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Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:13 am
by Kuze*
(Shinya continued from: Truth be Told, the Child was Borne))
((Eh-Sun continued from ?? ?? ??? ??))
(and Jake is just starting because Skythe gave me premission to kill him XD)

Shinya wandered in from where he killed that drugged up girl, around him was a bamboo thicket that was somewhat burnt down.As he walked through the thicket he noticed the gleam of a camera's lense. At that point something snapped.

Walking up to the lense of the camera, Shinya kneeled down to look at it head on, and removed his overshirt and his t-shirt.

"You want gore you sick assholes, you got it!"

Shinya unsheathed his Katana and starttedto cut open his own chest with a vertical incision. with the insiion made he cut open his chest by turing that large cut into two large rectangles whitcch fell free of him and landed on the dirt infront of him.

Let me take you down
cause I'm going to strawberry fields
Nothing is real

Shinya's innards were fully exposed to the camera, apperenally the people watching this feed were probibally glued to the set. Shinya put the Katana back in its sheath, and reached his hand inside of him graggin his small instestine.

"This gory enough you sick fucks!"

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see
It's getting hard to be someone
but it all works out
It doesn't matter much to me

Shinya tossed his intestines at the camera, letting them hang loosely off of the camera. reaching his now bloody hand back inside him he pulled out his heart and let it hang loose outside of him.

Always know sometimes think it's me
But you know I know when it's a dream
I think I know I mean, ah yes
but it's all wrong
that is I think I disagree

Reaching into his bag he pulled out another handgun in addition to the one he already had out. Putting the USP to the back of his head and the other gun(the SIG-Sauer P250) towards his now loose hanging out heart.He pulled both triggers sending a 9mm bullet through his head and sending blood splattering on the camera lense and through his back.

Strawberry fields forever

Shinya fell forward knocking his head on the camera causing it to fall forward, and at that Motomura, Shinya expired with his chest cut open. Off to the eternity of the Strawberry Fields. StrawberryFields forever...


Jake Driggers (B341) had been hiding in the Thicket as Shinya killed himself on camera, nearby. Crawling over to the corpse he filed all of Shinya's weapons into his own bag, including empting both of Shinya;s bags into his own. all in all he got 3 handguns a set of cat claws and a blood soaked sword.

"Hell yes now the jocks cant kill me"

Suddenly a gunshot went off. Behind him was Eh-Sun Choi holding her Taurus PT 92 handgun.


Jake's head pitched forwardfrom the force of the gunshot, falling over Shinya's body. He was bleeding Hevelly, His limbs wouldnt move. Wow life sucks. Jake couldnt stop thinking this as his life ended on the ground onto another boy's bloody corpse.


Eh-Sun grabbed the american looking boy's bag and slung it over her sholdier as she walked back from whence she came, back into the woods.

((Eh-Sun Continued in '99'))

Re: ‚¢‚¿‚²‚͉i‹v‚ÉŽçࠏ

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:17 am
by Ginsenshi*
((Continued from: ?????????))

Kouji wonder towards the Bamboo Coppice and found Eh-Sun, "YOU!" Kouji shouted aloud. "Hey you I want my blade back!"

((Continued in: Girl *70 START))