Lunch Room*

An average, mediocre school located in Denton, New Jersey.
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Lunch Room*


Post by baby_g* »

((Continued from: Doin' Rounds))

The bell rang

Tori picked up her bag and made her way back into the school, and into the cafe. As she stepped in large eating area, the smell of pizza, fries and gravey filled the air.

There were people everywhere. Some where sitting at the windows, sitting at the tables, standing near the doors or just waiting inline.

Not wanting to be to eager, Tori took a seat at the end of a half empty table, took out her PB and J sandwhich and juice box and began to eat.

As she ate, she let the atomosphere soak in. Here she was, first day in a new school, had already missed her first half of the day and now was eating lunch by herself in a crowded lunch room.

This is just great, she thought. doubting the day could be better, she began to prepare herself for the afternoon, which would probably be the same thing as the morning. >not being able to find anything in the school, looking like a loser, and meeting more weird people.

What of that Calvert boy?

Sure he was smelly, and looked like he needed a shower, but there was something about the way he didn't bother to even glance at her.

At Tori's old school, the boys always looked at her, almost eye'd her down in a way. Calvert was different. At first she thought he was being rude. but then she just figured that he was shy.


A shy boy, haning out with a old man with one hand and a hook for the other.

what a friend to make on the first day of school. if you could call it that much. she hadn't really 'attended' the school. just walked around the halls.

what an excellent first day of school.

figuring that seats where running out due to the over load of people coming into the cafe, someone would eventually sit by her, and she'd strike up a conversation... or so that was the plan thus far...

So Bored. Tori said to herself. with that, she finished off her sandwhich and went back to drinking her juice.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Preston Grey entered the Lunch room and was met with the usual crowdedness. Not that he really minded of coarse, he passed through the crowds of students nodding to those he knew. He made it to the other side and saw a girl sitting alone. Being his usual self, he decided to sit with her.

Plopping down across from her he put on a cheezy grin and held out his hand to her. Smiling he said, "Hi! The name's Preson, Preston Grey. Are you new here?"
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Post by baby_g* »

Tori, surprised that someone was talking to her, looked up to see a boy holding out his hand for her to shake.

happy to meet other person, she took it.

"Yea," she responded with a nervous laugh. "I'm Tori, Tori Jefferson. Want to sit with me?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

"Well nice to meet ya' Tori!" Sure, I'll sit with you!" He put on a cheezy grin and got out his own lunch.
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Post by baby_g* »

"What do you got there? looks good."
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Post by Megami* »

(Continued from: Doin' Rounds.  Thought I'd liven things up a bit.  :P )

Although Ali had, of course, contemplated heading back to class after seeing the nurse about her wound and running into C.J., Calvert, and the new girl, she had ultimately decided against it.  She was Ali Grayston, after all.  Senator Grayston personally donated a hoard of money to Bathurst High's funds every year.  It's not like she'd be reprimanded for skipping class or anything of that nature.  Instead, she'd cast a fleeting glance back down the hallway, musing to herself that she'd probably pissed Calvert off real good with the dirt comment... not that it was a hard thing to do in and of itself.

After that, the brunette had headed down the hallway, eventually retrieving her salad lunch from the teacher's lounge.  Normally, students weren't allowed in the faculty's private lounge, but like so many other things around Bathurst High, an exception was made for people like Ali Grayston.  In places like this backwoods high school, exceptions were always made for the right people.  People like Ali.  People like Jack Bexley.  People like Carmen Somerset and Walter Smith.  They were "special" people with V.I.P. priveleges in a place like this.

She smiled to herself at the thought.  Indeed, this entire school system seemed to play favorites, and even Ali had noted how often they seemed to turn a blind eye to the capers of certain students.  Carrying her salad down the hallway, she noted Walter Smith apparently talking to Mariavel Varella further down the hallway.  Though the sight caught her a bit offguard, she paid it no mind and kept her distance away from the duo, opting to go out the side door instead.  Ali was notorious for her smart mouth, but even she knew when to keep her mouth closed... and Walter Smith was one of those people that you just didn't pop off to.

Still carrying her salad, the brunette strolled down the relatively uncrowded side path to the cafeteria, steering clear of the few loitering students who stood in her way.  Pushing the cafeteria door open, she was greeted with the aroma of the school's provided lunch entering her nostrils.  Ali scoffed lightly at the smell... just what were they serving, anyway?  She was never one to eat the cafeteria's food, or even their salads, for that matter.  She always brought her own from home.  The loud noise echoing from the cafeteria was a bit overwhelming, but then again, this was just an average day at Bathurst High School.

After taking a moment to scan the crowded cafeteria interior, Ali frowned in annoyance.  Carmen and Karah were nowhere in sight.  So, what now?  Ali meandered down the walkway through the rows of cafeteria tables, searching for someone she deemed suitable enough to sit with.  Up ahead, at a relatively uncrowded table, she saw Preston Grey sitting across from, well, Ali couldn't tell.  From her position walking toward the duo, all she could see was the girl's brown hair.  Smiling sweetly, she slowly made her way over to the duo.

She knew Preston pretty well, and while they weren't exactly close friends like she and Carmen or Karah, they still hung out every now and again.  Mostly at parties, now that Ali thought about it.  Preston was one crazy motherfucker.  The last time she'd partied with him, she'd been one of the students to bear witness to Preston stripping and chasing one of the party guests around the neighborhood.  Great times, indeed.  All in all, he was a good guy.  Fun to be around, a blast to party with... even if he did always look like he was half lit.

Sliding into the open seat beside him without so much as asking if she could join the two, Ali smiled that pouty-lipped smile at the sandy-haired boy.  It was then that her attention focused on the brunette that had been sitting across the table from Preston.  Immediately the face clicked.  She was the girl from the hallway!  The one who was trying to get directions from Calvert and that creepy old perverted janitor.  Shaking her head lightly at this revelation, Ali smiled that classic Ali Grayston smile at the girl.

"Pres!" she mused a bit loudly, "How's it goin'?"

As if the girl were an afterthought, Ali cocked her head toward her once again, smiling slightly.  Ali'd completely ignored her in the hallway, so striking up a conversation with her might prove to be rather awkward.  Then again, there was nothing else to do, and Ali was feeling rather personable at the moment, "New girl, right?  Saw you in the hallway with Calvert and that weirdo janitor earlier.  Word of advice honey, those two... ugh."

The brunette rolled her eyes at the mere thought of it.  Calvert was a troublemaker, a wanna-be gang member who was really nothing more than a school bully, and he seemed to reek constantly.  Then again, anybody would smell if they never changed their shirt.  Laughing inwardly at the thought, she turned her attention back to the new girl.

"Calvert's a bad egg.  That's why he helps the janitor during two periods.  He claims he's volunteering, but I think it's because none of the teachers want him in class," Ali took a moment to laugh before continuing," By the way, I'm Ali.  Ali Grayston... you are?"
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Post by baby_g* »

"Tori Jefferson" she said, smiling at the new girl.

Tori had remembered seeing her in the hall when she was talking to Calvert and CJ. when she was talking to them, she didn't think all that bad, but then she remembered.

Ali eh? she thought. someone to help her get into the 'in' crowd. appearently preston wasnt a bad choice of friends, so it proved she was getting there.

"Nice to meet you," she continued laughing to herself, "Dont like Calvert much eh? why's that?
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Post by I-eat-cute-animals* »

Randy stood against a wall, looking at the new girl, she seemed quite popular, he was new as well and decided to flap his lip.
"The flower of charisma is in bloom this year" he said looking at the group "rarely have I seen a group form this quickly, Randolf Silver wolf Nightwalker."
He flashed a half smile, glancing around, the school was trashed, Like the rest of jersey.
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Post by Megami* »

(OOC: The original plan was for me to wait for Mitsuko2 to post Preston's reaction but... I'm bored and impatient.  :P )

Ali's highly-defined eyebrows knitted together in a serious manner momentarily as Tori interrogated her about her feelings toward Bryan Calvert.  For half a second, Ali looked as though she might have actually been offended by the question.  Within seconds, though, the puzzled and shocked expression vanished from the girl's features, and Ali let out a small laugh that gradually became louder and louder.  After taking a moment to recuperate, she once again glanced at Tori, shaking her head somewhat as the last of her fit of giggles escaped her lips.

"You're... you're serious?" Ali gasped out, once again erupting into a fit of laughter.

The brunette threw her head back, placing a hand over her mouth in a vain attempt to cease the fit of laughter that seemed to force its way from her mouth with a will all its own.  Fighting off the giggling fit the best she could, Ali tilted her head to the side curiously, studying the girl sitting across the table from her.  Was she for real?  If she was indeed Sisterhood potential, Ali wouldn't even have to explain what was "wrong" with Bryan Calvert.  Then again...

Give her a break, Ali.  She's been here what, two class periods?  She probably didn't talk to the guy for more than ten minutes tops.  Maybe she didn't catch a good whiff of him.

Deciding to give the brunette across from her a clue as to what exactly was so comical, Ali took a deep breath, still shaking her head from side to side slowly to clear out the fit of laughter that had encompassed her for a few moments.  For as long as she could remember, Ali Grayston had gone to school with these kids.  It wasn't often that she took the time to think of the new kids in class, and how they must be feeling.  Poor dears didn't know right from wrong, in from out... and Ali was feeling generous, so she'd show this girl.

"Calvert's lower than the dirt on the bottom of my shoe.  He's filth... vermin.  The rats in the janitor's closet have more class than he does.  For starters, love, he doesn't bathe, I'm positive of it.  He wears that same shirt for days and weeks at a time, he never washes it, and if that's any indication, his personal hygiene is attrocious."

Ali paused for a moment, looking over her shoulder as if scowering the surrounding area for potential eavesdroppers before continuing her tirade on the horrors of Bryan Calvert .

"He's a wannabe thug who's really nothing more than a school bully.  He gets off on picking on the... how you say, less important among us.  He's one of those people who has to pick on kids with a big group so he doesn't get his ass handed to him.  He's supposed to be some muy macho fighter, but I don't buy that story."

Ali's features slowly twisted into that signature Ali Grayston "I'm always right" look... her eyebrows raising ever so slightly, her eyes narrowing a bit, her lips forming into a pout, and her chin jutting upward just slightly to give her the perfect look.

"And besides... I'm pretty sure Mariavel's already tagged him," she mused in a sweet and innocent voice.

Tagged him indeed.  Him, and probably Seth, and Rischio, and probably even Kingston and that Darcy chick.  Mariavel's a real freak, at least, that's what they say.  I wouldn't know, nor do I care to find out.  She's not Sisterhood potential.  We don't invite gang girls.

Of course, these thoughts were never uttered by the brunette.  Instead, she left the subject matter where it was, leaving Tori on her own to discover who this Mariavel girl was and what, exactly, 'tagged' meant.  It was, of course, terminology that she used often enough, as it seemed not many people had heard the expression in this hick little down.  Before she could say any more about Mariavel, Bryan, or anything else she happened to be ranting about, the trio was approached by an Indian boy, sputtering out some indecipherable words before introducing himself as Randy Nightwalker.  Ali inwardly scoffed at the newcomer.

You feel the need to introduce yourself by your nickname?  Gay.  Are you hoping it'll catch on?  This is New Jersey bud, best get on back to the reservation where you belong.

Instead of being the snotty brat that she generally was, for the sake of being sociable, Ali forced that painted-on smile onto her lips once again.  She couldn't hide the sense of melancholy and boredom that she felt toward the newcomer, however.  She wasn't impressed in the slightest.  Didn't this kid know who she was?  Probably not, in all actuality.  He looked like a newbie to the school as well.  Ali sighed audibly as she looked at the boy.  So many new kids these days, and none of them had a clue.

Then again, the population of upstate New York had thinned out somewhat since that whole incident with the high school kids at Barry Coleson being abducted and forced into that dreary television program.  Ali honestly thought the whole thing was some stupid hoax, but it seemed to have gotten into the heads of many of the upstate New York residents.  Denton had become rather flooded with them lately, come to think of it.  Ali secretly wondered whether or not either of the two newcomers sitting at the table were among those drifters who had journeyed across the river.  Not really caring the answer, she didn't bother to ask.  Instead, she merely cocked her head to the side a bit to look at the new boy.

"A pleasure, I'm sure," she mused in a rather monotone and dreary tone.
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Post by baby_g* »

whoa, Tori thought, that was an earful!

Ali seemed to have all the information about Calvert, and to be honest, alittle more than she wanted to know. Tagged? That was definetly a new term she'd come across. If tagged ment anything like her usual catch phrase "I'd tap that" which she'd often say as a joke, she feels sorry for that chick.... Mariavel. Who was she?

From the sounds of Ali's voice, Mariavel probably wasn't that cool to hang out with either. as the trio sat together, Tori was ganging more confidence as the lunch time passed. Her food was already gone, so it was just up to her to keep track of the conversation, and keep it going.

Tori was one of those girls that liked to take in her surroundings and keep mental notes of things. She figured it was just something she'd picked up from her dad, but none the less, it always worked for her.

Ali was pretty, and had a clear way of explaining things. She was probably good when it came to her work, but at the same time, probably hated doing every second of it. What teenager wouldn't.

Though, there was this look she gave when see was saying something about the whole tagged thing. Tori couldn't really explain it, but it was one of those looks that she'd obviously mastered and used to get her way in many situations.

The short brunette laughed to herself, Well, if you got it, flaunt it!

what seemed to have been out of no where, a kid named....

hmmm, was it Randy? Ryan? Richy? no, I think it was Randolf....

"um, Hi." Tori managed to say. She was kind of thrown off by the whole flowers, weather, rain fall mumbo jumbo he'd said.

Not sure to offer him a seat or not, at the risk of destroying a perfectly fine lunch so far, Tori decided to leave the option of sitting down up to him. In all fairness, Tori hadn't even been at the school for a full day, and had no idea how a school lunch room was run. who sits with who, etc.

What a lunch this is turning out to be...
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Preston was happy to see Ali talking with someone new. She really could be snobby at times, but she was a good girl. He really didn't know much about Calvert of Mariavel, but then again, did he need to? He heard enough.

"Calvert is wierd, I'll give you that Ali. And that Mariavel chick is.... slutty." he looked to Tori. "I wouldn't get involved with them." He flashed a smile.

They were soon interupted by an Indian boy. Preston didn't pay him any mind.
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Post by baby_g* »

That was interesting, Tori thought, she wasn't used to having people just walk up and say something weird, and that be it. oh well. I guess this is just one of those schools, she continued.

"Preston," She began, "You seem know people around here like Ali too. What would you say about CJ? I feel kind of bad for him, with the whole 'one hand' thing. How'd that happen?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

"well..... I really don't know how it happened... But that guy HAS to be some sort of weird. I mean, I not really one to Judge, but he is crazy."

Preston flashed one of his trademark grins and finished his soda. He put an arm around Ali's shoulders and pulled her close to him. "hang around with us! We'll show ya the ropes!"
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Post by baby_g* »

Finally! Tori thought, This will be pretty cool.

"Hey, is there any place remotely interesting around this school? I walked around a bit this morning... basically because I couldn't find my way to any of my classes!"

Tori looked around for a second, just to make sure that no one was listening in. It wasn't like she was going to say something bad, she just likes her privacy.

"Well, to tell you the truth, the only reason I'm asking about Calvert and CJ is because I ran into them this morning in the halls. The boy was helping the old man with some garbage. Sadly they were the only ones in the hall to help me at the time."

Tori looked at Preston with his arm around Ali. She couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. She missed because able to hang out with boys and just flirt innocently. Before Tori had left her old school, her boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with her.

Boys, She thought, Boys are just stupid.

But she wasn't going to let it get to her. She was at a new school now and that ment she was going to meet new people. Who knows, maybe she'd go to a couple parties, meet some guys and forget all about that jerk back home.

show me the ropes eh? That would be pretty cool she thought. Tori looked around the lunch room only to see crowds of people everywhere, talking to other crowds across the way. Obviously this was making for a noisey lunch time.

Finished with her sandwhich from earlier and just staying around to talk to Preston and Ali, Tori decided it was time to walk around the school. In her head, this was the best way to find where her classes actually were. It wouldn't be a bright idea to be late two days in a row. It's one thing to skip class cause you have a reason. Tori was down for that, she used to do it all the time. But skipping just because you dont know where your class is, well, that's kind of sad on her part.

"Sorry guys," Tori said, "I think I'm going to take a rain check on the ropes today. I just figured I should actually find my classes. I'll see ya in the halls."

Tori picked up her garbage and book bag and mad her way out into the hall way. Deciding just to randomly pick one, Tori made her way.

Cool kids, She thought, Atleast now I can actually nod hello to someone in the halls.

((Continued in: The Ropes))
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Post by Megami* »

((My poor Ali gets no lovin' these days. :-())

Ali looked on disatisfactorily as Tori decided to take a rain check from Preston's offer.  Ali Grayston was well-known around school, as were her tendencies.  She didn't care to extend a hand to someone, only to have it brushed away in favor of common trash.  Of course, Ali had no way of knowing that Tori Jefferson had just journeyed off into Bathurst's hallways to once again seek out Bryan Calvert.  Nor would she know.  Sighing idly, Ali once again skimmed the lunchroom, searching for either of the two girls she most usually spent her day with.  Of course, neither Carmen or Karah were anywhere to be found.

The loud, shrill sound of the first bell ringing signified the end of their lunch period, and Ali shook her head in slight annoyance.  Looking down at the bandage currently wrapped around her wrist, she found herself unwilling to go back to class.  Instead, the brunette slid out of her taken seat at the lunch table and cast a quick smile at Preston.  Not the typical fake Ali Grayston signature smile that she gave everybody else, but a true smile.  One that she only saved for her friends.

"Hey Pres," she mused lightly, "I'll catch you later, okay?"

With that the brunette was off, pushing her way through the massive herd of students that had accumulated in Bathurst High's lunch room.  Unlike the rest of these cattle, however, she had no intentions of going back to class.  That was truly what most of these students reminded her of: cattle.  They followed their leader blindly, without any independent or rational thought of their own.  The bells rang every hour or so and it sent the masses of Bathurst High School herding along to their next period.

These people really did disgust Ali.

It was times like these when she questioned why she had chosen to attend Bathurst High School as opposed to any of the other three schools located nearby.  Sure, Bathurst was the "main" school of Denton, so to speak, but really, it was sort of slummy.  Just outside of town there was P.J. Gilroy Academy, a quite prestigious and high-priced school for the well-to-do kids.  Unfortunately, Ali's grades weren't stellar, and because of that, she had no desire to attend a school like Gilroy.  Besides, from what she'd heard, that was one of those schools where the older you got, the less people there were in your grade... or something.  Lots of freshmen went there, but as they progressed through high school, less and less of them could "make the cut".

She could've went to Hobbsborough, she supposed.  The problem with Hobbsborough was that for one, it was far too close to the downtown area.  On... Mirchelson Avenue, or something of that nature.  From what she'd heard, traffic there was a nightmare.  In fact, if she recalled correctly, that was the street where the stoplight was almost constantly fried.  What a pain.  Besides, her father probably wouldn't have let her attend Hobbsborough anyway.  They say there've been a lot of problems there since they merged St. Andrews and Southside together.  Lots of fights breaking out.  Stuff like that.  Of course, news of Kim Jones-Larame's murder in the bathroom stalls hadn't spread to Bathurst yet, but that would've been another reason against it.

She could've gone to Franklyn, she supposed.  It wasn't a bad school.  Not a particularly good school, either.  The kind of place that had football coaches teaching Geography courses and the like.  That school had a lot of rich little snotty kids at it though, or so she imagined, simply by its location.  That wasn't really Ali Grayston's cup of tea.  At least at Bathurst, she wasn't rivals with half the school for her position of hierarchy within the high school.  Here, the only people she had to contend with were Walter Smith, who she tended to steer clear of; Jack Bexley, who was quite the loudmouth but not much of a social threat; and the remaining girls of the Sisterhood, which... let's face it, Ali was the leader.  At least, she liked to think she was.  Whether the other girls accepted her as one was a complete mystery.

The brunette was prodded out of her thoughts as she stepped down the now relatively empty corridor which contained locker number 221, her locker.  The shrill sound of the second bell ringing, signifying that all those who were still loitering in the hallway were now officially late for the next period resounded, causing Ali to grimace a bit as the ringing filled her ears.  Leaning up against her locker, she watched as some of the students in the hallway took off in a full-on sprint to their next class.  Others seemed less interested in the fact that they were now officially considered tardy and continued to loiter around, leisurely removing their books from their locker before meandering down the hallway.

Ali opened her locker door, revealing the dozens of pictures of herself and the rest of the Sisterhood girls which were tacked onto the door of the locker for the world to see.  The locker itself was very clean and organized, and her eyes locked onto the mirror that had been hung in the back of it.  Taking a moment to look herself up and down, Ali fixed a stray strand of hair before leaning down to grab her backpack from its position atop a shelf she had inserted inside the locker.  After a few moments of fishing through the backpack, Ali found what she had been looking for: her cell phone.

Sure, they weren't supposed to have them on campus, but she was Ali Grayston.  She got away with stuff like that.  Besides, it wasn't as if it was impairing anybody's learning ability nestled inside her locker, right?  That is, unless it began ringing and one of the drones in the hallway was so mesmerized by the ringtone that they stopped in the hallway and failed to attend class.  Regardless, that was their problem.  After dialing a few numbers, Ali put the device up to her ear and listened intently as it rang.  She was tired of this place, and she'd seen more than enough drama for one day.  It was time to get the hell out of dodge.

"Daddy?" the brunette questioned in an uncharacteristically sweet voice as the recipient on the other line picked up, "Could I get you to do me a great big favor?  Pretty please?"


((Continued in: A Side Lesser Shown))
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