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The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:53 pm
by Kaishi*
Ian Hargrave, baseball player and fat kid, trudged along the path. He held his bag loosely at his side, wearing the expression of a wealthy man fired from his great job.

In a way, he was fired. He couldn't play baseball at the field, he couldn't go back to school and learn things, he couldn't play halfball with his dad... He dropped his bag, and then put his hands on his head, trying hard not to sob.

It didn't work. Within seconds, Ian had tears coming down from his eyes like the Waterfall he had passed an hour ago.

I wanna go home. Unfortunately, the silver collar around his neck told him otherwise. There would be no way Ian H. would be able to go back home. Atleast, not in one peice.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:54 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
((Continued from: The Morning After the Night Before))

His clothes were blood splattered although with the black it was barely visible and his hair had clumped together thanks to the blood splatterings.On second thoughts it would have been good if he had washed his face while at the bathroom facility but he had been concerned with keeping himself breathing.

One hand pushed his long hair from his face as he would walk his thoughts shattered instantly by the sound of sobbing.This is where his heart strings should be tugged at but instead the magnum would be pulled from the back of his jeans.He had spent to many rounds of his main weapon and when he had gone to reload the Ingram this had become evident he had maybe half of what had originally been there? and so now the magnum would be withdrawn.

Crouched steps were taken and he would approach the sound of the noise.The asshole was making so much noise it was surprised someone hadnt beat him to the kill.The boys sobs would surely drown out his footsteps and so with that oncemore cold grinn rising upon thin lips the magnum was raised with two hands while his Ingram swung by his side.

Two hands gripped the handgun and so when that single heavy round was ripped off the recoil was instantly caught by his arm forcing the weapon further back into his hand.The shot rang out louder than any of the boys sobs.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:54 pm
by Slayer*
((Continued from Wake up Antonio. Start for Boy #93))

IC: Antonio had only found a body and slightly bloody footprints (and shell casings, lots of them) when he reached the Bathroom, so he had followed the prints after relieving himself, soon losing the trail. He had been walking aimlessly on the path when he heard the one shot. Excited, he rushed to where he heard it.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:55 pm
by Kaishi*
The bullet flew out of Peri's gun like a torpedo out of a submarine. It blasted into the top of Ian's shoulder, taking a chunk of flesh and cloth with it.

He fell down to his knees, crying out in pain.

Someone had shot him from behind, no doubt. While the sound of the gunshot signalled where his attacker was, Ian was in no position to run over and get Peri. So, the boy decided to fall to the side and play dead.

And then...when that effer comes over here... I'll kill that wanker good. He hissed slightly through his teeth, waiting for Peri to walk over and check his pulse.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:55 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He barely blinked as a chunk of flesh exploded from the boys shoulder,the area infront of the boy covered by those thin crimson specks along with small crimson chunks.Nasty.Some more gore for his scrapbook of horrors.

The boy had tumbled and there he lay on the floor although Peri never stirred from his place,red lips pressed themselves against each other as the barrel of the weapon would be raisesd to the back of the boy.One eye closed as he would suck upon his tongue so he could make that shot count.

It took a few seconds before his chosen shot had been matched with the target,the boys spine.If he was dead then it was of no concern but if he was then he would be in for yet another painful surprise.

"Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bacey" he said before firing off two rounds, a breif interval between shots as to account from the recoil.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:55 pm
by Kaishi*
His back, bone and all, blew outwards like someone had detonated two bombs on his spine. The shots left Ian alive and paralyzed. He couldn't even cry out in pain, or scream for help. He was left at his murderer's mercy.

No sympathy for the weak. Ian "Meat" Hargrave had always been helpless his whole life. Fat, ugly, without a girlfriend...heck, he was probably even placed on the baseball team out of Aaron's pity. No friends... His mind focused on the darker days, blackening out the goodtimes he had on the team and during games. He was back in fifth grade, being made fun of for being a fatass.

And what could a fatboy do when the bullies called him a fatass? There was no comeback in the world that could stop the teasing. Ian just took it all, wearing himself down. I can't move. I can't fight back... I'm just a stupid fatass lucky enough to be placed on the baseball team. Silent tears began to run down his motionless face as he waited for the final blow.

Why must I be so helpless...? Why must life be so unfair?

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:56 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
The shots slammed into the boys back with a nasty crunching sound and a little spray of blood.Two very neccessary shots had been fired and the result had been achieved as the silent tearful fatass lay on the ground bleeding out and still.This could be a intresting learning experience for the young menace and so the magnum would be slid out of sight as he would approach the fallen student.

His own bag would be unslung and that long saber would be pulled free from the strap holding it in place. The metal gave off a little shimmer in the dim light that it had been bathed in.It seemed the perfect time with the red sky above the two of them as if it was there waiting to accept him.

"You are lucky.God loves fat kids" he said as he would grip the saber handle with two hands and very gently press the tip of the cold steel blade against the back of the boys neck before bringing it up and then down in that sudden final movment.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:56 pm
by Kaishi*
"You are lucky. God loves fat kids."

That was it. The final blow.

It had been over for Ian "Meat" Hargrave from the start. Even before he had stepped on the dirt path, the island, and onto the plane, his end was in sight.

And it had all began during class in fifth grade...

"Hey, look. Got ourself a little piggy, don't we?"

His mother had made him cookies, and he had brought them in to share during English. Before he could help himself, Ian had eaten half the box of cookies he had wanted to hand out.

"Ate half the box in a minute flat!"

It was a big box, too. Not at all like the little cereal boxes that you could find at nice hotels. It was more like the big boxes meant for a class of twenty-five.

"Daaaaaaang. What a fatass."

Ian didn't take his eyes off of the box on his desk. If you busied yourself with something like eating, no one could bother you. No one could hurt you in your personal space. Just you, the food, and your protective bubble that shielded you from --

"Check it out! They're loaded with all kinds of sugar!!" His box, as expected by anyone watching Ian get bullied, was lifted off of his desk. The bully smiled lopsidedly like a mischevious dog getting away with stealing food. "No wonder he's so fat."

Nothing could be said about that. It was true; genetics from his large parents only played a small role in his obesity. If only they had taken him to the gym years ago...if only he had been forcefed healthy carrots and yucky greens...if only. . .

The bullies continued their snickering, and went on with the fat insults. Ian didn't say a word. It was too late now. He wasn't strong and fast enough to beat them up at recess for making fun of him like Todd had done. He wasn't smart enough to stump them with a cool equasion like Ashley had done. He didn't have enough friends to make them back up like Michael had done. And, he couldn't shapeshift into a bird and fly away like his favorite superheroes.

Ian Hargrave was stuck in his body for the rest of his time on earth, and nothing would change that. There was no flying away from any situation when you were the fat kid in the class. From that day forward, Ian knew that lesson all too well...he lived it everyday in his short life.

Ian "Meat" Hargrave was exactly like his shell on the outside. A big, fat cowardly loser doomed from the start. Nothing saved him from his fate at the hands of Peri Barclay.

He would carry the harsh realities of life forever more.

B31 - Ian "Meat" Hargrave...DEAD.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:56 pm
by Slayer*
Antonio let out an impressed chuckle from his hiding place behind a nearby tree as he saw Peri shoot up and then decapitate Ian with relative ease. Being careful not to make unnecessary sound, he stepped out and rounded the corner, walking towards Peri's back.

Alright, you've done this before Tony, just stay calm and try not to piss him off. he thought while clearing his throat.

"Nice job, you really took that fat piece of shit down." he said.

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:56 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
Another one for his bodycount.The boys head would topple from the body giving off a couple squirts of that precious liquid from the clean cut stump that had once had a head attached.The saber was swiped twice towards the ground causing a few crimson blood drops to be pulled from the sleek steel and thrown into the dirt floor.

The tip of the blade would be lowered to the ground as he would re-adjust his grip around the handle of the saber when that voice would pierce his moment of reflection on what he had just done "Nice job you really took that fat piece of shit down".

His free hand would move down to the Ingram at his side and one finger extending to gently touch the trigger. With a spin that Semi-automatic weapon would be broguht up towards the source of the voice.
Another student and unarmed? not a smart move at all.

With the blade in one hand and the Ingram in the other he could not look dangerousl.Fresh blood splattered over his pale features from the gunshots and that long saber in his hand blood tainted.The steel barrel of the Ingram pointed up towards the speaker.

"He didnt do the truffle shuffle when I I cut his head off.Meatboy over there dropped a wrench..You look like you could do with a weapon" he said before he moved away off into the brush leaving a headless corpse and a impressed son of the mafioso.

((Continued in: '99'))

Re: The Adventure of Meatboy

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:57 pm
by Slayer*
Antonio let out an impressed whistle after Peri ran through the trees towards the school. Throughout the encounter, he had kept a calm face, moving to the decapitated corpse only when Peri told him about the wrench and ran off. Bending down to pick up the bloodied wrench, he silently contemplated whether or not to follow Peri.

That guy has some guts, pointing a gun at me like that, and he's got some good weapons. I could use someone like that as an ally. he thought, nodding to himself as he walked down the path in the same direction Peri went, wrench in hand. He doubted his father would send some of his thugs to rescue him, even if he did and they somehow found him, Danya could just blow his collar. He had to fight, watching the Program before being thrown on the island had showed him that.

Besides, I have to protect the Family reputation here.

((Continued in: '99'))