person, her tears shining on the ugly bathroom tile while long gold locks hung down, in a pathetic state of disshevelment. The girl wasn't perfect, but maybe if she kept pretending, others might just believe it.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Kris*
Marimar didn't waste anytime into following Lee-Ann. "Hey wait!" she said as she left her thing on the meadow as she chased the girl inside the school. Something was definatly up, the girl didn't like to see people sad. Following Lee-Ann into the bathroom she kneeled down to the sobbing mess on the floor. It was truly a heartrending site for her to see someone in such pain.

"Tell me whats wrong. Maybe I can help." she asked putting a hand on her shoulder. Lee-Ann was now a friend of Marimar, and she values friends as one of her main aspects in life. Finally someone who was intrested in the same subjects as her, someone who adored nature and all it was to offer.

"Please tell me..." Marimar didn't want to insit any longer, she didn't wnat the girl to think she was a brownnoser. But she truly was concerned with Lee-Ann and why she has broken down into a rain of tears.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by lovebirdjo*
It took Lee-Ann a long time before she had the confidence or restraint of voice to say anything to Marimar. Laura wasn't there, she saw. Well, saw in the sense of attempting to view throught her long hair; which was now out of place and going in all directions. Standing up, the intelligent female brushed herself off and attempted to wipe away tears. Plastering a big, fake smile onto her pale face, she spoke to Marimar in a voice that she knew from countless times wouldn't betray her true emotions. "I'm sorry. I've had a lot on my mind lately, and I guess it's the hormones. We as girls really need to get a grip on our emotions. Damn mood swings." she said with a light chuckle, hoping Marimar bought the response. 'Please don't look into my eyes' the girl thought. She was almost sure the girl would though, so she tilted her head to let her hair fall over her face. 'Maybe I should get some glasses, to make my eyes less noticeable...'

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Shula*
Lee-Ann's blithering had managed to get on Laura's nerves a bit. Honestly, who really cares why you're at a club for butterflies. You're there; that's what matters. Why is almost never a question that needs answering.

But then Laura's friend got onto a slightly more personal topic and, for whatever reason broke down and ran away. Figures. Why must people all be so damn emotional and over reactive all the time?

Laura never got a chance to suggest to the over achieving homecoming queen artist that they go find out what Lee-Ann's problem was. Marimar was on her feet and calling out to her friend in the blink of an eye. Well, I guess she isn't completely useless beyond a colored pencil, then.

Laura could feel a snarky retort about to come from that insidious voice, but somehow managed to slam down her mind against it. It really wasn't something she needed right now. She followed Marimar into the bathroom where Lee-Ann knelt in tears. Laura leaned against the door, probably just out of Lee-Ann's vision with her hair like that, telling herself she was helping matters by keeping anyone else out. The sorting out of emotions could be left to miss perfect.

"Well, if it's just a matter of moodswings, perhaps an upswing could get on its way, once. I'd suggest chocolate, but I don't have any with me." Sarcastic humor in potentially awkward situations--it might as well have been Laura's trademark.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by lovebirdjo*
Laura's behavior had been the same since they had met. Sarcasm, bitterness, and overall rudeness seemed to be her trademark style in speech, dress, and attitude. Lee-Ann certainly respected her, but she could be quite a bitch sometimes. Of course, the blonde wouldn't say such a thing to the other girl, seeing as it might make her licensed to kill her; or worse. Just what the girl could do that was worse than death, Lee-Ann didn't know, but she was certain there was some strange voodoo power noone knew about.

Just when the image of an imaginary voodoo and murder license popped into her head, Lee-Ann regained her thoughts and stopped spacing out. Responding to the remark from Laura, her brain seemed to pick back up where she could form a paragraph of cleverly worded nonsense. "Of course. I can certainly call up my emotions and make them step into line or force one up. Wait, I know. That's called acting!" The girl was a good actor. She had practiced to make her happy face perfect.

"No offense guys, but I think I'm gonna head home. I don't really feel like staying anymore. So, see you two tomorrow?" she inquired, the last bit she preferred not to happen at all. She didn't need people talking about her breakdowns and emotional trauma.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Kris*
Marimar wasn't convinced at all, she could tell there was sadness in the girls heart. "Lee-Ann, are you sure your ok? You don't want me to walk you home?" she asked her face filled with a look of worry. The girl didn't like to see her friends be sad, it always hurt her heart to see someone crying. That is if they don't deserve it. As Marimar waited for an answer the light bulb in her head lit up. She knew exactly what was needed in this type of situation.

"I know!" Marimar's face lit up as she took both hands of Lee-Ann's. "Lets have a sleepover!" she cried with a happy facy of excitement. "There's nothing like friends to cheer another friend up!" said marimar hoping the girl would say yes. "We can have it at your house, or my house if you'd like..." Marimar looked at Laura that said 'promote the idea!' Friends were always the perfect medicine when it comes to feeling sad and alone. At least, to it was the perfect medicine to Marimar.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Shula*
Oh. Dear. Gods. Laura had been about to verbally flay Lee-Ann for wanting to leave. Honestly, the girl had dragged her here and now wanted to leave her alone with this...this...HAPPY one? But of course Little Miss Everything-in-the-world-is-pink-and-bubbly-and-perfect beat her to the chance to speak--and suggested a sleepover.

What was this, Marimar was trying to intimidate Laura into agreeing with her? That in itself was enough to set her off. No, she was not about to spend an entire night at some sleepover. Nights were for brooding and sulking and eventually sleeping if luck was to be had. Yessss, it's about time we had a little chat, isn't it? We can discuss our plans to save this race by eliminating it! They still need work, don't you think? And that was more than enough to override Marimar's attempts at insistance.

"Yeah. That sounds like a great idea. I'm all for it." Laura only half hoped it sounded more enthusiastic than she felt. "I mean, I haven't been to a sleep over in years, I guess it's time to change that." There. Any lack of excitement should have been covered up by that. If this didn't cheer Lee-Ann up, somebody was going to be on the recieving end of as vicious a glare as Laura could manage.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by lovebirdjo*
The shaggy haired blonde had been surprised when Marimar suggested such an elementary activity as a sleepover, but she had been floored when Laura actually agreed to the notion. On the other hand, the girl was embodied the essence of mystery. Either way, the looks the two were giving Lee-Ann were polar opposites, but very moving indeed. Marimar was staring in that caring, puppy way. Like, "Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?" with a bit of a pout working its way onto her lips. Laura... well, she was giving her "friend" a grade A glare, daring her to say no. With an inward sigh, the girl put on her fake smile again, and looked up at the two very different girls. Yin and yang... Lee-Ann found herself thinking unconciously before responding to Marimar's question like Laura.

"Ok. That sounds great actually. We could study biology or something." This bit got a glare out of Laura, but the other girl kept her mouth closed. "Just one thing, could I run home first to get some things? I also need to call my parents. Or... what would be best? Should I just come to your house later?" In all actuality, the idea wasn't that bad. It really had been a while since Lee-Ann just talked with some friends without any care. Maybe it would do the girl good to leave her troubles behind her for one night. She just really needed to ask permission. After her mother's miscarriage, she had become extremely over-protective of her living, breathing child. Well, teenager, as Lee-Ann would like to be called. As she waited for an answer, she looked at herself in the mirror. Well, she half-looked. She certainly was a mess, her discombobulatory actions hadn't been the best course she realized now, and she could have been out of the situation easily if she had simply asked to be excused to go pee. With that thought, the girl silently thought it ironic that her life was shit, and she had broken down in a toilet.

Re: The Butterfly Club*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:03 am
by Kris*
Marimar clapped her hands in approval. "Oh yes! This wil be fun you'll see." she said making her way to Laura. "Come on, it won't be so bad." marimar finished with a smile. She could tell Laura wasn't the girly girly type, it didn't really matter. Laura to her was just one of those people who were moody all the time, for reasons unknown and unexplained. Marimar thought just to leave those kind of people alone with their feelings, but she thought differently of Laura. She knew she can crack her, in due time of course.

As for Lee-Ann it was time for some cheering up. Marimar knew that a good ol' fashioned sleep over would do the trick. "Of course! Go to your house and gather your things, talk to your parents and then come meet me at my house." The girl took out a piece a paper from her pocket and a pen, she ended up scribbling her adress and phone number for both Lee-Ann and Laura. "Here you go. When your ready just come by the house and we can start the official sleepover!" When it came to a party like this Marimar always knew how to set up: Movies, magazines, girl talk, food, drinks, boys.........Boys.....

That word echoed in Marimar's head; Butterflies, friends, breakdowns, sleep overs fun? She completley forgot about boys which is the dream that she always dreamed of. The girl has never once fallen truly in love with anyone, sure she's had her flings but nothing truly special. Marimar still hasn't found that perfect one, however she always thinks its closer than it appeared. However that didn't stop her from searching, searching for the perfect man who'll make her truly happy.

((Continued in: Marimar's House))