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Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:06 am
by RC~
Sadie Hawkins Dance 2015, Kingman, Arizona was definitely better than Sadie Hawkins Dance 2014, Kingman, Arizona. Conrad was fond of the theme, the music and the people here.

Hip-hop was played. It was a great genre for Conrad. It reminded him of basketball. It was lyrically impressive some times as well. But he was neutral about the others songs. He wouldn't hate any song, would not make fun of one of the dumber songs playing. This was an evening for fun and love, not for hate.

Conrad walked onto the dance floor. For the dance he wore a black, satin-tuxedo with a black tie. He wore black slacks as well that were meshed with the other black slacks on the dance floor. Though he did not intend to lose sight of his girlfriend.

He then lurched to the direction of Clarice to ask her something.

"Do you want to dance, eminence?"

He cycled his left hand, he was left-handed after all, with a quick bow.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:06 am
by ViolentMedic
Clarice liked dances in theory. They were romantic settings by default, or at least meant to be. There were people, nice music, lots of space stuff. And space was romantic as fuck. That's why couples in films and stories were always looking at the moon.

She just always felt a little out of place. Everyone else looked so nice. Conrad looked great, in his fancy tuxedo and all that. And she was seeing a bunch of people looking all stylish and like they were actually comfortable in dresses.

Clarice's clothes weren't bad—plain sleeveless black dress that went to her knees (black worked with anything, right?) black flats, only other decoration being a naja necklace her mother had given her a couple of years ago—but she felt out of her element. She didn't really do fancy. Even 'high school dance surrounded by fake stars and spaceships' fancy.

Oh well. At least she wasn't here alone.

Clarice smiled as Conrad, being all gentlemanly and all that, offered his hand. She took it.

"Of course. Uh..." She tried to think of a word like 'eminence' but the hip-hop was throwing her off. Instead, she lapsed into giggling. "You know, when I think of tuxedos and bowing and the word 'eminence' I never really imagined it with a hip-hop soundtrack in the back. Maybe I've been reading the wrong books."

She really had no reason to be embarrassed or awkward. The plus side of dating someone she'd known basically forever was that Conrad probably knew all of the embarrassing things she'd ever done. Nowhere to go but up.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:06 am
by RC~
Haha, yeah. That was quiet the truth Clarice pointed out. It was really dissonant. Conrad had to laugh out loud, resulting in a bright smile.

"Let me try it again, then...Yooo, wanna dance with me, mah honey?", Conrad repeated while putting on a peace sign with his right hand, before releasing it, laughing and shaking his head at his own acting attempt on asking her to dance in a more hip-hoppy way.

"So, let us go ahead to dance, then!"

Walking backwards, to keep looking at her eyes, more onto the dancing area, he accidently bumped into another student.

"Sorry!", he quickly said to the person he bumped into with using his right hand as the apology hand, lifting it up.

His left hand still held Clarice, slowly pulling her closer to him to not lose her in the crowd.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by ViolentMedic
Yeah, the whole 'embarrassing things meant nothing because there was nowhere to go but up' thing? That went both ways.

"Conrad. Please. Never do that again." She said it with a grin, however. "Stick with the, uh, eminence stuff. I'm good with that. I mean, never been called that before. Sounds like I'm some badass queen that's going to crush people with my shoe. ...Although I'm not really big on stomping on people. Didn't bring the right shoes for it."

She bounced a little along with the music. After Conrad bumped into the first person, Clarice moved forward a little and turned Conrad around, at the same time wrapping one of her arms around his. Conrad stuck securely to her, she moved forward more, dragging him along with her until they were on the dance floor properly, before loosening her grip and returning to just holding his hand.

"Just so you know, I can't dance. It's my deepest, darkest secret." As if to show her point, Clarice kept bobbing awkwardly to the music.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by RC~
Clarice was right. He wasn't good at comedy or imitation. He should let Noah or Rene do these kind of things.

"Haha, I won't do that again, majesty!"

Now Conrad has vivid image of Clarice stomping on people with a crown, after Clarice pointed that out. He had to grin at her joke.

Finally, they arrived at a good place to dance. Upon Clarice's confession, Conrad had to admit it as well.

"I never learned how to dance either."

A pivot barely counted as a dance move. But that did not matter, they could just enjoy the music. The two of them were tall people, but Conrad secretly hoped they would not get too much attention, since neither of them could dance.

"Besides, I do not know how people can dance to this song."

And so Conrad bobbed along.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by General Goose
Kizi really hated to interrupt such a graceful and meaningful dance. Truly, she did. They were an adorable company, having a fun little moment of joy and tranquility, and Kizi had been using the brief respite in conversation to chew on a couple of complementary chocolates and take some gurning Snapchats.

But there was a mystery that needed to be solved, and a practical issue that needed to be fixed, and Kizi was not exactly confident in her abilities to address either on her own, let alone balance them. "Hey, Clarice?" she asked, her tone soft, her expression one of ever slight worry.

"I hate to break you out of your dance - truly, I do," she explained, before pointing to the issue in question. "But for some really weird reason a bit of Velcro ended up stuck to the back of my dress. Well, hook and loop fastener. According to the company Velcro you can't actually call the product Velcro, Velcro's the company." She giggled slightly nervously, not sure why she had shared that bit of silly trivia she had encountered on an absentminded Wikipedia stroll while on the way to the prom.

"And I don't know how it got there. I haven't seen anyone wearing Velcro shoes - not that there's anything wrong with that - and definitely no-one's kicked me with a Velcro shoe that's fallen apart..." She paused in thought, unaware she was rambling in her speculation. "At least, not that I can remember, but I'm not really one to forget things like that. I would imagine."

"Oh! Maybe I leaned on a bag. Oh dear. I accidentally took the Velcro off someone's bag."

"Sorry to interrupt your dance by the way!" she added hastily. "Conrad, Clarice, you guys make a great couple."

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by ViolentMedic
"I mean, dancing is easy. It's good dancing that's hard. Regular dancing is just moving while music happens in the background, right?"

As nice as this awkward-in-movement-but-not-in-atmosphere dance was, Clarice was happy to see Kiziah when she interrupted for help with getting stuff off her dress.

"Kiziii! It's all good, you're not exactly interrupting a stunning display of skill." Clarice beamed at Kiziah. Kizi was cool. Very sweet. Relaxed. Clarice wished she could take things that well, sometimes. Arguing and yelling at things could get exhausting.

She let go of Conrad's hands and checked Kizi's back for the piece of velcro. She removed it carefully, looking down at it with mild puzzlement.

"That is weird. Maybe it… fell from somewhere? If it was from a bag, it was probably falling apart anyway." Clarice didn't really know what to do with the velcro, so she handed it back to Kizi. "And if velcro's not called velcro, what is it called?"

At the compliment, Clarice beamed wider and curled her arm back around Conrad's. "Thanks!" Always nice to hear that. Clarice always kinda worried in the back of her head about it. No romance novel she ever read mentioned the girl having thirty pounds of muscle on the guy, and she got enough mockery from assholes like Bradley on it when she was by herself.

"You look adorable, by the way! Cute dress, looks great! You bring anyone or you just rocking it solo?" As she said that, Clarice realised that Kizi was mostly likely on her own if she had to ask Clarice with help about the velcro thing. Oh well, if she didn't have a date it was probably because she didn't want one. Who wouldn't go with Kizi?

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by RC~
Kizi ruined the sweet moment between him and Clarice. Just the two of them, the other people in the room just being strangers despite going to the same high school for four years. All that mattered was the two of them. Clarice and Conrad.

But Kizi came and ruined it. But it was not because he hated her. No, quite the opposite was the case. She was beautiful, smart, extremely friendly and got along with Conrad well. The two of them really got along well and had shared their interests, in languages specifically. Conrad felt like Kizi could understand him and his views better and he really, really liked her. She was very sympathetic to him.

It was cute as well, how she told them and complimented him and Clarice with stating that they were being a cute couple. Conrad also liked her trivia babbling. Conrad did not knew about the velcro thing, but now did. Maybe it was also the combination of that with her constant sweet smile and her good-looking brown eyes, while wearing a dress that fit her well that made Conrad happy to see her.

Not that she'd be a better girlfriend for him than Clarice, clearly. Maybe. Clarice, he really liked Clarice. He knew her for a long time. He loved her. He really did. He knew her all his life. He also could understand her well, and she did understand him. There's no one else who understood him in sports like him. Or activism. But that was another thing where Kizi came to his life. But, he really liked her.

He couldn't explain it. Why he was thinking that. Why he would be attracted to Kizi. He was never attracted to anyone other than Clarice before, before Kizi. Love was confusing.

"Thank you very much!", he said with a gentle smile. Compliments from her were nice to hear. He was interested on her answer on the velcro mystery.

It was a weird situation he was in, dancing with the girl that he loved and then talking to the girl he really liked much. Conrad felt uncomfortable, but still had the expression as if everything was normal and Kizi was just another person. Though he was a bit more reserved.

But the fact was that Clarice was his girlfriend, Clarice was the person he loved, Clarice was the person who should get all the attention of him that night. Conrad did not think of letting his girlfriend down due to another girl.

"I agree that you look really good in the dress!"

But Kizi...

A dance with Kizi would be just as wonderful.

It was complicated.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by General Goose
"Thanks," Kizi replied, taking back the piece of Velcro, before realising she did not have a pocket to put it in. Looking around for somewhere to put it, just in case the occupant of the bag or shoe wanted it back at any point, she decided to stick it on her side. She could take it off when she needed to, and it'd just rustle up a few strands of the fabric. No biggie. "Yeah, apparently it's called hook and loop fastener. That's the technical name. Which is stupid, but the Velcro company doesn't want it to become a generic term, so we should probably, y'know, do what they want? To be nice?"

She patted the hook-and-loop fastener now hanging from her side.

"And thanks! It's a hand-me-down, not gonna lie," she said grinning, as if confiding a saucy secret. "Lisha wore it to her prom. Luckily we're roughly the same size. To be honest, when Olabode's prom comes around, we'll probably hand it down to him, so gotta take care of it."

Oh wait no. Olabode didn't wear dresses. Probably wouldn't wear one to his prom.

She hoped they wouldn't notice her gaffe, and tried to cover her gaffe by smiling at the compliments, which were probably quite unwarranted. "But really, thanks!" She twirled around, pretending to egotistically bask in their praise, but almost stumbled to the ground on her way back round.

"Whoops!" she stumbled forward, barely recovering her balance.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by ViolentMedic
"Why would they insist on everyone using a much less catchy name? That's bad advertising."

Clarice gave a similar grin to the one Kizi gave them while explaining about her dress. "Hey, no judgement, I grabbed my dress second-hand. At least you know the chances are low that someone died in yours. Granted, probably the same with my dress, too, but you never know."

Clarice considered initiating a high-five for being a part of the second-hand club, but Kizi stumbled before she could do so. Probably best she hadn't. She might have knocked her over.

"You alright? Maybe the dance floor's not the best place to be chatting. We could all move over there. They got drinks and all that."

Dancing was the best when it was just her and Conrad, but maybe just relaxing for a bit would work well. She didn't want to accidentally third-wheel Kizi or anything by dancing around with Conrad while Kizi joined in the conversation. Being the third wheel could suck, sometimes. (She knew the feeling. Two of her best friends were dating, and she really liked both Ty and Bernadette but, man, sometimes hanging with those two got super lonely.)

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by RC~
"Hook and loop fastener, huh?"

Conrad gave Clarice a smile after her comment and Kizi appeared to fall to the ground. Was it because of her shoes? It did not matter, as Conrad quickly reached his arm to let her fall on his arms instead of letting her fall on the ground, while making a quick pant sound as he hurried to her position. Hopefully, everything was fine.

He quickly worried about...Nothing, really. What should he worry about? There is nothing wrong with helping a friend's face not meeting the floor.

Clarice was right. If the three of them do not dance together (how would that even work?), the bar would be a better place to go, to chat.

"I am not hungry or thirsty yet, but we can certainly go to the snack bar, there!"

He pointed at the snack bar. Hm, maybe it would have been better if Conrad and Clarice continued dancing instead of chatting with Kizi. This could ruin Conrad's evening.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by General Goose
Kizi steadied her balance, repeatedly reciting synonyms of 'thank you' to Conrad, throwing him a few grateful smiles, even adding in a few esoteric multilingual translations of the expression of gratitude, just to drive home the point. Truth be told she would have found her footing without Conrad's intervention, but she decided not to mention that.

She felt a bit of a fool. She was not clumsy, but moments like that created an unwelcome perception that she was. She had avoided heels that were too high, as she always did, but still felt slightly out of her comfort zone in these stupid shoes. That discomfort manifested itself in an uncharacteristic level of clumsiness.

"You guys can dance if you want," she continued, now back on her feet again, her chorus of 'thank yous' exhausted. "I can leave you guys to your dancing if you want, I just needed help with the Velcro situation."

She hastily added "the Velcro on my dress, not the fact that it's legally not called Velcro."

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by ViolentMedic
Conrad caught Kizi just fine, which was good. Last thing that needed to happen was a domino line of people falling on the dance floor or something.

Clarice didn't quite know why, but she felt kind of uncomfortable for a moment. Something off about the whole scene. But she wasn't really the sort to linger on weird unexplainable feelings, so it quickly passed.

"You sure, Kizi? I actually could totally go for some snacks." Clarice looked between Conrad and Kizi. "I mean, if you've got things to do it's fine, but… I mean, I don't know? Whichever works?"

She did want to keep dancing, although she wasn't lying about being kind of peckish. Really, either way would be fine with her. But she wasn't sure if Conrad wanted to go over there, and she also didn't know if Kizi was just bowing out to be polite.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by RC~
Kizi's grateful smiles made Conrad smile, with him replying with a quick "no problem", ignoring the quickly added velcro comment.

"Nono, it's fine. It's totally fine!"

Conrad looked at Clarice, who also wanted to go for a snack.

"After all, we-"

Conrad had to think about what to say. We all need to be happy?

"The dance would be a bad one, if somebody would be bored. It should be a good one for everyone!"

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:07 am
by General Goose
"We could go for some snacks, sure!" Kizi secretly hated this position, of feeling she put someone out but not wanting to turn down their kindness for fear of being ungrateful - maybe they both genuinely did want a quick break, after all and she did not want to be a wrench in the works for that desire. This difficult position, caught between offers of kindness and a moral obligation not to be permanently demanding, seemed to happen quite often to her, she had noticed. Or at the very least, she struggled to handle it with deftness and grace.

Anyway, she had established a rule. Ask twice, then take the kindness. That way she was neither too willing to be helped nor too resistant to friendly offers. It had served her well, despite sometimes going against her natural, and counterproductively rather bothersome, inclinations not to be a bother. She had asked twice.

Had she?

Darn, she couldn't remember now. She couldn't add in another. Darn, this was a flaw in the system.

Oh well.

She smiled as they began walking to the snack table.

"So I'm here with Aiden - Slattery," she added for clarification, not mentioning his more infamous traits of sensitivity regarding his sister or a rather beakish nose. She did not like his nickname 'Beaks', as it seemed quite personally derogatory, and while he seemed okay with it, he also was okay with being known by his Christian name, and so that was what she stuck with. For ease. Didn't want to call him Beaks in the wrong situation, after all. "As partners. Not really as dates, more as friends. But yeah, he's off to the toilet for a few minutes."