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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:55 am
by Brackie

for those not in the know, Mikki Swift and the gals of Zootopia (ie Forrest and Charelle) will be hosting /the/ big party of the year. think Project X or Corey Worthington but less of a chance of dying. It will be big, it will be booze-filled, it will be amazing, and every single one of your characters is invited. yes, all of them. even if they don't know Mikki or Charelle or Forrest or anyone in their circle they are invited, no exception.

here's what you need to know about the party from an IC POV:

1) it's being held at Forrest's big-ass rich house. there will be rich neighbours, there will probably be a noise complaint. if there is, accomodations will be made to make sure nobody gets arrested/busted/etc.
2) BYO. none of these girl's parents will be held liable for supplying 100+ minors with booze, so booze is your problem and not theirs. there will probably be people supplying "party supplies" on-premises.
3) there will be food but nothing more complex than a bag of chips, and only for pre-emptively (or post-emptively tbh) soaking up alcohol so you don't get drunk too fast. this ain't no buffett
4) there will be separate places for music-happenings. Zootopia will have a place downstairs set up with their own several-hour-long set as the main event but they're open if anyone wants to perform for free to have their own space set up.
5) if you're kicked out, or in the rare chance you were uninvited or are trying to bring along unwelcome NPCs, there is security (read: a big person Mikki hires) and they are not afraid to use force. see them with those hands. and by them we mean someone who wants to do it who doesn't mind being paid in shots/chips/$20-50 for the whole night.
6) someone with first aid will be on call. we just need to figure out who.
7) it's free, except for whatever your character wants to pay for beforehand. so BYO and stuff.
8) #SwiftBall

here's what you need to know from an OOC POV:

a) it's set on April 20th 2018, so if you're already past that then...uhh, not sure. figure that out if you want to come I guess
b) the thread will start some time at the start of September now. I'd start it now but it still needs a little bit more IC and OOC setup.
c) the main thread will be a free-for all of whatever's going on at the party but you can have your own offshoot thread if you want. just make sure it's in Events and it's labeled #SwiftBall in the topic description. #branding, y'all

what else is needed from /you/, dear handler?

i) post in here (again or for the first time) if your character would go.
ii) if your character would be willing to be a security guy/gal, let us know so we can set something up IC. one is goal, two or more is stretch-goal nvm all set up!
iii) same for being on call for first aid.
iv) we already have an IC person who can supply "party supplies" but the more the merrier so y'know, same as the two above

in conclusion, #SwiftBall
in conclusion


Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:08 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
MurderWeasel wrote: Alton can hook you up with booze probably as long as "you" isn't too insanely huge a collection of people. He'd probably be there, too, unless the event is really heavily 4/20 themed, in which case he'd pass (but will still hook you up with booze).

Lavender will probably be there and can also be your designated driver if you're cool playing by her schedule.

Juliette might pop her face in for the social aspect but it's not super her scene so she's not likely to be majorly involved/stick around and may not even show.

Phillip might come if someone drags him; that said, let those who allow Phillip into their parties be warned.

Misty might be there if there's something drawing her attention in that direction/friends of hers are going.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:38 am
by Frozen Smoke
Faith isn’t missing this for the world! She even managed to get her hands on some shitty whiskey that she’s going to be pulling on all night.

Parker will be there to drink and people watch in a corner.

Luca will probably cut this one, as big events like this aren’t her scene.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:35 am
by Kotorikun
Declyn would go. He's always down to party.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:17 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
This is probably the party of the year for Meilin, so she's there. Probably going to drive a few people home too, since she doesn't do drugs.

Camilla, getting invited by an acquaintance, would end up there because it would be Very Rude to turn down an invitation. Probably just going to drink to pass the time.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:32 pm
by Somersault
Keisha will be there (and copiously taking notes on anything interesting going down - jk!).

Kelly will be sure to come! Parties are great for getting to know a lot of people quickly, after all

As the designated driver of the ho squad, Adele's totally gonna be there, having her responsible fun!

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:12 pm
by jimmydalad
So for some reason, Gaelan insisted Lukas should come to this party so he’s begrudgingly going along.

Milly is totally up to party for the Dancing, alcohol and good times.

Christine would be up to party as well and up for weeding it up with others if they want to. Guessing we can’t convince the organisers to have one of the rooms be a hotbox, no?

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:12 pm
by Jilly
Abel is always down to party and may have a drink or two or seven.

Kayla is a maybe but probably "yes" assuming she knows several people that will be there too.

Desiree would rather pregame murder herself than be anywhere near a big social gathering.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 pm
by Endellion
Julien will be at the party, mainly due to Faith asking him to show up.

He'll drink some, but not enough that he can't ride back home. Certain people could get ferried home too if needed, on a 1:1 basis since there's only two seats on his bike.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:59 pm
by Tonyksin
As previously stated, Lorenzo will be there trashed and on the prowl.

Regina will also be there pending her acceptance. She'll probably bring a bunch of baked goods with her as well.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:08 pm
by jimmydalad
So, as I mentioned in discord chat, I’m planning on having Christine make some weed brownies and then just leave them on the snacks table at the party. As her weed tolerance is pretty high, these will be pretty strong and will probably get your kid high. Anyone up for getting unintentionally high?

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:33 pm
by Primrosette
I think I said that Adonis would go and he would (maybe) drag Emmett alone with him.

I don't know if Violet and Drew would go unless a friend asks them to go with them.

Re: P A R T Y

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:04 pm
by Brackie