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Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:46 am
by ZigZaggerty*
((Continued from: Down the Stairs, Your Ride Awaits))

John walked through the quiet halls, garbage strewn across the floors from lunch. The sounds of students and teacher wafted through the halls from behind closed doors. Luckily there were no people patrolling the hall today that would order him back into class.

Jenna Cassidy walked ahead of him. She was obviously going to her locker for something, probably her books or something. She was interesting enough, he liked girls who didn’t go for the normal look. But she was a member of a gang and a well known bad ass.

The red and yellow lockers continued to pass by as he intently focused ahead. His sneakers squeaking against the stone floors of the hall, the sounds of the classrooms, and the cars going by outside added the surreal effect of being in school when nothing is going on.

Jenna stopped at her locker, which happened to only be a few feet away from his. John unlocked his locker and peered inside, it was clean enough. His books stacked on the highest shelf, his bag hanging from a hook in the back, and assorted bits of nothing pasted to the door of his locker.

“So, skipping class?” John asked Jenna as he turned to face her.

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by Chase*
((Continued from: Down the Stairs, Your Ride Awaits))

Jenna had been oblivious to anyone tracking behind her, only after a fistfight with her locker to open its door did she notice the presence of another student only a few yards away. Even then she only wanted her money, a little fearful that Alex might take the waiting as an insult. Her locker was a hellhole, and her eyes sifted through the disorganization and crumpled papers to find the tiny locker safe nestled in a corner beneath a notebook she had scribbled various doodles into. Reaching back to pull the safe from its original spot, her hand recoiled at the sound of the boy with her in the hallway.

Her open locker door blocked her from being exactly face to face with the other student. Jenna leaned back, the longer bangs shadowing a side of her face as her eyes met the boy's. The eye that could be seen through her hair squinted, causing her cheek to rise a bit and her face to look pulled to the side and scrunched up. For some reason, she thought she knew him from somewhere, but failed to connect him to the boy who had been waiting at the stairs.

In the same wave of movement, she scoffed at the boy's question, coming back with a retort that was a trademark example of her personality.

"I skip every class, and then I skip the trip to the principal's office after that," she moved the locker door out of the way, keeping it open slightly so that she wouldn't have to beat the combination into it once more, "What are you doing? Running to your locker because you forgot your textbook to your favorite subject?"

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by ZigZaggerty*
John raised an eyebrow at the girl.

“Do I really give off the appearance of someone who never misses their class?” John thought to himself. He close his locker and leaned against it, all the while keeping an eye on the girl.

“Well, it was either go to boring class or skip. I chose the latter.” John said, flashing a smile. It was a nice white clean smile, good dentistry was a must in his house.

“Now, what are you doing?” He inquired, peering over a bit to get a glimpse into her mess of a locker. She seemed to be reached for something before, something important.

“And what, may I ask, are you reaching for?” John asked, he made it a priority to get to know everyone in the school. This hopefully wouldn’t turn into a shout out match between the two and a quick friendship would be formed.

“Come on! I won’t tell anyone!” He said through another white smile. The droning sounds of the classroom continued to echo through the halls, giving the impression of a hive of like minded insects.

"Heh, well that's High School." John thought to himself, chuckling as he closed his eyes and pictured his first period teacher is a bug. Large buggy eyes and antenae, while he was terrified of most bugs the thought of bigs ones didn't scare him.

"Strange, isn't it?" John mused shifting his hand into a swing around him.

"Half the things we learn here are just useless bits of information, they only want us to function productively. More money for the man, eh?" John said, one eye widening. That large green eye staring right ahead at her.

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by Chase*
Jenna had a hard time not decking the boy straight in the face at his forward and chipper attitude. She was, for one, not the type to be near all the happy-go-lucky bucks running around with too much happy juice in their system. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes at his first question.

"Yes, yes you do. So you don't have to keep up the charade with me. You can do what you want."

She re-opened her locker and reached for the safe again, but pulled back for a second time at the boy's next question. Jenna scrunched up her nose and slammed the locker shut, forgetting that she and her locker would be duking it out once again much later. Her anger was coming in at levels, and she was red in the face at his attempts to persuade her. At this point, she generally wanted to rearrange his nose.

"Strange, isn't it?"

Jenna stopped, wanting to hear what he was going to say. Because if it was anything more annoying than what he had already said, she was going to beat him twice as hard.

"What is so strange, besides you suddenly coming up to give me a migraine?"

"Half the things we learn here are just useless bits of information, they only want us to function productively. More money for the man, eh?"

Her jaw dropped. For a moment, her mouth stayed agape, staring dumbfounded at the boy. She stayed with that same expression for at least a minute, and then bursted out in laughter.

"Where did that come from?" she held her stomach, still a little sore from her encounter with Mariavel, "Are you crazy or something?"

Not even seconds later Jenna had a red face from all her laughter instead of anger, and her lips pulled back into a smile she had not been accustomed to making for years. While she didn't catch it in time to hide it from the boy, she kept it from lingering on her expression, instead shifting her weight onto one leg, and turning her face away to show disinterest.

However, this boy had managed to pique her interest by being resilient. She had to give him credit for that.

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by ZigZaggerty*
John closed his eyes for a second but still managed to see the smile. He took a step forward but quickly stepped back as her expression changed back to one of seriousness.

“Well, now that we know that you can smile...” He mused. John pointed a finger at one of the classroom doors. The sounds continuing to filter into the halls, the door in question seemed to spew information about World War Two.

“Well you see, you hear that droning that goes through the halls?” John said as he put a hand to his ear. More information came winding through the halls. Math, science, and history lectures giving all the information you would need to know to pass that upcoming test.

“Doesn’t it remind you of insects? That’s what its making us! Insects!” John said, raising his voice slightly. He quickly chuckled to himself, picturing himself as an insect was even funnier.

“Don’t you just love it when someone spews stuff like that?” John asked. He looked at Jenna again, scanning her up and down. Cargo pants and a short top, showing off her toned stomach and belly piercing. She really was unique for most of the girls around here.

“Don’t they have school rules against that?” John asked pointed a finger at her belly button. John thought to himself before answering her question. He ran his hand through his mangy black hair as he thought about what to say.

“I guess you could say ‘No’, but aren’t we all a little crazy?” He asked, flashing one more smile.

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by Chase*
“Well, now that we know that you can smile...”

She bit her bottom lip almost immediately, a nervous air coming about her as he went on about the schooling. All she did was nod slowly, catching his face taking in her appearance, which she raised an eyebrow at.

"Hey," she snapped in his face, "I'm up here."

She folded her arms over her chest and leaned against the locker, moving one leg up on the lockers to her butt. Jenna looked around again, making sure that Alex hadn't come looking for her, considering it better that he'd have ditched her instead of seeing her talking with someone that wasn't part of their group. After all, it wasn't like her to keep him waiting, nor talk with anyone that seemed lower than her. Which basically meant anyone not in the Hellbirds.

"In case you didn't notice, I just beat the shit out of a girl in the bathroom, and you question my regards to the dress code?" she shook her head, clicking her tongue to show her disappointment in his question.

"Here, I thought you might be a little different than the others here, or hell, maybe a little fun... now I'm just too bored. Maybe you'll try harder next time I see you."

She pushed herself from the lockers and started to walk down the halls, towards the back exit. If the boy started to follow, at least Alex wouldn't spot him before she could be rid of him. It was something new to her, talking with this guy, which she was undaunted in trying, though the butterflies in her stomach gave her that feeling of uncertainty, like before she let a random guy at a party put a needle through her bellybutton. Jenna rested her hand over her stomach as she walked, gliding a finger across her bruise and the broken ring. At least the day wasn't as boring as she thought it would've been.

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by ZigZaggerty*
John grinned, she was really pretty as he continued to eye her up and down. That familiar feeling of attraction brimming up inside him. The sound of her voice breaking him out of his stupor.

“I know your up there, but it’s much more interesting down there.” John laughed as he pointed at her belly button, it shone in the dull light of the hallways of Bathurst. He watched her body move into the position of leaning against her locker, one leg leaning up to her own butt.

He began to think to himself of ways he could get her to smile again but nothing came to mind. He watched her gaze travel through the halls like she was looking for someone, someone she was possibly nervous about. He didn’t like guys who girls were afraid of, girls should be treated right.

“It was an innocent question y’know? I personally think you look great!” John said with a wink, grinning as he did so.

He cringed as he remembered how beat up Mariavel was when she exited the girls’ washroom and promptly fainted on the spot. He began to wonder if this girl was even worth talking to anymore at all.

“You really did a number on poor Mariavel, you kicked her ass straight to mars.” John said sternly.

“Not a nice thing to do, but you had your reasons. Right?” John questioned, but by this time she was walking away. Jenna had obviously gotten bored with him and decided to go hang out with her gang friends some more, while he didn’t approve of that he couldn’t stop her.

John closed his locker and began to make his way towards the opposite end of the hallways, the classes finally quieting down as students began to do their written work. He turned back and shouted to her.

“Hey! Stick around and I’ll show you how much fun I can be.” John said with another smile, standing and staring at Jenna to see what she would say.

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by Chase*
She let his comments fly past her as she made her way back to the front of the school, but before leaving his earshot, she called back, "Maybe I'll catch you some other time."

Re: Skipping Class*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:47 am
by ZigZaggerty*
John sighed and waved back at Jenna.

"Yeah, see you around sometime!" John called before he left himself, little did either of them know how close they would have to be.

((Continued Elsewhere))