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Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:33 am
by Mitsuko2*
((Continued from: Back to Society))

Tybalt had left the small group in the halls and had made his way outside. He was quite suprized with how nice they were. He couldn't stay though.... He'd only hurt them....

"God..... Why did you make me this way? Why did you make me gay? Why must I be abused..... Are you testing me? Well guess what, I don't want to take this test anymore!" He sat down on a bench and sobbed quietly to himself. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted it to end....

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:34 am
by laZardo*
(OOC: Okay!)

((Continued from The Hallways))

Damien definitely wanted something to end, he just couldn't decide what. He tiredly trudges down the hall, his one-size-too-large backpack slowly overcoming him from the rather lengthy detour he took around the school to avoid the one clique that ruled them all. He's practically panting and gasping for breath as he reaches a bench to flop down on.

His next class was probably already beginning, and they too had an exam scheduled for today. He'd studied rather hard the previous night - albeit an effective distraction from his daily worry - and he'd likely ace the test like he normally does even if his mind was completely preoccupied with something completely different from the subject matter.

A psychotic blonde named Kristey had saved his life from Renee Valenti's VIP clique just moments after viciously mauling a classmate that tried to steal Kristey's stuff. In the process she'd caused a commotion that nearly resulted in one of Renee's cliquemate's throat being slashed open with a scissors and Damien's own neck snapped by Renee's sidekick Marvin Hendrick.

Kristey had escaped unscathed (Note: In an ironic twist, Renee had secured her safe exit from school grounds), but at what cost? I'm probably in her debt now, and I'd have to do something humiliating to keep her from betraying me to Renee or eviscerating me like she did with those other two. Or BOTH. She was still offering Kristey a position in her clique as she left...

Just like the rest of them.

Damien is caught off guard by that last thought. It was almost as if someone were saying it to him, rather than being the product of his own mental rambling.

He looks around quickly, finding nobody else in the hallway except for one person sitting on the bench. That person seemed to be quite preoccupied, though.

Guess it was just me...maybe I gotta stop worrying...but I might let my guard down...

Damien slumps onto the bench and slips his backpack off, letting it sit between him and the bench's other occupant. He buries his face in his hands, more worried than depressed, and mutters..."Oh God...what do I do..."

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:34 am
by Mitsuko2*
Tybalt was so angry with himself. When the hell did he become this way? He shouldn't have to hide the way he is! He should be proud. But..... Everyone else..... Suddenly he heard someone sit next to him. He looked at the person and sighed..... A cute boy...... Of course..... This could only happen to him.

The boy buried his face in his hands and started to mumble to himself. Tybalt didn't really catch it. He wiped his eyes and looked at the boy. He was very good-looking.... Probobly strait as a line though. He sighed again and continued to watch the boy through the corner of his eye.

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:34 am
by laZardo*
Damien could be considered good looking from his seatmate's perspective, given his visibly androgynous face and body build, though his body was poorly disguised under by his rather baggy-fitting male uniform. As for orientation, even he didn't know what it was nor cared, probably since he often shied away from even socializing with any gender.

"Great...great...first Marvin, then probably Kristey too...they're gonna want to kick my ass to next Tuesday..." he mutters, slowly intermixing with signs of depression.

He lifts his head from his hands for a bit and takes notice of the boy next to him. He blushes - out of surprise that this person might have heard his rambles.

I wonder if this kid heard about what happened earlier... Damien thinks, tugging his backpack and scooting just a little bit to one edge of the bench before resuming his rambling. That other kid might have noticed a tear trickling down Damien's face... That must've been one pitiful sight...

"And anything I do will just paint a big-ass target on my chest..." he continues, his face NOT buried in his hands this time...

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:34 am
by Mitsuko2*
Tybalt thought the boy was a little strange. He continued to talk to himself. Somthing about getting his ass kicked. That stinks.... Noone shold endure that. The boy seemed to notice him, so Tybalt immediately looked elsewhere. the boy continued his ramblings, so Tybalt decided to speak up.

"Did, uh... somthing happen to you? You seem a bid angry..." Great conversation starter, Idiot....

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:36 am
by laZardo*
Damien double-takes, having accidentally thought out loud. SHIT! Shouldn't have let that slip out... If anything, that kid was probably going to do something to him he didn't like.

"Er...uh...nothing, just... the usual stuff..." he stutters, trying not to make eye contact with the boy just on the other side of the backpack. Nearly having his neck snapped was definitely not a usual occurrence for him, though sometimes Reneé's infliction of humiliation were sometimes carried to extremes.

Be careful what you say...he might be just like them too...

"Stop that..." he whispers at the voice. Calm're just being paranoid again...

Damien puts his hand on his forehead, rubbing the spot that Marvin had slammed onto the desk just a few moments before Reneé's confrontation with Kristey. The spot was already starting to swell a little bit and turn purple from the force of the facedunk.

What was definitely "usual" about these kind of situations was how his mother Nicole always seemed to have a sixth sense of where and how Damien was injured and/or humilated, without Damien uttering a single word. She'd pick someone, probably off an established secret list of troublemakers, and have him called into the principal's office. This over Damien's futile objections, which merely fueled her fire. And that kid would know who she was on sight, Nicole being the head of the PTA and respective Student Behavior concerned parents' group. And then that kid could figure out who "squealed" on him. And then...

"Oh my'll be the entire clique wanting to have a piece of my ass...and Kristey..." he groans, slumping back onto the seat. Marvin Hendrick had feigned kindness right after the dunk, pretending to help him. If only to appease the homeroom teacher and deter him from squealing. And Kristey...she'd actually earned Reneé's respect. And that would mean:

Mobbed AND Slashed. Nice going, Damien...nice going...

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:36 am
by Mitsuko2*
This kid was definatly weird. Gawd..... what a drag. He kept talking to himself. It was pretty strange. Tybalt still needed some sort of conversation.... Sigh...

"What clique is it? Um.... the one you were talking about? They'd be after you?"

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:37 am
by laZardo*
"You don't know... heh heh..." Damien slips into a sort of creepy laughter. "You, of all people, don't know who they are..." he turns to face the kid, a tear in his eye along with his smile...

"They run the school. Reneé the Lady Valentine*, Marvin the CEO's kid and tennis star...them and their little club. They tell all the kids who to pick on and they follow like sheep. And the worst attacks they do themselves. They can't be touched. And if you Kristey they say I do..." Damien squints his eyes closed, his smile sinking. The last thing he wanted to think about now was exactly what they did to him in retaliation for his mom's pinpoint strikes.

So that's what you've been reduced to. Displays of paranoia and cheesy angst. You're pathetic...

"Shut up!" he shouted, this voice wasn't new to him...but it never seemed to bother him in school.

(*Lady Valentine is a popular teen show that Reneé stars in. See her bio for details.)

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:37 am
by Mitsuko2*
Oh gods.... Renne AND Marvin?! Is this kid nuts? noone should even assosiate with those freaks... And now the kid was yelling at himself... Tybalt really didn't need this... gawd...

"You okay? C'mon, lets get you to the nurce, you might have a headache or something."

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:37 am
by laZardo*
Damien recoils, nearly falling off his seat at the suggestion. "Are you crazy?! The clique's probably there waiting for me!" He'd be partially right, they would probably be there at only half-strength at most, with most of their members at class. With the one possible exception of Reneé who was technically on "independent study," but she definitely wouldn't be in the library for that. Anyone who could make it was there to stay with Rowland Kelly, who'd suffered a fairly serious gash on his neck from Kristey's scissors.

"I'll be fine...really. This?" he points to the mark on his head, forcing a smile. "It's minor. It'll be almost gone by tomorrow morning."

SHIT! That's not enough time for my mom not to find out... he realizes, putting his palm to his forehead.

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:38 am
by Mitsuko2*
Sigh... This kid was too paranoid... not that he was much better mind you... but still... ah well...

"So.... I'm probobly gonna skip today.... wanna come with?" What the hell was he doing? "I'm heading to the beach... we can just hang out for a bit..."

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:38 am
by laZardo*
Mom's gonna find out...she'll probably point to Marvin... Damien's already starting to tremble. ...and he's still raring to kick my ass from that fight...

" thanks...I'm late for a major test as it is..." he says, trying in vain to exude any remote sense of calm.

Then his mind comes to a grim conclusion. Oh fuck...I told him all about them! He's probably going to tell. What if he doesn't convince the faculty, they're all in Reneé's if he tells the clique themselves? What if he leads me right to them!? I gotta stop him...

"Do you need any help on your homework...test...something? Maybe I could help you out..."

That's right, you coward. Placate him. He'll just use you too.

"Shut it!" he whispers, jerking his head away from this kid beside him.

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:39 am
by Xaldien*
((Continued from: The Hallways))

Kristey managed to make her way to the entrance of the building.
She wasn't patient enough to the point where she would wait on the taxi that Renee called.

She decided to find her own way to the school.
"I get the feeling that girl has something in store for me... I can't wait to find out what."

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:39 am
by laZardo*
((Continued from: The Hallways))

Marvin marched out of his classroom, adjusting his uniform to try to conceal the rage that had unsettled him just moments earlier. Although his teacher had chastised him for arriving late to class, he had somehow managed to excuse himself without any further complaint from the teacher. He headed down the stairs from his class. Frustration briefly turned to fear when he spotted Kristey at the far end of the hall, where the main entrance was, and he quickly leapt over the bannister (wasn't much of a fall) and hid, hoping that the girl he'd deemed "fucking psycho" didn't spot him.

He ducked into the adjacent hallway, trying to locate a detour to the gym.


Damien covered his mouth, having inadvertantly blurted out something that was supposed to be directed at his mind, not this kid beside him. He scooted a little further away from the kid, now nearing the edge of his seat.

"Oh shit...I'm sorry..." he mumbled...

Geez, you are one hopeless case...

Re: Skipping School*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:39 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey almost started walking to her house, to drop off her stuff...

But she thought some other time would be better, and then she darted back into the school.

Everyone was going into their classrooms, instead of going to hers, she simply sat at a bench in a hallway, and started reading the same book she was reading earlier.

She was right close to Damien as well...