follow up, follow through

Benedict Murray's home

After-parties and other post-prom events go here. If your character did not attend prom and you want to show what they were doing on the night in question, those threads also go here. Basically, anything from when the characters leave the dance until the end of the Prom experience belongs here.
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follow up, follow through


Post by Cicada »

((Camila Cañizares continued from Getting Down With The Clown))

From time to time she watched her reflection in his eyes, otherwise unsure of how to proceed. Confident that the night would end as she intended it to regardless.

She’d been to Benny’s house a number of times before, but never with his parents having gone out. There was a certain mystique to sharing a space alone with another, especially with the lights set to a dimmer sort of mood. She’d brought a change of clothes and was dressed down, pursuant of her own comfort in a friend-turned-date’s house. She supposed her dress had been appealing in a sexy way. However one defined sexy, anyways. But, and this was strictly objectively speaking, her hair was still done up, her makeup was still done up. The effect wouldn’t be lost on him even if she’d replaced the rest of the ensemble with an oversized sweater whose hem swallowed up her shorts.

A pencil dangled between her left pointer and thumb. She’d made some headway on the Sudoku puzzle, progressing at her own languid pace. She felt a certain satisfaction with each new observation that eliminated this or that number from contention in a given space, and she likewise felt that this was a rather gimmicky waste of time with no practical application to be had. Bless Benny’s heart that he was so enamoured with the things. She appreciated his passion.

She was curled up like a cat on his couch, her legs dangling by the knee off the edge as she finally returned her thoughts to more business-like matters. The candles she’d chosen to light cast the flicker of shadows over her face as she once more considered him in a moment of contemplative silence.

Only a moment, of course. She’d finally made up her mind-

Rare that it took her this long.

“I think I’m ready, Benny. At your leisure.”

She grinned without effort. She didn’t feel nervous, her heart coolly trudged along as usual. This was nice, a hearth-warm moment that sunk into the skin languidly.

Her fingers coiled around a gentle flicker, a beckoning of him to her. It seemed like an appropriately coy gesture.

Question marks abound. It would take her a while to notice her tension, her nervousness, because they were that unfamiliar.

((They did not sleep together, ultimately. Camila continued on being herself in another time and another place.))

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