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The Ropes*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by Cyco*
((continued from Doin' Rounds))

Bryan let out a deep sigh as he opened his locker and grabbed a plastic bag containing his lunch. Wait, no he didn't. He searched the locker up and down, but couldn't find the damn bag anywhere. He twitched and bit his lip. "...goddammit," he muttered, slamming his fist against the side of the locker. "My lunch..." If there was one thing he hated, it was forgetting his lunch at home. Granted, it was only a matter of walking there and picking it up, but by the time he did so lunch would be over. "Fuck it," he sputtered, slamming the door shut. He reached into his pocket to scrounge up a buck or two for a burger in the caf, but alas, he had nothing. "Aww..." he moaned quietly. "I'm so hungry..." He had been in a good mood, but it was slowly deteriorating.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by baby_g*
((Continued from: Lunch Room))

Tori had been walking around in the halls for about 10 minutes before she looked up to the noise of something slamming into a locker door.

oh, it's him, Tori said to herself, refering to the Calvert boy standing by his locker. From what she was told about him before, she could only assume that it was his fist that hit the locker. Probably because he was mad about something. But oh well.

Tori watched him from a distance. There he stood. From this distance he didn't look half bad. to be far though, Tori didn't mind him that much. Ali had been alittle hard on him at lunch, surely he isn't That bad.

Tori was a girl who took chances, so, checking around her first to see if Ali and Preston were around, the short brunette walked over to Bryan.

"Hi again. Whats up?" She said.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by Cyco*
"Oh, it's you," he said. "Uh...not much." At that moment his stomach growled particularly loudly. He coughed once to try and hide it, but to no avail. He scratched his head and looked at the floor.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by baby_g*

Tori was pretty sure that word slipped from her lips but she wasn't sure.

"You sound hungry... want to go grab something to eat?" She managed to spit out. Regectioin was something Tori was not used too, so she could only hope that he would say yes.

Really, all she wanted was someone to talk too

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by Cyco*
"Uh...sure," he said, taken a little aback. Sure, she'd seemed nice before, but he didn't actually think she would be. That just didn't fit at Bathurst. On the other hand, she hadn't been tossed into the proverbial gears for two years like the rest of the chicks at this school. "Who the hell am I to turn down free food?" He paused. He didn't remember her name. He looked from side to side subtly and hoped it would come up again soon so he'd save face.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by baby_g*
By the way Calvert was turning his head from side to side, Tori guessed that he had forgotten something other than his lunch. She figured she'd be nice and reintroduce herself.

"I'm Tori..." She said, giving a sweet little smile, "You know what, I have a snack bar in my purse, you can have it if you want. I'm full. Maybe you can just show me around the school in return?"

Tori didn't really want to go back to the cafe anyways, at least not with Ali and Preston still there. She hoped that Calvert would accept her idea and she could finally be able to find her way around.

Waiting for his answer, Tori smiled and lightly tugged at his shirt sleeve in the direction of the hall she hadn't been down yet.

"Come on!" she laughed, "I dont have all day, and I Cant afford to go the whole day being lost!"

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by Cyco*
A snack bar? 'Well, it's free,' Bryan thought, wrinkling his nose and reading the name: "Figgin' Delicious". One of those damn flavorless sticks of inedible crap. He was about to unwrap it and take a bite for good measure so's not to insult the girl, but was spared the hideous taste by her sudden interest to walk down the hall. He followed her, but was slightly irritated by the tugging and brushed her hand off of his sleeve. "Yeah, yeah," he droned, "I'm coming." He caught up to her in a single stride. "It's a wonder you found your way to school in the first place," he snorted bluntly. He realized that might've been one of those things CJ told him not to do, and changed the subject. "Uh...what, er--how do you like it here?" He congratulated himself on a good save.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 am
by baby_g*
Calvert was weird. He seemed to have liked the fact he was getting free food, but for someone who was really hungry, he didn't seem to like it much. Then there was the point that he brushed my hand away. Tori thought as she and Calvert walked down the hall.

"Well, my first day has been okay I guess. But what can I really say so far? i met you, CJ, This girl named Ali and this guy named Preston. He's not bad looking. As far as people's attitude around here though, what does it take to get some civilness?" Tori asked as they continued one their walk. She didnt' want to sound to mean or anything, I mean, she was surprised that Calvert asked her about anything to even begin with. She was just disappointed that he wasn't really responding to her. In a way that was okay she thought, it wouldn't been good if Ali came walking around the corner anytime soon.

i guess he doesnt take to girls flirting with him She continued to think to herself. well, whats the point in having fun around here if none of the boys are responsive to alittle.. touch?

Trying to move on to another subject, Tori thought she'd ask why Ali hated him so much. and maybe also about that girl.. what ever her name was..

"So, Ali hates you eh?" She began laughing a little in a cute smerk of a way. "Oh! and I heard you have a girl friend!" she laughed again.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by Cyco*
"It's mutual," Bryan snorted at the first inquiry. Then Tori asked him about a...girlfriend? "That's news to me," he said, giving her a quizzical look. "Wait, were you talking to Grayston?" he asked, a little annoyed. He didn't give her time to answer. "Do yourself a favor and don't get caught up with that dumb fucking broad. She thinks she's better than everyone else just because her daddy's a fuckin' senator." He clenched his fists. "I'll tell you one thing, if I hit girls she'd be a goddamn crater by now." He paused. In retrospect it might not've been such a good idea to use so much language.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by baby_g*
Taken back by Calverts swearing, Tori stopped in her tracks. "um.. okay?" she said some what sarcastically. She was pretty sure that she hadn't heard that much swearing in one spoken thought since last time she went to a 'mess' dinner at her daddy's armouries.

"Her dad's the senator eh? My dad's in the army, that's why I'm here actually, referring to you so bluntly asking me why I'm here just a minute ago." she laughed.

"Anyways, you seem like someone who likes a good fight. To tell you the truth, that's cool I guess. I'm used to guys being like that. My cousins are all in the army too, so all I hear around the table at family get togethers is either something about how they're going over seas or how they're so hungry. Ugh, Men." Tori paused, remembering who she was talking too,

"Um, I mean, ha, never mind." She didn't bother fixing her mistake.. if it really was one.

"I should probably appologize, I didn't warn you, once I actually start talking to someone, I tend to be the only one talking." Tori now let out a small nervous laugh. She didn't want to be the one doing all the talking, but, he wasn't saying anything, so why should they walk in silence?

"Well," She began, "Sorry about the whole girlfriend thing, you know what, you're better off without one. Relationships suck ass. Let me tell you from experience." She let out a big huff and didn't bother letting Calvert interveen. Before she knew it, Tori was in rage remembering her ex- boyfriend.

"I mean, Really?! How can you just throw a year and a half away like that?! What kind of idiot would do that. You think you're all set and have a great relationship, and then BANG out of no where he says you've changed and that you're not the same and that he's happier screwing this other 'happy go lucky I'm a fuckin cheerleader' chick who is basically made up of only her fake breasts and definetly knows how each football team player plays his own game, if you know what I mean! I moved at the right time that's for sure! Men suck, and you know what, damn them to hell. Honestly, if clues were shoes, they'd be barefoot! Ugh!"

Oh shit,
Tori thought. Still standing where she was, she realized she had totally made herself look like a complete idiot... Just what I need now. Someone who is actually listening to me, think I'm completely stupid. Maybe he's not listening... since when do guys pay attention?

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by Cyco*
Bryan had stopped listening about 2 seconds into Tori's rant. "Uh-huh," he'd nod at odd intervals, hoping to God she'd shut up soon. 'Talking to chicks is hard,' he thought to himself. 'Oh, wait! She's--nope, there she goes again...'

She finally finished talking and stood there. It looked like something had just crawled up her spine. "Uh...that's cool," he said. 'Damn, what was she talking about...umm...I think I heard the word screwing. And breasts. And, like...damn and hell.'

"Screw those damn breasts to hell," he nodded, planting the base of his fist in his open hand.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by baby_g*
"Wow," Tori said.

Most guys Tori talked too never even wanted to pay attention to what she was saying. They would always just nod along and wait for her to finish and then try to say something they thought was remotely related in order to save their ass. At least Calvert got the main point. He was right, 'screw those damn breasts to hell'!

Infact Tori thought, I'd Love to teach that chick a lesson, I'd tear her appart!

"So, anyways," She continuted. "Why dont you tell me a bit about yourself. So far all I know is that you really like that t-shirt, hate Ali, help the janitor out and you're single. You dont seem like someone who would want to be a 'mysterious' guy around school. What's your deal?"

Maybe I'll get an idea of what this guy is really about... I mean, he can pay attention, I think, and he seems alright.

"Come on," she said. "Lets keep walking."

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by Cyco*
"My deal?" he repeated, wrinkling his nose. "I dunno." He tried to think. What was his deal? "Uh...well--shit, I dunno." It seemed like a waste to try again, so he nodded toward her. "What's your deal, smartass?"

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by baby_g*
Tori couldn't help but laugh out loud at Calvert's comment.

"I just ment, what's... oh never mind. There's no easy way to explain it I guess."

As the two continued to walk down the hall, all that was going through Tori's mind was, What can I say to keep this conversation going? So it dawned on her. So far, she's told him about her dad, her family (mildly), her stupid ass ex-boyfriend, (who she's pretty sure is dickless) and made herself sound completely stupid. So, what could she ask him then.

"Um, so..." She began, "What do you want to do one day?"

What do you want to do one day? Are you stupid? What kind of question is that? That's a question mom asks all the boys I bring home! I'm not turning into my mother am I? Oh shit.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am
by Cyco*
Bryan shrugged. He figured she was asking career-wise. "Uh...I don't know. But I figure whatever it is it'll be easier with janitors assistant under my belt, y'know?" He paused. "Maybe I could become a cook. I'd like to open my own resturant." He was going to continue, but that seemed a good place to stop. "What are you doing after school?--er, shit, after highschool?" he corrected himself frantically. He rolled his eyes. That was retarded.