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A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Smoke came from the tall figure examining the body on the floor, he noticed no external wounds, he exhailed a long breath of smoke and sighed.
"I've got to get out of bed more often" He said kneeling down, the blood was dried "shitty way to go out, even I wouldn't wish this unto my enemies."
The man knew he was at risk examining a murder scene, so he was careful not to touch the body, he was just the character to receive afew accusations, he decided to in his own way, talk to the body.
"What could've killed a beauty like you from inside?" He said looking around, he spotted afew things that could've killed her, but no explaination as to how she would be as dim witted as to have killed herself with any of it, this bathroom was a health code violation, though the answer remained foggy, as he stood up he swallowed the butt of his cigarette. he seemed deep in thought.
His silence revealed all he could think of, nothing in the bathroom could've been a logical answere, unless she was dumb enough to eat waste, it couldn't have logically been a local source, and judging by the way she dressed she'd be too Icky icky to even consider drinking tap water.
"Well However you died I doubt it was suicide, You look like you had everything, lucky bitch" a glowing flame came from his ligher as he lit another Cig, he noticed a bottle like the kind you get from a doctor, if the police overlooked this they had abunch of dinks in charge of personell "fucking hell, why did they leave this? looks like the work of a child playing Scooby fuckin' doo.."

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by Solitair*
((Coming from: Another Day in Homeroom...))

Kasumi's footsteps echoed on the tile floor as she quickly trotted into the room. She leaned against the wall and allowed herself to smile weakly and catch her breath, before her nose wrinkled with an unpleasant smell and she turned to find it.

The sight of Kimberly lying in a pool of blood caused nearly all of the color to drain from Kasumi's face, and the job was finished once she saw the roughshod boy standing over her. "W-was it you?" she stammered, frightened of this interloper in her defiled sanctuary.

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"No" he said "I'd never even considered such a murder, Nor would I have a motive, but from what I've gathered the cops are fuckin' idiots, Did you know her?"
He said exhailing smoke, He was observing the body carefully He'd never seen anything like this, but he had a feeling she was too happy to have killed herself, he knew it, the blood was nearly dried up.
"See that bottle? Perscription medicine, I ain't touchin' it though, she looks too perfect to have killed herself though, I have no motive because I don't know her, I came because I heard someone died, I guess you could say my curiosity is freakish, but who was she? I bet people loved her."
He sighed an offered the lady a cigarette, he trembled a little, he was just as shocked as she, but he hid it, which was cruel of him to do so.
"Or did she just happen to dress with the wind of fashion and maintain to be beautiful?"

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by Solitair*
"No thanks," Kasumi whispered, looking at the cigarette suspiciously.

"I never really knew Kim that well," she continued, slowly regaining her composure. "Some people were irritated by her, I think."

She stared down at the bottle of medicine and took a step back from it. "So it was pills? She overdosed on medicine?" she asked.

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"Possibly, she doesn't look like a pillhead as the cops are claiming though, I could be wrong but whatever did this was intentional, and from what I'm seeing, what motive would she have to commit suicide? Just looking at her  kind of tells you it wasn't suicide in a way if you ask me" He said, his cigarette was unashed, it was mostly just a grey crumple, once again with caution, he swallowed the whole thing without hesitation "I'm not a professional but I see no reason why she'd kill herself, atleast not this way, I'd guess she'd atleast want to die quick and painless, not through pills.."

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by Solitair*
Kasumi sighed. "I don't know anything about that. All I know is that there's a corpse in this bathroom and I won't be able to relax until it's gone!" She pounded her fist against the wall and fingered the cross around her neck.

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"You're sure you don't want a smoke?" He said glancing at her "it beats the fuck out of being healthy, I'm leaving early, today, I think you may want to, but it's just an opinion, I wouldn't blame you, first dead person you've actually seen to my knowledge.."

(Note: Excuse any bad NPC use, I usually RP in fully human inviroments)

As he walked out of the bathroom he tossed her a cigarette a kid, presumably a hall monitor stopped before him.
"Kojiro!! Not today you aren't leaving!!" The kid said attempting to block his way.
"What can you do about it?" He said shoving the kid to his side
"Asshole!!" Koji had opened the door and went outside already, the kid knew he couldn't by any legal means do a truant officers job.

((Continued in: Cold Storage Shed Where Her Heart Should Be))

Re: A man in the ladies room(Open to all)*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:22 am
by Solitair*
Kasumi shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I just don't like cigarettes. But I probably will leave early, just as soon as-"

"Kasumi!" Lance souted from outside the restroom.

"-my boyfriend can leave." she finishes. "There he is. I'd better get going." She walks out the bathroom hurriedly, taking care not to look at Kim's corpse.

((Continued in: Two Friends))