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Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Primrosette
((Brendan Harte continue from The Tyranny Of Grocery Bags))

The library was very quiet today and Brendan was the only one there. He knew that he should be studying hard. But he honestly was not in the mood right now. He wished that there was someone he would talk to help distract him from his less favorite subject. Ugh, math. He really didn't enjoy his math classes at all. But he knew that he had to try harder to improve his grades. But he was starting to get a headache from looking down at the numbers on paper for too long and he placed down his pen down on the table, feeling a little stressed out.

Brendan sighed softly and he rubbed his hands over his face, feeling a bit exhausted. He looked up and he glanced towards the library's entrance. Hmm. Maybe he could just leave and work on his math work another day. No, no. He had to at least try to finish it today because then he could get it out of the way. He gazed down at the paper again and he picked his pen up again, tapping it gently against the table in frustration. This was making him start to feel a little moody and he  really  disliked being in a bad mood at school.

"Man, I wish that someone would just come in here and disturb me from doing this subject I really don't like." Brendan was speaking to himself and he didn't really care as he knew that he was all alone. "I think I should stop talking to myself. I am sounding like a weirdo right now."

Brendan shook his head and he started to laugh slightly. He felt like math was starting to make him feel like he was going crazy and he knew that he that he needed a break from this for about a few minutes. He threw his pen back down beside his math paper and he got up to his feet slowly. He really did need to do something else to help him relax. Maybe he would look for a book to read, that would always help him get back into a happier mood.

Brendan scooted over to where the shelves were and he started to look through the books, hoping to find something good to read. "Alright, let's see what they have." He started to hum quietly to himself and he was focusing more on what he would like to read. "Oh, maybe I should read a romance book this time. Or maybe a horror book. Hmm, what to choose?"

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Riki
[Fiyori Senay, continued from Puddles]

Quite quiet today, or? Fiyori looked to the left and to the right, but as she walked through the shelves she found that she was indeed mostly alone. There was some guy humming. Maybe she knew him, maybe not. It was hard to tell. She hoped for a moment that it wasn't one of these goddamn Juniors who've been popping up all over the place.

Or rather, who've been starting to annoy the shit out of her lately. But then she remembered that there was nothing to fear. She didn't come to the library to eat her lunch or talk with her friends in some unacceptable volume. She simply did want to do the thing people do at school libraries. Were supposed to do.


Fiyori looked at the stuff of the other guy on the table, and decided to sit down next to what she assumed was his chair. She'll get her stuff out, be productive and get a lot of fancy knowledge in her brain. And in case the guy turned out to be he-Rainy (reprimanding her for sitting to close or something), she'd just have to bite his head off.

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Primrosette
Brendan couldn't find anything of interest to read and he was now feeling very disappointed. Now this meant that he had to focus back onto something that he didn't enjoy and he stopped humming to himself. He ran a hand through his hair and he turned back to where he had been seated.

He was surprised that a girl was sitting there at first but then he felt a little relieved. He had someone that he could talk to. Hmm. What was her name? He felt like he had seen this girl before but he couldn't remember what her name is. Maybe he should just ask her. He was a little hesitant to talk to her but he knew that he had to try to come out of his shy shell.

He slowly approached the table and he gave the girl a small smile before sitting back down. "Hi, so are you my new study buddy or something?" He said, laughing softly and he was hoping that he wasn't embarrassing himself in front of her. "My name's Brendan. I feel like I've seen you before. What's your name?"

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Riki
Fiyori heard footsteps coming up from behind. She overstretched her head and leaned back to see who her new friend would be. Surprise! She actually knew him. Well, she had no clue what his name was. Or which classes he went to. Or what he eat for breakfast and dinner. Or of what he dreamt in the cold nights.

But, she knew his face. And that was a first step. Saw the guy around Ty, she thought. Were even friends, maybe. Actually, somebody had to introduce the guy to Fiyori at some point. Just forgot the name, it seemed.

Awkward conversation averted, though, as the dude didn't seem to remember her name either. Brendan, alright. He mentioned that he'd feel like he've seen her before. Got a chuckle out of her. Everybody on the damn school had seen her before. Tall figure and black skin and blue eyes. Hard to miss at Cochise High.

"The name's Fiyori. And yeah, I'm your state-assigned study buddy. Got the whip down here in the bag."

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Primrosette
Brendan give a small nod and he leaned back in his seat, feeling relieved. Okay, so her name was Fiyori. At least now they knew each other's names and he was glad that he had managed to get a chuckle out of her. That meant that she didn't mind talking to him and he was okay with that. He was actually wondering what she was studying for. And he was curious to know who she hung out with. She seemed like she was an okay girl so far. Unlike Caedyn Miller. Ugh. He felt himself frown a little when he was thinking of what Caedyn did to Jane the other day and he knew that he shouldn't be getting upset right now. He was actually thinking about looking around the school for Jane and to ask if she was alright and that maybe they could be friends with each other. He didn't want Fiyori to think that she was bothering him as he was actually liking her company so far and he didn't want to push her away or anything like that. He needed to calm down for a few seconds.

Brendan let out a deep breath and he picked up his pen, starting to tap it against the table. He actually felt himself grin as Fiyori was joking about having a whip in her bag and he was glad that she was in a teasing mood. At least it was harmless teasing and it wasn't a joke that would hurt his feelings. He really didn't want Fiyori to think that he was too sensitive to jokes and to make a fool of himself in front of her.

"Ha, ha. That's a good one, Fiyori." He was laughing quietly and he was starting to feel a bit better now. "I was in a very stressful mood before and now you have managed to cheer me up. So what are you studying for today? Hopefully it is a subject that you enjoy."

Brendan stopped tapping his pen as he was sure that it was annoying Fiyori from concentrating on her own stuff and he placed it back down gently. He straightened up in his seat and he was now just waiting patiently for her answer. He was actually curious on what she was working on. And he felt like he had to ask her if she had any other friends that she liked to spend time with in school and outside of the school. But first, he wanted to know what his new study buddy was studying for.

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Riki
Fiyori looked at the boy chuckling next to her. He tapped his pen on the table. He said something to her. Something about a bad mood she managed to lift. She gave her a small smile. Nice to see people feel better due to her, but there was something off. Something with the way he talked that made Fiyori...

dunno, just curious. It sounded weird and stilted. Awkward, she'd say. Maybe he was one of those aspergers guys. Seemed to be pretty a bit too sociable for that. Well, it was just a brief moment in which she pondered that. Out of all the weirdos running around in Kingman, talking a bit strange was actually kinda tame.

He asked Fiyori. What did she study? Did she enjoy it? Fiyori's eyes darted to the ceiling, her hands massaging her neck for a few seconds.

"Got a history test coming soon. Someone promised me cake if I get great results."

Studying, yeah. She hasn't done that for years and she figured she wouldn't need to start now. But well, Fiyori too had a price. And that price was edible.

"Not saying I'd enjoy it, though."

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Primrosette
Brendan glanced at Fiyori with a thoughtful expression on his face and he leaned back farther in his seat. So she was studying for a history test, huh? It sure didn't sound like it was fun to her and he wasn't going to ask her anymore about it. Ah, she would get some cake if she did get some good results for it and he was actually thinking that was a great deal. When he did great at tests, all his father and his grandparents did was give him a pat on the back and tell him how proud they were of them. He honestly didn't mind when they did. He just wished that he would get a reward out of his own hard work sometimes. He was feeling a bit jealous that Fiyori might get some delicious cake but he wasn't going to tell her that and he didn't want her to think that he would be a jerk to her or anything like that.

"Ah, I see. Well, I hope that you will be able to pass your history test and you can get a rewarding cake out of it. I think that would be a great reward. Yeah, studying isn't really fun especially if you are doing it on your less favorite subject. I'm doing some studying for math right now and I honestly need to take a break from it. It is seriously giving me a headache right now." He sighed softly and he picked at his math paper, staring at it for a few moments. "Still I wish you good luck for your upcoming test and I hope you get a wonderful treat afterwards."

Brendan placed the paper back down on the table and he really wanted to change the subject to something more exciting to talk about. He thought that talking about studying was really dull at the moment and he wanted to have a better conversation with Fiyori. He didn't want her to think that he was too awkward and made her want to leave. He was just feeling a little lonely and he just wanted to have a friend to talk to.

Brendan gazed back at Fiyori and he shifted a little in his seat, trying to make himself more comfortable to be around her. "How about we change the subject to something more interesting to talk about, Fiyori?" He asked her very quietly and he felt a bit upset with himself for not being able to speak up more loudly for her. "I'm kind of curious to know. Do you have any friends that you hang out with around the school?"

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Riki
"It's not that I particularly dislike history," she corrected Brendan. She just didn't like studying in general. It was a tedious affair. Sure, it felt good at first. When she went out and bought supplies. Colorful pens and markers, scissors and notebooks and little paper slips you can attach to a book page. Ah, the illusion of productivity. Such a grandiouse feeling. Yet afterwards, all what was left was staring at pages for hours, marking diverse passages with many bright colors and writing notes here and there.

And then, when she was finished, she'd stare at the page once more, knowing just as much as she did before.

Well, it had other benefits, at least. Ones she could live with.

"...but thank you."

He wished her good luck, and Fiyori returned the blessing with a polite smile. Brendan, with such an incredibly soft voice - an almost whisper she'd say - asked to change the topic. Fine with her, though his question was still a strange thing to ask. Or maybe the strangeness was the way he asked.

"I may not look like it, but I'm pretty popular."

She left the sentence hanging in the air for a while, but could not surpress her laughter for long.

"Ha, but I'm probably just as hated."

And she laughed some more.

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:15 am
by Primrosette
Brendan couldn't help but chuckle a little himself. So she was well known around the school and he suddenly felt a bit awkward for not even knowing Fiyori at all. Oh, god. He didn't even know what to say to her now. He barely even knew her at all and he was sure that he should at least try to get to know her more. But what could he talk about with her right now? Hmm....

"I see. It's kind of cool to meet someone who is either liked or disliked by other people. I don't have that many friends. I mostly hang out with Bernadette and Ty. Oh, I don't know if you even know them. Do you, Fiyori?"

He scratched at his cheek and he shifted more in his seat. He was hoping that Fiyori was having fun talking to him and he was wondering if she would like to be friends with him. He was actually liking this girl a lot. Maybe they could hang out more with each other. Well, if Fiyori didn't mind being around him.

"Hey, Fiyori. Can I ask you something? I hope you don't mind me asking, but.... would you like to.... uh...." He bit down on his lip and he glanced at her with some nervousness in his eyes. "Would you like to be my friend? I really do like you a lot. You seem like a great girl. I just hope you don't think that I am annoying or anything...."

Brendan winced a little as he could feel a headache coming on as he was feeling a little stressed on the inside and he rubbed a hand over his forehead. He was feeling a bit thirsty. He should have really drank more water earlier. Maybe he should excuse himself politely and leave Fiyori to her studying. But he kind of didn't want to leave her on her own. He coughed slightly and he was now trying to clear his throat.

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:16 am
by Riki
Yes. She did know Bernadette - Bee, as she called her too -  and Ty. If Fiyori figured out who Brendan was by associating him with them, she thought that he would do the same in reverse. Ah, he was a special kind of guy. That was obvious by now. Fiyori ceased to laugh and gave Brendan a strong nod as a reply.

Fiyori turned her eyes to study the library. It's ceiling and the top of the shelves, some adorned with dust the people here forgot to clean. She closed her eyes and thought about how for some people they'd be known as the terrible three or something. Ty, Bee and Fiyori, she meant.

Brendan however probably didn't draw so much ire, though she guessed people liked to make fun of him. Being a strange guy and all of that. He wasn't even particularly creepy. More like the interesting kind of strange. She hoped it would remain so. He was about to ask her another question. Maybe she'd call the way he does questions "cute", but the way he phrased this one specifically resulted in some raised eyebrows.

But all he did was just asking for her friendship.

Fiyori looked at Brendan with widening eyes, a coy grin on her lips. She could see the intense nervosity the boy felt, but all she could do was laugh again. No, this time it was an even stronger one. Her hands grabbed unto her head, her torso moved in a frenzied staccato and wild strands of hair flailed around as Fiyori's finger loosened the pins on her hair.

Her mother liked to ricule her for that. Said it was like the one of a hyena. Or the one of the devil, if she was being a bitch again. Ah, but poor Brendan. He was probably looking on in horror, making prayers and hoping his death will be swift and painless.

"Ahaha, sure sure! I'll be your friend."

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:16 am
by Primrosette
Brendan blinked in surprise and he couldn't believe that it was that easy to make a new friend. Why had he been expecting it to be more harder to make friends with other people? Wow. He realized that he must be very insecure after what happened to him when he was younger. He stopped coughing finally and he averted his gaze away from Fiyori's own eyes. He jumped a little when Fiyori's laugh was a little louder and he glanced back at her.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you want to hang out with a strange guy like me. I think we should at least try to get to know each other more. So....."

He felt himself hesitating and he picked up his paper to put it away. He was going to make sure that he would complete his schoolwork at home tonight. He just wanted to relax right now and he was really enjoying Fiyori's company. He could always ask either his father or his grandparents for help with his schoolwork later anyway.

".....Would you like to tell me anything about yourself, Fiyori?" He asked with an awkward smile on his face and he managed to stop shifting in his seat, feeling more comfortable around Fiyori. ".... Like any hobbies or anything like that?"

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:16 am
by Riki
Fiyori let some last laughs escape, repeating "strange guy" as Brendan said in amusement. Yeah, strange guy. He'd fit.

She calmed down though, and registered Brendan mentioning hobbies. Actually, her hobbies in general. Fiyori raised her eye in surprise. Well, jeez, hobbies. Such an innocent small-child question. Didn't think she ever asked someone this after the age of, say, 11 or 12. No later than in middle school. It's where she got that people's hobbies were all variants of "being an asshole" and that was enough of an answer.

But what hobbies did she have?

"... honestly don't know!"

Easy question, right. But still, as she was thinking about it, she had a bit of trouble putting it in words. What was her hobby. What was a hobby in general? A thing you do with enjoyment and on a regular basis, right? So that'd be...

"Well, I like to cook and bake stuff. I even got something with me right now. And then... ah, well. I hang out with friends, do shit together. If that's a hobby."

She figured she'd need a way to redirect the conversation again.

"How about you?"

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:16 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
(Frederick Brea continued from The First Mistake)

The library. A place that Rick had a confusing relationship with. Sometimes it was a prison he was forced into by teachers and coaches to awaiting peer tutors who tried to help him keep some knowledge from leaking out of his ears. Though if his tutors were wardens, at least they were nice for the most part and tried to help him. But that was not his reason for coming in today.

His hands twirled a pair of earphones like nunchucks as Rick meandered around the nearly deserted library. There was enough time to get in a quick episode of the anime he was following this season. And, prepared with his earphones, he wouldn't, no, couldn't, bother any one and escape the librarian's wrath.

The plan took a detour however when he heard familiar laughing from a nearby table. A bigger smile of content lifted his lips as he saw Fiyori. Among his much brighter friends who put up with his dimmer moments. He walked over to stand beside the table where Fiyori and another kid that despite his height looked smaller compared to the girl's... vibrancy? Yeah, that was probably the best way to describe it. He might've seen the latter around the water at sometime or another. Not on the water polo team, but maybe when his team practiced at the school pool?

"Hey, Fiyori." Rick waved to the girl. "Didn't think I would find you in here, how's it going?"

He also turned to boy with a wave. He would wait until Fiyori responded to see if this was a quick hi/bye or he could join in the conversation.

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:16 am
by Primrosette
Brendan was surprised to know that Fiyori liked to do cooking and he chuckled slightly about what she said she did with her friends. He was kind of curious to see what she had made. Brendan was not a very good cook himself as he was known for either burning the food or making the food uncooked. Maybe he could ask Fiyori if she could help teach him how to make food better. He was interested to learn more new things.

"Oh, that's a great hobby to have, Fiyori. I'm terrible at cooking myself. But I was wondering if you would like to help teach me how to make food better. All I ever do is manage to burn the food I make. Which kind of sucks, you know. Ah, so you brought something with you. What is it?"

Oh, Fiyori wanted to know what his hobbies were. Of course, she would want to know what he liked to do. Although, he was still keeping one of his hobbies a secret that he had only shared with Bernadette. Maybe he should stop being afraid of what people would think of his hobby and he should try to be more open with people about it. Maybe he should tell Fiyori about it right now. He knew that he had to have more confidence when he was talking to people anyway. He couldn't be afraid forever. However, he was going to tell her about his other hobbies first. He hoped that she wouldn't find his hobbies boring.

"Oh, you want to know about my own hobbies...? Uh, okay. Well..... I really love swimming. I have always loved to do it since I was a kid and I think I will always love it forever. Ha, ha. I hope that doesn't sound too--"

Brendan stopped talking as he saw a guy approaching their table and it seemed like this guy knew Fiyori. This guy seemed like he was friendly and kind of.... cute. Not that Brendan had the guts to try to make a move on him. Brendan wasn't that type of guy anyway. He didn't even know this guy. But he was sure that he had seen this guy at the swimming pool. It looked like he wanted to join in their conversation. Well, since this guy seemed to be friends with Fiyori, Brendan didn't really mind if he wanted to spend time with them and he gave the guy a wave back with a nervous smile on his face.

"Hi there. Would you like to join us? The more the merrier."

Re: Just Wants A Distraction

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:16 am
by Riki
A swimmer, huh?  Fiyori mustered Brendan's frame again and for a moment or two pondered what exactly the good guy was packing behind the red fabric of his body. Loving swimming, that's great! A great passion for that probably meant quite the well-trained body. If he'd be less conversationally awkward, she'd make a passing remark about it. Maybe even a raunchy one. But well, he'd probably be confused.

And confusing people is a mean thing to do, duh.

While the topic of good-looking men was on her mind, however, Rick entered the scene. She turned her head to him and raised her hand for a little wave. ...didn't think he'd find her here? Fiyori smirked and was about to give a snarky rebuttal, but Brendan was quicker to speak. He invited him to the table. Sure, the more the merrier. Guess she wasn't studying today anyway.

"Yeah, let's get some party in here."