Ben Nye the Makeup Guy

roxieandthefangshees social media; now closed, but this might be a general Roxie social media thing.

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Ben Nye the Makeup Guy


Post by KamiKaze »

On November 5th, 2017, Roxie added a picture to her Instagram account.

It was a picture of her wooden makeup desk covered in various supplies. The center of the shot showed several brushes, lined up neatly in a row on top of a skin illustrator palette. To the left were circular containers of foundation, makeup wheels, contour and highlight, powder blush, and other supplies in a stack. To the right, there were jars of scar wax, liquid latex, spirit gum, and spirit gum remover, as well as a cup holding makeup pencils. A standing desk mirror can be seen just in shot.

roxieandthefangshees Whew! Now that I’m done with haunt stuff, I’ve been doing some organizing! I have a video that I’m currently editing, but I have a question for you all. What would you like to see me do in the future that I haven’t done yet? I’m all ears!
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Post by KamiKaze »

Truth be told, Roxie had several video ideas already. In fact, when she had posted on Instagram, she actually had her editing program open for another video. However, sometimes it was good to listen to input.

And one comment intrigued her.

“‘I’m all ears!’ <-make this literal”

And that made Roxie go “hmm.”

How would she interpret “all ears” into a look? She thought about that. But then it hit her.

Admittedly, she was kinda inspired by this one SCP she read. She had to look up the number, but it was 1048. Basically, it was this teddy bear that acted all cute, but oh no, it’s evil. So it makes other versions of itself using body parts. One of the versions was made of human ears, and if it screamed and you heard it, you’d become ears. You’d literally die of suffocation as your lungs become filled with ears.

And Roxie thought.

She hadn’t done anything related to creepypasta in a long time!

There were other good suggestions too. The only reason why she hadn’t done anything Coraline-related yet was because the button eyes were tricky to do realistically without being a safety hazard. But she’d write it down. Someone also said “something Junji Ito”, which she’d been meaning to tackle for a while.

She replied to the various comments, taking down notes.

On January 10th, 2018, Roxie had finally posted it.

She’d put on a frightened expression, masked only by the mass amount of prosthetic ears covering her face. Red stage blood leaked out of the apparent gashes and abscesses the ears had grown out of. She’d made it look like the ears had just violently burst out her face, a trick pulled off by liquid latex, cotton, a bit of scar wax, and going in with her gore palette. Actually making the ears took forever. She had a “normal ear” mold already made, but brushing latex inside it and letting dry many times over took a few weeks, not to mention a fair amount of latex. But it was rewarding, to say the least, plus she got other videos and pictures uploaded so she wasn’t entirely delayed. Roxie also took the time to make her eyes and not-eared skin look bruised, and to have blood leaking from the mouth.

Just, y’know. To complete the look.

roxieandthefangshees Guys help. :c

Shortly after, Roxie uploaded a video about the look on her YouTube channel where she called the look “All Ears”, and where she explained the inspiration, of seeing that comment and thinking of SCP 1048, how she wanted to recreate the effect, and how long it took for her to make it. She made sure to link the SCP in the description, as well as talked a bit about SCP-related things.

A typical upload for her, really.

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