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It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:59 am
by Rorick Skyve*
((Aiden Slattery continued from What Are Little Boys Made Of?))

One of those days again. One of those frickin' days, fulla chores, fulla bores. Usually, Aiden woulda just gone 'Fuck it', dashed straight outta the house and went for a jog, lap on his bike, anything that could get his blood pumpin'. Didn't work today though, nope. Not with the sky pissin' all over the place, going maximum high tide, like. Sure, he wasn't made of sugar, not like he couldn't stand a bit of rain, but this - no fucking way. Catching the sniffles was on the very bottom of his to-do-list, so it was.

So what else was there to do for him? Mom and dad gone over the weekend, meetin' some old buddies or whatever. Good for them, 'slong as they didn't crash their car, what with the weather and all. He wasn't scared though, Big Daddy was the best goddamn driver 'round these parts, bit of a drizzle wasn't going to take him down, nope.

Still, that meant he was all Home Alone, minus the fun of being able to mess with some goofy goons sneaking around. Shame, really. Not even his little bro was there, went to visit college girl Sharon over at her place. He did regret not going with him now, he felt like a right eejit. Some frickin' dumbass sittin' around on his ass at home, with nothing to do but twiddle his thumbs and maybe show his pecker some love. Wasn't even in the mood for that now, not after thinking about his folks that much, nope, nopedi nope. Maybe some other peeps who were into that, but not him.

He sighed and picked up his phone that was lying next to him on the sofa. No new messages. Of course not. For a second, he wondered why Fergie hadn't called yet, announcing his arrival, but then he remembered. Dude was gone as well, some shit with his tonsils needing a check-up or some stuff. Meaning even their weekly karaoke night was a total bust, whole fuckin' universe had conspired against him, playin' one big fat joke on him. Shit sucked, so it did.

Overcome by some sorta desperation, he started scrolling through his phone's contacts, as if by some miracle, divine inspiration was gonna come over him or some shit, Jesus comin' down and tellin' him how to get his mood back in the green. Danny, Kizi, Johnny, nope, all of them already busy, far as he knew. What the hell was the world coming to? Maybe he had missed out on some big inside joke or something, everybody pretendin' to be busy over the weekend.

So he scrolled up and down and up again, like he was tryin' to hypnotize his own ass. Then finally, he stopped. One name there he had overlooked before, one that brought back some sweet ol' memories. Had barely seen the chick since their last session of bouncy boning, had been too busy with...nothing, really, he had just forgot to give her a call again. Like, she hadn't called him either, but it was usually the other way around, right? Lad ringin' up the lass and stuff. Yeah, sure sounded like an idea he could get behind.

Just chattin' woulda been enough for him, anything that helped distracting himself, gettin' his mind outta the gutter. Only had to hope she was available. Luck o' the Irish had to have his back on this one, just this one fucking time.

Aiden rubbed his neck and yawned, then pressed Fiyori's name and finally the call button.

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:59 am
by Riki
[Fiyori Senay, continued from Acid Rain]

Fiyori halted. She was just busy with her keyboard - trying to successfully play a certain part that had been troubling her... well, for at least a few minutes. But then she got distracted, because she could hear her phone ringing. Hm, not exactly ringing to be honest. It was vibrating. And it was doing so loud enough to count as an auditive impulse anyway.

Still, where was it? Fiyori looked away from her own fingers and looked behind her shoulder. She looked to the right, and she looked to the left and she gave the ceiling a good look too, just in case it somehow dropped upwards.

Fiyori left the chair and instead assumed a central position in the room. She looked around again. To the left, to the right and to the ceiling before her ears were sure enough to spot the sound coming from her bed.

Or rather, from under her sheets.

She lunged forwards to it, threw the sheets to the site and fetched the phone - pressing the accept button immediately.

"Fiyori Senay here, how can I help?"

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:59 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Well, hello there. Finally hit bullseye, someone actually being available, hallelujah. Aiden rose up from his seat, silently pumping his fist into the air. Looked like the tide was about to turn, so it was. From what he had experienced, Fi always meant fun, one way or another, yup. Hadn't even uttered one word yet and he was already flyin' over the moon.

"You're already helpin' just pickin' up the phone, Fi. It's Aiden. Yknow, shorty, nice ol' scar, big beak, bigger pecker. Ring a bell?"

Alright, maybe a bit heavy bustin' in like that, hammin' it up all the way from the get-go. Then again, worked before, so no reason to change it up. For all he knew, chick was into all that feisty stuff, would prolly get a chuckle or two outta her at least. Yeah, he'd stick with that, to be sure.

"Anyway, figured it was 'long time no see, no hear either', so I called. How ya doin'? Get as much joy from this weather as I do?"

Last thing was obviously sarcazzedi-casm. Like, he had made it totally obvious, right? Not like she was gonna assume he was diggin' this cat-and-dog weather, singin' in the rain, all that shit. Kinda dumb to even worry about it, really. Fi was a smart cookie, she was gonna figure, sure as shit.

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:59 am
by Riki
Ah, so it was Aiden. Long time no hear she would have thought and he would have said but that wasn't very true. Fiyori wasn't the kind of person who needed to stay in contact all the time, needing at least one message per day and a total of 150 words spoken or written per week.

She could do just fine not talking to people and still feeling affectionate towards them anyway.

Aiden mentioned the weather, and for some reason it was only then that Fiyori looked out of the window and saw raindrops falling on her window. Not many, of course, because this was still Arizona. But still, a curious thing. Curious more to know she didn't notice until he pointed it out.

"Eh, I've been sweating so much, I won't mind if I get wet another way for once."

She did pick up the sarcasm in his voice. Aiden seemed not to be a big fan of rain, so she guessed he should be lucky to be living in Kingman and not Ireland or something - which by all appearances was very very rainy all the time. She wouldn't know, she never had been there.

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:00 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Aiden paused for a second before tryin' to come up with a response, biting his lip, thinking. That been an innuendo just now? Like, hard to tell, could never know with that one. He woulda chuckled to show his approval, sure as shit, if only he had been sure that it was supposed to be one. Moment was already over though, sorta like whenever he didn't get a joke and had to think about it for frickin' ever. Still, he went with a little snicker anyway, just to be on the safe side.

"Same, honestly. Not much going on for me right now, like. Woulda prolly just up and went for a sorta underwater jog, had you not picked up."

He leaned back against a wall, careful not to knock his mom's favourite vase flying. Stayin' alive was kinda important to him. Shifted around a bit, tryin' to get comfy with his thin ass shirt rubbing against the coarse marble underneath it. Fuckin' sandpaper right there.

Underwater jog. Yeah, as if. Was being desperate to get a little adrenaline up in his head, so he was. Didn't mean he was gonna be stupid though, risk catchin' a cold. Not like they had cut off his commonsense together with his umbilical cord. That one actually wasn't half bad, had to try it on Fergie some time, prolly exactly his vibe.

"Y'know, not really, just me being all pumped up like usual, is all. But anyway, what's happenin' for you? Anything you're up to?"

Wasn't even sure if he wanted to hear a 'yes' or a 'no.' Potential to make him a very happy Beaks in both, really.

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:00 am
by Riki
Well, how was she supposed to answer that. She decided to continue from his earlier line.

"You're always free to take an underwater job, preferably in underwear and the front camera ready."

She thought that was an amusing picture. Aiden, stripping down to his barest but not the barest, then running along the wet pavements filming himself while getting drenched absolutely wet. A smile flickered. He'd probably do it, wouldn't he? He'd get a cold though, and Fiyori wouldn't have that.

"That aside, I've been up to pretty much nothing, if the second floor of my home doesn't count as 'up'."

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:00 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Aiden grinned, then noticed his own reflection in the shiny black surface of their stereo. Yikes, kinda looked like he was baring his teeth, didn't it? Like he was silently snarling at nothing, kinda. At least his gums didn't show though, really weirded him out whenever he saw that on peeps. Like their chompers where gonna drop outta their mug or whatever. Not like Sharon's smile, that was hella sweet, made him feel all comfy. Kinda the same with Fi, far as he could remember. Bit of a creeper move though, comparing his sis with a chick he bangeranged once. Whatever.

"Like, gimme a Benjamin or two and I'm your man. Not gonna go  further than boxers only though, still got some dignity left in me. Yeah, even with that schnoz."

Was all a bunch of bull, of course. Except that dignity bit. Everyone who knew him also knew that his folks had dough like the Stay Puft Man. No wait, that one was a huge ass marshmallow, so he was. No dough in that. Eh, worked well enough, he'd keep using that one anyway.

"Besides, you already know what's beneath, so not even like I can do ya a favor that way:" He winked at her. Winked that his own reflection, more like, which she couldn't see. Yup, genius.

"Lemme just cut to the chase: Wanna hang out?" Had to be some way. Even with all that fucking rain.

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:00 am
by Riki
Oh, now this was just convenient.

"Sure thing, got nothing better to do."

Fiyori paused for a short moment to sort her thoughts. She grinned again, or perhaps continued to grin. She winked, as well. Winked at no one in particular but the rain drops falling against the window in her room but she wouldn't think they understood the gesture.

"Guess you'll be getting here half-naked one way or the other."

Re: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:00 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Took him a second, more than a second to get what she was getting at.

Aiden frowned a little, just for a blink of an eye. Didn't know why, weird instinctive random thingie. Like...this had gone down the sexual route real quick. Like, all he had done was joke around a bit, make a few jabs, nothing special. But like, from what he understood, Fi knew what she wanted, what she was talking about. Yeah, was very clear she was invitin' him over to another shagging session.

Like, yeah, fucking awesome. Minute ago, he had been just sittin' on his ass, abandoned by every-frickin'-body, lone as a ranger and shit, now this. Talk about a nice turn of events, yup.
"Looks like it, yeah. Be comin' - I mean, seein' you soon then, like, gimme twenty minutes and I'm over at yours."

Yeah, this was great. Hadn't seen her in a while, first thing they did was getting it on again. Nice. No, but like, was it really? Hadn't even thought about it more closely, nope. Fi was one hot piece of dark meat, sure, thought about doing her again all the fucking time, even had a goddamn dream about it.

So like, felt weird he didn't feel the absolute one-hundred percent hype, blood pumpin' and all. Actually, he felt a bit of something not-very-nice, like, a nagging feeling or something, someone pricking him with a needle in the back of his head or some shit. Kinda felt like whenever Sharon announced she wasn't gonna come by on the next weekend, cause she was too busy and all. So like...disappointment? Made no fucking sense though. Chick offered a fuck, dude goes over - bang! Nothing to be disappointed about.

But like, still. Something didn't feel right, felt wrong. Both the same thing, really. Couldn't put his finger on it, just couldn't. But it pissed him off, so it did. He should have been in the best of fucking moods. He wasn't.

((Aiden Slattery continued in You Can't Roller Skate in A Buffalo Herd))