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Ian Rico

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:46 am
by Theseus*
Topic: Who needs history when you got the present?
Location: Mrs. Rowena's Homeroom 133. Grade 10th. Bathurst High School

Thesues Posted: Jun 7 2006, 03:13 AM
Mrs. Rowena's Homeroom 133. Grade 10th.

Ian sat at his desk listening to all the students talk around him. Mrs. Rowena, one of Ian's favorite teachers, allowed the students to socialize after all their work was done. Ian was on the last problem staring at it trying to figure it out.

How did the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki change the world? How has the world remained changed?

Ian enjoyed social studies, yet sometimes he never quite grasped why he had to learn some stuff. Sure, he liked to learn from the past, learn from the old mistakes, but seriouesly, how was the bombing of those two cities going to affect him?

Ian knew the answer though, and he wrote it down and put his homework in his green folder and looked around the classroom. Not usually a student to socialize much, and rather content to just sit at his desk the whole time and let his mind wander, he thought of just being quiet until the bell rang, but he saw Sofie at her desk. He wasn't sure wether she was done or not, but he saw the person who sat at the desk next to her was gone.

Ian put his stuff in his bookbag and zipped the bag up and walked over to the desk next to his good friend. Looking at her he smiled and said, "Hey, are you done with your work yet?"

riserugu Posted: Jun 7 2006, 03:27 AM
How did the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki change the world? How has the world remained changed?

A curious looked crossed the face of Sofie de Wilde as she eyed the question like the answer was going to write itself out, though with a sigh and a pondering thought that seemed as if it could be the right answer – Sofie found herself giving a shrug and pressing her pen against the worksheet, writing out the words coming into her head that seemed to play in the right direction of the answer. Though she was unsure, she figured she'd be able to re-check it later, and with a sigh the young girl moved her finished work into a spare folder, closing it up and pushing it to the side of her desk. Folding arms before her on the desktop, resting her head down a top them after a moment, closing her eyes – after all with nothing else to do, sleeping seemed at best.

It was partly quiet, which was good, this class wasn't know for quite tones of voices. And a change was nice, namely in turn for the girl trying to nod off for the next; God knows how many minutes left in class. Wasn't until a familiar voice to her right perked her up, tilting her head back up and smiling a bit at the boy as she moved to sit up fully. Turning in her seat fully to face the boy, musing a bit at the question as she gave a light-hearted look at her notebook. "As done as I can be." She said, propping an elbow up on the desk, resting her cheek against the open palm as she mused another smile again. "So, Ian what brings you to my part of the world on this ever-so boring day?"

Theseus Posted: Jun 7 2006, 03:44 AM
Ian gave a genuine, warm smile to his friend and said, "Well I figured, hey I can go to sleep until the bell rings, or I can come over here and talk to the great Sofie de Wilde." Ian quickly glanced up at the clock to see how much time really was left in class, then he continued. "I chose to talk to you."

Ian then said, "But you are right, this is a boring day, but then again, do we ever have fun days here?" Ian looked around the class, which was surprisingly quiet and he said, "but ah well, at least we got each other to keep each other company until this class ends."

Resting his head on his desk he looked at Sofie through tired eyes, he didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and it was starting to show, it wasn't that he could go to sleep if he tried though, it always seemed that when he wanted to go to sleep in class, he couldn't, and when he didn't want to, he did. He continued to look at his friend.

riserugu Posted: Jun 8 2006, 02:58 AM
Sofie found herself smiling a bit watching her friend lightly, musing a bit at his words. "Great, huh? Well, I suppose I should feel honored then." A glance toward the classroom clock told her not much time remained in the glass before it was let out, turning blue eyes back on Ian she nodded lightly at his words on today's not-so-interesting aspect of it all.

"True that, but maybe we could do something after school. Hardly get to do anything together anymore be being so busy with all my clubs and training for swimming, and then you with you're Jackie Chan martial arts; find some spare time and go do that -- um, what was it." Eyes blinked in a slightly confused manner, before it clicked, she laughing lightly. "Paintball, that was it. I liked it last time, minus the whole bruising part, but it was fun still."

Watching him rest his head down against the desk made Sofie purse a frown against her lips a bit, tilting her head somewhat. "You feeling okay?"

Theseus Posted: Jun 8 2006, 03:19 AM
Ian smiled at Sofie when she asked if he was feeling ok. She was a good friend, always looking out for him. Ian just nodded his head and said, "It's been a long day, I'm just ready to get out of here."

He then thought for a bit about wether or not he was free after school today and he said, "Actually, today I am free after school. We definately need to hang out, wait do you have practice or anything after school?" Ian was hoping she didn't. He remembered the last time he took Sofie paintballing for the first time, fun times, but then he turned his attention back to her and said, "So, what do you want to do for the rest of this oh so fine day?"

riserugu Posted: Jun 8 2006, 03:35 AM
"Ah. I know the feeling." She replied, though still felt a light way of concern for her friend nonetheless, but decided against pushing on the subject and simply continued to keep a small smile against her features. It growing larger when Ian explained the overall free-ness of her afternoon, looking thoughtful for a moment about her current afternoon.

"Well, I did want to go swim some laps around the pool. But I can do that anytime." She said, clasping hands together as she went about pondering over the next course of action. "Mm. I don't know..." Sofie frowned out, nudging at his leg with her foot. "You think of something, you always have something fun stored up in that mostly-empty head of yours."

Theseus Posted: Jun 8 2006, 04:03 AM
Ian smiled as her foot nudged his leg and she said something about his empty head. Thinking for a moment Ian said, "Well actually...ummm..." Thinking for a moment more he said, "How about that new burger joint that just opened...what is it called....Hot Buns? Or something like that, odd name, but I hear it's a pretty cool hangout spot, like it's all 50's like and there are jukeboxes and everything!"

Ian was acting excited now and said, "But yeah I don't know, I'm kind of hungry myself, and it would be a cool place to listen to music or talk, or we can go to the mall, or bowling, I don't care, it's all up to you."

LadyMakaze Posted: Jun 8 2006, 09:48 PM
In a small, shady corner on his own, Mitch Gunther, the resident oddball of the class (if not the entire school), worked quietly at his assignment. As he demurely minded his own business, carefully scratching at the paper with a bandaged left hand, a number of students watched on somewhat nervously, as well as the teacher Rowena. So far, Mitch had remained docile throughout the period of the classroom, not causing any sort of disruption with his erratic behaviour. However, almost everyone in the class knew that this period of calm in a stormy season could end at any moment.

Mitch yawned and nibbled on the hangnail, on the verge of ripping it clear off of one of his smallest digits. With somewhat sleepy, misty eyes, looking as though he was bored, though at the same time oddly apprehensive. His Cathalie had left for the bathroom two minutes ago, much longer than Mitch felt was comfortable. Agitated, he flexed his fingers, wanting to distract himself with bodily movement, but it just wasn't working.

Furthermore...his homework assignment was completely boring. He had read about the stories of Nagasaki and Hiroshima since the age of seven, all of this work was kids' stuffs. Didn't these school people have anything interesting for him to do? He mused on this to himself, before his mind immediately went back to the thoughts of Cathalie.

Unprompted, he left his seat, and wandered barefooted around the classroom as he often did, ignoring the world around him as he often did, musing to he always did.

"Cathalie....Cathalie...." he mumbled to himself with a sleepy smile on his face. "Where are you? You've gone and left me here with all these strange people.Why, Cathalie? ...Why?"

He giggled to himself a bit, pivoting as he walked at several intervals, overhearing Sofie and Ian as they chatted amongst themselves. The silly children.

" that the stuffs that cause heart attacks, strokes and prostate or colon cancer?" he muttered out loud without even looking at the two. "Sounds yummy....I never had one."

Teseus Posted: Jun 10 2006, 02:49 AM
Ian looked at Mitch Gunther with some surprise as he walked into their ocnversation without actually really entering the conversation. Ian didn't have time to listen to what Sofie wanted to do but Ian just smiled at the boy and said, "Youve never had a burger? Are you serioues?"

Now Ian knew that this kis was wierd, and not the most popular, but Ian wasn't the kind to judge. He was usually quiet himself, so to be polite, and maybe gain a new friend, Ian asked, "You can have your first burger today if you want to come with us."

Ian didn't know wether Sofie would protest or not, but he hoped she wouldn't, they could hang out alone sometime later when they found the time.

LadyMakaze Posted: Jun 10 2006, 06:18 AM
At first, Mitch refused to acknowledge either Ian's presence or his remark, pacing back and forth in barefooted delight over a small space of floor area between the rows of desks. He, he practically gnawed on the end of his smallest digit, making it turn a bright pink underneath his extraordinarily sharp teeth, bared in a sleepy grin as he mused to himself in silence.

His eyes were misty and unfocused, until he suddenly registered Ian's offer to come with them and try one of those burger things...Ah yes, the ones that clogged your arteries and congested them to the point of rupture what with all the extra mayo being slapped on there. Not that Mitch had ever had a taste of mayo himself.

Mitch suddenly collapsed to his knees as though weakened by a sudden faint, but it turned out to be far from that as Mitch giggled and placed his fingers upon the edge of Sofie's desk, peering up at the two of them with his misty, heavy-lidded eyes. Though his face was half hidden by the edge of the desk, due to the fact that he was kneeling down, the corner of his wide grin could be seen creeping above the edge. His expression and mannerisms were furtive, as though he were hiding from them behind the safety and shelter of the desk. At the same time, he had a sneaky, sly look to him, as though he were in fact sneaking up on them.

"Are you....what would Cathalie say. Asking me out?" he asked, tilting his head to one side with a manner of innocent inquiry. "Is that what it is?" He gave a small laugh, for little reason at all.

"Tis a shame, truly a shame, utterly a shame," he told them, suddenly adopting a matter-of-factly-tone, changing his attitude faster than a chameleon changed its colours. "You see, I am not supposed to talk to strangers." He grinned again, perhaps at the irony of it all. "Also, I'm not supposed to follow strange people, or ask strange people questions, or steal their things...or bite them in the arm... Cathalie says I'm not supposed to, so I'm not supposed to."

"Also, colon cancer doesn't sound at all fun," he whispered in a low voice, as an afterthought.


A shrill voice sounded from the doorway. The wiry, black-leather clad form of Cathalie, back from the washroom, was marching over to where Mitch was and promptly grabbing him by the arm, practically whisking him up to his feet. He stumbled for a moment before gaining his balance, smiling at the scowling girl good-naturedly.

"Ahhh Cathalie, the sunshine of my life, the air I breathe everyday. To bask in your presence is to drown blissfully in the rivers of Para-"

"Shut up, Mitch."

"Yes, Cathalie."

Shaking her head, Cathalie gave a disgruntled noise and turned towards Sofie and Ian, addressing them with a somewhat careless, yet sharp and firm voice. Her platform black leather boots squeaked against the floor as she adopted a somewhat idle pose.

"Let me guess, this idiot here has been bothering you, has he?"

Mitch had taken to speaking up again, chirping in a somewhat pleading voice as he tugged like a small child at the crook of her arm. "Cathalie, precious Cathalie, can we go get some burgers? Please? Can we? Pretty like you please?"

"Shut the hell up, Mitch."

"Yes Cathalie."

Theseus Posted: Jun 10 2006, 01:42 PM
If Mitch wasn't wierd enough, the appearance of Cathalie, the girl who basically owned Mitch, was the final straw that confused Ian to no end. Looking at the odd pair with a somewhat hesitant look Ian only could say, "No he wasn't bothering us really."

Ian thought for a moment for a way to still make this all better and he said, "He just told me he hasn't ever had a burger, so I was inviting him to come with me and Sofie after school because we might've went to get a burger.'

Then Ian quickly added, "You can come to if you want." Ian looked at the odd pair, then his eyes traveled back to Sofie to look at her, hoping that she was ok with all of this, then he looked back to Mitch and Cathalie.

riserugu Posted: Jun 11 2006, 07:04 PM
Sofie watched the scene unfold with a curious look – she had never thought much of Mitch, he was an interesting character she'd say that much though. Be it for the better, or worse of course… she was still rather unsure of herself. So when Mitch went about, in the little way he does – Sofie eyed him lightly, casting a light glance Ian's way with a frown. She wasn't one to judge people… it wasn't her character, but she could help but almost feel uncomfortable around the other boy. Though curiosity peaked more as Cathalie entered, her interested sense of style catching attention first before she all but turned on Mitch. Commanding voice and all, and she saw a twist in personality in the boy, speaking to the girl as if she was something of a higher plane of sense to him.

She shook her head lightly at the other girl's question, "No. He wasn't bothering us…" She trailed off taking a glance Ian's way as he made a comment about inviting Mitch with them – an uncomfortable thought that set in to the back of her mind, as he went onto invite Cathalie as well as she eyed him lightly as he glanced at her. Sighing plainly, as she took a glance at the odd pair. Moving somewhat in her seat as she found herself opening her mouth to say something, though found words and thoughts being cut off as the bell to signal the end of classes gave a shrill ring throughout the building, Sofie grabbing at her bag and notebook and light manner and moving to stand. Though once on her feet, found herself pausing in ready step, remembering the question that had been sent the way of the two.

Standing silent, she glanced again at the two, pondering over what their reply would be to the two of them.

LadyMakaze Posted: Jun 12 2006, 02:32 AM
Cathalie stared at them with piercing, suspicious dark eyes. Mitch? Not bothering them? She cast a glance to the person in question (Mitch is grinning sweetly at her, ever the innocent angel he was) before letting out an incredulous snort of disbelief. Placing her hands on her leather clad hips, she peered at them with a scrutinizing look.

"Not bothering you, huh? Sure you're not lying to be nice?" she asked in a sardonic tone of voice. In a lower voice, she muttered, "Nice lies piss me off..."

Her gaze turned to Mitch, who was still tugging at at her arm like a plaintive child begging for attention. "Do you know? Do you know what I know? I got asked out by those two strangers! Aren't they strange?"

"Whatever," Cathalie snapped at him before turning back to Sofie and Ian, no doubt baffled by the strange pair she and Mitch made. To think that she had to deal with this every single day, having this little monkey cling to her every waking minute and causing chaos and confusion in his wake.

Her dark eyes tiling in a gaze towards Ian, she sighed, "You don't have to try being polite by inviting us to tag along. I can tell, you know. Even if this loony bin runaway doesn't."

She closed her eyes in utter frustration, looking as though she were about to burst with anger as Mitch cut in yet again.

"Let us tag a long okay, Cathalie?" he begged her, now on the verge of pulling her arm off the way he was tugging at it. "Just for today, okay? Those two seem like interesting people. Funny, and a bit strange, but interesting."

"You're the one to talk..." Cathalie muttered. She paused in deliberation for several tense seconds before sighing again and turning back to Ian and Sofie. "You know what, looks like I've got no choice. If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll never let go of me. I can tell you two would probably prefer us a whole hemisphere away, but..."

"Oh joy! We're going!" Mitch exclaimed with glee, hurling his hands into the air in a whoop of delight as Cathalie made a disgusted sound under her breath.

Theseus Posted: Jun 12 2006, 03:20 AM
Ian looked at Sofie, and could see in her eyes that she really didn't want to be in this situation. Ian knew his friend, she was one of his closest, maybe even his best, but today he couldn't make her happy. He knew that Cathalie and Mitch were coming with them to the burger joint after school. Honestly though, Ian wasn't dreading the day.

Now, he knew that Mitch was a little, interesting, and that Cathalie made the most oddest partner with him, but in all honesty, Ian wasn't really one to judge unless he got to know the person, so maybe they were two really cool people. Maybe he could make two new friends today.

Ian smiled at the two and said, "Well how about we just call our parents and tell them we will walk to the burger joint? It's not too far from the school, maybe a 20 minute walk. Or we can all go home and get rides from our parents. I don't care."

LadyMakaze Posted: Jun 12 2006, 06:32 PM
Cathalie raised a suspicious eyebrow, honestly not knowing whether to make of Ian's obviously strained efforts to be courteous to them. Had she been as naïve as he was right now, she would have appreciated his efforts to make her and Mitch feel comfortable. But for too long Cathalie was all too familiar with those who pretended to be nice, only to turn on her once they were tired of her attitude. No doubt this boy couldn't be any different. How could he be? See? It was obvious he was trying hide his discomfort, that Sofie girl too.

They're all the same, Cathalie thought to herself bitterly. You're all the same.

But to be honest, Cathalie didn't mind so much going out for a change, far from that in fact, as long as it kept her far away from that state home for as long as possible. She hated the people there more than she hated the people at school. Not like she didn't hate people in general, but government workers and foster families were the worst.

Cathalie wasn't too sure if she hated these two as much as she did the rest of the world, but she was sure that would change once they got tired of acting so nice all the time.

At Ian's suggestion, Mitch blinked at him in what looked like childlike confusion and fascination, as though he had just discovered something new. Tiling his head to one side curiously, pressing a bandaged palm against the side of his smooth face, he murmured a word.

"Pa…..rents…." he murmured to himself. The word felt new and strange on his tongue, yet ever so familiar, as though it were something he had tasted once and forgotten until now. He turned towards Cathalie and grabbed both of her shoulders suddenly. His cloudy-sea green eyes were suddenly focused, staring straight into Cathalie's dark, similarly piercing ones.

"Cathalie…parents," he repeated quietly, as Cathalie returned his gaze. "What are parents?"

Cathalie gazed at him quietly, her harsh attitude dissolving all together into an expression that seemed more stone and cold than anything. Gently, she held Mitch by the arms and told him simply, "That's something we don't have, Mitch. It's something that every person in the world wants and needs and has. Everyone, except us."

Though she was looking directly at Mitch, she seemed to direct her voice towards Sofie and Ian as she spoke in her matter-of-factly voice, "That's why we live with the people who don't want us but have us because they are paid to pretend to be the very things we're missing. They tell us to take our vitamins every day but don't care if we don't. They tell us that lights out is at eight so that they can watch the late night shows instead of putting up with us. They scold us if we miss the curfew, but they probably wish that we'd stayed out forever. Because we don't have parents."

Mitch milled over what Cathalie had said, gazing at her with an almost pensive, contemplative gaze on his face.

"So….this parents' thing…" he said suddenly, his grin lighting up. "Is it edible?"

Cathalie shook her head, plainly disgusted. "Useless…." She turned back towards Sofie and Ian, her somewhat cold and snobbish attitude reappearing once again.

"I can walk, twenty minutes is nothing, it takes twice that to get back to our place," she told them. "I don't think the matrons will miss us."

Mitch tugged at her arm again. "But what about the curfew? We'll miss the curfew."

Cathalie shot a wry grin at him. "Do we care, Mitch?"

Blinking for a moment, before realization spread across his face, Mitch grinned back sneakily. "No, Cathalie."

Thesus Posted: Jun 13 2006, 01:27 AM
Ian was a little surprised by the Cathalie's speech. Mitch asking what parents were wasn't too surprising, Ian had come to expect such things from the boy, but when Cathalie made her speech about parents, and people not wanting them, Ian couldn't help but almost feel sorry for the girl, no, the pair.

Ian just looked at her and said, "Ok...we'll walk then." Ian looked at Sofie and gave her a big smile that he always gives her when he wants her to be happy, then he turned back to Cathalie and said, "You know, you don't need parents to be happy." Ian wasn't exactly sure what he meant when he said that, but from what he knew of the odd pair of Cathalie and Mitch, they didn't socialize to much, maybe what they needed was some friends. People who accepted them. Ian wouldn't force himseld to be friends with these people, but maybe after eating with them today, he could learn to think differently of them, and see them as friends.

riserugu Posted: Jun 13 2006, 04:36 PM
[[I'm just going to move on Sofie on elsewhere so the topic doesn't get held up if I don't manage to get back on in these next few days due to my tests.]]

Sofie had to admit he felt a pang of remose as Cathalie and Mitch spoke between one another about their lack of parents, and how no one would care either way if they went out somewhere or not. A glance toward Ian, and noting the smile on his face, she almost unable to help the smile that crossed her lips. And as she opened her mouth to speak of stepping out to call her parents, she found the words not coming out as something latched onto her arm which had been hanging at her side, turning and finding one of her fellow teammates on the swim team at her side.


"You coming Sofie?" She questioned, taking a slight glance at the clock as she did.

"Coming where?"

"To practice of course, Coach told us we had an important practice today because the meet is this weekend."

A flash of confustion spread across Sofie's face, before she sighed. "That's right." She muttered lightly, taking a glance toward Ian, frowning sadly. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot about our practice... I won't be able to go today, I'm sorry again. Maybe you can come by the pool later, or call me maybe? I need to talk to you anyway."

That said she allowed herself to be pulled away by the other girl, giving a curt nod and smile at the other two. "You enjoy yoursleves." She mused lightly, before turning and moved out of the class in thanks a majority to Ashley's pushing.

Re: Ian Rico

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:46 am
by Theseus*
Theseus Posted: Jun 13 2006, 02:05 PM  
Ian nodded with a bit of sadness when Sofie had to go, she was the orginal person he was supposed to hang with anyways. He looked at her and said, "Alright if your practice is still going on I'll stop by the pool, or I'll call you if it's late." He watched his friend leave then he turned around to Mitch and Cathalie and said, "So we're going to walk there then I guess."

Quickly walking over to his desk and making sure everything was in his bookbag, he zipped it up and threw the straps over both of his shoulders and he walked back to Cathalie and Mitch and said, "Shall we go?" He gave them both a warm smile, trying to show that he wasn't doing this out of kindness, but because he actually wanted to.

Megami Posted: Jul 3 2006, 01:08 AM  
Unbenownst to the small group that was still occupying the classroom of Mrs. Rowena after the bell had rang, a tall, slender figure had now occupied the doorway of the classroom, casting a rather voluptuous silouette across the floor of the classroom. The slim, curvaceous form leaning against the doorway should have been familiar to just about everyone at Bathurst High School. The professionally highlighted, long mocha brown hair... the piercing emerald green eyes... the full and pouty lips... the bronzed skin... even the perfectly manicured nails and pedicured toes, they were all signature of only one student, the daughter of Senator Grayston.

A sly smile contorted the unusually beautiful features of Miss Ali Grayston as she noted the small group of students still occupying homeroom after the day had ended. She had come back after documents Mrs. Rowena was put in charge of for their upcoming school formal, but, unfortunately, the soft-spoken woman was nowhere to be found at present. A small pout formed on the girl's lips as she searched the classroom in vain for the teacher, only to see that indeed, she had left the classroom and gone elsewhere.

Taking notice of the hispanic boy standing with two others, a smile once again returned to Ali's face. She blatantly ignored the duo that accompanied Ian Rico as she approached him from behind. From what she knew of Ian he was shy, rather reserved, rather close to one, Sofie de Wilde... in other words, Ian Rico was quite the little challenge, and as disinterested as Ali Grayston was in younger boys, she thrived on competition and absolutely adored challenges. As she slinked up behind the dark complected boy, her hand fell across his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention, her perfectly manicured fingers wrapping loosely around it.

"Well hi there," the brown-haired vixen mused, her face alighting in a smile as she got Ian's attention.

This was typical of Ali Grayston, and anyone who knew the Senator's daughter could tell you of that fact. Ali enjoyed a challenge, and Ali also enjoyed male company, at times a bit too much. It had gotten many a nasty rumor spread around the school about her, although whether or not they were true remained to be seen. For the most part, people tended to grovel at Ali's feet. They say looks can't buy you everything, but Ali would be the first to tell you that her stunning looks had gotten her just about everything she could ever want in life... not that she didn't have her fair share of work to do in order to keep them in tact.

Ali's eyes slowly traced her fellow classmate up and down as she mentally sized up the prospect. He wasn't bad looking by any means. Dark skin, dark hair, no apparent acne, well-built. She passed by him occassionally in the hallway, and she'd overheard students talking about him on occassion. A martial artist, they claimed. He never seemed very outspoken, she had always seen him with people like Sofie de Wilde and Lavender Heart. Ian Rico was definitely a challenge, and that fact alone excited Ali.

However, out of the corner of her eye, Ali could see the atrocity of a duo standing near Ian, and she rolled her typically mesmerizing green eyes in frustration. Mitch Gunther and Cathalie Meguro. Could it get much worse? Mitch was a strange little individual, often wandering pointlessly around their homeroom class doing some ignorant rant or another about ridiculous matters. He looked and acted more like he belonged in a special education class room than in a real classroom with real students.

And Cathalie Meguro was no better. Another special needs student, Ali supposed. She was strange, always bossing the retarded one, Mitch, around. The girl had an atrocious fashion sense, always dressed in black leather and the like and, quite frankly, Ali thought she looked like she belonged on a BSDM pornography site or something to that extent. Sighing in an annoyed manner, she cast sidelong glance at the duo, then back to the boy she had currently placed her attention upon.

"Friends of yours?" she mused sweetly, her voice suddenly turning nasty as the next word was spit from her mouth, "Pity."

Casting another glance at Mitch and Cathalie, as though sizing up the duo, her face twisted into an expression of pure disgust, as though she were looking at some filthy foreign object. The look, however, was oblivious to Ian from his current vantage point and the way Ali was standing. However, it was conveyed in a manner that would be more than clear to both Mitch and Cathalie. Quickly turning back to Ian, the angelic smile once again graced Ali's lips as she looked the boy over once again. Not a bad catch at all, shame he came with such... icky... baggage.

"Ian, that's so sweet! It's great that you offer to spend time with the... you know, special kids," the brunette stated in an excruciatingly sweet voice.

All at once the brunette's attention turned back to the duo standing in front of her, casting them what could almost be considered a sympathetic glance on her own part. Quite frankly, she thought the two standing in front of her were scum off the bottom of Seth Mattlock's shoe who needed nothing more than to head on home and take a nice, long bath to wash away their own filth. However, these... people... were obviously two that Ian had a genuine interest in being nice to... for whatever reason. Grimacing slightly at the thought, the sickeningly sweet look once again plastered itself onto Ali's face. Well, she had wanted a challenge.

LadyMakaze Posted: Jul 3 2006, 02:11 AM  
"You know, you don't need parents to be happy."

Turning away from Mitch, Cathalie turned back towards the one named Ian as he uttered those words, looking at him with an oddly calm expression on her face as she looked him up and down, plainly surprised by his suddenly insightful words.

Judging the boy from face value, he seemed sincere enough, not that Cathalie could ever know for sure, having lived with liars left and right throughout her childhood. At first meeting, she had learned to be cautious of those who tried to be friendly, this Ian-boy being no different. After all, just what ulterior motive he had to gain from being friends with her and Mitch? This what had Cathalie had been wondering since the moment Ian had gotten friendly with them.

Maybe, he just pitied them, something which didn't impress Cathalie at all. It was pitiful enough being an orphan, she didn't need the sympathy of strangers. Then again, perhaps it wasn't pity that motivated this boy to try and make friends with them. Maybe it was something else….but for all her experience and jadedness with the world, Cathalie couldn't quite place it.

At Ian's question, Cathalie only replied huffily, her hands placed on her hips expressing a somewhat closed and arrogant demeanor. "Jeez, I don't know what to think of you. Are you just trying to be nice, or are you being kind to us for real? You're not trying to trick us, are you?"

The gnarled figure of Mitch, who had taken to crouching at Cathalie's ankles, looked up at his dark-eyed companion with cloudy eyes of his own, bearing that ever curious expression. "Trick? Like a card trick?" He giggled suddenly upon inquiring this, falling back against the linoleum. Looking slightly disgusted, Cathalie was about to make a retort when she suddenly froze in place, her hackles raising slightly, as though a hostile presence was approaching. Stiffly, she turned her head towards the newcomer that had approached ever brazenly.

Ali Greyston, one of the prestigious social ‘elites' of the school, being the Senator's pampered little daughter, and quite the glamourous beauty at that. But of course, Cathalie should have known. Gritting her teeth and regarding coldly the well-endowed form of Ali Greyston as she made her way gracefully into the room. As she neared Ian, Cathalie raised her eyebrow in a slight twitch, feeling rather sickened by the presence of Ali Greyston.

Why sickening, of all things? Just the way she wandered playfully about Ian, looking him over as though he were some open exhibition…that flirtatious manner, the coquettish way in which she attempted to draw his attention… Cathalie's stomach could never help but turn just at the mere sight of her. Of course her irritation could only melt completely into anger and infuriation as Ali Greyston regarded her and Mitch with a cold look of contempt of her own.

And as always, this girl was no different from most the other students Cathalie had to deal with on a daily basis, looking at the two young orphans as though they were something utterly repulsive and disgusting. Except this one, confident and self assured as she was, didn't bother to hide her disgust, making her contempt clear with remarks spiteful enough to make Cathalie's face burn with shame and anger.

Just as Cathalie was about to spit out an angry remark on her own, her anger suddenly evaporated into slight surprise, as the voice of Mitch suddenly rang out, clear as a bell out of morning air.

"RED CARD! Somebody stop this child molester!"

Cathalie swirled around to see the scrawny form of Mitch standing upright, his green-eyes wide and attentive in contrast with their usually sleepy and carefree nature. His bandaged arm was lifted to point an accusing finger towards the older girl. And the next thing she knew, before Cathalie could stop him, Mitch had already sprung off the pads of his bare, callused feet, vaulting clear above the cracked linoleum in a full-force leap onto Ali.

And at this point, Cathalie finally realized what was coming next…having known Mitch for the better half of her life, she knew exactly what to expect. She had half a mind to stop him, before the damage was done. But in the split second that followed Mitch's vault towards Ali, Cathalie shrugged to herself, deciding to refrain from interfering for the time being. After all, what was the point? She might as well take this as a source of amusement.

"I'll save you, Ian! It's O-KAY!" Mitch yelled as he tackled Ali with a force and momentum strong enough to knock her over. Grabbing at the nearest limb, which happened to be her left arm, he opened his mouth wide and clamped it over her wrist, sinking his teeth into the bronzed flesh of her arm.

Theseus Posted: Jul 3 2006, 08:53 AM  
Ian kept looking at Mitch and Cathalie, when Cathalie asked Ian if he was just trying to be nice, or if he was being kind to them for real. She asked if he was trying to trick them. Ian didn't fully understand why this strange duo was so protective of each other, and why Cathalie wasn't trusting, but Ian didn't let him bother him. He just smiled and said, "Look, friends look out for each other right? I was hoping we could be friends."

Ian was going to say more, until Ali Grayston entered the classroom. Ian didn't see her enter, but he felt her hand wrap around his shoulder and her mis-leading voice say, "Well hi there." Turning around Ian looked at the girl. Daughter of the senator she was truly one of the most popular, powerful kids in the school. She ruled with her looks, and rumor had it that she was a bit of a....slut.

Ian didn't notice Ali as she sized up Cathalie and Mitch. Ali was an interesting girl, varsity cheerleader, she had a homecoming nomination. Ian didn't doubt that she would be homecoming queen, especially if the rumors were true, and she gave it up to get the votes.

"Friends of yours?" "Pity."

Those words didn't exactly make Ian the happiest, especially the way she said pity. If there was one thing Ian didn't like about the social elite like Ali, it was their complete disregard for other's not deemed "cool" like them. Ian wondered why she was treating him like she was, for he was definately not one of the popular kids, and hanging out with Mitch and Cathalie sure wasn't helping his situation.

Problem was though, Ian enjoyed hanging out with Mitch and Cathalie, they seemed like nice people, and Ian didn't take too kindly when someone would put down his friends.

"Ian, that's so sweet! It's great that you offer to spend time with the... you know, special kids"

Ian just looked at Ali, as she smiled at him, her almost angelic face looking at him, and Ian would admit, Ali was gorgeous, but only on the outside. He really wasn't one to judge people, but from what he's seen and heard, Ali was not the greatest person around, but very few of the social elite were.

That is when Mitch shouted "RED CARD! Somebody stop this child molester!" and before Ian could react, the boy had leaped on top of Ali.

"I'll save you, Ian! It's O-KAY!"

Ian lightly smiled, Mitch was protecting him? Ian waited for Cathalie to hold back Mitch, but when she didn't Ian wasn't too surprised, especially with the way Ali was treating them. Ian just smiled at Mitch biting Ali's left arm. It was almost a friendly act of Mitch to be protecting Ian. Friendly.

Megami Posted: Jul 3 2006, 12:02 PM  
As the voice of Mitch Gunther rang clear through the classroom in a rather rude remark about Ali, she once again cast her "special needs" classmate another annoyed look. Red card? What was this, Kindergarten? People like Mitch and Cathalie, they were nuisances to society, and right now, they were certainly nuisances to Ali Grayston. Running her delicate fingers through the glistening head of hair atop her head, she cast a look back to Ian Rico, completely unable to decipher why the boy would waste his time with such vile, wretched creatures.

She was wrenched back to reality instantly as Mitch Gunther shouted something inaudible to her at the top of his lungs and suddenly pounced toward the vivacious girl who had apparently defiled Ian Rico's inner circle. Ali barely had time to think as the disgusting creature that had been kneeled at Cathalie's ankles like a dog pounced on her, knocking her to the floor. She was completely taken aback by the bold course of action on Mitch's part, and found herself unable to fight back in retaliation.

As the boy's teeth latched down deep into the flesh of her wrist, Ali let out a pained and surprised shriek, and almost immediately, her dominant right hand came flying full-force from it's previously pinned position, slamming into the side of Mitch's face in an attempt to remove Cathalie's guard dog from her rather prone form.


Coming off of the momentum of having slapped the boy across the face, she pushed the scrawny and lanky form of Mitch Gunther off of her, her pricey high-heeled sandals coming into contact with Mitch's shin in the fray. That would certainly leave a mark... and the wiry little bastard deserved it after having BIT her. Forcing herself to her feet and taking a somewhat reserved stance behind Ian, Ali's right hand instinctively held her left wrist in pain.

"Ugh," the repulsed sound left the cheerleader's lips as she stared unbelievingly at Mitch and Cathalie, all the while still nursing her bitten wrist, "I really hope that disgusting little creature doesn't have AIDS or something."

Running her hand up and down her bleeding wrist, Ali couldn't help but feel sickened at the sight of her own blood. Just who did that... that THING think he was, anyway? Nobody laid a hand on her, not if they knew what was good for them. Casting a pouty glance back toward Ian, as though surprised and hurt that his so-called friend had attacked her, her lips formed the Ali Grayston signature "pout" as she continued to nurse her wounded hand.

"You should really put a muzzle on that," she mused.

Despite the cruel comment that had left her lips, the bewitching, almost saddened expression that had transfixed her features remained. Inwardly, Ali Grayston was insulted. Insulted that Ian Rico had had the nerve to practically shun her advances, insulted that those vile, wretched, filthy creatures were still near her, wasting her oxygen, insulted that Ian had done nothing to prevent the malicious attack on her by Cathalie's guarddog.

Her attention turned to Mitch and Cathalie as her formerly bewitching expression changed into an almost sinister looking glare. The girl's hands found her way to her hips, and she stood there, standing at them with a look of utter revulsion having blazed across her delicate features. Eyeing Mitch warily, she took a few steps forward to address the duo standing before her.

"I'll have you suspended for this, you know," she mused, no hint of remorse echoing in her words, "I don't think you understand who you're messing with. My Daddy's a senator, don't you know that I can pull the strings to get whatever I want? You people... I could make your lives a living hell. Remember that."

Just as quickly as she had approached the dominatrix looking girl and her drooling mutt, Ali Grayston had backed away. And just as quickly as her features had turned evil and sinister, they had melted back into the sugary-sweet look that generally stayed plastered to the brunette's features. She once again turned to Ian, the ever-bewitching smile with which she had been endowed returning to her face, though this time Ali had no retort. Shaking her head in aggravation, the brunette walked off toward the door, headed for the nurse's office, and then the principal's.

If that disgusting excuse for a human being had given her anything, so help her God, this would mean war. As it was, Mitch Gunther had blatantly stepped on Ali Grayston's toes, and that was something you didn't do to the Senator's daughter. She had friends, she had connections. And quite frankly, Mitch Gunther had no idea what could be in store for him upon the horizon after the careless atrocity he had committed against the young woman. Storming off in a rage, the girl slammed the door to Mrs. Rowena's room closed and headed down the hallway. Well... she had wanted a challenge.

LadyMakaze Posted: Jul 3 2006, 03:03 PM  
Cathalie couldn't help but laugh aloud in a full-throated laughter, slapping her knee with one hand and cradling her aching stomach with the other as Mitch wrestled and fought with Ali over a mouthful of arm, sending the ordinarily self-assured and composed girl into a full-throated shriek of pain and utter surprise. Never in all her life had Cathalie remembered laughing so hard, so much. It was a rather refreshing feeling, being able to laugh when all of her life had been full pain and rage.

Cathalie recovered just in time to see Mitch rolling off of Ali after receiving a slap to the face in retaliation for biting Ali. His lower lip smeared with a small line of blood, Mitch stared at Ali, sitting flat-footed like a placid duck on the linoleum. A dazed look was upon his face, now marked in red from the impact of Ali's slap, and he looked only mildly daunted, as though he had not registered the fact that Ali had just hit him in the face.

But all of that was interrupted as Mitch suddenly yelped in pain in unison with the impact of Ali's foot against his shin. As he whimpered and rolled further a ways off, clutching his shin in pain, Cathalie couldn't help but growl in anger, tensing herself before Ali as the girl made note of the damage dealt. Noting the blood on the older girl's wrist, Cathalie couldn't help but feel a sort of twisted satisfaction, seeing the slut get exactly what she deserved. It was even more satisfying, knowing that Ian had ignored, if not outright rejected her advances. At least Ian had more sense than most of the males his age. He wasn't shallow enough to fall for Ali's old tricks.

A silence stretched out on part of Cathalie as the dark-eyed girl watched Ali Grayston retreating no sooner after spitting out a hate-filled threat of her own. She continued to say nothing until the room was completely rid of her presence, then let out a sigh of relief and exasperation as she shook her head to relieve herself of her anger.

"I'd be more worried about Mitch getting AIDS from her," Cathalie muttered to herself with a sort of twisted humour, a dark smile playing across her lips. Inside, she worried more than ever, for Ali definitely had the nerve to carry out her threat for real, and report to the principal about what Mitch had done. Seems like once again, Cathalie would have to step in and do all the explaining on Mitch's behalf, something she was used to doing for all her years of knowing him.

And speaking of the wiry boy in question, Mitch had recovered from his bout of pain, and was now tending to the bruising mark on his lean shin. He remained silent, as Mitch often did when he was sulking, as she massaged his wiry fingers over the mark and leaned his face over to lick it, as a dog or a cat might to clean its wounds. Cathalie sighed as she watched him, knowing better than to disturb Mitch while he was in one of his more moody tangents, lest she suffer the same fate Ali had. Instead, she looked towards Ian, shrugging at him a bit.

"I'm surprised you didn't fall for her tricks," she remarked, regarding him carefully. Though her expression was unreadable, it seemed as though she had relaxed slightly compared to when they had first exchanged words. The arrogance and caution in her tone had long since evaporated. In fact, she was even smiling slightly to him. "Guess you're not too bad after all."

Mitch's head popped up between the two just as Cathalie was about to rest a friendly hand on Ian's shoulder.

"Don't disturb him further! The victim seems to be in utter shock," Mitch observed aloud, exchanging glances between Cathalie and Ian. "Surely the attack must have inflicted such emotional wounds on him. We must treat this unique situation with utmost care."

Cathalie raised her eyebrow at him as he began putting his face to the floor.

"A crime scene investigation must be made, first starting with a survey on the surrounding environment following the EMS system," Mitch recited the thoughts in his head aloud as he sniffed about along the linoleum floor. Satisfied, he stood up. "All clear! The attacker seems to have fled the scene of the crime, therefore the area is to be deemed safe."

At once he began regarding Ian with his grayish-green eyes, now uncharacteristically alert and wide-awake, contrast from the sleepy quality they held earlier. Putting a comforting hand on Ian's shoulder, Mitch asked him in a concerned tone that seemed to hold some authority. "Everything is alright now. Are you hurt? Do you want to report this to the police? Do you want to call your parents? Do you remember your name?"

He held up two fingers and waved it in front of Ian's eyes. "How many do you see? Does your head hurt?"

Cathalie let out an incredulous sigh at Mitch's attempt to play the heroic rescuer, though she was quite surprised at the way Mitch seemed to be opening up to Ian. Normally Mitch avoided any sort of human interaction that involved reciprocation and response from the other person, unless it involved Cathalie. Even more so than Cathalie, Mitch disliked other people in general, mistrusting them and avoiding them to the point of being almost anti-social, despite his curious nature towards others. It was sort of strange…seeing Mitch become almost…friendly towards Ian.

She blinked and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, looking with an apologetic, awkward glance towards Ian. "I think he likes you."

Theseus Posted: Jul 3 2006, 03:38 PM  

Ian was still in shock as Mitch tackled Ali to the ground. He watched as the short fight ensued, and as ubruptly as it started, it ended. Ian listened to Ali's comments, then her threats of getting her father and her connections involved. All Ian knew was that Ali came from a powerful family, and if she wanted to, she could probably get Mitch suspended.

Ian watched Ali as she left, and he let out a sigh. Of course he had noticed her advances on him, and it shocked him really, but he knew they weren't genuine. He knew her reputation, and Ian wanted nothing to do with her, so that is why he tried his best to ignore her.

Ian smiled at Cathalie's comment about being worried of Mitch getting AIDS from Ali. Ian looked at Mitch, to see if the boy was, ok, and was about to ask when Cathalie told Ian of her surprise that he didn't fall for Ali's advances. She even said, "Guess you're not too bad after all."

Ian just smiled and tried to make a joke out of it, "You mean she was flirting with me? She needs a book or something on that." Ian was then surprised when Mitch started acting like a detective or someone you see on tv, referring to Ian as the victim.

Feeling Mitches hand on his shoulder, Ian looked at the boy as he started asking him questions.

"Everything is alright now. Are you hurt? Do you want to report this to the police? Do you want to call your parents? Do you remember your name?"

Ian then watched as Mitch raised two fingers and asked, "How many do you see? Does your head hurt?"

Ian smiled at the boy and said, "Don't worry, I feel fine, I'm ok thanks to you. If it wasn't for you I could have been in a lot worse shape." Ian played along, for it was the least he could do. The boy must have genuinely thought Ian was in danger, and ended up taking a small beating to protect him.

Ian just offered his hand to Mitch and said, "Thanks." Then he said to Cathalie's comment about Mitch liking him, "Well if your friend is starting to like me, does that mean you can trust me more and not question my motives next time I invite you both to grab a bite to eat with me?" Ian smiled at Cathalie and Mitch, and he found himself thinking about Sofie, wishing she was here, because he knew that she would have loved the situation that had just unfolded.

Naki Posted: Jul 4 2006, 01:04 AM  
Walking up the hallway as the injured girl came barrelling out of the class, the thin teenager twisted, pulling various straps and chains back to prevent from tripping the obviously appearance-oriented girl and doubling upon her harm, as he noted the blood trickling down her arm from what looked like bite wounds.

"Great. Wild animals are permitted in class now?" He dropped his face into his hand, and sighed slightly, "Gilroy isn't looking as shabby now. If only I hadn't put my fist through that door. And my knee into that kid's stomach... and... oh hell, forget it."

He noticed a couple of people were staring at him in the hallway, and he narrowed his eyes.

'Right, less talking to self outloud. No need to make myself into a complete crazy on my frist day here.'

He waved his hands, trying to ward off the stares, "I'm alright, just a little lost, can you point me in the direction of Room... uh..." He shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out a crushed pack of cigarettes, "hmm... that's not it..." he pushed it back into his pocket, and rummaged through another, pulling out a peice of folded paper, before fumbling it open, "AH! Room 133."

Some of the people just turned around and ignored him while another pointed at the sign above his head, "Right there, dumbass."

...Rowan's hand twitched in his pocket and he took a deep breath. 'No fights within your first hour here... Gotta make this one last.' He sighed, and then put on his best fake smile, "Thanks!"

He turned around, smouldering as he entered the class to see a pair standing, one looking more like he belonged in an asylum, than in a classroom, as well as a number of other students whispering between each other. He dropped the paper on the desk for the teacher, tugged his ponytail, pushing forward on the tie holding it up in order to ensure his hair was held tightly and wouldn't slip undone and cascade about his shoulders carelessly.

He, then, made his way back to a desk that he assumed was empty at the very back of the class, straightening and fiddling with the bands that ran his arms, as well as adjusting the leather straps on the long armband that ended around his hand, just before the fingers, and wrapped about his thumb, under his shirt sleeves.

He looked like he'd just came in from some crazy concert where he'd drank way too much, but really, he was just tired. He sat in the principal's office for an hour, listening to a 'our policies state' lecture.

'My policy is that I live how I want.' he had thought the entire time.

Finding the empty seat at the back, he pulled the chair out, and sat down, leaning back slightly and letting his boots rest ontop of the desk.

'Interesting year ahead of you, Rowan. Lesse how fast you get kicked out of here.'

LadyMakaze Posted: Jul 4 2006, 02:18 AM  
Mitch did not seem all too convinced by Ian's placid smile, nor of his reassurances that he was indeed fine after the ‘attack' on that evil child molester's part. Though he did seem slightly flattered and happy with himself at Ian's remark that he was safe thanks to Mitch himself, playing with the hand Ian offered for a moment and looking it over curiously before getting bored and letting go. Observing the calm and docile form of Ian with an oddly scrutinizing look in his misty eyes, Mitch announced in a tone of skepticism, "The victim seems to be rather disoriented and confused. It would seem that he is not fully aware of the crime that has been inflicted on him. Either that or he is in an extreme state of trauma and psychological petrification. Surely the subject will need to go into therapy and counseling as a way of teaching him to move on from the ordeal and learn to love life again and all that therein-"

"Mitch, just shut up already," Cathalie snapped at him, effectively interrupting his oral report on the crime scene.

"Yes, Cathalie," he mumbled in a slightly moody tone, and slunk a ways off from his commanding companion to sulk. As he turned away with a pout on his blood-covered lip, he abruptly turned a suddenly alert eye towards the newcomer that had just entered the room. At least, this was what it seemed like from a distance. If one looked closer still, one would notice that what Mitch was really staring at with a curious eye were the chains that adorned his clothing, their steely glint scattering the panel light left and right of him.

If there was one thing Mitch absolutely could not resist, it was his beloved shinies.

As Cathalie turned back to Ian, she sighed slightly, shrugging his shoulders as Mitch wandered off, seemingly to sulk at being chided by Cathalie in the middle of playing the crime scene investigator. Casting an apologetic look towards Ian, she told him, "He watches too many CSI-type shows and reads too many books on forensics and that kinda thing. Pretty weird, I know."

Cathalie paused for a tense, suspicious moment as Ian brought up the subject of trust. It was then that she began to ask herself inwardly. Did she trust this boy? Could she, having just met him? He seemed like a nice person….then again, so did everyone else before they sent her packing to return to the orphanage she hated so much. Then again…Mitch seemed to take well to this person, when rarely he ever took well to anyone at all besides Cathalie. In any case…Cathalie wasn't quite sure whether she could trust this person for sure. But surprisingly, Cathalie felt as though she wanted to somehow. Tired of all the mistrust, fear of betrayal, anger from grudges held from betrayals made long past…Cathalie just wanted to trust someone for once.

Not that she would let Ian in on this of course. Smiling to him wryly, she told him with a cool tone in her voice, "It's possible, but don't hold me up to that." In a gentler voice, she told him with a warmer smile, "If Mitch likes you, then I'm okay with it."

And speaking of Mitch, he had long since strayed away from the duo that had consisted of Ian and Cathalie, and had proceeded to make his way to the odd-looking stranger that had just entered the room, heavily adorned with chains, leather straps, tattoos, studs, rings, and the like. Curiously peering up at him as he sat crouched like a dog on the floor, Mitch tilted his head to one side, plainly mesmerized by the shiny chains suspended from this unfamiliar fellow…


And without further warning, Mitch's wiry hands shot out and latched onto the chains that had caught the light in his eye and fascinated him to no end. Gripping multiple chains by the handfuls, be then attempted to rip them off of this stranger, thinking them loosely attached that he wouldn't notice them being ripped off. Unfortunately, this would not by the case as Mitch put all of his weight into pulling him off, likely dragging the poor stranger off the desk and along the floor as well.

Theseus Posted: Jul 4 2006, 06:27 AM  
Ian drew his hand back when Mitch only looked it over, obviously unsure what the gesture meant. Ian listened as Mitch quoted more crime scene investigation speeches and he listened. When Cathalie told him to shut up, Ian focused his attention on her. Ian then watched as Mitches attention turned towards the new kid who had just walked in. Looking the kid over, Ian noticed the chains and the like hanging off the kid.

Ian didn't have a problem with this, for he was never one to judge people, especially on how they dress. If that was true he wouldn't be talking to Cathalie at the current moment. Ian just focused his attention back on Cathalie and replied to her apology about Mitch watching too much CSI and reading too many forensic books. "You don't have to apologize, I found it a nice gesture. Hey, for all we know he could grow up to be the head of the CSI team or something.'

Ian smiled and then listened to Cathalie's reply about his statement on trust.

"It's possible, but don't hold me up to that."

Ian just smiled and said, "Well I guess that will have to do." He then extended his hand, hoping that Cathalie would shake it, unlike Mitch. Ian didn't notice Mitch follow the new kid, nor did he notice Mitch start to pull on his chains, hard.

Naki Posted: Jul 5 2006, 04:58 PM  
Rowan certainly wasn't paying much attention, he'd slipped his earphones in and had turned on some thrash metal to sooth his mind.

'Odd how thrash is soothing... nothing like the fast riffs, and the intense boosts that the bass drum makes when-'

And suddenly he was knocked from his reverie. Additionally, so was his desk, his chair and his pants were clearly falling down as well now. He also noted that something was beneathe his leg... something hard, that wasn't his chains. It was moving, attempting to get free.

His eyes lifted to look at the offending person who was now clearly trapped underneathe his leg, to look Mitch in the eyes. Of course, if looks could kill, Mitch wouldn't even had a corpse left over. This look could have destroyed entire planets.

He didn't move his leg, but slowly lifted his hands to the earphones, slipping them into the pocket and shutting off his MP3 player, before returning his gaze to Mitch's. He dropped his hands to his belt and began to stand up, pulling up his pants so that his boxers were no longer visible for everyone in the class, and then wrenched the chains from Mitch's grip.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He shot out at the kid on the floor, as he began working on the latches that held his chains on the side closest to Mitch, moving them over to the side opposite, in some, most likely vain, attempt to keep Mitch away from his chains.

"If you want some chains, go get a job and buy them yourself, you thief." He then looked up to see that it was the kid who'd been on the opposite side of the room, and called to the girl he'd been with in the first place.

"If your boyfriend can't keep his hands to himself, keep him on a leash..." He sighed, fixing his hair once again, and making sure all of his bands were still in place, and then finally checked his belt.

If he'd been in a more foul mood, Mitch would have clearly lost a few teeth, and nice marks in the side of his face, but Rowan was clearly not that mad today. That, or he didn't want to kick the kid with his spiked boots.

Either way, it meant Mitch had fewer injuries than on any other day, and that would probably be good for both parties.

Theseus Posted: Jul 6 2006, 08:28 AM  
Ian didn't expect what happened to happen. He didn't even have time to react, for at first all he saw was the new kid being knocked over by Mitches attempt to get the chains.

Ian watched as the kid stood up and gave a cold stare to Mitch, and Ian was half expecting the kid to strike Mitch, but he just yelled at the boy.

The new kid was yeling to Mitch about getting a job and calling him a thief. Then he yelled at Cathalie telling her to keep her boyfriend on a leash.

Ian stood up, expecting the angered kid to strike Mitch, but he didn't. Ian was a little relieved at that, because Ian was not one to be in fights, but Mitch did protect him from that Ali girl.

Ian quickly walked over to Mitch and offered his hand to help him up. Ian's eyes glanced over the new kid but they quickly stopped at Mitch. Ian just said, "Come on Mitch, let's get Cathalie and go, maybe we can get you that burger you wanted."

Ian then turned around and looked at Cathalie, gauging her reaction to the whole scene.

LadyMakaze Posted: Jul 7 2006, 12:15 AM  
Cathalie laughed snidely at Ian's comment as he mentioned how Mitch could be head of CSI or something of the sort. "Yeah, if only he had the sanity and the attention-span. I swear, the prat's like ADHD personified…" Hesitating only for a moment, she eyed Ian's hand with a wary glance, then cautiously accepted it, though she gave it a warm and firm shake.

Meanwhile, Mitch whimpered slightly as his precious chains were taken away from him, so forcefully by the boy who donned them, about to reach out to grab them yet again, though this time the other boy was quite at the ready, dodging his every grab and spitting out angry words towards him. His voice has a sharp harshness that was enough to make Mitch flinch slightly, freezing in place as the boy shot him a look that sent him staggering backwards in fear.

"Uhh…I didn't do it. I swear," he muttered, back away towards where Cathalie was.

By now, Cathalie had caught onto all the commotion, her attention averted from Ian onto the boy who had lashed out such harsh words towards Mitch…no doubt out of anger or exasperation. Once again, this failed to surprise Cathalie, for all her experience being with someone like Mitch.

Here we go again…why am I always the one to pull his ass out of trouble? She thought as she sauntered over to where Rowan was.

She didn't appreciate the fact that he was uttering such harsh words at the plainly frightened and confused Mitch, even less did she appreciate the comment he made towards her. However, as she noted the leather and chains that he donned, she self-consciously remembered her own, though the way she dressed as more of a gothic-punk look.

Well at least he has good taste in dress, Cathalie thought off-handedly.

Mitch turned to see her approach, and immediately scuttled over to hide behind her legs, looking up at Rowan fearfully with a glare on his pale face. "That guy yelled at me! I didn't do anything, but he yelled at me anyways! He called me a thief! You're not going to put me on a leash, are you? I don't want to be on a-"

"Just shut the hell up, Mitch."

"Yes, Cathalie…"

Satisfied with Mitch, she turned towards Rowan with a narrow-eyed look, already in a foul mood having encountered Ali and all her condescension and having to get Mitch out of trouble twice today already. To say the least, she had seen better days, and better moods.

"You didn't have to scare him, you know?" she snapped at him with a slight look of contempt on her face. "He, and I, have put up with enough of that kinda crap without you having to put some input into it. Just give him a break already."

As Mitch watched on fearfully behind Cathalie's legs, his misty eyes turned upwards in surprise as Ian's hand came into view yet again. He blinked at it in confusion, playing with Ian's fingers for a while before he finally got the message, and understood. Gripping Ian's hand with his own, he pulled himself upwards from the floor without much difficulty.

Mitch began to lightly nibble on the back of the crook of his finger, tilting his head to the side as he gave Ian a curious look. He mumbled words that were barely heard by anyone else, having fallen silent all of a sudden.

"Thank you."

Re: Ian Rico

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:47 am
by Theseus*
Naki Posted: Jul 7 2006, 01:57 AM  
Rowan casually dropped his hands into his pants pockets, and lifted an eyebrow as Cathalie made a rather vain attempt to scold Rowan and then defend the boy she was with.

"Ouch," Rowan pulled his hand from his pocket is mock distress as he clutched his chest, just right of his heart, "You treat me like I'm just some 8 year old who broke your favourite vase. That's hurts." The false emotion in his voice rang rather well, and gave the older teen a harsher sarcasm.

He waved his hand rather non-chalantly, before brushing a stray bang that had escaped from the rest of the tied hair back, behind his ear. "I can assume that by 'enough crap already', you meant Ms. Bloody McPrissy. But I must say, she certainly looks worse for wares than you two. At least, physically."

Rowan's hand dropped back down, slipping into his pocket, before scanning over Cathalie for a moment, and then his eye darting to Mitch and Ian.

'Good god; it's like those moshers who don't shower. At least there's no dreadlocks to whip me with.' He winced at the thought, rather oddly to the three who standing in front of him.

"Yeah... so... anyway..." He looked back and forth rather unsure of where to follow up with the conversation.

He tapped his fingers against his leg in hopes of thinking of a way to break the awkward stand-off. Mexican! Without guns! He wanted to smack himself for that thought.

"You shouldn't treat people like garbage, especially the ones you call your friends." Rowan's mouth did all of the talking. No brain function whatsoever.


Immeadiately, Rowan's face hit his hand, his head shaking, as he muttered: "Oh shit." over and over again.

By the time finally recovered he said the only thing that solved all problems: "...I need a cigarette..."

LadyMakaze Posted: Jul 9 2006, 10:42 PM  
Cathalie cast a disdainful scowl towards the sardonic character that was Rowan, not at all appreciating his sense of sarcasm, nor the absence of the apology she was looking for. Crossing her arms with a sour look on her painted face at his comparison between Ali and the two, she snapped at him, "Care to explain what that means to me?"

Sizing him up, though in the end not knowing what in the world to make of this character, she sighed in exasperation, already having gone through enough trouble for one day. It wasn't as though she were asking for trouble, Mitch on the other hand just happened to be constantly begging for it. Looking down towards the person in question, cowering behind her and flashing an ever innocent smile at her, she rolled her eyes and looked back towards Rowan, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

"You shouldn't treat people like garbage, especially the ones you call your friends."

Considering the attitude he had been putting up all this time, it was somewhat…strange, hearing this come from Rowan all the way out of the blue. Whatever gave him the nerve to say such a thing, the very statement seemed to shatter Cathalie's initial image of him. In fact, Rowan himself seemed to be aware of this, facepalming himself while muttering incoherent curses.

Raising an eyebrow at him, Cathalie retorted, "Treating them like garbage? I'm treating them like my friends. Right, Mitch?"

At this question, Mitch plainly evaded the question, refusing to answer as he tilted his chin up to cast a curious look towards the form of Rowan, newly recovered from his initial panic. Cocking his head to the side, Mitch echoed the spoken word. "Cigarette?"

His green eyes seemed to light up at the realization. "You mean those paper cylinders with nicotine, petroleum, formaldehyde, cyanide, and all those carcinogens and toxic chemicals that shorten your expected lifespan by a quarter through regular inhalation? The ones that cause lung cancer and ulcers and heart disease and skin disease and hair loss and falling teeth?"

Cathalie blinked down at him with incredulity, "Smoking causes falling teeth?"

Mitch grinned up at her, "That's what happened to that Poster Child we see every day in the hallway. Gums all black and rotting…skin yellow, cataracts in eyes, bleeding tongue, hole in throat." He then cast his cloudy eyes up at Rowan, all sense of pretense evaporated. "Is YOUR goal in life to be the Poster Child?"

Cathalie snickered ever so slightly behind her hands at this comment. Looking towards Ian, she shrugged a bit.

"Sure, now would be a great time to leave," she muttered, casting a sidelong scowl towards Rowan. "Come on Mitch…get up already."

On cue, Mitch leapt to his feet, adopting that slouching, unsteady gait he always walked with. Grinning cheerfully at Rowan, he said in a friendly voice, "Look in the mirror, it's already happening."

Theseus Posted: Jul 10 2006, 08:57 AM  
Ian found himself almost amused by the spectacle. That Rowan kid saying something, then immediately realizing his mistake. Then Cathalie trying her best to just protect Mitch. But of course Mitch was there, talking about cigarettes. Ian was rather shocked by all the knowledge Mitch had shown this past day. That kid knew more than Ian, he definately was a genious in his own way, or at least that's what Ian thought.

Ian nodded towards Cathalie's comment about leading and he said, "Ok that sounds like a plan."

Walking over to the door he thought about still going out to get that burger, but he really wanted Sofie to come. He knew she would like Cathalie and Mitch. That was one of the many things that made Ian consider Sofie de Wilde his best friend. Her giving everyone at least one chance.

Ian looked up at the clock, knowing Sofie's practice wasn't over yet. He just decided to leave her a message on her cell phone, hoping that after practice she could meet them at the burger place.

Ian looked at Cathalie and said, "So what do you want to do? We could still get that burger if you want."

LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 1 2006, 11:29 PM  
As though on cue, Mitch went ahead and bounded out the door, having seemingly forgotten all about Rowan as he stood there lost for replies. However, the skinny, bandage-covered young boy continued to speculate merrily of the fate that awaited those who did not heed the general surgeon's warning.

"....and then...PSORIASIS! The rash of the undead! There is no escape before the skin falls off in rotting clumps from the bones of your form...and then your blood vessels clamp down and explode. Mark my words, child. Someday, your daily actions shall come back to haunt you."

With gleeful laughter, he bounded off across the hallway on his own, tripping once or twice over his own feet though miraculously regaining balance at several intervals.

"Mitch," Cathalie called out to him as she stepped out into the hallway. "Exit's that way."

Likewise as though on cue yet again, Mitch halted to a statue-still stop, foot lifted it mid-step, until he pivoted. Bounding off in the other direction past Ian and Cathalie, he slowed down his pace for a moment to look about the nature of his surroundings with a scrutinizing eye, putting his nose closer to the ground every few moments.

"No trace of the child molester has yet been found, though our intrepid investigator suspects tamperage of evidence! Instead of the putrid scent of the L'eau d'amour perfume that the perpetrator had no doubtedly donned at the time of her crime, this troubled investigator can only smell floor cleaner and mop water....Could this be a case of sabotage? The plot thickens!"

"Too bad...the janitor must've been round." Cathalie remarked, though Mitch by now was lost in the glamour of his own detective suspense story and no longer listened, though he seemed quite dismayed with his findings.

Cathalie sighed and looked incredulously towards Ian. "Well, shall we follow him? He IS heading towards the exit after all." Almost uncharacteristically, she smiled lightly. "A burger doesn't sound too bad... I don't have much money on me though, and it's supposed to be for Mitch too, since he keeps losing his."

Meanwhile, looking completely at a loss at finding no trace of the criminal, Mitch crouched against the floor and pouted miserably.

"The intrepid explorer is now at a loss! All clues present lead nowhere but to a dead end! I'm confused!" he whined across the hallway.


Theseus Posted: Aug 3 2006, 01:30 AM  
Ian smiled watching as Mitch ran out the door, heading the wrong way. Ian listened as Mitch continued playing the role of the investigator, looking for Ian's attacker.

When Cathalie finally pointed out Ian in the right direction, Ian listened to Cathalie. Agreeing with her he began to follow Mitch to the exit with Cathalie.

Pausing he said, "Well, I havn't been to the amusement park in a while, and it's not far from my house. They got some cheap burgers there and some fun rides, and if you need some money I can loan you some."

Ian thought for a moment then reached into his bookbag and brought out his silver flip phone. Opening up his cell phone he said, "Let me call Sofie and see if she can come after practice."

Going through his contacts list he saw the name of Sofie and dialed her cell phone. Her cell phone was off so he left her a voice message. "Hey Sofie! Me, Cathalie, and Mitch might head out to the amusement park, and I just wanted to check and see if you can come with us once your swim practice lets out. So call me back. Later."

Ian closed the phone and put it in his pocket. Looking at Cathalie he said, "So do you want to go tot he amusement park? We might all need to stop home real quick to grab whatever you need, they have a beach there so we could all get our swim suits and go swimming too."

Ian forgot to mention to Sofie to bring her swim suit incase they go swimming. He quickly dialed her number again and when he got her voicemail he said, "Oh sorry Sofie, bring your swimsuit incase we go swimming. Thanks, later." He closed the phone and smiled at Cathalie.

((I'll PM Riser to let her know to read this so she know's Sofie has some voicemails waiting for her  ))

LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 3 2006, 11:27 PM  
As Mitch fruitlessly continued to scour along the newly mopped up linoleum along the hallway floor, Cathalie followed along at a leisurely pace, walking alongside Ian while keeping a careful eye on Mitch. It felt strange, having a third person in their midst, especially strange since Ian was particularly sane and civilized in comparison to Mitch. At least that meant he made for some intelligent conversation.

However, she found herself pausing for a moment as Ian offered to take the two of them out to the amusement park, something Cathalie had never seen coming on top of that previous offer to take them to the burger joint. Her natural wariness could do nothing to offset the foreseen fun and excitement to be had at the amusement park.

Even more surprised she was to see that Ian was also willing to loan money to Cathalie, though at this offer, Cathalie was much less reluctant. Calculating as she was, she figured that whatever amount of money Ian could spare more than likely eclipsed the meagre allowance shared between Cathalie and Mitch. Though he did offer it as a loan, Cathalie had half-a-mind to accept his offer...only to conveniently 'forget' about the debt later on. He was one of those well-off folks, he could afford it. Likely he wouldn't even remember being owed that kind of debt.

She stretched her arms out abit, smiling lightly in spite of herself. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go out and have fun for a change. Of course, I'll need a bit of your money, but I'll pay you back later," she told him casually, though of course she had no intention to do anything of the sort.

It wasn't as though enjoyed cheating this kid out of his money...considering all things, there was likely no way she could pay him back with what little allowance the orphanage matrons gave her. She needed the money to buy lunch for Mitch and herself every day, after all. Still, resorting to something like this hurt Cathalie's pride, but what else could she do?

She let out a sigh, just as Mitch's face popped out from round the corner right in front of her, startling her into a yelp. The nonplussed, green-eyed youth, tilted his head as he walked ahead of the two at the same pace, looking towards them curiously.

"Are we poor, Cathalie?" Mitch asked quietly. "Are the taxpayers going to throw us out of our houses?"

"We don't have houses," Cathalie replied irritably. "And the taxpayers can't throw out wards of the government unless the orphanage shuts down."

"Then why is he lending you money?" Mitch wondered aloud as he looked towards Ian with slight suspicion. "Are you a loanshark? Are you gonna charge us interest and send your army of private police after us? Because Cathalie never pays her debts." This he said with a sly grin, just as Cathalie shot him a look of pure venom.

Theseus Posted: Aug 6 2006, 08:26 PM  
Ian listened to the conversation between Cathalie and Mitch about being poor. Ian never had trouble with money growing up. Sure he wasn't one of those high class students, but his family had money, and Ian being an only child it was easy on him growing up. He really didn't understand what it was like to be poor, but he tried to put himself in Cathalie and Mitch's shoes but he couldn't quite understand.

Ian listened to Mitch's comment about how Cathalie never pays back her debts. He never quite related that comment to her paying back the loan he would give her, but if he had known, it wouldn't have bothered him too much. Ian didn't have that much a need for money, all he spended it on was paintball mostly. He could go with low grade paintballs for a while.

Ian just said, "It's ok, she doesn't have to pay me back if she can't." Once again, Ian didn't really expect her to not pay him back, but if she didn't that was fine with him. Ian wasn't tight about his money, and most people found out it was really easy to squeeze a couple bucks from him.

Ian made his way towards the exit to the school and said, "We might as well all go home real quick and meet up at the amusement park. Ill try calling Sofie again when I get home and tell her to meet us up there. Sound good?"

LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 11 2006, 11:54 AM  
By this point, Cathalie was getting quite tired of surprises, especially those on part of Ian Rico and all his generosity and kindness. It wasn't as though she was ungrateful. Well, perhaps she was to a certain degree, having no intention to pay back any of her debts, but on her defense, it wasn't really the case at this point. Instead, the point was that Cathalie, for her young age and a past full of anguish, was a cynic, and simply found it a challenge to believe that this Ian Rico, one she had never associated with until now, would offer her first a burger, then an outing to the amusement park, then friendship, and now money without loan.

Other than having Mitch's constant company, which was hardly an advantage, Cathalie had always been alone. Passed along from family to family, she found it hard to believe in the kindness and benevolence of humanity beyond the superficial exterior. Those who adopted her only pitied her, and kept her for only as long as they could tolerate her ill-temper and cynicism. The very classmates who often spent hours within the same room as her never offered anything more than a wide berth, knowing well of her pitiful background and her short-fuse.

Why would Ian Rico be any different?

At that point, her face fell into a cold, even frosty, state as Ian Rico reassured her that to pay back the money he'd, given her was not necessary. Her jaw set back slightly in a look of suspicion and distrust as her voice lowered quietly in a reply to Ian's cheerful suggestion. She spoke in a simple, yet blunt tone.

"Sure thing."

She looked away, unsuccessfully trying to suppress the darkness that had crossed her face. As far as Cathalie was concerned, the motivation to show kindness to others only showed if there was an ulterior motive. She knew well from experience and observation, and as the dark cesspool of her past emerged forth within the stormy tides of her heart, Cathalie remembered how she'd promised never to trust anyone who showed any sort of kindness. At least those who were openly cruel and abusive...they were honest. They were the only honest people in this world.

And she simply refused to believe that Ian Rico could be as honest with his kindness.

Mitch wandered about in circles along the hallway, darting from one side wall to the other, never noticing for a split second that on several intervals he nearly walked headlong into both Ian and Cathalie. Having taken a break from his work as a crime scene investigator, his attention began to wander throughout the interior of the building, from the alumni photos to the drinking fountains in the wall recesses, to the recycling bins outside each classroom.

As always, he regarded everything around him as though he had only just opened his eyes after being born, and suddenly seeing the world for the first time.

His attention suddenly came affixed to what seemed to be a discarded hypodermic needle lying on its cylindrical side on the floor. Just as he stooped over to pick it up and examine it curiously, Cathalie cuffed him round the shoulder with her palm. Getting the hint, Mitch abandoned his find, pouting slightly as he rubbed his now aching shoulder, though it didn't seem to bother much. Cathalie had dealt him harder blows in the past as a way of stress relief.

His ears caught the string of conversation, and Mitch wandered over to wedge himself between Cathalie and Ian, walking alongside both of them as he looked intently towards Ian.

"Amusement park?" he asked lightly, tilting his head as he always did in that curious, inquiring manner. "A park...of amusement? Sounds fun..." he mused quietly, more to himself than anything. "Cathalie never takes me anywhere. Cause we're poor."

He suddenly turned towards Cathalie, tugging her arm in that usual, childlike manner. "But we should pay our debt. Cause it's the right thing to do." Briskly he shoved his hand into the pocket of his tattered trousers, fishing around the inside of it before pulling it out with a handful of small objects.

"Here!" He thrust his outstretched palm towards Ian's face. "Take it."

Various objects and trinkets were piled along his bandaged, open palm, none of which were of much monetary value, despite their metallic, reflective qualities. Among which were a cheap metal chain, a screw, a safety pin, a keychain watch, a tube of lipstick,and an entire set of keys.

Mitch's face twisted slightly into a worried frown as Cathalie smacked a palm to her face behind him. "Is it not enough?"

((Mitch continued in: True Friends))
((Cathalie continued in: True Friends))

Theseus Posted: Aug 14 2006, 09:44 AM  
Ian continued his walk with the group towards the school's exit as Cathalie said, "sure thing" to his offer of free money. Ian smiled, glad to be helping out a friend. He didn't truly realize how bad Cathalie and Mitch had it but he knew he was far better off then the two of them.

But that didn't change Ian's views on the two. Ian was naturally a nice person, and though he could be a little shy at times, he was always wanting to help people out. At first he wasn't sure of what to make of Cathalie and Mitch, but now that he's gotten to know them a little better he can truly say they are his friends, and good people.

Ian was surrpised when Mitch talked about paying back their debts and handing Ian a bunch of small trinkets. Looking them over Ian smiled and his smile broadened as Cathalie smacked a palm to her face. Ian just said, "No this is more than enough." Taking the trinkets he placed them all in his pocket and said, "That should definately cover the expenses today."

Ian walked to one of the many exits in the school and said, "So we all better go home. I'll meet you all at the amusement park entrance at say..." Ian took out his cell phone again and looked at the time. "How does 4 sound? That gives us an hour."

((continued at the amusement park, I'll create a thread, for times sake I'm just going to skip posting a thread at my house and it will be assumed I stopped there before heading to the amusement park.))

((Continued in: True Friends))

Re: Ian Rico

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:47 am
by Theseus*
Topic: True Friends
Location: The Seaside

Posted by Theseus

((Continued from Who needs history when you got the present?))

Ian Rico was sitting on a bench in front of the entrance to the amusement park. He could hear the familiar screams and laughter coming from inside that was now synonomous to amusement parks. This was by far his favorite place to hang out with friends and it being closely located to his house made it easy for him to visit. The prices were also very reasonable and that was another plus.

When he got home after school he had thrown his pack back on his bed and grabbed his wallet, and his swimtrunks. Ian didn't like to have to change in and out of his clothes to go swimming or not, so he just changed into his swimtrunks at home. They were knee length black swimtrunks with a white stripe going down the sides of each one. He wore a dark green muscle shirt that had an American eagle on the side and two black stripes going down the side.

Sitting there he waited for Cathalie and Mitch to arrive, and also wondering if Sofie was going to show. He had brought his cell phone with him, and it was in his swimtrunk pocket. He quickly reached in and pulled it out and opened the flip up to see if he had any new voicemails. None. Ian placed the cell phone back in his pocket and continued to wait until his friends arrived.


LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 16 2006, 12:30 PM

((Mitch & Cathalie continued from: Who Needs History When You've Got the Present?))

"Cathalie...lovely Cathalie. How the sunlight strikes the sheen of your hair like the gloss of a raven's wing, and casts the snowy hue of your skin into an angelic glow that pierces the darkness in my heart with all its purity-"

"Yeah, Shakespeare, I get your point already," Cathalie muttered darkly, her pale face turning a bright red in embarrassment at the sight of Mitch extolling her 'beauty' in exaggerated description. This he was doing outloud, as though he were performing before an audience, his bandaged hands moving to and fro in unison to his poetic devices. As he moved in a circle about her as she walked along the promenade, she grumbled irritably as passers-by turned their heads to stare...or otherwise were too embarrassed to look.

Mitch himself had no sense of shame, grinning cheerfully as he obeyed and tamed his elaborate, exaggerated movements to a light skip beside her, from time to time letting his eyes wander about the vastness of his surroundings. Cathalie rolled her eyes, having been used to Mitch's various antics for the better part of her life now. Though this was yet another somewhat embarrassing habit of his...the habit of breaking out into poetic speech and praising her 'matchless beauty', as he would call it.

The very thought of it was enough to make Cathalie sigh. She wasn't beautiful, or even pretty in fact Every day she woke up to the same reflection in the mirror, a plain, surly girl of maybe fifteen or sixteen, wearing a scowl on her face. Her skin was a sickly pale, and her beady eyes were heavy with dark circles. Her nose was as flat as a button, and her chin jutted out of her round face stubbornly. Only under layers and layers of cheap, convenience store make-up did she reach the level of 'cuteness' to some degree. But even then, compared to the well-endowed like Ali Greyston, she was pretty much a dog.

Of course, given Mitch's current state of mind, she could only imagine just exactly what she saw in her.

"Mitch, get back here!" she snapped at him, as the person in question had wandered away to pinch and prod curiously at a purse scaled in sequins, and was rewarded with a shriek and a smack to the face by the said purse for his insolence. He wandered back, rubbing the side of his face, now a smarting red, flashing Cathalie a slight grin of sorts.

"The people here aren't very nice," he remarked with a slight giggle. Cathalie let out a sigh of exasperation, shifting uncomfortably in the t-shirt that she had changed into, one that was second-hand, and much too small for her form. She had returned briefly to the orphanage to shed her leather outfit, donning a one-piece swimsuit that was much too brightly coloured for her taste, the t-shirt, and a pair of torn denim shorts, which she didn't seem to mind much. Likewise, she had Mitch put on a pair of swimming trunks and a t-shirt. Though she had tried to get them both to wear flip-flops, Mitch remained adamant as ever in remaining barefoot.

Which wasn't much of a bother, it seemed, considering that they were expected to go swimming perhaps. And on the same subject, Cathalie wondered just how that would go. From what experience she had, Cathalie could swim a bit, despite the fact that she'd never had any formal training. As for Mitch, however...she had absolutely no idea. He'd never mentioned anything about swimming experience, and yet seemed particularly ecstatic at the prospect of swimming that day nonetheless. It was a subject of slight worry for Cathalie, who gazed towards the ever attention-deficit Mitch as he scrabbled over the tiled promenade to chase a squirrel making a mad dash for the shrubs at the side.

It was then that she saw Ian, fiddling with his cellphone as he sat at a bench in front of the entrance to the amusement park. She frowned slightly, mostly in disdain for the way he handled his little toy, which was something of a luxury that Cathalie was admittedly envious of Ian for having. Nonetheless, she approached him with a cool regard, crossing her arms slightly over her t-shirt.

She looked much less extravagant now, and more like the lower-class citizen she really was, being an orphan. She had cleaned off her make-up and exchanged her leather skirt and corset for plain garbs, and her embarrassment at this seemed to show. Shrugging at him as a way of a greeting, she muttered slightly, "Well, we're here. Where should we go first?"

There was a pitter-patter of footsteps against the promenade tiling as Mitch bounded over to where Ian sat, immediately assaulting him with a deathhold on his arm and pulling the other boy upwards to his feet with a grin. "C'mon! I wanna see what's behind those gates! Are we gonna have one of those burger thingies soon?"

Cathalie raised her eyebrow lightly at Mitch's enthusiasm compared to her half-hearted attitude over the whole thing. "Well he looks happy to see you..."


Theseus Posted: Aug 16 2006, 08:27 PM

Ian didn't notice Cathalie and Mitch arrive. He looked up to see Cathalie asking him where they should go next. She was wearing something entirely different than what she had worn at school, and Ian didn't ever expect to see her wearing what appeared to be almost normal clothes, but he was impressed. He honestly had no problem with her choicse of style in school, Ian wasn't much one to care for style. But she almost appeared as a different person.

Ian was then pulled up by Mitch who was hyper as usual, and obviously very excited to start the day. Ian smiled and said, "Yeah come on, I already got your tickets." He handed both tickets to Cathalie, knowing that she would probably take Mitch's ticket anyways. In response to Mitch's question Ian said, "Yeah we can get a burger. Come on, let's go in the park and we can grab a bite to eat at the pirate ship. Then we can go swimming, then at dark we can ride the rides."

Ian smiled at the two and said, "Come on lets go!" Ian was actually pretty excited about the day. He loved the park, and couldn't wait to show Mitch his first burger. Heading to the gate Ian handed the gate guard his ticket, and he entered the park. Ian turned around and waited for the other two to join him. Ian thought he felt his cell phone vibrate, and he took it out to see if it was ringing, but it wasn't. He let out a short sigh, hoping that Sofie would get his message. It wouldn't be the same without her, and he wondered why he was wanting to be with her so much. True, she was his best friend, but was there something more? No there couldn't be. Ian couldn't be crushing on her, and he put that thought aside just as quickly as it came to him.

Maybe it was because he really didn't have any interest in her as more than a friend, or maybe it was because he was scared if he did fall for her, she wouldn't feel the same way. Or maybe, if they did go out, it would kill their awesome friendship they had formed. Ian didn't know, and he didn't want to find out, he never had a girlfriend in his life, and he always figured that was how it was going to be until at least college. He was shy around most girls, and besides, he would probably be a horrible boyfriend anyways. Yes, that's right. Ian labeled himself as a bad boyfriend, so that was going to be his rationalization to not consider his interest in Sofie, but what Ian didn't know, was that nobody can truly surpress their true feelings, no matter how hard they try.


LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 16 2006, 09:28 PM

"Ahh, neat," Cathalie remarked, as she extended a black-nailed hand to take the tickets meant for both Mitch and herself. Mitch, who had appeared to have stopped assaulting Ian's arm for the time being, popped his head up next to the hand that took the tickets, tilting his head with a wide-eyed expression as he looked over the two stubs of hard paper curiously.

"What's that?" came the oh-so-inevitable question. Cathalie raised an eyebrow as she cast a sidelong glance towards him, taking a look over the tickets herself.

"Weren't you listening? Jeez," she told him with a slight scowl of exasperation. "They're our tickets, so that we'll be admitted into the premises." At the silently blank expression on Mitch's face, Cathalie took it as a hint of non-understanding and gave another irritable sigh. "You know what? Forget it. Here, just take yours, okay?" She handed the ticket over to Mitch, who carefully took it in both palms and stared over at it as though it were some alien thing to him.

Cathalie raised an eyebrow higher as Mitch continued to examine and prod at the little stub of paper, not giving any hint that he'd noticed or comprehended the fine print that was stamped on the ticket. Then, without any sort of warning at all, he opened his mouth, lifting the ticket stub towards it.


Her claw-like hand flying out, Cathalie immediately snatched away the paper, thankfully not tearing the paper in two, and flinging it away from Mitch's paws just before he managed to pop the thing into his mouth. Startled into utter silence, Mitch blinked and stared at her, a plainly surprised expression coming over his misty-green eyes. Cathalie gave him a look of utter incredulity and shook her head.

"You know what? I think I'll hang onto both of our tickets," she muttered darkly.

As Ian made his suggestion, she frowned in thought when he mentioned waiting until it got dark to visit the amusement park rides, though really she was thinking more about the orphanage curfew. Then again, she'd rather be here with Mitch and Ian, who was not so much a stranger by this point, having some fun in her life for once. And by now, though she wasn't as excited about the trip as Ian and Mitch were, that wasn't at all saying that she wasn't looking forward to the fun this afternoon. Far from it in fact.

Screw the curfew. I'm just gonna be myself today.

"Sure, I could do with a bit of food right about now," Cathalie replied with a casual shrug as she followed Ian. Mitch, meanwhile, had recovered from the initial shock of having Cathalie shout at him in such a manner and quickened his pace into a slight skip to catch up with Ian, straying away from Cathalie for a bit as he wandered about at various intervals to get a closer look at things.

"We're going to see a pirate ship?" he asked Ian excitedly, having caught up with him at the gate. "Are there gonna be real pirates? Is there gonna be mutiny? Are they gonna take us prisoners? I know morse code, so we can send a message to the Coast Guard if they kidnap us!" This he added quite proudly, though his attention drifted when Ian took out his cellphone...a rather shiny, metallic looking object.

His bandaged fingers drifted with itching temptation, as his hungry eyes caught the glint of a shiny before his very nose, lingering well within reach....

Cathalie's hand snapped out and smacked him smartly on the arm just as he was about to snatch the cell away from Ian's hand. He whimpered lightly and pouted, retracting his arm at the punishing blow. He took to sulking moodily in a rather uncharacteristic silence as Cathalie shrugged apologetically towards Ian.

"You okay?" she asked, raising her eyebrow as he let out what seemed to be a wistful sigh. "Maybe she'll met up with us later, let's just go for something to eat for now."


riserugu Posted: Aug 16 2006, 10:03 PM

There was a reason she had never bothered trying out for the track team at school, perhaps the reason being she had never been a good runner, or being the fact she could hardly run that long without losing her breathe. Sofie had always been better at swimming, didn't require that much legwork; and what was required you where supported by the water.

That and she really disliked running.

Of course, running in sandals wasn't making the situation any easier either – dodging the groups of people that floated about the sidewalk, the crashing waves of the ocean near here drumming in her ears.

It had been close to an hour and an half since she had left the school after her chat with one with Ali Grayston, which was still burning fresh in her mind. It wasn't the words the other female had spoken out against her; it was instead what she had said about Ian that bothered her most. What was she planning on proving by trying to get with him, besides the obvious reasons that already have the school knew and believed? Still, one part of her couldn't help but wish that the other female would fall down a steep set of stairs, though another side of her couldn't help finding herself agreeing with the girl's words, all in all though she found it somewhat sickening and annoying at the girl's views on people – namely those she didn't know a thing about.

Sighing, and pushing the thoughts out of her mind she pushed her into a slightly faster pace – feet thudding against the concrete of the walking path as the large Ferris wheel and wooden rollercoaster came into view. In the time since she had left the school, she had returned home to find her cell phone – which she had forgotten to take with her that morning – ringing a cheerful tone on her bedside table. The blonde-haired girl shooting it a questioning look as she moved over to it, picking it up and noting the voicemails currently on there. She blinking again, as she mashed a few buttons and lifted the phone to her ear listening to the voices left there by Ian, listening to each with a bit of interest. Though once see remembered just how far the seaside was from her home, she found herself in a bit of a panic inwardly.

Change of clothes later into a gray and rose colored skirt, and rose-colored top – changing out of the school's swim team issued into something more comfortable and that she preferred under the outfit. She had rushed out of her house, and began her run toward the seaside amusement park. Moving her hand into the purse that currently hung about her shoulder, removing her cell phone and checking the time – we wondered lightly as too how long the others' might have been waiting – or if they where even there yet. Ian hadn't actually told her a time, so she could either be really early, or perhaps quite late. Coming up to the entrance of the seaside amusement park, she turned her attention about the general area – looking about for her friend. Reaching into the purse again, she removed the cell phone, dialing the familiar number and raising it too her ear.

Though as the ringing began on the other line, she caught something out the corner or her eye – Sofie turning her attention too the sight of two familiar classmates of hers. Cathalie and Mitch, Mitch seeming to have done something that Cathalie didn't agree on and had smartly smacked the other on the arm. She blinking a bit at the sight, but that meant if these two where around ---

And sure enough, she allowed herself to drift off a short distance, and sure enough there was Ian standing there watching the two if not a bit of amused. She quickly shutting her cell phone, replacing it in her purse and raising one arm up in a wave toward the others. "Ian!"


Theseus Posted: Aug 16 2006, 10:40 PM

Ian nodded to Cathalie and Mitch, intending for their first stop to be at the pirate ship which doubled as a restuarant. Ian laughed at Mitch's comments about real pirates, and his knowledge of morse code. Ian just said, "You sure know a lot don't you? More than me, that's for sure." Ian smiled and his smile broadened as Mitch reached for his cell phone and Cathalie hit him. Ian thought about letting Mitch see his phone when Cathalie saw something wrong with him.

Ian smiled and said, "Yeah I'm ok." He was about to hand his cell phone for Mitch to see when he heard his name being called. Quickly scanning the crowd he matched the voice with the face. It was Sofie. He smiled and ran towards her, saying to Mitch and Cathalie, "Hey guys, Sofie's here! Let's get her before we eat."

Running to Sofie he stopped when he reached her and smiled and said, "Hey, I didn't think you would show up." He turned around to look at Mitch and Cathalie too and said, "We were just about to go eat at the pirate ship. You hungry?" Ian didn't realize that he still had a big smile on his face.


LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 16 2006, 11:55 PM

Cathalie's attention was averted by the sound of Ian's name being called out over the ambience of excited screams, laughter, and music coming from the direction of the amusement park. Looking towards the source of the voice, she raised her eyebrows lightly to see the form of Sofie waving towards them. And before she knew it, Ian was already taking off towards her excitedly, leaving herself and Mitch in the dust.

"H-hey, wait up, won't you?" she called after him irritably, breaking into a run, though this was with much difficulty due to the fact that her flip-flops were unaccomodated for running. When she saw that Mitch had only blinked, and stared after Ian running for Sofie as though in a daze, she grunted in exasperation and came trotting back to where Mitch stood. She grabbed him round the arm and practically dragged him over to where Ian stood with Sofie, though after being dragged off his feet several steps across the promenade, Mitch finally caught the hint and likewise broke into a small run along with Cathalie.

"See? Told you she would make it here," Cathalie remarked as she arrived to stand by both Ian and Sofie, with Mitch well in tow, who was for now continuing to remain in a somewhat moody silence as he hung at Cathalie's shoulder. Not thinking much of this, Cathalie nodded towards Sofie in a curt greeting, blinking at Ian as his head turned to look towards them, mentioning the four of them all grabbing a bite to eat together.

What caught Cathalie slightly off guard was the wide grin on Ian's face, as though he had reason to be especially happy about seeing Sofie. Of course, not that Cathalie would say it to this face, but it sorta make him look a bit goofy, grinning hugely like that. Still, it was something Cathalie had to muse over for a few seconds, that complete change in mood from one of wistfulness to sudden excitement over the arrival of this one girl Sofie. But she dismissed the thought and shrugged lightly, unable to help but return the smile lightly. "Starving. Least we can get going now that you're finally here."

Just as she started to walk once again towards the entrace of the amusement park, she was stopped by the sight of Mitch crouching down slightly to peer at the cellphone still grasped in Ian's hand. Probably due to fear of getting smacked by Cathalie yet again, he made no sign of any attempt to snatch it, but rather continued to examine it curiously in Ian's hand.

"What's this?" he chirped, tilting his head to the side in a look of inquiry towards Ian. He looked towards Sofie as well. "You had one too, you were looking at it earlier. Is it one of those hand-held compu-thingies that let you record your daily schedules and phone numbers and email addresses?"

Cathalie could only sigh at Mitch's question, deciding to spare both Sofie and Ian the trouble of answering the inquisitive Mitch. "It's a cellphone. You can talk to people over long distances. It's like a telephone, except you can carry it anywhere with you." She shook her head in relief as Mitch nodded in understanding. He seemed to understand the concept of the telephone.

"So," he mused, more to himself than anything. "It's like a walkie-talkie. Except....? Made of metal? Shinier? More buttons?" As always, he seemed to be more into the smallest details than the obvious big picture itself. Nevertheless, Cathalie nodded wearily in affirmation towards him.

"Yeah...except more powerful. I mean...I could be on the other side of the world, and could still talk with you as long as we both have a working cellphone, though I would imagine that would cost a hell of a lot of money," she muttered darkly, once again reminded of her impoverished state. Mitch, on the other hand, seemed to like the idea of being able to talk to someone, no matter where the two were in the world. This was judging from the way he tilted his head and stared at Cathalie as she spoke with rapt attention, never letting his eyes wander for a split second.

"That...sounds nice," he murmured lightly, before standing up fully, and finally breaking into a grin. The misty sheen returned to his pale green eyes once again. "A shiny walkie-talkie. I would want that."

Cathalie rolled her eyes at Mitch's remark with ever the recurring incredulity, though she couldn't help but smirk a bit. Looking back towards Sofie and Ian with an apologetic shrug, she said, "Well two probably know where to go better than we do. Guess you'd better lead then?"


Theseus Posted: Aug 19 2006, 06:52 AM

((Sorry because this is probably going to be a crappy post. My life just took an unexpected turn for the worst and I'm still recovering from it, and I will be for a while that's for sure. I won't go into details but it sucks to lose your first love. Especially when you've been with her for over 10 months and she is already flirting with another guy.))

Ian started to follow Cathalie when Mitch stopped. He inquired about Ian's cell phone and Cathalie did her best explaining to him what it was. Ian laughed during some parts of the conversation, and figuring there was no harm in it, he handed his cell phone to Mitch and said, "Here, you can carry it if you want. Just don't lose it or place any calls to China. I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't be too happy then." He smiled and said, "Let's get going guys."

With that he started to lead the group to the old pirate ship. Seeing it in sight he nodded and said, "That's it right over there." He walked more until he reached the entrance and looked at the group he was with and said, "Well Mitch, ready to have your first burger?" Ian opened the door and held it open for the other three to enter.


riserugu Posted: Aug 20 2006, 04:59 PM

Sofie watched the scene before her unfold with a slight amount of interest, allowing a smile to grace her features as Ian came running up. She waving off his comment with an offhanded look, "Yeah, sorry about that – I left my phone at the house today and didn't see your messages till I got there." She admitted plainly, flexing her somewhat bandaged leg with a bit of an afterthought. Turning her attention on Mitch and Cathalie as they followed up behind shortly after, Sofie returning the curt nod sent her way with a wave to the two.

"It's nice to see you both again," She mused, though blinked at the starving comment made afterwards, nodding. "Getting something to eat does sound nice right about now."

Closing blue eyes for a moment, as she placed her hand over her stomach, it was true – she hadn't bothered with lunch today, as if the school ever had decent lunches to begin with. And the confrontation with Ali in the nurses' office just added onto the hunger pains. That and spending the last ten minutes running and out of breathe, really – she was going to have to train harder if she was going to be of any help on the track team.

Reopening eyes a moment later she cast a smile toward the small group, though couldn't help with it had a fault as she took note of the grin plastered across Ian's features; what was that about? Had something happened she missed? Or what… whatever it was he grinning toward her like that was somewhat embarrassing to say the least and the flash of red across her face was proof there of.

Mitch's question gave her an excuse to focus on something different as she eyed the other male to his question about the cell phones Ian and she carried, she carefully thinking over a quick answer in her head though as she opened her mouth to perhaps explain, that or make herself look stupid, Cathalie began speaking, more or less answering the question with a grace she probably would have messed up on in trying to explain to Mitch.

Though as this finished up, and Cathalie addressed the group stating it probably be best for either Ian or herself to lead to wherever they where eating – Sofie hadn't the clue having just got her and casted a light look toward Ian as he began walking. Musing a bit as she took a grip on her purse and began to follow along behind in the others' a slow manner, more or less taking time to take in the sights about and around. Truth be told it had been quite a while since she had last been able to come to the seaside amusement park – least since she had been around ten – so almost six years, not to many things had truly changed thought she noticed.

She found herself blinking again, watching in interest as Ian passed his cell phone off to Mitch – explaining that he could mess around with it as long as certain things weren't done. Sofie smiling at this, ever the nice one he was, he had always been like that – least for as long as she could remember.

Sofie remembered their first meeting fondly, mostly because he was the first person she ever spoke at the daycare; least in English. She had always been, as her grandmother said, a rather anti-social sort of a child – and going into daycare, surrounded by a bunch of people she didn't know, retreated into her shell and refused to speak nothing but Dutch for the first two weeks there.

Thoughts where broken when Ian spoke up again, stating they had arrived to where they would be eating. Sofie looking over the ‘pirate ship' with a light interest, glancing downward toward her friend as he opened the door – ushering them in. "My, my – such the gentlemen aren't you? But thanks." She mused, sending the other a smile as she passed into the restaurant.


Theseus Posted: Aug 23 2006, 02:27 PM

Ian smiled at Sofie's comment about him being a gentleman and he said, "Of course I am. Someone has to keep chivalry alive ya know?" He smiled as he let the group enter and he followed behind them. He made his way to the trio's side and looked around at all the tables. The waiter was a young girl, with shoulder lengthed dark hair, who was dressed like a pirate. She smiled warmly and said, "How many?" Ian said, "4." She grabbed four menu's and said, "Right this way."

Moving through the pirate themed resteraunt Ian looked up at the walls that were decorated with pirate memorabilia. Ian hadn't eaten here in a while, even though he likes to visit the park as frequently as he could. He remembered that since this resturaunt was a priate ship, you could request to eat on the top deck, which was always extra fun. So Ian spoke up and said, "Excuse me, can we get a table on top?" She smiled and said, "Of course"

She led them upstairs and showed them their table. Ian, keeping up with his gentleman act, probably more-so since the compliment from Sofie, pulled everyone's chairs out for them, and he sat down. He looked at everyone else around him, all the other customers. He took in the site from atop the pirate ship, and he could see the lake and he enjoyed the view.


LadyMakaze Posted: Aug 28 2006, 01:00 PM

At the sight of the cell phone before his nose, Mitch's green eyes instantly abandoned all moodiness, coming alight as they caught the glint of its metallic sheen. At Ian's unexpected offer, his hands began to shake slightly. He quickly turned to look towards Cathalie, looking as though he were awaiting her approval, or fearing yet another cuff on the shoulder. Cathalie herself was frowning slightly, looking somewhat apprehensive about Mitch's offer.

"I don't know if that's the best idea..." she muttered slightly, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. "Likely he'll start tearing it apart the first chance he gets..." At this, Mitch, in a rather uncharacteristic and somewhat comical moment, looked indignant.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to hurt it," he told her with a slight pout, and before Ian had any time to change his mind, snatched it away while chirping a rather superficial 'thank you'. He began to break away from the group a bit, grasping the small cellphone in both hands as though it were some precious and special treasure.

He carefully opened it, looking as though he were fully ready to take his promise not to do anything to damage the thing completely to heart. Though surprise was what overtook his features as the screen of the cellphone came to life by coming aglow. "Wow! It lights up! That's so cool!"

"I'm sure it does..." Cathalie muttered, rolling her eyes as she turned to follow Ian and Sofie, still looking between the two with a rather curious expression on her face, still remembering the rather comical looking grin on Ian's face that had appeared when Sofie arrived. Truth to be told, she had no idea what that was all about...maybe he was just that happy to see her because they were close friends.

The same way Mitch is always happy to see me. Cathalie thought, reflecting on the matter and looking towards the subject of her thoughts.

Mitch, meanwhile, had somehow come across a game of tetris, on a cellphone of all things. Then again, it was probably one of those 'accessories' that came with such things, like wireless internet, musical ringtones, online games, address books, and the like. Always, rich people had to make a luxury out of the simplest of things, it was a plain and simple fact. At this, Cathalie always frowned, knowing that she would never be able to own such an advanced thing. Not that she would have any need of one...but still, it was depressing at times.

Curiosity overtook her features as she looked over Mitch's progress with the tetris game. His expression was set and determined in intense concentration as his fingers worked swiftly, having mastered the basics of both the controls and concept of the game itself. Thus far, his game was absolutely perfect, working at a pace that was almost too quick to be human, yet consistant and steady. Cathalie gave an impressed whistle as Mitch cleared yet another level upon completing the bottom three rows simultaneously.

"Wow, you're good at that," Cathalie murmured slightly. Mitch, meanwhile, was much too wrapped up in concentration to give any sort of acknowledgement, focused almost entire on his game as he remained near Cathalie, Ian and Sofie. However, his attention from the game finally broke as the group entered the restaurant together. The rather nautical decoration of its interior caught his eyes, and he tilted his head to the side in curiosity.

"'s a real pirate ship!" he exclaimed aloud, catching the odd stare from the occasional passerby as he wandered about with an expression of excitement on his face, peeking over the half walls to the patrons sitting at their tables, trailing after the pirate costumed staff as they moved to avoid him. At the sight of Cathalie's irritated stare, he immediately sobered from his initial curiosity and meekly followed her, still clutching the cellphone tightly.

Though his obedience and meekness could never last as curiosity overtook his features yet again as the group stepped onto the top deck. He immediately proceeded to wander around, leaning over the railings to stare into the lake below, and circling the imitation of the main mast that decorated the top deck. Just as he was about to climb onto the riggings that lead up to a rather parodized, smaller version of the crows nest, Cathalie snapped at him yet again.

"Get back here!"

On cue, Mitch wandered back with the same wide grin on his face, signifying that he was plainly enjoying himself. "When are we going to set sail? Is the crew having lunch break right now? Was there mutiny against the captain? Was he sent off the plank and eaten by sharks?"

"I wouldn't be worried if I were you," Cathalie muttered lightly as she nodded towards Ian, amused by the rather gracious and chivalrous manner he'd adopted, sitting down at the table. Mitch was much less gracious, leaping clear onto the chair where it nearly topped over, wobbling precariously on its legs atop the wooden deck.

"This is fun," he remarked with an almost ridiculously cheerful smile, sitting in something of a kneel atop his chair. Cathalie raised his eyebrows towards him, before casting her eyes over to the view that could be seen beyond the railing of the deck, the lake, the bustling activity of the amusement park, and even the cityscape in the distance.


riserugu Posted: Sep 24 2006, 02:49 AM

[[ Sorry this is so long over-due, this trip to Germany was a sheer pain in the ass, and writing had been thrown far, far out of my mind. But a little Hellogoodbye seemed to help break the writer's block as of now.]]

Sofie allowed a small smile to grace her features as Ian went about keeping up his gentlemen act of sorts. Taking her seat after it had been pulled out, lightly casting a another smile toward her friend before relaxing in her chair, attention switching to glance over and watch Mitch move about the top deck on the pirate ship themed restaurant – looking far more like a energetic six-year-old other than the high school student that he was. Her attention lifted a bit, scanning over the area too her right and the New Jersey city of tall buildings, traffic and far to many people they all decided to call home.

A sigh escaped parted lips as she settled back in the seat, folding hand along her lap as she crossed her legs. Her injured leg jumping a bit as the bandaged areas scraped against the hard wood of the table. Fingers of her left hand quickly moving to curl about the area of stinging, bandaged skin – rubbing a bit at the area in an attempt to perhaps sooth the screaming scraps, though within time the small fire that seemed to have pressed down on her wounds lifted and she found herself sighing again, though this time in relief of the situation.

Perhaps it would have been better to have stayed home and rested like her coach and the school nurse had suggested, but then again – it was more often than not now that see got to actually get out and see Ian beyond the school, and in her mind, a little bit of pain was worth being able to get and do something with him. The last thing she remembered doing with him vividly, besides the paintball experience – that can be long forgotten just like the bruises she got from the experience, was when she went had saw one of this martial arts tournament events. Sofie had found it to be overall exciting, namely when her friend finally came out.

Blinking lighting, in order to remove herself from her thoughts, Sofie casted a light glance over toward Ian. She allowing another grin to play at her features, as she slowly tilted her head in a light manner, "So, Mr. Gentleman, what do you have planned for us after this meal?" She said, musing the question out a bit rubbing at her leg once more.

Course she hadn't the foggiest as too what had already been planned out, after all, all she knew was from the voice messages Ian had left her because last she heard they had been planning on going to a burger joint to eat and then suddenly it expanded into all this. Not that she minded, after her incident with Ali at the school – this was a refreshing turn for the better, speaking of she would have to remind herself to talk to Ian later about the before mentioned brunette demon-spawn that more-or-less believed she owned the halls of Bathurst just because her daddy had a little money.

Her thoughts were once again taken away as she watched – in a bit of an amused expression – as Mitch pretty much cleared the table in one bound, landing in the chair and more or less kneeling into it. Sofie biting back a bit of laughter as she watched this, though couldn't help but nod at his spoken words, glancing toward Ian once more.

"This is fun."


Theseus Posted: Oct 6 2006, 04:09 PM

Ian was rather amused by Mitch's actions, but that wasn't anything new. He watched in interest as Mitch took in everything around him, asking questions about when the ship was going to set sail and if the captain had been thrown overboard. Ian was also surprised by how good Mitch was doing at the game of Tetris on the way up to their seats. Ian was never good at the game, and he wondered how Mitch, a boy who seemed like he had zero patience for anything, was able to successfully pass level after level.

When everyone was seated, well Mitch was just now landing on his seat, Ian looked around the table and answered Sofie's question. "Well after we eat I thought we could ride some rides and go swimming out at the beach. I don't really know what order we'd do it in, but either way I just kind of figured we'd all just enjoy the park and the beach." Ian scanned the park, which he could see pretty well from where he was sitting, and he thought of all the rides he wanted to go on, and even smiled to himself when he thought of what Mitch might say about one of the roller coasters.

Ian had noticed Sofie's bandaged leg earlier, but he never had time to ask her, so he thought now was the best time to ask. He looked at her and said, "So, what happened to your leg? Swimming accident?" He wasn't sure exactly how she could hurt her leg in practice, but it seemed like the only reasonable answer.