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Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Riki
[[Fiyori Senay, continued from Aloha Heja He]]

The sun was setting. Slowly, but surely. Because that was what the sun did. She wouldn't say it was the sun's job to set because the sun was merely a big ball of gas that was fusing together, and the very notion of the setting sun is born of an illusion that puts the observer into the center of their world.

...anyway. It was setting, so some time passed. Fiyori came home. Or well, came short before her home. She removed her hair clips once again, her black mane flowing free as a gentle breeze ran through it. The Senay's lived in an apartment. Three rooms to live, a kitchen, a bathroom, a corridor to connect them all and a small balcony (praised by their landlord as 'miniature garden'). There was a fence though. A proper fence made from stone that marked the line between that lot and the streets. The fence was brown and dusty, and for that one evening, decorated with Fiyori.

She sat on the fence, legs dangling in front of her. And before Fiyori was a woman, smoking a cigarette and judging Fiyori with stern eyes.

Fiyori paid the woman no attention, staring to the left, awaiting a certain young man to appear from beyond the horizon. The woman in front of her finished her cigarette, flicked the stub that remained to the side and shook her head.

"You really are a slut."

The woman chuckled, patted Fiyori on her cheek and went on her own way. She wouldn't return until way after midnight. And so, Fiyori suspected, would her husband.

"Seeya, mother."

She didn't look after her, as she went into the opposite direction of where she hoped her prey would come running. She hoped he'd came. She figured him to be tough. To be full of energy, to hang onto her, to follow her to the end of the world. Or only to her home, which was the same.

A minute passed. A second passed. And there he came.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Rorick Skyve*
((Aiden Slattery continued from Aloha Heja He))

Fuck. Not cool, not fucking cool. He couldn't have lost her, could he? No way that had happened. He wasn't some slow-ass pushover, he was motherfucking Aiden, The Flash himself didn't have shit on him! And yet…

Aiden stopped his sprint along the walkway, came to a slithering halt. He wasn't tired yet, no way. Bit out of breath, sure, but nothing that would hold him back for long. He was standing directly in front of a junction, going four ways. Crazy chick couldn't have gone back the way he just came, so there were three options. Had to rely on the luck of the Irish again, did he? Shit on a stick, man. Not. Cool.

He rubbed his neck in frustration. There, that was the spot, still a bit itchy. The spot where cougar girl had tried to take a bite outta him. Fuck, he'd have given another chunk of his dizzedy damn ear to have her at his neck again. Wasn't even that farfetched, really. With the levels of nuts that gal was, he sure as hell wouldn't have put it past her.

Well, shit. Even the motherfucking sun was stabbing him in the back now. Started to shy away, that oversized light bulb, did it? Couldn't handle a simple Irishman in hot pursuit? Pussy. Bring on the fucking dusk, then. See if he cared.

Aiden looked at the junction again, glanced to the left, then the right, then ahead. Right. Left again. Repeat. Finally, he gave up, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. No use. No frickedy frickin' use. No way he'd figure out which way she went. Had to take a gamble, choose Door One, Two or Three. Only he wouldn't even get a goddamn booby prize if he chose wrong. If he chose right, though…

Fuck it. Whining like a baby bitch wouldn't do him any good. Whatever would happen next, he'd leave it up to his old pal fate. Hadn't been around in a while, that prick. About time, really.

Once more, Aiden looked to he left. That way? Nah, not left. He was right-handed, why the fuck would he choose left? Right, then? Hell no. Right was where that son of a motherless goat Bradley had ripped up his ear. Straight ahead, then. That your final answer? You bet it was.

He started running again. He went fast, like he was running for his life, like the T-Rex, the baddest of bad motherfuckers itself was behind him. Must go faster.

Aiden had already stopped caring about anything at this point, even though only seconds had passed. His body filled up with adrenaline, head to toes. Running, dashing, sprinting, it was all he wanted to do in that moment. Livin‘ the high life, raging bull coming through! Best thing in the world. Just keep running. Feel the flow of the fucking universe. Run until he was an old fart, then topple over and die, end of story. Didn't matter, as long as he could keep-

Nevermind. Theres she was.

That figure all the way back there, that straight up amazone on the fence, that was what he was after. Success, baby. Oh, he did love it when a plan came together. He slowed his pace, gradually slacking off until he came to a halt, almost within reaching distance of her.

He grinned. Of course he did. He had every reason in the whole, round-ass world.


Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Riki
There he was. She knew he would come. He wanted to. She wanted him. He found her, and he came to her - grinning like a kid awaiting a few good words for answering a tricky question the right way. Truly, so very truly adorable.

She giggled for seconds. Laughed as Aiden slowly halted in front of her. She thought he seemed sweaty. He smelled good, though. Not in the classic sense, but perhaps it was indeed the sweat that worked it's charm on her. She wasn't much different. Meaning, there was quite the strong scent on her too. Strong enough for Aiden to track her, no?

Fiyori jumped from the fence, landing just before Aiden's feet.

"Welcome to the lion's den."

She smirked, got herself closer and embraced Aiden. So small, so cute. His head rested on her chest, and Fiyori's right hand fondled his hair and her left one took a firm hold of Aiden's back. She lowered her head. Burrowed her nose in his hear and took a deep sniff - taking in that oh so penetrating yet irresistible smell of his.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Whoa. Going right at it, huh? No time wasted on sugary shit, no winking, no blinking, nothing. Just straight up to the point; arrived five seconds ago and already skin to skin action. Kind of a shame, skipped the part where he'd hold his epic entrance speech, no escaping the Beaks, that kinda stuff. Woulda been fun. But hey, why complain? He had what he wanted.

Aiden's muscles were mostly limp at this point, he was in a state of complete relaxation. This was actually really damn nice, this whole hugging business. Would have taken a hug by his lovely sis over this any day, sure - shitty comparison, really - but this here, this was quality too. This chick was unpredictable and he was lovin' it. Could have probably eaten him for breakfast, if she wanted to, sure as shitfire. Only one reason more for him to be into her.

He could actually hear her heart beat under her chest. Nice. Rhythm of love, rhythm of life right there. Again, reminded him of Sharon, but now really was the worst fucking time to think of his big sis. Was creepin' himself out, so he was. Plenty of time for that left on another day in paradise. Just not fucking now.

Not sure if he even wanted to move. The more he thought about it, the less he wanted to. Running and gunning  and jumping around like some crazy-ass ball-lighting was beyond awesome, true as truth, but doing absolutely fucking nothing for a change, that was...nice. Unexpected, yup, but nice. Not to mention her smell. Who needed some cow drowning in fancy-ass perfume? Odor of Mother-fucking-Nature right here. Sweet as hell.

Still, they couldn't just keep standing there all day and night, could they? Stars would be watching them soon, those shiny pervs. Privacy was kinda important. As sorry as he was, he had to end that hug.

Tenderly, almost politely, he pushed himself away from Fi's torso, handling her with all the gentleness necessary in order to not anger the lion queen. Didn't want to undermine her authority, after all. Show her she was still in charge. Large and in charge. Not even exaggerating.

Her hand still loosely clinging to his back, he looked her back in the eyes, still hidden away behind those shades. Even so, they were made of pure fucking fine. As was she.

His lips formed a smile, somewhat softer than before. "You're one tall chick, Fi. Wasn't kiddin' when I said you could eat me all up back there." The impish gleam returned to his eyes. Corner of his mouths curled all the way up again. Cloud ninety nine and beyond, suckers. This was his moment. No wannabe punk in the world could ruin it for him now.

"Hey, and even if you did, I'd be a-ok with it. Cuz you are ab-so-lutely worth it, true as truth."

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Riki
Aiden was limb. All limb. His every muscle was relaxed, and he was all hers and her alone. Not an ounce of resistance, not a bit of hesitation. No, Aiden embraced his fate without ifs or buts.

And then he asked for room. Not with words, but with a gentle nudge. And Fiyori let him go, gazed into his eyes again and kept one hand on his back. Aiden spoke and she could hear him and she could feel the wind of his breath. He said she was tall. He said she could eat in one go and Fiyori had to chuckle. Of course he wouldn't mind. If he did, he would not be where he was right then.

They continued to look on another, as a new gust traveled between them. Fiyori's hair dancing madly in the wind, and now that the sun was going down, even she could not help but feel a little cold. Not freezing, and perhaps not even cold (not with her body so close to Aiden's), but she realized that soon night would be upon them. And as such, it would be too cold for the both of them.

"Let's head inside, yeah?"

Fiyori lowered her head, gave Aiden's nose a quick kiss and let her hand slid down, resting briefly on his butt before letting him go completely, and moving towards the door.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Hell yes. There it was again, that sweet, sweet chuckle of hers. Could watch her do that all day, true as truth. Really hypnotizing shit, like that weird-ass snake from the Jungle Book, never mind that fucker's name. Heh, recurring theme here, trying to swallow someone alive. Straight man-eater. Yeah, that definitely worked for him.

Aiden licked his lips, more subconsciously than anything and rather swiftly, but still noticeable. It finally dawned on him, that most obvious thing. From the very fucking start, he had never been the predator here, no Sir. No badass jacked huntsman hounding after his prey, or trying to off Arnie. No, he'd been the prey, the tool himself all along, a horny-ass bee chasing after flowers, some dumbass moth fucking burning up on a light bulb - kinda like that. But guess what? He was totally okay with it. More than okay. Fucking stoked.

That cold-ass breeze though. Shivers for days, ice age around the corner! The two of them really oughta be  going - yeah, she had the right idea. Time to go inside, enter the stage and warm up - not necessarily in that order.

He flinched slightly when Fi gave the tip of his nose a little treat, though that grin of his stayed on his features. Never stopped smiling like his name was Joker. He almost wanted to call the chick adorable for doing that, but that would have been way fucking off the mark. Girl was about as adorable as an actual real life anaconda - shared all its good qualities though. And some more.

Aiden flinched once more when his behind was given a quick touch as well. Cheeky beaky, that one. Tried to tease him already, did she? God alfuckedy-mighty, she was the best.

"Your wish is my command, Miss Fi." He said it in a joking tone, though he absolutely meant it. He was hers now, no dizzedi doubt about it. Silently snickering to himself , he jogged after her meaning to catch up. Man, she was tall, he still got surprised about it every ten seconds he looked at her. Only more of the legend to love, then.

Finally managing to get next to her again, he swiftly raised himself on tiptoes to try and whisper into her ear. "Do me one favor though, yeah? Be sure and wait with devouring me until after we're done, like a proper black widow, you with me?" He chuckled, then let himself shrink back to normal size. "Sound like a deal?"

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Riki
She walked slowly towards the door, reaching it in due time as she rested a hand on it's frame. Aiden was close behind her. She could feel him, and she could feel him to the side of her. He seemed taller? Ah, of course, he was standing on the tip of his toes, trying to reach her ear. He asked her for a favor. To eat him after they were done doing the deed, heh? She chuckled, considered to give him a humorous answer - such as a blank 'no' - but instead just licked her lips.

Fiyori reached for the keys in her pocked, and inserted it into the lock quickly without looking at it at all. Of course, she got the right one, and with a loud click the heavy door in front of them opened. They were greeted by a staircase. To the left, there was the basement, to the right, it went up. She didn't really like the stairs. They were pretty thin and at best only one person could use them at the same time. Seriously, it wasn't even possible for two people to go up as the other one went down. One of them had to wait, always.

Of course, she knew as she began climbing the stairs, it would just give Aiden an excellent view as he followed her from behind.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:07 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Didn't even respond on that, did she? Preferred to play it cryptic style. Fine with him, more than fine. That teasing game was one he was all too happy to take part in - and her game was top-notch, no room for argument there.

The wind was getting stronger now; not that he felt cold, he was the goddamn Iceman in that regard, chill as a chinchilla.  Still, kinda annoying. All the more reason to look forward to go inside. And go inside he would, his fucking pleasure.

Finally, door was open, welcome to the dungeon!  Literally rubbing his hands together in anticipation, he entered the building after Fi. Two steps in, he immediately halted, examining the interior. Well...that was one small-ass staircase, if he had ever seen one. Was this Bilbo Baggins' crib or something? Even two lanky-wanky peeps like him and Fi wouldn't fit on it both at the same time, he was willing to bet both his nuts. Whatever. Wasn't his house, not his problem.

He watched his lovely host starting to go up the stairs. No more words needed - she lead the way, he followed. But oh boy, was he glad to follow. That chick might have been one skinny beanpole, but damn, that certainly was a sweet patootie on her. Nothing too special, but enough for him to warrant a sign of appreciation. Always nice for a gal to receive compliments, right? He knew he'd want some.

Despite a second of doubt, devoted to the fact that he couldn't whistle for shit, he still decided to go for it. Grinning coyly as ever, Aiden stuck two fingers in his mouth and gave it his best shot at an acknowledging whistle, all while following Fi up the stairs.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Riki
Was that supposed to be a whistle? Well, he tried. Poor guy probably couldn't do it (neither did Fiyori except once in a blue moon) but she appreciated the gesture. She'd whistle at her own butt as well. At least she thought so. Would be weird, but she had a good butt. Maybe. She wouldn't really know how it looked from his angle.

For his attempts though she did reward him, as she stopped to a halt abruptly and felt his beak poke her in the behind for a brief moment. She chuckled, and moved a few steps further, eventually reaching a door to the side.

The door was placed in the third floor, was made from a simple yet dark wood. A floral wreath and a glued-on wood carving with their family name decorated it. Fiyori went for her keys, again finding the right one without much problem and unlocked the door. She reached for the knob, turned it, and hesitated for a single moment until finally deciding to gently push the door open.

Fiyori took one step forward, then looked back to Aiden.

"Hungry? Thirsty? I can feed you if you want."

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Bravo, nice one. Aiden would have congratulated himself on that ace whistle - only it had sounded like some wheezing  old fart sucking on a respirator. No kudos for that one. Eh, whatevs. No harm in trying. Though he would have liked to-

Holy motherfuck! He almost toppled down the stairs as he had to stop himself mid-motion, to avoid crashing into Fi, who had just stopped dead in her tracks. On the plus side, the tip of his fabled nose also made contact with the lovely sight before him. Sweet Jesus. Only for a second, quick dip and gone, but still. Aiden let out a pleased snicker,  contemplating whether or not he should go in for another close encounter, but he decided against it. Still had plenty of time left to explore that later, like a straight spelunker.

Straight minx though, that chick. In for the funzies, livin' for the moment, giving no fucks about nothing. Could a guy get more lucky? He'd see soon enough.

Had reached the third story now, if hadn't miscounted. Yeah, three's the charm, or some shit like that. Or was it third time? Fuck it, had the same number in it, close enough for him. No need to be a stickedy-ass stickler about it. But hey, guess what? He had hit the nail on the head, this really was it. Girl went to unlock some door, gateway to heaven, hell yes! What was that name on the door? Senay, huh? What the freckles was that supposed to be, Mexican? Nah, didn't make sense, chick didn't look the type. Then again, what did he know about those tacos? Maybe one of her parents was from over there, maybe her genetics were a bit fucked up. Maybe he was just being a dumbass again. So many possibilites.

For real though, who the hell cared? American, Mexican, Nubian, Klingon, no difference, he'd play hide the sausage with her either way. As long as she didn't take his ass hostage, he was cool with anything.

Hungry or thirsty? Damn right, he was! Not even sure if that was supposed to be some sorta tease. Hell, either interpretation promised some sweet results. Aiden stepped forward, finally ascending the last step of the staircase. His T-shirt was prolly looking soaked and gross, smelled like some bum from under a bridge, rank as rancid roses. No sweat though, pun intended. Girl was pretty much the same. Down and dizzedi-dirty, for real.

"Think I'll pass, sister. Trying to fatten me before the feast, do ya? Ain't gonna happen. What you see is what you get, nothing more, nothing less." Winking playfully, he struck an exaggerated pose, putting his hands behind his head and sucking in his stomach.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Riki
"Alright, alright."

What a shame. She would've liked to show him the world that was her cooking. Few people resisted once they were grasped by her skillful handling of flavors and textures. Still, it was fine. She'd insist on some water though. If not for Aiden, then for herself. He'd get some, too, of course. Couldn't have him die of thirst in the middle of the night.

Fiyori smiled as she saw Aiden striking that pose. She closed in on him, as if reading for another embrace. Yet their bodies touched only lightly. Fiyori wanted to close the door behind Aiden.

The door fell into the frame. A loud bang, sure to annoy the fuck out of her neighbors and she would make sure to given them an even bigger bang. Fiyori grinned, and went in for it.

Her hands reached for his, clasping them behind his head, Aiden's hair entangling in their fingers. He held them tight and steady, as she lowered her head. Gazing into his eyes, she gave his nose a quirky kiss again before going in even deeper. His lips tasted salty. She loved it. She bit it. She parted his lips and went in for the kill.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Rorick Skyve*
She liked it. No dizzedi doubt, she ab-so-lutely fucking liked the way he was posing; no, she was straight digging it, lovin' it. Chick was on fire, all burning up on the inside, one big hot flamin' lusty inferno.  All she had to do was come and take her prize. Hot damn, he was more than ready for action, ready for her to come and set him ablaze as well, light it up!

Atta girl. Comin' towards him, closing in on the beak of evolution, the one and only Aiden. She knew she wanted him. He knew he wanted him - her too.  But mostly himself. Not really, though. His brain was just going all apeshit, comin' up with crazy shit that didn't make sense. Whatever. He didn't need his brain now. Just needed her face on his, feel the heat of the night. Shit on a stick, he was so frickin' thrilled!

She was close now, very fucking close. Tall as hell, exotic, untamed - straight up Black Beauty he got here. Oh boy, was she reaching for - nah, just closin' the door, so she was. Shame.

Door slammed shut. Big Bang. Didn't matter, just a distraction. Only thing that mattered now was towering right over him. Oof, she wanted to play rough, play the dominion game. Take his hands with hers like she was cuffing him. Show  his beak some love as well. He swallowed. And then their lips finally made contact.

Whoa. She wasn't the first chick he had kissed. Wouldn't be the last. But damn, this one here was tasty! All sweet and salty and soft and supple and...painful? Biting. She was biting. He didn't mind. She could nibble on him all she wanted. Enough meat on him for her to nibble all day and night.

Holy fuck, she went All-in already! His lips didn't put up any resistance, almost opened up by themselves and let in that oh so fucking welcome intruder. Now he had to show some fighting spirit though, couldn't just stay passive like some weak-ass pushover!

Time to wrestle her sweet muscle with his, match of the ages, clash of the titans, just her and him. He was still barely moving. Only his tongue was doing work , nostrils trembling with delight, shivers down his spine, face heating up, hot breath mixing together. He was on fire, burning to death alive and fuck did he love it! Had been to fucking long since he last had his fill - but this one would more than make up for it.

His arms still crossed behind his head, he continued to almost literally suck on her face, more aggressive now, not even realizing he was running out of air fast.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Riki
Aiden was deeply entrenched. Bound. Sealed. Locked. Jailed. Fiyori could list a few more of those if she tried. She pressed against him, and he pressed back. Oh, he fought and he fought bravely, meeting Fiyori's might with an equal force. Ah, that little dude. He got quite the strength indeed. And Fiyori pressed on. Pressed her tongue against his, pressed her body against his and she relished in every push he made against her.

Slowly, after a bout that seemed to last for minutes she slowly let her tongue rest, carefully removing it from within Aiden. Fiyori opened her eyes, gazed deeply into his, gave his nose a surprisingly affectionate nozzle. Her eyes went up, up his arms to...

Her eyes caught something. Something her hands had not. She let go of Aiden's hands, only a little, and only to take a firm hold of the scar - or rather the arm that spouted it.

"Oh? What happened here?"

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Rorick Skyve*
He did not want it to end yet. His lungs sure screamed the opposite to him, but since when did those two fuckers have a say in this sorta thing? Aiden kept their tongues locked for as long as he could, savoring the taste and every itty bitty little sentiment, even the smell on her -

Until it stopped. Seemed the chick had reached her limit, grew bored, whatever. He felt a slight tickle as her slippery organ escaped his mouth, prompting a snicker from him. Holy French kiss Batman! He knew the bitch could bite, but that just now had been a whole new level of wild, straight savagery! Maybe enough for some wimpy-ass dudes to run back home to Nopeville, but not him, no way! He was diggin' this shit, had found a fucking goldmine here!

Oh man, that stare of hers too. Could just look back into her eyes for hours, so he could. Windows to the soul, they said, and this one here had one sexy soul, true as truth. He really had to be the luckiest motherfucker in the universe that day. Just had to be.

Ah, finally. Took her long enough to spot that ol' scar. Wanted to know how he got that one, did she? Course she did. She was prolly even into it, way he judged her.  Hell, he wouldn't have been surprised if she was gonna add some fresh ones to his collection that day. Things would get intense, sure as shit. He couldn't fucking wait for it.

"Me being a naughty little boy is what happened. Turns out it ain't a good idea to try and enter some junkyard in the middle of the night, you with me? I mean, I'm into fencing alright, but not that sort." He pulled an innocent face, adorned with a coy pout, before his trademark grin took over again. "Sorry bout that pun, hon. Not my best work, I'll admit, but I came up with it myself, makes it special."

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Riki
It took her a while. To get what he meant, that was. He said he was into fencing, not that sort of fencing. And something about entering a lone junkyard in the middle of the night. Her mind went places, oh yes. Very naughty places. Two guys alone, bare and naked with their honor on the line alone. Their fleshy swords drawn. The moon shining dimly on the dirt and scrap and junk surrounding the men. A clock strikes midnight, and the men-

Alright, that didn't really make sense and also didn't explain the scar. It dawned on her slowly. Fiyori's hands slipped from his arms, taking a firm hold of his face instead. In her face, exasperation. She'd say it was acting, of course. But with the pun as it was... well... anyway, she took a firm hold of his cheeks, shook her head and muttered slowly.

"Terrible. Just terrible."

She held the gaze for a moment, and then laughed. Exploded into laughter. Not because the pun was fun or anything like that. She just laughed because she felt like laughing in that exact moment.