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xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
Nessa narrowed her eyes in annoyance, as she blew the disobedient strands of chocolate-brown-hair out of her gaze. Sighing, she took a moment to let her gaze follow the pattern of feet along the semi-gritty linoleum, in a cotton-leather-canvas blend of brands and unknowns alike. Her own choice of footwear, classic dark converses, were slightly worn at the toes, and carried dirt traces from her lack of regard for shoe-polish ...

... oh, but really. Who gives? she questioned, barring the train of thought from further travel. At the moment, the object of her attention was -- and had to remain -- the put-off trig worksheet that lay against her math binder, balanced against the thighs of her bent legs, as she leaned against locker number 318 ; her own.

Scribbling down a halfhearted formula or two, she hummed from her subconcious, tapping her foot to the beat that poured into her ears, from the plugs of her mp3 player. Today's object of musical exploration was Hyori Lee, a Korean pop artist that a friend of hers from a previous school had recently gotten her hooked on. Not that she understood a word, other than the scattered English phrases and a few lines of attempts at rapping. However, the music was undeniably catchy. Caught up in the song and, unfortunately, the homework before her eyes, Nessa hardly noticed the boy who took a seat beside her ...

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Kris*
((Continued from: How many ways can you define the word "cow"?))

Atticus ended up pushing Tanesha away from him as he got out the door. Man that girl was huge, but the thought ended as he saw his good friend Nessarose or as he liked to call her 'nessa' outsite her locker.

"And what are you upto?" he asked with his plain boring look.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
She automatically jumped a little, unaware that anyone had come up. Seeing Atticus, however, she grinned, and flicked off the music to toss the headphones carelessly beside her.

"Hey you." she greeted, with a quick salute. Referring to the original question, she added: "More than you've accomplished today, I'll bet. I, for one, am actually trying to finish my trig work." She accompanied this with an exaggerated "le gasp!", letting her hand fly to her mouth in feigned shock.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Kris*
Attics lightly laughed at nessa's antics. She always was so funny, she made him laugh. "Trig homework, feh not in the mood." he said. Attic didn't really do his homework, he was bored of school. But goes to it because he knows he'll need a highschool diploma when heg ets out of here. If he ever expects to make a living.

"What happened today? Spent it doing homework?" he said with a grin.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
"Of course," she humoured, with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. "Come on. You know me better than that."

This, of course, was the truth. Having grown up with one another, they shared their expected plethora of inside jokes and memories -- strictly as friends, of course. Regardless of high school sending the two their seperate ways, socially, their friendship was still a good deal intact.

Nessa scribbled down the numbers and symbols with little attention to what she was actually doing -- she didn't share Atticus' complete lack of care for schoolwork, yet she wouldn't have described herself as overly academic either.

"Well, good luck passing math," she offered cheerily, sticking her tongue out at him.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Kris*
"heh." Attic looked at the math paper and shook his head, all way passed his capabilities for learning. "Come on Nessa, lets go over to the movies." he said again trying to pull her hand away from her homework. Attic was in the mood to hang out, school was NOT the scene for it.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
Nessa quickly ran her schedule over in her mind -- luckily, she had a spare next, the period before her dreaded math class. With that, and the remainder of lunch, there was definitely enough time ... at least, for her.

"Sounds good to me..." she said slowly, "...but you can't. You've got..." she glanced up at the ceiling for a moment, attempting to remember her friend's schedule "...Biology. I doubt Mr. Man'll be too happy if you miss it..."

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Kris*
"I don't care." Attic said plainly. "Now, lets go." he said as he waited for nessa to close up her locker so we can catch a movie. "Besides, its been awhile since I've ditched." he said with a small smile. Attic liked hanging out with Nessa, his best friend. As plainly for all to see....

Attic although didn't care about school functions and would rather be at a movie than be in school litsenign to Mr.Man's lectures for Biology. Just not his style.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
"Fine, fine," Nessa consented. She slipped her work away into a messenger bag, white fabric adorned with various designs in sharpie marker. Slinging it over one shoulder, she followed Atticus.

She'd always marvelled at how stepping outside of the grimy school building was like stepping into an alternate universe. Immediately, the industrial-standard building was left behind, giving way to a mild, sunny afternoon. Blue skies, budding flowers ; it made her wonder why her 'bffl' was so driven not to smile often.

There was a local mall, not too far from Bathurst, where most of the students chose to grab lunch or hang out during spares. And, yes, it boasted a movie theatre as well. As the two reached the sidewalk, Nessa looked a query at the boy beside her -- "Any movie you want to see, then?"

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Kris*
Attic didn't really know what movie he wanted to see. He didn't have a prefrence, maybe a scary movie or something. "How about we see The Omen?" he asked looking at her with a smile. Nessa and scary movies like The Omen didn't mix. he knew that after the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  

She would shriek her head off while Attic would laugh. That was his turn to make fun of her.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:49 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
"Ah ... well, okay, then." She spoke uncertainly. Nessa plus horror ; the almost-equivalent of Attic and chick-flicks -- two seperate worlds with no intention of mixing.

Then again, she would not back down, not with that smirk on his face.

"I'll watch your stupid freaky movie, but next time, I'm making you sit through something you'll hate," Nessa compromised, as the movie-theatre came in sight.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:50 am
by Kris*
Attic laughed at Nessa's comment. "We'll see." he said with a chuckle as they approched the ticket booth. "Have you heard about the fight that happened in school today? Between the gangs mariavel in our class got her ass kicked." he said.

Atticus wasn't one for fights, he was a definatly a lover not a fighter. He woukld often be called a pussy by his friends but it didn't matter to him anyway. As the line kept closer he continued. "Too bad for Mariavel, she is pretty hot." he said.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:50 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
"Eh..." Nessa shrugged, musing : "I heard about it, yeah ... I feel bad, but I'd like to know what started it." She wasn't close to either of the two girls involved; like Atticus, she wasn't exactly dying to get involved in the gang conlicts at their little school.

Jenna scared her a bit, from afar, and Maraviel just confused her -- a gang member AND a cheerleader? -- although she wouldn't have held anything against either of them, it just wasn't in her nature. The way things went, their fight would probably go on to result in further disagreements between their gangs, until the whole thing died down ... for a while ...

She smirked at Attic's revelation about Maraviel -- being a girl, of course, hearing a guy talk about a girl was a bit awkward for her, but she wasn't about to be rude about it, and sucked it in. "You'd look cute together," she said, for lack of a better comment. Then, in all honestly, she added, "I think I've seen her staring at you in some classes. I could be wrong, but..."


run-on sentences, like crazyy. D; sorry.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:50 am
by Kris*
Attic fake punched nessa in the arm. "Shut up." he said. "Anyways, its a gang fight. You can't help a gang fight." he said as they approched the ticket window. "Two for The Omen please." he said as they exchanged money and got their tickets. Now the pair headed to the concession stand.

"But Mariavel being a cheerleader automatically makes her a bitch." he said trying to decide weather he wanted popcorn or candy or to get a Sprite or a Icee. Decisions...Decisions.... "Yea, Jenny sure gave her ab eating in the girls bathroom. I didn't meet you at your locker fast after class because the big black fat ass of Taneasha stood in my way." he said getting out his wallet.

Re: xx `every.rose.has.its [T H O R N S] ;;*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:50 am
by Nessa Rosenthorn*
She frowned each time her friend's rambling led to an insult, as they waited in the popcorn line. Normally, of course, she would have paid for her own ticket. Sadly, she was broke, and anyways, what are friends for? She'd owe Attic back, anyways.

"What's with you, got a grudge against Tanesha or something?" she asked, considering that he'd sent a pretty rude insult the girl's way. Then again, being the anti-social creature he was, Atticus had a tendency for being rude. Nessa toyed idly with the beads of her abstract necklace as she awaited a response.


I should be banned from using commas, seriously.

& Oops .. I said Lien by accident, I suck. XD; *goes to edit*