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G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:20 pm
by Swoosh*
(Coming from Eastern shore

It had gotten to the point where she felt like crawling, her leg felt so bad. But there was no time to crawl, and this certainly wasn't the place. She had reached her destination.

Elise automatically reached for her weapon, before realising she had none. Peri had seen to that, as well as the gaping holes in her leg. Oh well, there was nothing she could do about that. Limping quite comically towards the entrance to the hospital, she pushed the door open slowly, and peered around the corner. Good, it seemed like no one was here. That was a small relief. Now she had to work on getting her leg better.

Where to begin? Elise knew nothing about this sort of thing, she could heal a small cut with a plaster, but not serious wounds like these. She stepped inside... only to stumble over something on the floor. In her annoyance, she managed to keep her balance, but quickly looked what caused her to trip.

A body. Oh my God. The familiar fast pace of her heart was swinging back into action. A girl's body. What a mess... so it was real. This was Elise's first experience of death at anytime in her life.

Feeling sick, she fell to the floor, taking no notice of the blinding pain rearing back up in her leg. Still sat down, she scrambled backwards, as far away from the body as she could... her feet were scrabbling against the dusty floor, her hands on the cold ground... and suddenly they weren't. They were on something soft, almost squishy. Her hand shot away from the source as she turned to look... another body, one of a boy. This was too unreal. Two people had died here, two people's lives had been destroyed, ended, right here in this spot. It made Elise's head spin. She went to scream, but put a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound. She didn't want to end up the same way as these two. Breathing quickly, she stood up slowly, her eyes never leaving the lifeless form of the boy who was on the floor.

So that's how it would all end. Would she be as cold and lifeless as these two nameless forms? Or would she survive and go home to a normal life? Elise snorted. She doubted her life would ever be normal again after this. But she had to get wha she came for.

Ignoring the dead bodies, Elise made for the cabinets. She wasn't sure what she was looking for, painkillers, disinfectant, bandages, anything that would help. By the looks of things, someone had been through these cupboards already. Most of the stuff appeared to have gone. There was a lone bottle of disinfectant on the middle shelf, and with a sigh Elise removed it. It was then that she heard the creak. Surely not... no one could have followed her here... could they?

((wow, long, sorry...))

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:21 pm
by LadyMakaze*
((Teehee, no such thing as a post too long ^^ You should see some of the other ones we have here...anyways, :) ))

Walking slightly ahead of the group, Madelaine carefully approached the entrance of the clinic. She had not seen anyone enter the building as it came into view in front of the path they were walking along, but then again, someone might still be inside. At the very least, no screams of pain or a maniac's singing seemed to be coming from this particular building. The silence was somehow chilling though...

Noticing that the door appeared to be slightly ajar, she approached the entrance carefully from the side, peering into the building from behind the door.

It was then that she heard the sounds of someone shuffling around through the items in shelves and cabinets. Damn, she cursed inwardly. No vacancy here, either?

Her vision quickly surveyed the room. She immediately noticed the rather short, curly-haired girl sorting through stark-empty cabinets, but what caught her eye next made her flinch, covering her lips with her fingers in shock.

Madelaine had not recognized Van Garret from her face, once so full of life and attractive, now covered in blood, looking as though her forehead had burst apart. Rather, there was no way Madelaine overlook the same orange sundress she had worn on the plane...

Looking away, she saw yet another corpse nearby, one that she could recognize only by face and but by name. The boy, though dead, seemed at first relatively unscathed. But the expression on his face and the dark markings around his neck indicated otherwise.

The corpse count just keeps climbing and climbing.

Hearing the rest of the group approaching behind her, Madelaine turned towards them, looking pale again. Unable to speak, she tried to indicate towards them that someone was already inside. Under the influence of shock, she stumbled slightly, accidentally nudging the door A low, yet distinct creak sounded out.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:21 pm
by Cactus
((Amanda continued from: Shelter from the Rain))

((Yeah, should see some of my posts...yeesh))

Amanda hadn't been saying much on the walk to the clinic itself, mainly finding herself lost in her own thoughts. Her own thoughts, of course, mainly being about Adam. She was trying to prepare herself, trying to imagine every single horrible situation that she could think of, to try and prepare herself for what she would feel if she found him, and his body. The problem that she found herself having was that she couldn't imagine it. She just could NOT fathom, nor picture what seeing such a sight would do to her. She figured that if it did happen, she would listen to the announcement and then kill whomever was responsible. That was a given.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when Madelaine leaned into the door, and a LOUD creak sounded throughout the area. Amanda hoped beyond all hope that there wasn't anyone inside the house or around the area.

Anyone who would attack them, anyway.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:26 am
by riserugu*
((Continued from: Shelter from the Rain))

((I'm not even going to ask how Van Garret's body moved from the bushes and into the house, I'm not... :lol:))

When the clinic came into view, he found his eyes traveling about the familiar building, which he had spent the first day in using it as a stronghold.

Now it was just cauldron of bubbling memories, some decent… others screaming against him in the pain that had been felt here, he thoughts where brought into the present as a rather loud creak sound throughout the air. Hawley glancing off to where Amanda and Madeline stood… the door leading into the clinic opened to some degree.

Removing his pistol from his pocket, in case the person awaiting inside wasn’t the nicest of people he glanced lightly between the two girls wondering what their next move should be.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:26 am
by LadyMakaze*
Madelaine cast the briefest glance towards Hawley and then stepped to the side, leaning against the wall, aside from the doorway. She carefully and quietly removed her own gun from her pocket, keeping it pointed downwards, but keeping it ready for immediate use should the person inside prove to be hostile.

Taking a deep breath, she called out towards the inside of the building.

"If you're not playing," she said in a clear voice. "Then please answer us now and let us inside. We mean no harm as long as you're not hostile to us. There are quite a few of us outside right now, so should you choose to attack us... well, if I were in your position, I'd rather not make any rash decisions."

She stopped and waited, pursing her lips, hoping that she had at least proven her point. Hopefully now, they were not about to encounter another psychotic murderer.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:27 am
by Swoosh*
((I have no idea how the body got inside, it was there in the last post, so *shrug*))

Elise gasped. So there was someone outside! Or, someones. It was a girl's voice, it could have been worse. Elise looked around her, she needed some sort of weapon! She couldn't let these armed people inside when she had nothing... but what was she going to use? Pills? Yeah. She could throw bottles of pills at them. Great idea Elise...

Feeling that she really should speak up, Elise called out "I'm not playing... I have nothing to play with, anyway..." she trailed off.

"How many are there of you?" She cast a quick glance around the room. The pain in her leg was really unbearable now, she needed to sit or something. Seeing a cabinet nearby, she ducked down behind it and oved her leg into a comfortable position; well, as comfortable as she could get it with two gaping holes in her leg.

So they would come in, and then what? A sudden thought occured to Elise. What if they thought she was responsible for the two dead bodies laying in front of her on the floor?? They would shoot her on sight...

"T-there are two... corpses in here," Elise couldn't bring herself to call them people, "so, erm, mind where you stand." She finished somewhat lamely.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:28 am
by Slayer*
((Continued from: Shelter from the Rain))

David, who had been silent since they left the lighthouse, took that opportunity to speak.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? We don't even know what weapon they have or who they are. For all we know you just made us a huge target by telling a player with a good weapon where we are. Not saying we can't beat them, but it would be a large waste of ammo."

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:28 am
by Swoosh*
Elise heard all this through the opened door. It really was surreal, the way these people were talking about her.

It would be a large waste of ammo...

So they would use their weapons on her... shit, this game just got worse and worse...

"I don't have any weapons, seriously!! I just have some fucked up legs, nothing else!!" She wasn't sure how safe she'd be by telling a group of strangers that she was totally helpless, but it seemed like the only thing to do right now.

And there were boys in the group... at least one, anyway... she didn't stand a chance. She started to shake again.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:28 am
by Slayer*
David pointed his gun at the door when he heard the voice. "Alright then, if you really are unarmed, come out peaceably. If you do not do so, I shall consider you a threat and shoot."

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:29 am
by Swoosh*
Elise laughed inwardly. If she had do do anymore moving about, she was fairly certain her legs would just fall off. She could crawl, of course, but she reckoned it would give those outside bit of a shock to see her crawling through the door.

"Ok, well, I can't really walk anymore. Mind if I crawl out?" she asked. She imagined herself dragging herself through the door, and it made her giggle a bit, despite the situation she was in.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:29 am
by Slayer*
"I don't care, just get out here." David replied, losing patience and tightening his finger on the trigger. It was tough to not fire at the person, but he was trying. He wasn't going to shoot unless she refused to surrender, just as he said he would.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:29 am
by Swoosh*
Sighing, Elise got to her knees, taking care to avoid the gaping holes in her thighs, and haphazardly made her way across the floor. It really was quite dusty, her hands were accumulating small piles under her fingers. Disgusted, she brushed them away, and carried on crawling.

Ok, it's official, if I were watching me on TV right now, I'd think I was the funniest thing I'd ever seen.

She carried on crawling, past the two bodies, as if they were landmarks. Ladies and gentlemen, on your left is a dead body. And on your right, is a dead body! Delightful!

She eventually reached the door, and made to push it open further so she could crawl through. Even though she had avoided using her thighs, the crawling still hurt, her knees hurt, and it had tired her out slightly. Her hand went to push the door, but her other hand buckled under her weight, and she fell flat on her face.

"Son of a bitch," she muttered, trying to get herself back up.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:31 am
by LadyMakaze*
Turning her head slightly, Madelaine frowned and gave David a disdainful look as he scorned her. "If it weren't for that creak that no doubt gave her some hint of our location, and that was an accident by the way, then yeah. It would have been a better idea to keep quiet. Unfortunately now, that's not the case."

Narrowing her eyes slightly, she lowered her tone coldly at him. "Killing is a last resort, so don't lose your nerve, just because you're feeling inadequate about the size of your weapon."

As for the latter words, Madelaine wondered if she had gone a bit too far. Not surprising if he shoots me for that, Madelaine thought with grim humour.

Pausing abruptly at the sound of the door opening, she quickly stepped back to make way for the strange girl crawling out of the doorway, only to stumble suddenly and fall over. Madelaine could see now the bullet injuries that had been planted onto her thighs.

"Injured, huh?" She crouched slightly and offered her free hand to the girl. She turned to the rest of the group.

"You guys should help too, you know."

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:31 am
by Swoosh*
Elise looked up. "Yeah, just a bit," she said. She glanced around at the newcomers. Ok, so two girls and two boys, not bad, but not good.

With the girl's help, Elise managed to sit up in an awkward kneeling position. The clothing that had once covered her bulletholes must have come off while she was crawling. No doubt the wounds would have gotten even more infected for that. She could play doctor later though, what mattered now were the four people stood above her, all with weapons from what she could see.

"Sorry about the unorthodox greeting," Elise muttered, "just some asshole shot me in the legs, as you can see."

She glanced over at David as she spoke. "Are you guys gonna finish me off then?" As a group, Elise didn't see them letting her go. Maybe she was wrong.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:31 am
by riserugu*
Hawley smirked some at Madeline’s comment to David, stepping into the building after her glancing over the place. It certainly had changed since he had last been here, trying to ignore the sight of the two bodies he glanced downward at the wounded girl, placing his gun back into the side pocket of his jeans.

Looking over the wounds somewhat he frowned, “I wouldn’t worry about any of us finishing you off, though some people could be questioned. We aren’t here to kill anyone, and if you want I’m a pretty decent in the medical field. I blame my parents for being doctors, but if you want I could look over those gunshot wounds for you. Make sure they didn’t mess anything up, or break a vein of any kind.”