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Brady Floyd

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:58 am
by Serpico*
Name: Brady Kim Floyd
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
School: Cochise High School
Hobbies and Interests: Hapkido, cosplaying, ice skating, table top role-play games and playing the drums.

Appearance: Brady's face can be described as round and boyish, it falls within the average boundaries for width and chin definition. His nose is broad tipped, his eyes are a deep brown and come in a hooded shape, his eyebrows are straight and of average thickness. His upper lip is thinner than the lower, and bears a scar from an accident that occurred during childhood. He once wore braces, but has since started wearing a retainer after their removal.

Brady's skin tone is light, and bears some sun spots around the arms and back, he also sunburns very easily. Often acne is very visible around his cheeks, and faint acne scars dot that area. His hair is a natural jet black, though he chooses to cut it short, spike and dye it blonde. Physically, Brady may be considered to a little shorter than the average male as he stands at 5'6". However, he has a very muscular appearance due to a lifetime of physical activity and weighs approximately 168 lbs.

Brady's clothing style is plain; typically his outfits involve faded jeans, T-shirts and a hoodie if the weather is cold. The shoes he favours are black hi top sneakers with studs on them. His accessories vary but the most common include a blue cap, a silver watch and a messenger bag.

Biography: Brady's family belongs to the middle-higher end of the socioeconomic gradient, and as such he has enjoyed a relatively healthy and stress free lifestyle since his birth. His parents met whilst undergoing tertiary study, though not at the same facility.His mother, Min-Ju Kim, was from a moderately affluent family and had arrived from South Korea so that she might pursue a career in podiatry. Her choice to study overseas was a personal preference. His father, Josef Floyd, was initially pursuing an education as a paramedic at college. He later transferred into nursing, and eventually became a triage nurse as he matured in his profession. He was American born, and enjoyed a well-funded education on behalf of his hard part time work and parent's support.

Brady was born when his father was thirty six and his mother was thirty seven, he was the result of a long and stable relationship. No siblings preceded or followed Brady, and the closest relations who fit within his age bracket were his cousins. He spent the majority of his time with his cousin Bradley when he was growing up, his paternal cousin who lives local to him. Brady and Bradley's relationship may be considered a close one, but it is also complex and interwoven with feelings of frustration and disagreement. Particularly, Brady does not appreciate his cousin's disregard for the feelings of others, but he lacks the emotional intelligence to communicate his feelings when he begins to feel exasperated or otherwise stressed. However, despite the negative aspects of the relationship, the pair had been together long enough that Brady still appreciates his cousin as one of his closest companions.

In regards to the other members of his family, he once had a grandfather on his father's side but he passed when Brady was only one year old. As such he has no memories of the man beyond what he has been told by his other relatives and his impression of the man is one of someone who was  mild mannered and understanding. Since his grandfather's passing, his grandmother had difficulty coping with living alone. This was further exasperated by living in a different town to her son and very infrequent visits by the family. These negative life style consequences cumulated with her falling due to her decreased mobility and her breaking one of the bones in her wrist. This led to a fear of falling and harming her frail frame that left her confined to her home, the fear grew to the point where she was not able to enjoy her favourite outdoor hobbies like gardening. Brady's father, upon discovery of this later relocated her to his own home. She arrived as a permanent member of the household when Brady was almost three years old.

Brady grew up under his grandmother's influence, learning about his grandfather's past as an immigrant from Estonia and her own past as an amateur ice skater. As he grew older he saw many pictures of a young willowy woman with ribbons or trophies in her grasp, the same woman who would eventually be known as his grandmother. It was natural that when he was given the chance at the age of seven years old, that he picked up the very same hobby that his grandmother had talked to him so intensely about. Although his grandmother no longer had the mobility to participate in the sport itself, Brady at the felt at the very least that the hobby gave them more of a common interest and used it as a means to reach out to her.  However, it was also through ice-skating that he gained the scar on his lip. When ice-skating with a friend at the age of nine while holding her hand, they fell and a resulting stray kick caused a moderate laceration to his lip. However, despite the injury, Brady returned to the ice rink only a week later and his enthusiasm remained unscathed.

Brady is also very familiar with his mother's family, trips to Korea occur either annually or biannually. As such, Brady is often absent for a month or more during the summer holidays. The relationship between his parents and grandparents is strained, due to some traditional influence shadowing the relationship between his mother and father. Brady has never experienced direct negative consequence for this, because his grandparents accept him as one of their own, but has viewed and comprehended the strain that persists through the social interactions that his family has. Though his American ancestry was accepted his mother still experiences subtle backlash for this. Brady very much dislikes the way his mother is treated, especially in comparison with his uncle who is treated as the favoured child in the family for following more traditional expectations. For example, his uncle married someone of south Korean background, which aligned better with his grandparent's expectations. Additionally, it should be noted that Brady dislikes his uncle for this reason, but the relationship is not vitriolic, instead Brady is reluctant to interact with his uncle unless a social situation requires it. While Brady has never expressed as to why he has this view towards his uncle, the man does realise as to why this occurs to some degree and it is something that overshadows their interactions.

Brady's maternal grandparents try their best to acclimate him to their lifestyle when he is present, the fact that they  rarely ever speak to him in anything more than Korean is an example of how. Additionally, the fact that his grandparents are Modern Christian also allow for some degree of understanding toward the situation as it could be much worse. However, Brady is a bisexual male and is deliberately hiding this fact not only from his grandparents, but the majority of his family. He knows that their traditional views will not allow them to accept the fact that he does have and craves relationships with his own gender, and this is a possible cause for his Korean half to fully disown him. He has had felt isolated by this fact, and is fully aware that there will be repercussions for this if he was to be discovered. He has so far hidden the fact from everyone but his mother and cousin. He feels consistent distress in regards to this subject, and does not know how to delicately approach the subject when he is in a relationship. Due to this he sometimes appears to be avoidant or fickle towards his male partners, which has the potential to cause rifts in any potential same sex relationships. Brady is usually comfortable with who he is, but it is the external pressure that causes self doubt and fear - without it he would otherwise be happy.

Brady had never been particularly inclined to academics, achieving consistently average grades in most theoretical subjects such as mathematics, science and English. However since a very young age he has consistently graded around an A grade in activities such as P.E. and music. He first started playing the drums at twelve years of age and has continued with the hobby, his parents were happy to give him his own drum kit as they thought that the activity would help him develop creatively. He has since joined a small band known as Peyote Coyote, a group formed by students who attend Cochise highschool with him, and he fills the role of the drummer. With this he hopes to achieve some recognition and popularity, and potentially follow a professional career in music.

His interests in sport stemmed not only from ice skating, but from practicing Hapkido, a Korean style martial arts that he specifically sought out. He began to participate in it during the same year that he started to learn the drums, along with a number of additional hobbies such as tennis that Brady chose to forfeit due to time constraints and disinterest. Brady can be quite fickle as far as hobbies go and will sometimes choose to try something new only to abandon it a week later. Though this also demonstrates a willing attitude to try new experiences, and he has expressed interest in activities that some might consider too intense or dangerous such as parachuting or bungee jumping. Though Brady does not currently have permission to do so from his parents or the money to do any of these activities, so it remains a goal for him when he reaches adulthood.

Not all of Brady's hobbies are musically or athletically inclined, he also participates in cosplay culture and has since the age of sixteen, though he buys his costumes on the internet as he does not have the time or resources to invest in the material and build one himself. Typically he appears dressed as Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist, or as Glenn from The Walking Dead,  his interests in media is very spread between Eastern and Western shows, games or movies. It is also in the convention environment that he came across tabletop role play games, he has ordered copies of games such as Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu and Shadowrun and will often offer to host them. He additionally dabbles in Eastern tabletop games such as Double cross and Ryuutama. Typically he prefers to be a player, but because of the nature of these games he often ends up as the designated game master - it's hard for him to find people who will switch roles with him.

He recently learned how to drive, and as such he offers to carpool with people who have similar interests - especially to reach larger conventions that are far from town. He applied for his license as soon as he became sixteen years old, and after holding his instruction permit for six months he was able to transition to a graduated license. Additionally, since his grandmother is not able to walk properly anymore and his parents are often busy with work he will escort her to a general practitioner, the hospital or simply to the store so she may leave the house. He can often be seen with her pushing her around via the wheelchair and he serves as a caretaker for her. Many of these factors serve as the purpose for Brady getting his license. He lives within walking distance of Cochise high school, and because of this he does not need to drive there.

Brady is a caring individual, particularly in regards to his paternal grandmother. He is also very close with his mother, and as such able to divulge information to her that he might be unwilling to communicate with others outside of the close relationship. Though his father is very busy with work, he will often go out with him to the movies or similar recreational activities. However, Brady has been taken to less entertaining activities, such as the occasion where his father needed to renew his first aid certificate and brought Brady to the event for company. Brady found the two day long course to be boring, but as a benefit he has gained a first aid certificate - he has a CPR face mask that was bundled as a keychain and offered for free at the event and carries it around on his keys.

Advantages: Brady is physically fit from being involved in sports. He is caring and tends to avoid conflict which might lend itself to teamwork. Additionally, he has a first aid certificate which might prove to be of use to him.
Disadvantages: Brady has low emotional intelligence and has difficulty handling the negative emotions of others. Furthermore, he often does not fully disclose information or is selective in how he communicates which can make difficult or complex relationships even more convoluted.