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The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:23 am
by Xaldien*
((Continued from: Cold Storage Shed Where Her Heart Should Be))

Kristey really didn't know where to go, in terms of finding our where Hobbs was, so she went through a few of the hallways looking for the main office, and asking.

However, she notices someone. Painfully obvious to her.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of you following me, Damien?"

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am
by laZardo*
((Continued from: Cold Storage Shed Where Her Heart Should Be))

Damien stops dead. In his tracks, that is. Have I been following her that close? He takes one look at her smiling face, then looks back - Marvin has disappeared among the throng of students in the halls, headed to Reneé. Given a clearing he might be able to spot Damien and Kristey, and he was often most confident approaching people (especially, and I quote, "fucking psychos") with Reneé leading. So there wouldn't be much time for Damien to get past her.

"" Damien begins, just loud enough to be heard. He sounds a bit surprised, like he's trying to make an excuse for why his homework wasn't turned in on time (which never actually happened in his case). "Yeah...uh...lots..." he concludes, a bit timidly. Because, he figures in his paranoid mind, if he actually disagreed, one thing would lead to another would lead to Reneé being brought in and that would not be a good thing for him or Kristey.

Just stay calm, and she won't slash you. In public.
He quickly looked back again, just in case.

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am
by Xaldien*
(ooc: ...SHIT! lol, okay, time to edit)

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey went up to Damien, but she didn't seem to have a menacing or evil look on her face, but it wasn't necessarily friendly either.

"Do you, by any chance, know how to get from here to Hobbsborough?
I kind of have someone there I want to see."

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am
by laZardo*
Despite the lack of her now-trademark sadistic smile, Kristey's close proximity to Damien already gave him visions of knives or other sharp objects piercing into his gut, then said objects making said guts spill out. That, it seemed, would be as bad compared to what the clique would have in store for him for being "defended" by her.

"Sure...uh...I've been around there..." he continues, a bit of sweat starting to drip down his forehead as he double-takes again. Still no superclique, as he returns to meet Kristey's stare. "Take the Interstate ten miles north, off the Mirchel...son...Avenue...exit... just a few blocks east from there...can't...miss it..." Note that Damien's talking more shyly than fearfully...

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am
by Xaldien*
(ooc: Starting over)

Kristey made her way to the school's entrance.
But she didn't really know where to find Hobbsborough, or anything about it, other than that's the place where Andi is 'waiting' for her.

She proceeds to make her way to the offices to ask, but then notices that someone is nearby.

"Have fun in Garrik's today?"
She smiled.

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am
by laZardo*
Damien gulped as Kristey's hand landed softly on his shoulder, half-expecting to have been gutted in the aforementioned manner. Half-thankfully, that didn't happen, and at that moment he was glad he'd emptied his bladder before he left home.

"'re welcome. If you don't mind I'll...look like I'm following you for a bit, I gotta...go up those stairs there..."

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:25 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey went up to Damien, but she didn't seem to have a menacing or evil look on her face, but it wasn't necessarily friendly either.

"Do you, by any chance, know how to get from here to Hobbsborough?
I kind of have someone there I want to see."

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:25 am
by laZardo*
(OOC: They don't say on the Hobbsborough website exactly where it is. X_x So I'll try to improvise...)

Despite the lack of her now-trademark sadistic smile, Kristey's close proximity to Damien already gave him visions of knives or other sharp objects piercing into his gut, then said objects making said guts spill out. That, it seemed, would be as bad compared to what the clique would have in store for him for being "defended" by her.

"Sure...uh...I've been around there..." he continues, a bit of sweat starting to drip down his forehead as he double-takes again. Still no superclique, as he returns to meet Kristey's stare. "Take the Interstate ten miles north, off the Mirchel...son...Avenue...exit... just a few blocks east from there...can't...miss it..." Note that Damien's talking more shyly than fearfully...

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:25 am
by Xaldien*
"Hmm, that's a ways off... but I guess I have to bear with it."
She put her hand on his shoulder.

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:25 am
by laZardo*
((Marvin continued from: Cold Storage Shed Where Her Heart Should Be))

Those three words caught Damien more off-guard than the time Marvin personally (and with Reneé's consent) ambushed him and locked him in the girls' bathroom stall. The one with the dirty toilet, and there existed one like that in the little girls' room in a ritzy private school. To Damien, it definitely wasn't like the psycho chick that mauled Francis and nearly did so to Marvin at all. (OOC: IMHO o.o)

"Oh!'s fine...long as they don't see me going up the stairs." Damien was flustered, to say the least.

Hell, maybe I'm on my way to becoming her bitch. Too. Damien reminded himself exactly why he didn't trust people. That's if the super-clique don't get her first. Kristey was psycho but he didn't think she would stand a chance. He looked back one more time.

There was enough clearing in the student traffic to find Marvin pointing out Damien and Kristey to none other than the queen bee herself. This hurtled him straight back to his original conundrum:

Mobbed or slashed?
Mobbed...or Slashed?

After a moment of panicked thinking (and a student suddenly bumping into him with enough force to make him face the now slowly approaching VIP clique,) he gathered the courage to say something.

"Eh heh...sure...but just to the classroom. Better get to the detour... before they do."

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:26 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey felt that he was afraid of something than more than just her...
"I'll accompany you."
She knew what it was he was afraid of... more like Who.

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:26 am
by laZardo*
She wants to take them all on?! Damien thinks, She must be crazy as well as psycho!

"We'd better get going," he says to Kristey with visible panic, "We don't want to get -"
"Caught?" comes a very snide female voice from nearby.

Oh God no... Any hope of escape suddenly drains from Damien as he turns to face the enemy.

Reneé Valenti has her piercing smirk on her face, a look she only has when she's about to dish out some particularly bad shakedowns. Her aggressive face is complimented by her school uniform, which wraps around her slightly-butch figure to give her an almost masculine aura. Marvin Hendrick stands beside her, panting for breath, while a select few other clique members flank the two.

"Looks like you've got himself a new girlfriend," she continues.
"She's not my-" Damien, but...
"Shut it. You're gonna sit back and watch what happens when someone messes with us. Then it'll be your turn."
"But I didn't-" he stops when he feels Reneé's hand on his shoulder.
"Don't go anywhere until we're done with the both of you, understand?"
Damien curls in his lips and half-nods.

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:26 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey was sick of this.
"You'll leave him out of this. You're against me, and only me, stop directing your attacks at someone who won't fight back, you fucking coward."

Kristey quickly managed to move around, and got one of the lower flunkies in a hold.
She brought the student to his knees, and Kristey then held onto said student, now holding the scissors she had earlier to the students' neck.

"Unless you want me to do something similar, and seriously harm your friend here."

Re: The hallways*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:27 am
by laZardo*
Reneé probably saw that coming, given Marvin's description of this kid. She was taken off guard, of course, by Kristey's deft movement and capture of one of her members. Marvin was visibly scared, but not at the level he was in class, with his leader/girlfriend at his side. Unlike Reneé, however, he flinched at the action. She beckons to two of her other cohorts to restrain Damien, which they do. Marvin moves back, appearing to stand guard by Damien.

"Better close your eyes, Dame." he mutters, "You don't want to see this."

"Squealers get what they deserve," Reneé begins, not dropping her smirk. This despite the fact that Damien did said action unintentionally and indirectly, at the worst. "As for Rowland (OOC: The kid with the scissors to his neck), you probably aren't aware of the...consequences of what you want to do to him." She nonchalantly moves toward Kristey, her hand cautiously reaching for her wrist. "Now, be a good little girl and hand it over."