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Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:39 am
by CondorTalon
((Nancy Kyle continued from
It was time for the weekly meeting of anime lovers.
Anime Club meeting was a go, and Nancy was busy setting everything up for the showings. She had the next episodes of the anime they were watching loaded up on her laptop, and now it was simply a matter of getting all of the equipment set up.
She even brought snacks!
She moved to her laptop to double check that all of the videos were there.
Episode 5 of Hitsugi no Chaika.
Episode 5 of Shirobako.
Episode 5 of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun.
Episode 4 of Nichijou.
Nancy had messed up two weeks ago and forgotten to get Episode 2 of Nichijou, so they were one episode behind for that one. Whoops.
Thankfully though, she hadn't forgotten this time. Everything was all in order.
Now, she waited for the others to turn up.
Re: 4649お願いします!
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:39 am
by backslash
((Raina Rose continued from
Sibling Apathy))
Such was the refrain of Raina's thoughts this afternoon. Her insomnia had been acting up for the past few nights, so her parents had scheduled a meeting with her doctor to see about getting the dosage of her medication adjusted. While it was nice to know that that was going to be taken care of in the very near future, it did her no favors in the present and she was getting rather bleary and cranky by this point.
She'd filled up a thermos with coffee that morning and had been nursing it all day to try and be a little bit less off a zombie, but now she was running low. For once, the fact that she was only really interested in one of the shows they were going to be watching in the anime club today was a blessing; she could catch up with
Hitsugi no Chaika and then just zone out, assuming that Nancy stuck to formula and didn't try to shoehorn in another new show. Though even if she did, she currently had a 3:1 ratio of lame slice-of-life comedies versus actually interesting stuff so it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference to Raina either way.
She plopped down in a chair that afforded a clear view of the projector screen and sipped the last remaining bit of her coffee, offering a subdued "Sup?" to Nancy. If Nancy was up to her usual chatterbox self - and she certainly looked it - she wasn't going to find a very good conversation partner in Raina today.
Re: 4649お願いします!
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:39 am
by Aura
((Bart Cappotelli continued from
The Animator's Dilemma))
Bart had regretted not joining the anime club earlier in the year. He liked animation, plus his parents were concerned about him spending so much time in his room, so it would've been a great way to get out of the house and make them feel a little better. It was a great idea, so he had no idea why he passed on it at the beginning of the semester. It kept bugging him, though. He felt like he had made a mistake. After weeks of thinking it over, he was finally ready to try to fix what he felt he had done wrong.
However, he had no idea if he could actually fix things at this point. He didn't know when club sign-ups officially ended, so he didn't even know if he was allowed to try to join at this point in the semester. Still, he'd rather be able to say that he tried rather than just giving up, so he was heading to the anime club to ask them himself.
As he walked down the halls, he tried to remember which room they were supposed to be in, fingers tapping impatiently on the straps of his backpack as he scanned the walls. Most of the doors were closed and had no light coming from inside, so he was able to rule them out as possibilities. Some doors were open, but had no lights on, like someone had just left and not bothered to close the door behind themselves. All of the vacant rooms started to make Bart wonder if he had missed out on the anime club entirely.
Bart turned a corner and saw something that gave him hope. A door was ajar, and he could see that the lights were on inside the room. With renewed hope, he walked over to the doorway to see if anyone was inside. Upon reaching the room, he saw two girls inside, one of whom was doing something on a laptop. He knocked on the open door with his left hand and raised his right for a friendly greeting.
"Hey, um... is this the anime club?"
Re: 4649お願いします!
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:39 am
by backslash
Coffeecoffeecoffee- oh hey there was a person.
"Whatchu want?" Raina managed not to slur her words too badly, but her brain was obviously slow in catching up with both her mouth and what had already been said. "Oh, oh yeah. This's it. You new?"
Big guy... what was his name? Something sorta Italian, right? Raina knew him as Smelly Big Italian Dude in her innermost, non-PC thoughts that usually weren't allowed to see the light of day. Rude, yeah, but sometimes you just had to acknowledge that the only thing you knew about someone was that they smelled like a fish market. Not that she was going to say that to his face.
"Ey, Nancy. Nancy. We gotta new guy." Damn, maybe she should consider switching to energy drinks. They were terrible for you, but maybe her mind wouldn't feel like it was in such a fog during episodes like this.
Re: 4649お願いします!
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:39 am
by backslash
Raina went to take another sip of her coffee while she waited for Nancy to get her stuff sorted out and greet the new guy; to her dismay, she found that she'd gotten down to the last few drops in her thermos. This needed immediate attention.
After taking a minute to psych herself up, Raina heaved herself up out of her chair and slung her backpack over her shoulder. There were vending machines near the cafeteria, and she was pretty sure there was some of that canned Starbucks stuff in one of them. "Gonna be right back, guys, need to refuel. Don't get started without me, okay?"
She shouldered her way through the door, before pausing and looking back. "Or go ahead, I guess. Might not make it back today." She could have gone on dramatically about how she might meet her tragic end during her grand quest for the vending machines, but her brain wasn't feeling it today.
"Anyways, later." Perfunctory wave over her shoulder, and then she was gone.
((Raina Rose continued in
Morning Dew))
Re: 4649お願いします!
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:39 am
by Aura
Bart's eyes slowly moved back and forth as the room was overcome with uncomfortable silence. One of the girls packed up and left, leaving the room just a little more empty. He began o feel nervous again. His foot tapped a little as he tried to think of something to say to break the crushing silence. But no mater how hard he thought, nothing came to mind. All he had was one thought in his head telling him that this had been a bad idea. And at the moment, Bart was agreeing with it.
"Um... actually..." Bart stammered out a sentence. "This might be a bad time for me, so maybe I'll come back later." He shuffled down the hall, away from the anime club and towards the exit. Maybe he could try again someday, but not today. For some reason, he just didn't have a good feeling about today.
((Bart Cappotelli continued elsewhere...))