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Lunch Time!*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:33 am
by Kid*
((Vincent continued from: Grade Eleven Blues))((Liney continued from: Grade Eleven Blues...))

Liney had just walked away from Vincent "Ryanster"-Ryans. Liney looked up to him often, only because he thought he represented one of those brood guys with a lot in their mind. It wasn't as if Liney had too muhc time on his hands, he just had a very big imagination and wasn't afraid to show it. From giving people nicknames to shoving cameras in their faces to ask if he could photoshop some pretty mustaches on their ugly faces.

So, what's cooking? I heard it was shit stew with a side of fungus among-us.

Liney laughed at his own joke, causing a few people next to him to stare over frankly. He made a sniffing noise, his own personal way of telling someone to fuck off without actually saying it. This technique he learned from his brother. Mostly because he had recieved the "sniff" so many times before.

"God... agh... so bored..." he was ready to go home, but he had one more class after food time. That's why this part of the day was so agrivating. He wished sometimes the worst classes of the day could go first and then he could end up having the best classes to close his day. He scratched his head in a response to a brain itch.

"Heh, looks like the lunchroom's packed," he laughed with a farce happyness. in reality, he hated seeing all the people in the school he hated the most all sitting in one room. It was as if he should quarintine the whole thing off just to save humanity. "So, I wonder if Vincent wants to be bothered again..."

Vincent, meanwhile, had just gotten his lunch. He obviously took an opposite way of Liney, causing him to escape the freaky guy and get lunch faster. He looked at the somewhat uneven lunchroom. Preps, jocks, queens, smarties-pretties on one side. Geeks, nerds, drama kids, losers, mentally-ill kids on the other. He usually sat on the side with the latter as it was quieter and most of the people were usually too scared of him, oddly, to talk to him. maybe it was because one kid he had tried to talk to saw his scar and simply thought he was the brutish type. Or maybe they thought he was emo or suicidal.

Like Anthony.

Vincent took his little silver utencil and poked it into the warm ooze of nutrition. It had bits of meat and fragments of death plague swimming in it. Plague in a pot-stew. He saw a pea in it, but that's about the only food in it he could distinguish.

"Hey-hey-hey, Vinnie!"

Vincent looked up to see one face he was a bit annoyed at. It was nice to eat lunch with someone once in a hwile though, so he couldn't complain. besides, he kind of just played the whole disliking Liney thing, he was an okay kid most of the times.

"So, I was in line and the lady drops a slop of stew on my tray and I accidentally dropped it on the floor, so she said sorry and gave me extra helpings." Liney gulped like something was pointed at his face. "Extra helpings mean I have to eat more shit n' piss."

Vincent laughed, feeling a lightness in his heart. The lunch women thought they were being nice, but Liney did after all kind of look like a sketeton with peach colored spandex stretched over the bones. That and a bit of random speckles once in a while. Poor Liney always was misjudged for being sick. The nurse had even thought he was ill and tried to send him home one of the first days he was at Hobbs.

Vincent was sure that catechism class was going to be one hell of a boredom fest. He was already pretty amused with the fact that he had to go to a half christian school. He had been christian when his father had lived with him, but his mother expanded their freedom by letting him pick his own religion.

Yay Athiest. And now to eat some shit... er, food.

Liney took his fork and shoved it into the pile of stuff called stew and lifted it to his mouth. he was not about to let his mandible fall off and get eaten by bacteria of the third kind. In fact, he was sure maybe that they were giving them left over nuclear waste from the wars or something. This food looked like Garry.

Re: Lunch Time!*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:33 am
by AtomicWaffle*
((Continued from: Meeting with the Man who Doesn't Exist))

Garry walked into the cafeteria. This, he reminded himself, is why it's smart to bring a lunch.  He looked over to the kitchen. What is in that stuff? Ass? It certainly looked like something related. He wondered if they actually tasted what they served, or just took everything from the janitor and threw it into a pot.
It seemed almost like something you would see on that show "Dirty Jobs" Where the guy would wade into piles of shit and anything else dumped down a sewer, man, the job of doing the show is in itself a dirty job. Ughhh.....

He knew nobody in this school, although he thought he saw someone familiar. "Oh, crap it's that guy, Liney!"  As he walked over to the table, he remembered where he had seen him, on the stairwell where he.. Oh. Well, best to clear things up and explain that he didn't dump Paris in a river with cement shoes.

Re: Lunch Time!*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:33 am
by Kid*
Liney was just about to take a healthy bite of his shit suprise when he noticed a familiar face coming towards the table. It was none other then Garry-fucking-Dodd.

"Agh! He's probably out to kill me or something! Quick, Vinnie, hide me!"

Vincent looked at Liney, watching as his once nonchalient visage turned into a melted shell of fear. He watched with even more amusement as Liney dove under the table to hide. He was quite a character, always trying to do something to make people laugh, even when he wasn't laughing.

"Oh, it's Garry. isn't that the kid you were talking about near the stairs...?" Vincent was sure Liney could hear him, but Liney wasn't talking.

"Shhh! He's almost here..." Liney chattered, his food now unsteaming and his platter sulking from his abandonment.