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Family Portrait

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:46 pm
by Tonyksin
[Lorenzo Tavares Pregame Start]

Bzzt… Bzzt… Bzzt… Bzzt…

A hand sprung out from under the warmth of a white goose-feather blanket and slammed down on the "snooze" button of a digital alarm clock on a black wood nightstand. From under the blanket a frustrated groan escaped into the air, and the body hidden beneath started to stretch and shuffle the all-of-a-sudden suffocatingly warm blanket off of it's green-mopped curly head. As Lorenzo's senses began to stabilize and awaken from their slumber, loud sounds from the other side of his bedroom door started to invade his previous serenity, and in response he tossed the pillow from under his head towards the source.

"Shut… Up!" Lorenzo grumbled as he began to peel the rest of the blanket off of the rest of his body, abandoning the blanket to the floor beside his bed, and lay there slowly awakening in just his blue knit sleep shorts. He once again stretched his limbs from his position on the bed and sighed as he let his limbs fall back upon the mattress. The noise was still invading his room but he did his best to ignore it and he pulled himself into a sitting position and felt around on the left nightstand for his phone, eyes still squinted from exhaustion. After knocking over an empty water bottle and sending a bit of loose change crashing to the floor (more noise, just what he needed), Lorenzo managed to retrieve the object of his quest and brought the phone up to his face, clicking the side button to light up the screen.  The light of the screen made him painfully squint even harder for a second, then slowly his eyes adjusted to the brightness and he found what he was looking for, the time. "6:30AM" stared back at his disgruntled face and he flopped his body right back to the bed with a grunt. Lorenzo sighed and looked down what his newly adjusted eyes could see of his own body and his eyes locked on the impressive tent standing tall in his sleep shorts.

"Sorry buddy, doesn't look like I have any time for you this morning." he said quietly to himself as he slapped the tent lightly with his right hand, making it sway back and forth. "On second thought…" he said with a bit of a grunt as he started to slide the fingers of his right hand under the waistband of his-

"Lorenzo wake up or you're going to be late! It's already 6:30!" The shrill yell of his mother (probably from the base of the staircase as per every morning) pierced through his brain and stopped whatever he was about to attempt to even be feasible anymore.

"Damnit!" He angrily grumbled to himself as he began to forcibly pull himself off the bed and drag his tired body to his light-switch to illuminate the once dark room. "I'm awake Ma'!" he yelled through the door before retreating back the the comfort of his mattress to sit and evaluate what he needed to do to get ready. The amount of noise coming from outside his door intensified as he heard two pairs of footsteps run past the doorway to his room and down the stairs nearby, accompanied by girlish giggles and shouts. This was of course followed immediately by his mother's piercing voice again screaming about running in the house. Lorenzo shook his head a bit to clear out some of the leftover sleep cobwebs and stood up from the bed. He quickly grabbed his phone and walked over to his desk chair to nab the bath-towel he left there from the day before. His two younger sisters were apparently already dressed and downstairs for breakfast, which meant that should he be quick enough, Lorenzo might be able to beat out his older sister Marina for the shower. He swiftly grabbed himself a clean pair of bright purple briefs, and grabbed a pair of black (mostly clean) skinny jeans off his floor for the journey.

Lorenzo unlocked and opened his bedroom door, and quietly slipped out and closed the door behind him. He was doing his absolute best to remain as quiet and efficient as possible, as the problem from the bed (namely, his morning wood) was still at full mast and he would literally kill himself if he had to have any conversation regarding his genitals with any of his sisters or god-forbid his mother. He snuck down the hallway as quickly as he could, and before anyone could make another sound he threw himself through the door to the bathroom and locked it behind him in victory. He smirked as he thought of the face Marina would make when she realized he beat her out for the shower again this morning, it made him laugh a bit to himself. He discarded his towel, underwear and Jeans onto a towel rack, and tossed his phone into a basket by the sink after starting up his Pandora App. 21 Pilots radio, perfect for a morning routine.

Lorenzo quickly relieved his bladder (thankfully relieving his "problem" for the moment as well), and set the shower temperature to hot. He peeled off his sleep shorts, opened the shower curtain, and stepped under the hot spray. The steam and the hot water soothed his sore sleepy muscles, and his hair started coming out of its afro/knotted/messy sleep state and cascaded down the sides of his head. He just stood there for a moment, letting the hot water slowly bring him back to life and make him feel loose. He stretched once again, hearing a distinct pop as he stretched his arms to the ceiling from a quick upper back crack, and bend forwards slightly while linking his hands and pulling them behind him to crack his lower back a bit. With that done, Lorenzo quickly started up his normal routine, shampoo his hair, scrub his body, use his face wash, ect. At one point Panic at the Disco's "I Write Sins not Tragedies" came on his pandora and he started jamming out a little in the shower, singing along to the lyrics and he scrubbed himself with a washcloth. When he was finished, he shut the water on the shower, grabbed his towel, and began to dry himself slowly, making sure there was no extra droplets anywhere and paying special attention to his wild and soaked hair, making sure it was dry enough to not drip on him, but still wet enough to style.

With his body dry as it's going to be standing in a bathroom after a shower, Lorenzo slipped on his Purple low-rise briefs, letting the waistband snap into place against his abs. He quickly brushed, flossed and gargled, and reached in his bathroom basket (the same one he threw his phone into earlier) to get his hair products. A serum made from coconut oil, papaya butter and plumeria extract. It was the only product he'd found that tamed his wild hair, and let them hang off his head in those sexy, thick curls he liked. He then took his (actually one he stole from Marina) eyeliner out and started to lightly apply a bit under his eyes. Not too much, he didn't want racoon eyes after all. Just enough to make his eyes stand out even more against his olive skin. When he was done he looked at himself in the mirror. He was a fine specimen of young adulthood if he dared say so himself. Nice face, cute smile, some hot facial piercings, awesome hair, yeah, he wasn't so bad to look at. He turned slightly and grabbed his ass through his briefs with his left hand. A nice perky bubble. The perfect place to put a sexy face, he thought. He turned back to face the mirror, and started to run his own hands down his body starting from his shoulders. He let his fingers cascade down his pecs, stopping to tweak his pierced nipples on the way down. His chest was doing okay. Not as big as it could be with more work, but it suited him just fine the way it was. He continued to run his hands down over his six-pack and past his navel. He'd worked hard for that core, why shouldn't he appreciate it? And let others appreciate it, too. His hands once again found themselves at the waistband of his lower body wear. His bulge was a bit engorged and he grabbed the ample package in his right hand and squeezed lightly, eliciting a low moan from his lips. He still hadn't taken care of his "problem". He slowly started to inch his left hand under the elastic, slowly reaching towards-


"Hurry the fuck up Lorenzo I'm serious you take all fucking day!" His sister Marina screeched through the door. And once again, the feeling was gone.

"Marina watch your language are you kidding me?!" He heard his mother scream up the staircase.

"Mom you know he always does this! I need to get in there!"

Lorenzo sighed loudly. "Holy shit Marina, give me a fucking second!" He screamed at the doorway as he grabbed his skinny jeans off the towel rack and started slipping them over his legs. He buttoned and zipped them,  turned back to the mirror one more time just to make sure his hair was still good, grabbed his phone, then unlocked and swung open the door, nearly smacking his angry sister in the face as he did. Marina was not happy with him, and he couldn't help but sneer at her.

"Sorry, guess you should be quicker next time." He shrugged his shoulders and clicked his tongue ring against the back of his upper teeth. Marina's face contorted in rage and the 20-year-old shoved him out of her way and stormed into the bathroom, her own curls fluttering behind her as she did so. Marina looked more like their father than Lorenzo, and besides the curly mop of hair on her head, they almost didn't look related. Where his skin tone was olive, hes was a bit more pale, where his face was very angular hers was softer. Although, that curly knotty hair cemented that they came from the same loin. Lorenzo laughed to himself briefly and she slammed the door in his face, and he sauntered back into his own room to continue getting ready.

In his room, Lorenzo dug through one of the many very messy drawers of his dresser looking for an appropriate shirt. He found a sleeveless "Blink 182 Crappy Punk Rock" graphic tee, and decided to go with it. He dug into another drawer and pulled out a pair of long black and white striped socks that came to about mid calf. Lorenzo slipped those on as well, and over them slipped on his favorite pair of high-top Chuck Taylors, worn out and ratty, with some colored writing on most of the white parts of the black and white sneakers. When he was bored in school sometimes he'd add something new to them, be it a song lyric, a stupid drawing, or just anything on his mind. Satisfied with the way he looked, he snatched his black backpack off his desk and made his way downstairs.

When he walked into the kitchen the noise level kicked into high gear. His mother was standing over the sink cleaning up the pans she used to make breakfast that morning. Sofia was still a stunning beauty even at 45 years old. Her face was pretty much free of wrinkles besides a bit of crows feet, and her brown curls still cascaded down her shoulders free from most grey hairs (she's who Lorenzo got his hair from.) she was a bit on the plumper side lately, but it did little to detract from her beauty. Lorenzo always felt he was lucky to have the blood of this beautiful woman running through his veins. She turned to look at him as he entered the room. "Well finally you decide to come down. Your plate is on the table, probably ice cold by now."

"It's fine mom I'll eat it anyway. Is there coffee?" He said exasperated as he plopped down into a chair and began to scarf down his meal.

"Too much caffeine is no good, filho." His father said as he appeared from behind the newspaper. Felix was a healthy man who looked half his 49 years. Built like a tank and strong as an ox, Felix never skipped a workout, and it showed, his muscles tight and fit under his dress shirt. To Lorenzo, his father was the epitome of manliness. And he made every guy in Lorenzo's life look pitiful in comparison. He smirked at his father. "Papai, I haven't even had any today, it's fine." He took the cup from his mother's hands and swallowed half of it down in the first sip. He sighed in appreciation and looked over to his sisters. 14-year old Bianca was glued to her phone screen like usual, typing on her keyboard at lightning speed. Like himself and their oldest sister Alessia, Bianca took after their mother, with a darker skin tone and a bit more junk in her trunk than her age should have allowed. Lately she was big into watching contouring videos on Youtube and copying the procedure on herself. Lorenzo just rolled his eyes, she was a pain but he loved her. Little 11-year-old Adrianna was seated next to her, smiling brightly at her older brother. Adrianna took after their father much like Marina, but unlike the rest of the siblings, also took after him in the hair department, having straight black hair as opposed to the curly brown of the rest of them. She was the baby of the family, and as such was the one they all doted on.

"Adri, Bi-bi, you guys almost ready to leave? I gotta drop you off today again." Lorenzo didn't mind taking the girls to school, but he liked to act like it was a chore. It was more fun that way.

"Whatever Lorenzo. I've been ready for like half an hour." Bianca curtly replied without looking up from her phone.

"I just need to get my bag." Adrianna said sweetly, and pushed back from the table and ran to get her bag. Lorenzo downed the rest of his coffee, placed the cup and his plate in the sink and kissed his mother on the cheek. "Kay Mom, see you later. Bye Papai. Let's move it ladies."

His mother smiled at him. "Don't worry about picking them up. I'm only going in for half a day, so I'll grab them sweetie." His mother grabbed his face and kissed him hard on the cheek. Lorenzo laughed and pulled out of her grasp. "Okay, Okay, I'll see you later then." Lorenzo made his way out of the room and high-fived his Dad on the way out. His sisters were already on their way out the door and heading for his car. He quickly followed after them and shut the front door behind him as he walked to his car. He threw his backpack in the back seat next to Adrianna, and climbed into the front seat next to Bianca, still face in a phone. He quickly started up his Saab, and started to pull out.

"Alright girls, let's get moving."

[Lorenzo continued in Evergreen]